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richness and pertinency, unfolded his sentiments in regard to physical, mental, and moral education. The circumstances added to its interest and value. It was delivered in the 'perilous infancy' of the College. The most sanguine hopes were in a few years realized, and in the next Discourse in the series, we have a very appropriate recognition of the 'help of the Lord.'

When the poor Indian' began to feel the effects of the recent encroachments upon his rights, no one sympathized more deeply in his wrongs, than did the Author of this volume. He was perhaps the first, who uttered remonstrances from the pulpit against Indian oppression; and his powerful appeal, though it was ineffectual, is worthy of enduring remembrance. - The Extracts from an Address on Temperance in 1812,' are interesting as illustrative of the early movements in the great reform, which has of late occupied so much attention.

In the remarks upon the character and theological writings of Dr. Dwight, justice is awarded to the memory of a great and good man. The article is especially useful to those, who were not privileged to be among his pupils or acquaintances. The 'Review of Eulogies on Adams and Jefferson,' contains much matter for grave reflection. The strictures are those of a christian moralist, who speaks the truth fearlessly, but in love. The next article is entitled, 'The Literary and Religious Character and Taste of the Age.' It is written with uncommon spirit. In freshness and vigor, in vivacity and elegance of allusion and illustration-in all the qualities of fine writing, it must be regarded as one of the Author's happiest efforts. The train of thought upon 'Poetry,' with which the volume closes, is in the same style of literary excellence.

So much we have deemed it proper to say, in this introductory notice. To have said more, would be too great a trespass upon the unaffected delicacy of one who still lives in the midst of us, and who prefers to be known in the silence of useful influences, rather than in the strains even of sincere commendation. That the restraint under which this notice is written, may not soon be removed, is, we doubt not, the earnest prayer of many others, as well as of






And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language, and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.-Genesis, xi, 6.

THE undertaking to which these words refer, was nothing less, than to build a city and a tower up to heaven. This great work was to be accomplished, by the united skill and labor of all the men belonging to one very numerous branch of Noah's family; who embarked in the singular and daring enterprise, with the avowed object of making themselves a name, and guarding against dispersion, by cementing, more firmly than ever, the bonds of their union.

Accordingly, having selected the spacious plain of Shinar, as well suited to their purpose, they began, with alacrity, to execute their vast design, by preparing materials, and laying the broad foundations.-How long they were permitted to prosecute the work, or how high they carried their city and tower, the sacred historian has not told us. Nor can any certain information be collected, from ancient heathen writers, though some of them profess to have seen the tower many centuries afterwards, and speak with astonishment, of its prodigious height.

Preached at New Haven, before the Moral Society of Connecticut, 1815.

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