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åttefted by feveral gentlemen, with whofe names the world is very well acquainted, and among whom were Mr. Beauclerk, fir Jofhua Reynolds, Dr. Jonfon, Mr. Burke, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Garrick, Dr. Goldfmith, Mr. Stevens, and Dr. Hallifax, &c. Mr. juftice Bathurst fummed up the evidence on both fides with great judgment; and the jury, after a deliberation of a few minutes, acquitted him of the charge. As it was much to the honour of the country, in which a ftranger not only met with juftice, but even fup port and protection; it was not lefs to his, who, deftitute of natural interest and connection in it, could alone, from the unblameable tenor of his life and actions, procure fuch undeniable teftimonials to the good

nefs of his character.

By an abstract from the minutes of thefhort-hand writers,it appears, that from 1748 to 1760, 10,474 prifoners have been tried at the Old Bailey. The comet was again obferved at the royal obfervatory at Greenwich, in 18 deg. of Scorpio, and in 17 deg. N. lat. with a short, broad, faint tail. It will recede flowly from the fun, moving eastward, and pafs through the constellations of the Serpent and Serpentarius; and may be feen for fome time every clear evening towards the S. W. though gradually diminishing in luftre.

The new navigation of the river Stort being finished, the firft barge came this day to Bifhop Stortford, with colours flying, drums beating, attended by a band of mufic. On On this occafion, Mr. Plumer, member for the county, gave an ox, and Mr. Adderly, who formerly kept the Crown at Hockerell, a pipe of wine. The fupporters of the bill of fights ordered zool. to be carried by

Mr. Oliver to Mr. Wilkes, in the King's Bench prison.

Lord Eglington, and lord Kelly, who was at his lord 24th. fhip's feat at Ardall in Scotland, on a vifit, went out in their chair to take the air; they were followed by fervants, who had guns and dogs: near the fea-fide, in his lordship's inclofures, lord Eglington heard a gun go off, and efpying one Mungo Campbell, whom he had long known for a poacher, he alighted from his carriage, purfued Campbell, and came up to him, and demanded his gun for fhooting on his manor; he was anfwered by Campbell in very rude language, that he would not deliver up his gun, but, if his lordfhip infifted on it, he "would give him the contents." Lord Eglington then took a large stick from lord Kelly, who by this time had come up to the fpot where the fray happened. Lord Eglington was advancing faft with his flick, which the fellow perceiving, leveled and prefented his piece; lord Eglington upon this withdrew a few paces back, and cried out, "Oh, are you for that sport !" and called one of his fervants to reach him his fowlingpiece, which was accordingly brought. Lord Eglington faced about to Campbell, with the gun in his hand, but before he could either cock or prefent it, the fellow fired, and unhappily the whole charge, wadding and all, entered on his right fide, about two inches from the navel, of which wound he lingered about twelve hours, and then expired. The fellow was fo confufed, or fo frightened, that he fell on his back the inftant he fired, but not before. Lady Eglington, my lord's mother, is fo affected with the lofs of her fon,


that it is feared the distraction and indifpofition she is thrown into will prove mortal.

Lord Eglington has left behind him a great character. His lordfhip was fome time since one of the lords of the bedchamber; but, on his not voting on a late occafion according to the pleasure of the miniftry, it was fignified to him that his refig nation would be accepted, and he has fince lived a retired life in Scotland.

A circumftance is mentioned in extenuation of Campbell's crime, that, being à highlander, if he had fuffered himself to be disarmed, he had been for ever difgraced, and been deemed utterly unfit to mix with people of character any more. Poor Campbell, knowing this, declared repeatedly, when lord Eglington infifted upon taking his gun, that he would never undergo the fhame; but his lordship's perfeverance produced the melancholy catastrophe.

The commiffioners of excife in Scotland, to express their concern for this unfortunate accident, have iffued their orders, ftrictly forbiding their officers from poaching, upon pain of being immediately discharged from their fervice.

At the court of admiralty, 30th. Edward Pinnel and James More, were indicted for the murder of capt. Alexander Henderfon, on the high feas, on the 9th of April laft. It appeared by the evidence, that Pinnel had from his converfation, repeatedly given hints of his defign to deftroy the captain, who, on the evening above-mentioned, was down in his cabbin, where Pinnel went, and fome time after came up with the body quite dead in his arms; he then called Moore to af

fift him, and the latter and Pinnel threw the body overboard; but none of the witneffes being able to prove that Pinnel abfolutely murdered the captain, or that Moore was privy to it, they were both acquitted of that fact, and directly indicted for finking the fhip on the high seas. Upon this indictment it appeared, that after the captain was thrown overboard, Pinnel ordered the fhip, which was failing for Dantzick, to be fteered to the Texel, fwearing he was captain, and threatening the reft that they fhould fhare the fate of Henderfon, if they did not obey him. On this they endeavoured to make for the Texel; but the wind proving contrary, they stood for Flamborough-head, and three miles from the coaft of Yorkshire, Pinnel ordered the ballaft to be heaved all on one fide, and the long boat to be hoifted out, in which several effects and capt. Henderfon's clothes were put by Moore. Pinnel then directed them to open one of the ports, and let in the water, which was im mediately done, and the fhip funk in a few minutes after. Pinnel faid very little in his defence, and the jury brought him in guilty; but as Moore feemed to act entirely under his influence, they acquitted him. He was, however, a third time indicted, for robbing the fhip of the above effects, &c. and was also acquitted.

At the fame court, Thomas Phillips, elder and younger, William and George Phillips, Mark Chalfield, Robert Webb, Thomas and Samuel Ailfbury, James and Richard Hyde, William Geary, alias Juftice, alias George Wood, Thomas Knight, and William Wenham, were indicted, for piratically invading and entering a Dutch

hoy, called the Three Sifters, Peter Bootes commander, about 2 leagues from Beachy-head, and stealing 60 mens' hats; and, being convicted, received fentence of death, together with Pinnel already mentioned.

A court of common council was held at Guildhall, when the thanks of the court were given to Mr. deputy John Paterfon, for his hiftorical collection of papers, evidencing divers of the rights of the city of London, and he was requested to complete the fame. It was likewife ordered at this court, that the town clerk do make a fair copy of the index of all the bye-laws paffed fince the acceffion of James I. and that copies thereof be printed, and given to the members for their better information.

A middle-aged Frenchman, decently dreffed, hanged himself at a public houfe in Old Street Road. A remarkable letter, written in French, was found in his pocket, fetting forth, that fome years ago he dreamt he was to die that day; if not, he was to be damned; and, therefore, for the falvation of his foul, he had thought it neceffary to put an end to his life.

31ft. About feven in the evening

a beautiful Aurora Borealis made its appearance in the N. E. part of the horizon, which in about half an hour formed itself into an arch to the S.W. and continued till near 8 o'clock, at which time the different ftreams of light flew towards the centre, and formed a circle, from whence a moft glorious light difplayed itfelf of different co lours like the fhades of the rainbow. It was rather terrible in its appear ance, as that part of the heavens from whence it first appeared, as alfo on the S. W. feemed as if on VOL. XII.

fire, from whence ftreams iffued of a very deep red, like to blood, many of which did not appear till about 10 o'clock. The evening was very calm, and the ftars fhone with uncommon brightness.

It was likewife feen on the 24th, and feveral nights afterwards: a gentleman juft arrived from Portugal faw it on the coaft of Spain; it. was likewife vifible in France, Holland, and Scotland.

Bofton, New-England, Aug. 24. The following remarkable notice was this day published in the Gazette of this town.

"Whereas I have full evidence that Henry H, Charles P William B, and John R efquires, have frequently and lately treated the character of all true North Americans in a manner that is not to be endured, by privately and publicly reprefenting them as traitors and rebels, and in a general combination to revolt from Great Britain. And whereas the faid Henry, Charles, William, and John, without the leaft provocation or colour, have reprefented me by name to be inimical to the rights of the crown, and difaffected to his majefty, to whom I annually fwear, and am determined at all events to bear true and faithful allegiance; for all which general as well as perfonal abuse and infult, fatisfaction has been perfonally demanded, due warning given, but no fuffi cient anfwer obtained. These are therefore humbly to defire the lords commiffioners of his majesty's treasury, his principal fecretaries of ftate, particularly my lord Hi g the board of trade, and all others whom it may concern, or who may condefcend to read this, to pay no kind of regard to any of the abufive [L]


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mifrepresentations of me or my country, that may be tranfmitted by the faid Henry, Charles, William, and John, or their confederates, for they are no more worthy of credit than those of firor any of his cabal, which cabal may be well known from the papers in the h of c- -> and at every great office in England. JAMES OTIS." The New Nancy, capt. Bryan, from Leghorn to London, was burnt to the water's edge at Nice, in September laft, where fhe was taking in part of her cargo, The fire was between decks; and the captain fmelling it, ordered the hatches to be opened, when the flames inftantly burst out, and destroyed her and her cargo, which was very valuable, confifting of 370 bales of filk. Large infurances were done on this fhip, which will fall heavy on the underwriters

Brefcia, Sept. 8. The republic of Venice has granted 30,000 ducats for the relief of the sufferers by the blowing up of the gun-powder magazine. Befides this, feveral families who were the greatest suffer ́ers are exempted from paying taxes 20 years, and others for 10 years.

Venice, Sept. 22. Laft Saturday night a dreadful fire broke out here, in the convent of the Servi, fuppposed to have happened by one of the friars falling asleep in the library, and leaving a burning taper on the table amongst books and papers. It continued burning two or three days, and deftroyed a confiderable part of that large convent: there were two hundred butts of oil in vaulted magazines juft under the flames, which put the whole city in great danger and agitation; but for tunately the oil was removed in time, though with confiderable lofs

to the proprietors. The greatest part of the library, and many pictures and other effects of value, are confumed.

A very great fickness has prevailed this year at Rome. The hofpitals are all full, and in order to accommodate the numbers who are ftill brought into the hofpital of the Holy Ghoft, they have been obliged to place them in rows in the church of that foundation. The greatest part of these fick come from the Campagna of Rome, where they are attacked with fevers, occafioned, it is faid, by the intemperature of the air.

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Letters from Paris give a furprifing account from Amiens, of a man' and his wife and four horfes being killed as they were at work in the harveft field, by fomething which came out of the earth, and of which


traces were afterwards to be found, but only the fmoaking hole from whence it iffued. Two or three other people were ftruck down, but not much hurt. The furgeons who infpected the bodies of those who were killed, did not discover the leaft wound, but only a confiderable fwelling, and great deformity of the features. The woman, who was young and handsome, appeared a very fhocking fpectacle.

Several perfons of diftinction, to whom the king had granted apartments in the palace of Luxemburg, have received orders to provide themselves with lodgings elsewhere. That palace is going to be fitted up in a moft magnificent manner; and people imagine it is intended for the reception of the emperor, who it is faid is expected here at the marriage of the archduchefs, his fifter, to the dauphin of France.

Naples, Sept 9. A few days


ago arrived in this port, from Palermo, a fmall veffel of only twelve feet keel, with three mafts and all the rigging of a fhip, navigated only by oue man. This venfel is the model of a man of war of fixty guns. The man who conducted her is a carpenter, and worked in the arfenal of Trapani, but being diffatisfied with his employers, left them and went to Triefte, where he built this veffel, on which he embarked with two men for Meffina. From thence he failed alone to Palermo, and afterwards came hither, to prefent his mafter-piece of workmanship to the king. His majefty, attended by the principal officers of his marine, has been twice to fee the working of this fingular veffel, at which they have all expreffed great admiration. St. Peter's, in Sardinia, Auguft 12. Our governor has received advice that fome fhips of the religion of Malta, which left Marfilles the latter end of last month, met upon the coast of Sardinia, fome days after their departure, a xebeck and two galliots from Barbary: that they funk one of the latter, and feized the other, together with the xebeck. Died lately, Samuel Wilfon, efq; Hatton-garden.This gentleman has left by his will 20,000l. to be lodged in the chamber of London, to be lent out to young freemen in fmall fums at a low intereft, giving fufficient fecurity for the principal. Something of the fame kind was formerly left to the corporation of Reading; but, for want of fecurity, the money was feldom claimed: when claimed, it was generally loft; fo that much of the principal is dwindled away, and what remains is of no benefit to thofe for whom it was originally in



At Barney, in Yorkshire, Martha Preton, aged 123: fhe had been married to five hufbands, and has had twenty-feven children.

Hannah Winter, a widow woman, at Black Hadley Port, who had been tapped 79 times, and had at leaft 355 gallons of water taken from her in five years.

John Chump, of Kildare in Ireland, aged 120 years.


The recorder made his re- ift. port to his majesty of the prifoners capitally convicted laft feffion, when William Troy, for robbing Henry Tomlinfon, in London-field, Hackney; Richard Branfby, for ftealing a large quantity of wearing apparel from Mrs. Fonnereau in Welbeck-ftreet; and George Crowder, and John Symonds, for burglary in the house of John Rifborough, efq; at Hoxton; were ordered for execution on Wednesday next. Andrew-Henry Ludgreen, for burglary in the dwelling houfe of William Norman at Limehoufé; William Clarke, accomplice with Crowder and Symonds; James Fife. for horfe ftealing; Mary Davidson, for privately ftealing 351. from the perfon of John Blois; and John Maycock, for affaulting Luke Sherborn on the king's highway, were refpited during his majesty's pleafure. Doyle and Valine, two of the cutters, are left for. a further fentence.


It blew a hurricane at Portfmouth, the wind at S. S. E. The form lafted a whole day. The spray was carried over the whole garrifon, the tide was very high, and the fea ran in a most turbulent manner. Nine of the dockmen,

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