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George, sentiments against slav-
ery, 10, 79

Phillis Wheatley, 82, 83, 84
Negro enlistments, 50
Watkins, William, 35
Washington, Booker T., time and

place of birth, also ancestry,
points in common with Doug-
lass, 195; journey to West Vir-
ginia, Malden as a center, 196;
early desire to learn, some early
teachers, difficulties in attend-
ing school, first appearance at
school, cap and name, 197;
learns of Hampton, journey
thither, arrival at Richmond,
unique lodging place, unloads
vessel, 198; arrives at Hamp-
ton, interview with Miss M. F.
Mackie, college entrance exami-
nation, 199; favorably im-
presses Gen. S. C. Armstrong,
personal hygienic habits, posi-
tion of janitor; S. C. Morgan,
patron, his first vacation, 200;
mother suddenly dies, gradu-
ates as honor student, experi-
ences at summer hotel in Con-
necticut, first school at his
former home, 201; student at
Wayland Seminary, new part
of Union University, "The
Force that Wins," 202; becomes
Indian house father, the call
to Tuskegee, school opened,
203; first assistant, Olivia A.
Davidson, J F. B. Marshall to
the rescue; sets examples to
students in physical labor;
Miss Davidson's entertain-
ments, 205; Porter Hall first

building, erected on faith; ex-
tent of Gen. Armstrong's as-
sistance, loss of Washington's
first wife great bereavement;
marries Miss Davidson; experi-
ence in brick making, success
follows persistence; Pullman
palace car experience through
Georgia, 206; first opportunity
to speak North; the beginning
of a series of phenomenal
tours; greets Carnegie and
Huntington; at Providence,
hungry and without money,
207; first obtains general ap-
proval of the South by address
before National Educational
Association at Madison, Wis.;
first opportunity to face South-
ern audience came at Atlanta
meeting of Christian Workers;
travels 2000 miles to make five
minute speech, 207; speech be-
fore a committee of Congress
to secure aid for Cotton Expo-
sition a turning point in efforts
to appropriation, 208; Negro
building by Negro mechanics
result of that speech; chosen
one of the opening day ora-
tors, 208; speech echoed
throughout the country; great-
ness thrust before him; Alex.
Stephens' estimate of Grant
compared to the potentiality of
Washington, 209; visits Eu-
rope, all expenses arranged;
organized Business Men's
League in 1900; two stories in
"Up from Slavery" show op-
portunity, responsibility, and

significance involved in accept-
ance of the Atlanta speech,
208; scene for historic paint-
ing; Clark Howell's prediction,
209; at Johns Hopkins, before
Lyceum Bureaus, Colleges, Har-
vard confers A. M. degree, ora-
tor at Shaw monument un-
veiling; shares honor with
McKinley during Jubilee Week
at Chicago, 210; at Wilberforce
University; as political leader,

Waugh, Beverly, M. E. bishop, class
leader of Frederick Douglass,


Wesley, John, 64

Westminster Abbey, appx.

Webster, Daniel, opinion of S. R.
Ward, 36

Webb, Rev. William, 41
Welsh, Molly, 86

Wilberforce, William, English abo-
litionist, 100
University, 122

Williams, Rev. Peter, 117, 136
George W., 84
Williamsburg, 17, 62
Williams, Dr. Daniel H., 73

Wise, Henry A., attempts arrest of
Frederick Douglass, 149
"Will," emancipated by General
Assembly of Virginia, 7
Wheatley, Phillis, stolen from
Africa, sold in Boston, John
Wheatley purchaser, 77; mas-
ters English in 16 months,
rapid progress in studies, joins
church at sixteen, 78; shows
fondness for the classics, com-

posed frequently at night, 79;
first edition of poems published
and authorship vouched for by
John Hancock, 81; goes to Eng-
land, meets nobility; returns to
America, patroness dies, mar-
ries John Peters, 80; dedicates
ode to Washington; precedes
Dr. James Durham and Banne-
ker, 82; death recorded, 81.
Wheatland, Dr. Marcus F., 73
Wheeler, Gen. Joseph, 58

Whipper, William, advocates aban-
donment of word "colored"
and "African," 35, 42
Whitman, A. A.,


Whipple, George, American Mission-
ary Society, 155

Whittingham, Bishop, 137
White, Jacob C., Sr., 35
Rev. William J., 63
George H., 47

Whitefield, Rev. George, 67
John M., 41, 43

Willis, Rev. Joseph, 69
Wilson, William J., 42

Henry, "Rise and Fall of Slave
Power," 16

Wright, Theodore S., 34
Richard R., Jr., 74
Major Richard R., 73
Work, M. N., 74

XIMINES, Cardinal, 2

YOUNG, Major Charles, 58

ZION Methodist Episcopal Church,


Sojourner, Truth, joins, 105

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