even men, who are children and babes in understanding, perceive them, and refound thy praife. See Matth. xxi. 16. The impious are felf-avengers, because they do not leave the avenging of their caufe to God, whofe existence they either deny, or imagine that he is negligent of the affairs of men. Praife. feems to have fignified praife, glory, and honour, as well as ftrength; for the lxx here tranflate it avov; in Pf. lxviii. 25. doğav; and in Here it certainly means praife, as is evident from the words with which it is connected. Commentaries of the Society for promoting the knowledge of the Scriptures, vol. i. Pf. xxix. 1. τιμη. PSALM IX. 6. Defolations.-See Pf. xviii. 41. even their memorial. See Numb. xiv. 32. A common emphatic pleonafm, unjustly cenfured by Houbigant. Secker. 7. Reign.-Shall fit, that is, on his throne. 12. He that maketh inquifition.—He that fitteth judge in capital crimes. Them.-Refers to the humble coming after. Mudge. 13. Have mercy.-This is the cry of the humble mentioned in the preceding verfe. Mudge. 17. Return to the grave.-Die for their wicked nefs. PSALM X. 2. They have imagined.-The wicked. 4. Requireth not.-See verfe 13. availeth not, I cannot fignify, as Dathe obferves, that these wicked men denied the existence of God, which would contradict other expreffions of theirs: V. II. but that he troubleth not himself with worldly affairs, and is therefore neither an object of fear or love. 5. Spirare. Quæ vera vocis fignificatio eft, iracundiæ fimul notionem habet, quafi fpirare præ indignationis vehementia. Chald. recte vertit ¡y vehementer irafcetur. 10. Many are the poor that fall.-Cadit congregatio in offibus ejus, id eft, ipfa congregatio cadit, fee Cocceius. even the congregation of the poor falls." Venema. 14. To requite it.-Rather perhaps to impress it on thy hand, that is, to put a mark on the hand, whereby to remember it. See Ifaiah xlix. 16. Dathe. 15. Search out.—To be fought and not to be found fignifies proverbially that which is loft or destroyed utterly. See Pf. xxxvii. 36. Ezech. xxvii. 21. Pf. lxix. Hammond, 18. Man of the earth.-That this man of the earth, cherished with all its favours, and fupported with all its strength shall no longer be able to terrify the B people of the God of heaven. For wN is man not only confidered as an object of compaffion, but of contempt and hatred. Mudge. PSALM XI. 1. Flee as a bird.-The true reading is preferved by the lxx and Aquila 15 12 Chald. and Vulg. Dr. Lowth.. 12. So Syr. 3. Surely.-Thefe are the words of David, in anfwer to what his friends had advised; fo that the connection is this. "I put my truft in the Lord, why then do you advife me to flee away and conceal myself. Be affured their crafty defigns against me will come to nought; for what hath the righteous done to merit punishment. Crafty devices. nw rete quod ponitur ad capiendum aliquid; atinde in forma plurali retia. Alii exponunt retia per cogitationes et confilia. que 4. His eyes. The lxx have preferved here a word dropt in the Hebrew from its likeness to the word before it ; this perfectly restores the parallelism with the following hemiftich. Lowth. 6. Coals hot cinders, Mudge. Prunas ardentes, Lowth. PSALM XII. 5. The lxx here tranflate παῤῥησιασομαι εν αυτα; Symmachus ; אסהיד בישותא להון .and the Chald is taken as an אופיע where אופיע להם originally ταξω σωτηρίαν εμφανες; whence the Hebrew text was adverb. Starck. 8. Wander about as vagabonds.So Venema. PSALM XIII. 6. And I will praise.—This hemistich, which is manifeftly wanting, is preferved in the Ixx. PSALM. XIV. 1. The fool.-The Chaldæan atheists, who infulted wretched prisoners, that trusted in their God, Jehovah. 4. Punished. The original word has two fignifications, either to know or to fuffer punishment.-See Schultens, Venema, and Dathe. 5. Afraid. The oppreffors of God's people fhall one day learn to fear his vengeance, whose existence they now impiously deny. 6. The poor. The Jewish people in their miseraable fervitude. They mock-Kennicott 142. MS. reads w¬¬¬ instead of wan, which is confirmed by the Syr. and Arab. verfions. PSALM. XVI, 2. I have faid.-Six copies have the verb in the first person; also the lxx. Syr. Vulg, and Arab. Without thee.-Schurner well obferves that is fometimes to be tranflated by the Latin præpofition præter. See Gen. xxxii. 12. Ex. xxxv. 22. Amos iii. 15. Dathe. The Syriac tranflates " my good things are from thee? Kennicott propofes that we fhould read inftead of 2. 4. Will I not offer.-This verfe is contrafted with the preceding, there he fays, that his delight is in the fociety of the good and pious; here that he will have no fellowship with idolaters. 5. My cup. As those that are of the fame family, drink of the fame cup, the wine which it contains, is diftributed among them, and every one has his portion; if there be any bitter mixture in the cup, then he that drinks the bottom, is faid to fuck out the dregs of the cup. So in the difpenfations of Providence, any man hath his portion, either fweet or bitter; and this, from this analogy, is called the portion of his cup, or that part which in the distribution comes to him. Hammond. |