pools of rain water were the most convenient resting places in these warm countries. Refting places.-Kennicott and the lxx. read manfio, hofpitium. PSALM LXXXVI. 2. Thou art gracious.—Syriac, Arabic and Ken nicott. 16. Give ftrength.-The Syr. ready without the affix. 17. For me.y meâ causá, propter me, Pf. cxix. 65. and 2 Chron. xx. 17. Kennicott. PSALM LXXXVII. The foundations.-Hare and Kennicott are of opinion, that this Pfalm is a fragment, of which the beginning is wanting. But if in the word TIDS the be placed before then instead of after it, we shall have a regular title for the Pfalm, which is also fupported by the Chaldee. Secker and Street are also of opinion, that "the foundations on the holy "mountains" is the title of this Pfalm. 3. This man.-Jerufalem is fuperior to other cities not only in the number of eminent perfons, but in the degree of their eminence, which is here expreffed by the oppofition between the two fen -is ra זה for ; איש ואיש ילד בה et זה ילד שם tences ther a form of contempt, either this without any addition, or this fellow, or the like; whereas wN is a note of honour. 2. is fometimes one and no איש ואיש more; but w* WN man after man, denotes a multitude of feveral men. See Hammond. 5. The registry of nations.-The Lord when he registereth the nations of the world fhall fay, "this man was born there," i. e. one pious and eminent perfon perhaps in an age was born in other cities ; but with refpect to Jerufalem he will fay, "all my fprings of piety and praise are in thee," from thee spring all the men of true piety and renown. 6. Princes.-w, Syr. and Kennicott. ¢ מהללים reading כחללים of renown. For PSALM LXXXVIII. 5. Proftrate.-Stratus inter mortuos, ut confossi cubantur in fepulchro. Michaelis. From thy band.-From thy jurisdiction. 6. In the fhadow of death.-So all the verfions except the Chaldee: certainly right fays Kennicott. 7. Poured out.-See Schultens on Job iii. 2. and Golius p. 1660. Dathius. 17. They.-Thy displeasure and wrath. PSALM LXXXIX. 1. It is evident from the following verfe that y אמנתך to לדר ודר and חסדי is to be joined with Mudge. He therefore tranflates thy everlasting fa vours 2. See verfe 35 and 36, where it appears, that the fun, the moon, and bow in the sky, were the tokens of confirmation given by God to the covenant made with David. He fays the ground of his celebrating the mercy of God, was the covenant which he established with David in these words, "I have made, &c." 7. Greatly.-7 is to be taken adverbially, fee Pf. lxii. 3. lxv. 10. 8. O Lord God of hofts who is a mighty Lord like unto thee, and to thy faithfulness, of those that are round about thee. See the preceding verse. 10. With as much ease as a mighty warrior deftroyeth a fingle enemy, even at one blow. Kennicott. This event was probably the reduction of Egypt by Sefac. See 2 Chron. xii. 2. 12. Tabor and Hermon, fituated in the E. and W. owe all their beauty to thee. Mudge. 15. Kennicott reads with the Syriac. תרוער 19. Dr. Kennicott finds, to thy holy ones, that is, to thy prophets, in the plural number in twenty-eight MSS. agreeably to the ancient verfions. Lowth. IN is taken indefinitely. אן jus בחר electus reads בחור The Targum inftead of venis. 22. Lxx. Kennicott. Street. 25. Rivers.—The Euphrates and Orontes, 27. Reges Hebræi vocant filios Dei, Pf. lxxxii. 6. Rex maximus videtur effe primogenitus horum filiorum Dei. Michaelis and Dathius. 34. This one thing have I fworn by my holinefs. Street. 37. The rain-bow. 44. His victories.-Michaelis: " ceffare fecifti a pu"ritate ejus," fays he, est hiulca conftructio. Supp. ad Lex. Hebr. p. 1001. 50. Hare and Kennicott, as in Pf. xxxix. 4. two MSS. confirm this reading, which Michaelis also formerly conjectured to be the true one. PSALM XC. 3. Return to the dust, Gen. iii. 19. iterum eftote, quod fuiftis, filii Adam. Michaelis. 5. A dream.-As a dream, which in the morning appears to us to have past as one moment. Street. 7. I read here, with Mr. Green, 5 fic. Kennicott. 9. Verbum 5 faciem vertere, de die dicitur inclinante, Jer. vi. 4. Deinde etiam eft evanefcere. Dathius. byeme. vapor aftuans, s. bulla aquæ innatans. SchulDathius. The Chald. tranflate vapor oris in 10. Kennicott reads on with the lxx. and all the verfions. 11. That is, alas! who is there that knows and feriously confiders the dreadful effects of thy dif L pleasure? And then the Pfalmift immediately fub- 13. The Targum fupplies this word. 14. Refers to this passage in Pf. xlvi. 5. 15. According to the days.-Means no more than 16. Deut. iv. 33. 17. The last line of this verfe does not appear in PSALM XCI. 1. The change of perfon in this pfalm is fo un- The Syriac renders this paffage thus: Qui fedet 3. See Pf. xxxviii. 12. 4. Kennicott and all the versions read 7770“. 14. These are the words of Jehovah himfelf. with the lxx. Arab. Vulg. For a fimilar change of perfon, see Pf. lxxxi. 6. |