I as a prophecy receive; for God, Nothing more certain, will not long defer To fome Philiftian lords, with whom to treat 475 480 By pains and flaveries, worse than death inflicted 485 On thee, who now no more canft do them harm. SAMS. Spare that propofal, Father, spare the trouble Of that folicitation; let me here, As I deferve, pay on my punishment; And expiate, if poffible, my crime, 490 Secrets of men, the secrets of a friend, How heinous had the fact been, how deserving Contempt, and fcorn of all, to be excluded All friendship, and avoided as a blab, 495 The mark of fool fet on his front! But I God's counsel have not kept, his holy fecret Prefumptuously have publish'd, impiously, Weakly at least, and shamefully: a fin That Gentiles in their parables condemn MAN. Be penitent and for thy fault contrite, 500 But act not in thy own affliction, Son: us, SAMS. His pardon I implore; but as for life, To what end should I seek it? When in strength All mortals I excell'd, and great in hopes With youthful courage and magnanimous thoughts Of birth from Heav'n foretold and high exploits, 525 Full of divine instinct, after fome proof Of acts indeed heroic, far beyond The fons of Anak, famous now and blaz'd, Fearless of danger, like a petty God I walk'd about admir'd of all and dreaded 530 On hoftile ground, none daring my affront. Of Of fair fallacious looks, venereal trains, 535 540 CHO. Defire of wine and all delicious drinks, Which many a famous warrior overturns, Thou couldst reprefs, nor did the dancing ruby Sparkling, out-pour'd, the flavor, or the smell, Or tafte that chears the heart of Gods and men, 545 Allure thee from the cool cryftallin stream. 550 SAMS. Wherever fountain or fresh current flow'd Against the eastern ray, tranflucent, pure With touch ethereal of Heav'n's fiery rod, I drank, from the clear milky juice allaying Thirst, and refresh'd; nor envy'd them the grape Whose heads that turbulent liquor fills with fumes. CHO. O madness, to think use of ftrongeft wines And strongest drinks our chief fupport of health, When God with thefe forbidd'n made choice to rear His mighty champion, ftrong above compare, Whose drink was only from the liquid brook! SAMS. But what avail'd this temp'rance, not comAgainst another object more enticing? What boots it at one gate to make defense, And at another to let in the foe, Effeminately vanquifh'd? by which means, [plete 560 Now blind, dishearten'd, sham'd, dishonor'd, quell'd, To what can I be useful, wherein ferve My nation, and the work from Heav'n impos'd, 565 A burd'nous drone; to vifitants a gaze, Vain monument of strength; till length of years 570 To a contemptible old-age obfcure? Here rather let me drudge and earn my bread, Till vermin or the draff of fervile food Confume me, and oft-invoked death 575 Haften the welcome end of all my pains. MAN. Wilt thou then ferve the Philiftines with that Which was exprefly giv'n thee to annoy them? [gift Better at home lie bed-rid, not only idle, 580 Inglorious, unemploy'd, with age outworn. 585 Caufe light again within thy eyes to spring, But But yield to double darkness nigh at hand: 595 600 MAN. Believe not these suggestions, which proceed From anguish of the mind and humors black, That mingle with thy fancy. I however Must not omit a father's timely care To profecute the means of thy deliverance By ranfome, or how elfe: mean while be calm, To the body's wounds and fores, With maladies innumerable In heart, head, breast and reins; But muft fecret paffage find To th' inmoft mind, There exercise all his fierce accidents, As on entrails, joints, and limbs, 610 With answerable pains, but more intense, 615 Though void of corporal sense. My griefs not only pain me As a lingring disease, But finding no redress, ferment and rage, 620 Rankle, and fester, and gangrene, To black mortification. Thoughts |