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Modern Spiritualism of which Swedenborg was the John the Baptist and that Christian people, the Shakers, the first organized body of men and women in America to fully realize the true meaning of the spiritual phenomena - has disclosed some of the unspeakable beauties awaiting us in the many mansioned house of the Father. These mansions — aural spheres, enzoning stars and planets are real, substantial, and adaptively fitted for the abodes of spirits, angels and archangels. These, aflame with love, are ever active in some educational or redemptive work. Heaven's rest is not idleness; the soul's activities are intensified by the transition. The future life is a social life, a progressive life, a heavenly life of growth, of love, of wisdom, and of truth.

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Inteiligent, cultured Spiritualists do not deny the existence. of God do not deny the existence of Jesus of Nazareth, the mediumistic man and marty, overshadowed and infilled with the Christ-spirit - do not deny the Holy Spirit of love and wisdom, the quickening Spirit of truth-do not deny the necessity of repentance, of prayer, of faith, of religion, of abiding trust, and the importance of living a conscientious, spiritual and holy life.

Spiritualism is not, as aforesaid, materialism, but on the contrary, is right the reverse of materialism, considering Spirit the basic foundation of all things, in all worlds.

Spiritualism, I repeat, is not spiritism, that is, talking with the dead for curiosity, for fleshly gratification, for selfish gain, for ambitious ends, or for unworthy, amusing, and irreligious purposes. If this was the witch-spiritism that Moses condemned, or disapproved of, he did well. It should be discouraged, condemned to-day as unworthy of rational, royal-souled men and women.

Spiritualism is not secular socialism, in the anarchist sense of that word; but Spiritualism is of God, and the mightiest, divinest

word in the universe, except God or the Christ of God. The corner stone, the foundation pillar of Spiritualism is Spirit, and God is Spirit, essential and immutable. The philological scale runs thus: Spirit, spiritual, Spiritualism. The spiritually-minded man is more than a mere, conscious spirit-man. All are spiritmen now, living in a spirit or etheric world, but not in a spiritual world, nor in that exalted heavenly state of love and purity.

Spiritualism, in its broadest sense, is a knowledge of everything pertaining to the spiritual nature of human beings. It is cosmopolitan, eclectic, uplifting, and heaven-inspiring. Spiritualists, being believers in the Christ, have the New Testament promised spiritual gifts the gift of converse with the so-called dead, the gifts of healing, the gift of tongues, the gift of clairvoyantly "descerning the spirits," and other gifts spoken of in the ancient scriptures. Spiritualists, believe in the great law of evolution. They teach that there is sweet reward for well-doing and certain punishment for every wrong action; and that all the good and divine that is attained here, will be retained when entering the spiritual world; that we are building now, by our conduct and characters, our homes in the future state of immortality.

When the genuine Spiritualism is generally recognized, and becomes, as it will, the universal religion,- when it becomes actualized and out-wrought through the personal lives of earth's surging millions, it will no longer be selfishly said, "mine mine," but ours, yours, all who appropriate it for holy uses. This is the resurrection - a spiritually exalted resurrection state in this present life. It is Christ-the living Christ within. It is divine altruism.

I repeat, when Spiritualism in its divinest aspects is literally practiced, our country will be the universe, our home the world, our rest wherever a human heart beats in sympathy with our own, and the highest happiness of each will be altruism. Then, when this Christly Spiritualism abounds, will the soil be as free for all to cultivate as the air to breathe; gardens will blossom and bear fruit for the most humble; and orphans will find homes

of tenderest sympathy in all houses. This is Spiritualism, pure, simple, and practical. I invite other sectarian religionists as well as devil-intoxicated Seventh-day Adventists to ground their ecclesiastical weapons of rebellion, to do works meet for repentance, and to come to us - America's Mount Zion and we will do them good.

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In the above statement or definitions of Spiritualism, I speak for myself only — not others. Spiritualists have no Roman Pope- no cast-iron creed and they desire to build up no new


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When Jesus of Nazareth preached his radical doctrines of the Fatherhood of God, the brotherhood of man and the present ministry of angels and spirits, the cautious conservative scribes and the synagogue Jews inquired --"Have any of the rulers of the Pharisees believed on him?" That is to say, have any of the Rabbis any of the reputed great and wise believed on him? If so, we the driftwood, will fall in line. Human nature is the same in all ages, and moral cowards are ever, cringing cowards. Though Spiritualists number millions upon millions in all enlightened countries — and though there are more or less Spiritualists in every church in the land, (unless it be that little sevenby-nine side issue- the Seventh-day Second Adventists) there are those who ask half sneeringly, "Who are these Spiritualists?" My brief reply is: They constitute the thoughtful brains of the world. I repeat, the brainiest people of the world to-day are straight out-and-out Spiritualists, or favorably inclined to Spiritualism. They are the cultured. They are the inspired. They stand upon the mountain top. They live in the sunlight of eternal truth. Take among the giant-minded thousands the following.

ALFRED R. WALLACE, F. G. S., F. R. S., LL. D., D. C. L., author, scientist, and naturalist, who for his great scientific achievements the late Queen pensioned, pointedly says:

"My position, therefore, is that the phenomena of Spiritualism, in their entirety, do not require further confirmation. They are proved quite as well as any facts are proved in other sciences."

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"Up to the time when I first became acquainted with the facts of Spiritualism I was a confirmed, philosophical skeptic, rejoicing in the works of Voltaire, Strauss, and Carl Vogt, and an ardent admirer - as I am still of Herbert Spencer. I was so thorough and confirined a materialist that I could not at that time find a place in my mind for the conception of spiritual existence or for any other agencies in the universe than matter and force. Facts, however, are stubborn things. The facts beat me. They compelled me to accept them as facts long before I could accept the spiritual explanation of them. Those who believe as I do that spiritual beings can and do (subject to general laws and for certain purposes) communicate with us - must see in the steady advance of inquiry the assurance that, so far as their beliefs are logical deductions from the phenomena they have witnessed, those beliefs will at no distant date be accepted by all truth-seeking inquirers.'

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SIR WILLIAM CROOKES, F. R. S., editor of the London "Quarterly Journal of Science," Fellow of the Royal Society, Discoverer of the Sodium Amalgam Process, Inventor of the Radiometer, Otheoscope, Past President British Chemical Society, Gold Medallist French Academy of Sciences, says: "That certain physical phenomena, such as the movement of material substances, and the production of sounds resembling electric discharges, occur under circumstances in which they cannot be explained by any physical law at present known, is a fact of which I am as certain as I am of the most elementary facts in chemistry."

In his book, "Researches in the Phenomena of Spiritualism," he states his conviction of the fact of an intercommunion between the dwellers of the visible and the invisible worlds.

"If it had not been for Professor William Crookes, the discoveries of Professor Roentgen would not have been made.

This man who paved the way for the recent developments in photographic science has been widely known for years, and there are few men who have achieved more brilliant results in the laboratory than the discoverer of the 'tube' which is just now figuring so prominently in all the experimental work with the new light which makes the photography of concealed things possible."

Professor Crookes was born in London about 64 years ago, and in his boyhood became interested in photography. He took a course in the Royal College of Chemistry under Dr. Hoffman, and soon became assistant to the tutor. At 22 he was appointed superintendent of the Radcliffe observatory at Oxford. In 1859 he founded the "Chemical News," and in 1864 became the editor of the "Quarterly Journal of Science," and contributed many valuable papers to the publication.

Professor Crookes was indefatigable in original research. He discovered the force and invented the radiometer. In recognition of his discovery of the new metal, thallium, he was made a Fellow of the Royal Society. In 1877 he invented the othescope, and in the same year, in a paper read before the Royal Society, he said that he had succeeded in obtaining a vacuum no nearly perfect that the pressure in it was only .0000004 of an atmosphere. It was this discovery that made possible the incandescent electric light. He has written many scientific books, each one of which is considered of great value. His name was brought before the public generally in 1870, when he undertook an investigation of the physical phenomena of Spiritualism. His book on the results of those experiments was widely read at the time of its publication, but while the scientific world placed the highest value on his experiments in other lines it paid no attention to his investigations on the occult side of nature. They were too bigoted. "Too many of these professed scientists do little besides strut around with cigar stubs in their mouths, beer in their stomachs and old, warty barnacles upon their backs." Professor Crookes is certainly the most patient experimenter of modern times, and his name can never be disassociated with Spirit

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