| Thomas Tennison - 1688 - 528 pages
....tothofeDifciplesfor to ftrcngthen and confirm them in all Holineis. His other Place is i Johnz.zj. But the Anointing which ye have received of him, abideth in...And, ye need not that Any Man teach you. But as the fame Anointing (cachet h you all things^ and is Truth and is no- Lye : and even as it hath taught you,... | |
| Thomas Colbatch - 1729 - 300 pages
...of him abidetb in you : and yt need not that any man teach you. But as the fame anointing teathetb you of all things and is truth, and is no lie ; and even as it hath taught you, ye Jball abide in him. The unflion or «nointiag was the Grace of the Holy Ghoft given in Confirmation.... | |
| 1737 - 470 pages
...eternal life. 26 TJiefe things have | written unto you, concerning them that feduce you. 27 But the * anointing which ye have received of him, abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you s Bui:, as the fame anointing teachcth you of all things, and is tru^h," you, ye mall abide in 248:25.... | |
| John Hutchinson - 1749 - 428 pages
...Now' he which eftabliJhes us "with you, in Ctrif}, and bath anointed us is God. 1 Job. ii. 27. But the Anointing which ye have received of him abideth in...and ye need not that any Man teach you : but, as the fame Anointing teaches you oj all 'Things, and is Truth, and is no Lie : and even as it hath taught... | |
| John Owen - 1763 - 452 pages
...received," (faith the apoflle) ' abideth in you, 'and you need not that any man ' teach you, but as the fame anointing teacheth you ' of all things, and is truth,...and is no lie, and even ' as it hath taught you,' ye fhail abide in him, ) John ii. 2 7. That teaching unction which is not only true, b'it truth itfelf,... | |
| Assembly of divines confess. and catech - 1765 - 626 pages
...íhewituntoyou. r John. ii'. 20. But ye have an undion from the holy One, and ye know all things. V. a 7. But the anointing which ye have received of him, abideth in...and ye need not that any man teach you: But; as the fame anointing teachcth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie : and even as it haul taught... | |
| Church of Scotland - 1768 - 576 pages
...for his feed remiincth in him and he cannot fiu, bccaule he is born of Godi I John ii. 27. But the anointing which ye have received of him, abideth in you : and ye need not that any man teach you : hut a» the fame anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie : and eòåï... | |
| John Flavel - 1770 - 518 pages
...clouds my foul ; for I read, i John ii. 27. that he enlighmeth the foul which he inhabiteth. " The anointing which " ye have received of him abideth...and ye need not that " any man teach you, but as the fame anointing teacheth you *' cloudy, I have need to learn of the meaneft«f God's people : This only... | |
| Robert Barclay - 1780 - 614 pages
...of him, abideth in you, and ye need , not that any man teach you : but the fame anointing teachetb you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie ; and even as it hath taught you, ye Jball abide in him. i. Firrt, This could not be any fpecial, peculiar, common. or extraordinary privilege,... | |
| William Penn - 1782 - 498 pages
...received of him, abideth in you, and ye need 't not that any man teach you, but as the fame anoint*• ing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is " no lie : and even as it hath taught you, ye fhall " abide in him." In which, three things are obfervable. i ft. That he writ his epiftle upon an... | |
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