Page images

birth, family, and personal ap-
pearance, 326, 327; joins the
minute men in the army, 328;
military services, 329; admitted
to the bar, 330; member of the
Virginia legislature, 331; sup-
ports measures of Washington's
administrations, 333; accepts
with Pinckney and Gerry special
mission to France, 334; returns,
becomes Congressman and sup-
ports Adams's administration,
336; becomes Secretary of
State, 338; on the right of con-
fiscation, 342; becomes chief-
justice, 343, 344; his delivered
opinions and questions of consti-
tutional law decided by him,
344; upholds supremacy of the
constitution over the acts of the
national and State legislatures,
347-349; sustains the general
government in its power to regu-
late commerce unhindered by the
States, 349, 350; his renderings
on international law, 353, 354;
decisions on prize cases, 357-
360; personal characteristics,


Mars Hill, Paul's discourse on, ii,

Marston Moor, Battle of (1644),

viii, 158, 221, 243.

Martial, Marcus Valerius.-(43-
104 A. D.) Latin poet and epi-
grammatist, i, 343.

Martignac, Jean Baptiste de.-
French statesman, ix, 216.
Martin, Henri.-(1810-83.) French
historian, quoted, vii, 158; viii,

Martin, Luther, of Maryland.-
(1744-1826.) American lawyer,
xi, 299.

Marx, Karl. (1818-1883.) Ger-
man socialist, xv, 163, 164, 166.
"Mary, Queen," of England, Tenny-

son's drama of, xiii, 466, 471,
Miss Bateman's acting of the
part in the play, 471.
Mary II, wife of William III of
England, becomes Queen (1689),
vii, 187; dies of smallpox
(1694), 190.

Mary of Modena, Queen of James
II of England. (1658-1718.)
vii, 183, 192.

Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots.-
(1542-87.) vi, 325; vii, 372;
viii, 72, 94-97, 100, 361.
Mary Tudor's ("Bloody Mary")
era. (1510-58.) xiii, 466, 468.
Masaccio, T. Guido, Italian painter
(1402-43), studies anatomy, vi,



Auber's opera of,

xiv, 30.
Masaryk, Thomas G. (1850- )
President of Bohemia, xv, 363;
organizer and chief diplomat of
Bohemia, 364; property con-
fiscated by Austrian Govern-
ment, 364, 365; writings, 364,
365, 368, 375, 378; wife, 366;
issues "Declaration of Independ-
ence of the Czecho-Slovak Na-
tion," 366; demands complete
democratic dismemberment of
Austria-Hungary, 367; commits
Bohemia to the side of the
Allies, 367; physical character-
istics, 368, 369; power in Russia,
367, 368, 371-373; professor-
ship, 369, 370; Puritanism, 370,
371; sends Czecho-Slovak army
from Russia, 372; education of,
373-375; teaches at University
of Vienna, then at University of
Prague, 374, 375; elected to
Parliament, 375, 376; head of
Provisional Government, 376: re-
tires from Parliament, 377:
forms the Progressive Party.
makes party friendly to

For location of Volumes in Books

Roman numerals refer to Volumes.
see Prefatory Note at beginning of Index.

democracy, 378, 379; sent out
as propagandist for Bohemia,
379-372; lectures on Bohemia in
the U. S., 383, 384; appoints
Charles Pergler commissioner of
Government of Bohemia, 385;
calmness, 386, 387; Father of
His Country, 387.
Mascagni, Pietro.-(b. 1863.) Ital-
ian composer, xiv, 67.
Masham, Mrs. (Abigail Hill.)-In-
timate of Queen Anne, vii, 200,
202, 203, 217. See Hill, Abigail.
Mashonaland, Africa, farms in, xiv,
336, 344.

Mason, Jeremiah.-(1768-1848.)
American lawyer and politician,
xi, 185, 210.

Masonic movement, Anti-, xii, 77,

[blocks in formation]

Maurice, F. Denison. (1805-72.)
English divine, xiii, 446; xiv,

Maut, consort of Ammon, in Egyp-
tian myth Mother Nature, i, 34.
Mavrokordatos, Alex. (1791-
1865.) Heroic Greek chieftain,
at Napoli di Romania, ix, 295;
becomes President of Greece
(1821), 295; at Missolonghi,
300, 304, 313.
Maxentius, Roman Emperor.
(306-312 A. D.) Declares war
against Constantine (the Great),
iv, 150.


Maximilian, Archduke, in Mexico,
x, 235, 236, 239, 295.
Maximilian I. Duke of Bavaria.-
(1573-1651.) Aids Ferdinand
II in Thirty Years' War on
Catholic side, viii, 148, 152.
Maximilian II.-viii, 146.
Maxims, Chinese, recited as a re-

[ocr errors]

ligious ritual, xiv, 267.
Maxwell, James Clerk.


1879.) Scottish Physicist, xvi,


"May, The Promise of," Tenny-
son's, xiii, 471.

Mayas, The, of Central America,
xiv, 389.

Mayenne, Duke of, leads the Cath-
olic forces in the War of the
League against Henry of Na-
varre, viii, 130.

Maynooth College Grant, x, 358.
Maynooth Roman Catholic College,
X, 78, 329, 359.

"May Queen," The, Tennyson's,
xiii, 443, 453.

Mazarin, Jules.--(1602-61.) French
statesman and cardinal, vii, 167;
viii, 171, 202, 204, 256, 260-
262, 275; ix, 106, 183, 338.
Mazzini, Jewish, vii, 383.
Mazzini, Joseph.-(1805-72.) Ital-
ian patriot, joins the Carbonari,
For location of Volumes in Books,

Roman numerals refer to Volumes.
see Prefatory Note at beginning of Index.

X, 109-111; founds Association
of Young Italy, 111; seeks to
make Italy a republic, 112, 122,
135; failure and flies to England,
113; returns (1848) to Italy,
114; member of Constituent As-
sembly with Garibaldi, 128; at
Naples, 138; here Garibaldi
holds aloof from his republican
patriot, 138; indiscretion of,
143; 104, 106, 109.

Meade, Geo. G.-(1815-72.) Amer-
ican general, succeeds Hooker as
general-in-chief in Civil War,
xii, 294; his victory over the
Confederates at Gettysburg
(July 3, 1863), 294.

Mecænas, Villa of, at Tivoli, iii,

Mecca, Arabia, Railroad to, xiv,

Mechanical and useful arts among

the Ancients, iii, 195.
Mechanicsville, Battle of (June,
1862), xii, 329.

Medieval Cathedrals, vi, 189, 209.
Medieval Chants, vi, 248.
Mediæval despotism, vi, 246.
Medieval philosophy, vi, 220.

[blocks in formation]

Mediterranean Islands, tribes that
early settled them, xiv, 385.
Melanchthon, Philip. - (1 4 9 7-
1560.) German Protestant Re-
former, vi, 219.

Melanie, Princess.-Wife of Prince
Metternich, ix, 181.

Melbourne (Wm. Lamb), Lord.—
(1779-1848.) English states-
man, x, 37, 41, 42, 49, 51, 56,
57, 65, 322.
Melchizedek.-Priest-King of Ca
naan, ii, 34; blesses Abram, 36;
reign of (time of Abraham), xiv,

Mélun, France, vii, 36.
Memnon, sitting statues of, at
Thebes, iii, 112.

Memphis, Egypt, 1, 33, 39, 40; ii,
64, 74; worship of the sacred
bulls of, 91.

Memphis, Pyramid of Cheops at,
iti, 87.

Mencius (Meng-tse).-Chinese phi
losopher (4th cent. B. C.), writ
ings of, i, 175.

Mendelssohn, Jakob.- (1809-47.)
German composer and musician,
xiv, 58, 62.


(14445 B. C.) Founder
First dynasty of Egyptian Kings,
i, 31.
Mentchikof, Prince.-(1672-1729.)
Russian statesman and soldier,
viii, 348, 353, 363; x, 165, 171,
172, 188.

Menu (or Manu), Laws of, code of
the traditional lawgiver of the
Hindus, i, 57, 69; written in
Brahmanic age, 76; Hindu pan.
theism in, 77, 78-80.
Mephibosheth.-Son of Jonathan,
ii, 175.

character in
Goethe's "Faust," xiii, 432, 433,
434, 435.

For location of Volumes in Books,

Roman numerals refer to Volumes.
see Prefatory Note at beginning of Index.

Mercier, Cardinal.

Primate of Belgium, xv, 339;
interception of Christmas Pas-
toral Letter by Germans, 339,
340; reveals outrages of Ger-
mans, 340; his famous Pastoral
Letter of 1914, 341; interviews
Governor General of Germany,
342-344; amazes Germans with
stubborn opposition, 344; great
courage, 344, 345; turned
world's opinion in favor of Bel-
gium, 345; close relations with
his people, 346, 355; interest in
social reform, 346; assists
Ceslaus Rutten in founding
Christian labor unions, 346;
levies tax on clergy to help
toilers, 346; favors Christian
teaching in schools, 346; fol-
lower of St. Thomas Aquinas,
347, 348; favors the press, 347;
history, 347; assigned chair of
Thomistic philosophy in Louvain
University, 348; writings, 348,
349-351, 353-355; founds the
Revue Neo Scholastique, 348,
349; dreams of his school of
philosophy revealed, 349-851;
school of, 351; workshop of,
351-353; favors personal teach-
ings, 353; becomes Archbishop
of Malines, 355; one of the first
Bishops to use automobile, 356;
sincerity and holiness in ecclesi-
astical works, 356; kindness and
consideration of, 357; endeared
to people of all creeds and
colors, 357, 358; visit to Amer-
ica, 358, 359; honored as one
of outstanding characters of
World War, 358, 360.
"Mercure de France," Château-

briand a contributor to, ix, 200.
Mercury (Nebo), Roman deity, 1,

Mère Angelique.-vii, 140.

[blocks in formation]

Messiah, Advent of, prophesied by
Isaiah, ii, 317, 318; prophecy
fulfilled, 407.

Metempsychosis, Egyptian belief in
doctrine of, i, 35.

Metternich, Prince Clemens Wen-
zel, (1773-1859.) Austrian
statesman and diplomatist, vil,
237; viii, 188, 203; ix, 137,
187, 205, 219, 235, 246, 248,
278, 344; theme: "Conservat-
ism," 137; represents absolutism
in governing, 138; birth, fam
ily, and early studies, 138, 139;
a courtier with elegant manners
and lively wit, 139; attaché in
London to Netherlands embassy,
139; at Vienna and marriage,

ambassador to Dresden,
140; learns here much of poli-
tics, arts and letters, 140; em-
bassy to Berlin, 141; becomes
distinguished, agent of absolute
sovereign, 143; transferred to
Paris (1806), 145; concludes
with Napoleon (1807) treaty of

For location of Volumes in Books,

Roman numerals refer to Volumes.
see Prefatory Note at beginning of Index.

Fontainebleau at close of Austro-
French War, 146; 'studies at
Paris character and designs of
Napoleon, 147; his pen portrait
of Napoleon, 147-150;


to Vienna (1809) and made min-
ister of foreign affairs, 151;
Napoleon marries Marie Louise
on divorcing Josephine, 153;
second visit to Paris, 153; re-
turns to Vienna, 154; his policy
in crisis of 1811-12, 155; battle
of Leipsic fatal to Napoleon
(Oct., 1813), 157, 158; at Con-
gress of Vienna (1814-15), and
quarrel with Russian Emperor
(Alexander Í), 159, 160;
ministrator of Austria, burdens
of State, 166; policy toward
his con-
foreign Powers, 167;
servatism fatal to progess and
popular liberty, 168; opposed
to universities and liberal ideas,
169; at Congress of Troppau
(1820), 173; visits Italy and on
Hanover, 174, 175;
thirty years' tyranny, 178; pri-
Ivate life, marriage, services, and
character, 179-183; x, 161, 205,
239, 265, 272, 273, 277, 355.
Metternich, Princess. Interested
in Wagner's "Tannhäuser," xiv,
51. See Melanie, Princess.
Metz, Louis Napoleon at defences
of, x, 242; Marshal Bazaine at,
243, 246; retires within lines
of, 249; fall of, 250.
Mexican War (May, 1846-Sept.,
1847) fought to 8 successful
close, xii, 228.
Mexico, Aaron Burr's design to
establish a monarchy in, xi, 299.
Mexico, City of, great Calendar


stone found at, xiv, 390.
Mexico, The French in, x, 236,

[blocks in formation]

Italian painter and sculptor, 1.
165, 285, 286, 289, paints the
saints and sibyls in Sistine
Chapel, 293; grandeur of his
figures, 307; courted criticism,
309; contrasted with Polygno-
tus, 311; his statue of Moses.
305; love of mysteries, ii, 128:
the "Moses" of, iii, 125; theme:
"The Revival of Art," vi, 183:
one of the great lights of the
new civilization, 183; герго-
duced the glories of Grecian and
Roman art, 184; advanced civili-
zation and became benefactor
of world, 185; birth of an illus
trious family, 189; attracts at-
tention of Lorenzo de' Medici,
190; intimate of the palace and
adopted as one of Prince's fam-
ily, 190; as a sculptor, 192; his
Venus de' Medici, Apollo Belve-
dere, Laocoön, and Dying Gladi-
ator, 192; receives Da Vinci's
mantle, 195; paints ceiling of
Sistine Chapel, 195; assists Da
Vinci in decorating ducal palace
at Florence, 195; paints his
"Last Judgment," 197; famous
cartoons, 198; architect, 201-
203; work on St. Peter's, Rome,
202; his "Moses," 202; re-
vives imperishable models of
classical ages, 208; impulse
For location of Volumes in Books,

Roman numerals refer to Volumes.
see Prefatory Note at beginning of Index.

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