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to juftify their Authority, that the Book from whence I have transcrib'd them, was printed 170 Years ago, as appears by the Title-Page. For the Satisfaction of any Gentleman, who may be either Doubtful of the Truth, or Curious to be inform'd ; I fhall give order to have the very Book fent to the Printer of this Paper, with Directions to let any Body fee it that pleases: because, I believe it is pretty scarce.


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HE following Letter is fuppofed by Some judicious Perfons to be of the fame Author, and if their Conjectures be right, it will be no difadvantage to him to have it here revi ved, confidering the Time when it was Writ, the Perfons then at the Helm, and the Defigns in Agitation, against which this Paper So boldly appeared. I have been affured that the Sufpicion which the fuppofed Author lay under for Writing this Letter, abfolutely ruined him with the late Mftry. I have taken leave to omit about a Page which was purely Perfonal, and of no use to the Subject.



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From a Member of the House of Commons in Ireland, to a Member of the House of Commons in England, concerning the SACRAMENTAL TEST.

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Received your Letter, wherein you tell me of the strange Reprefentations made of us on your fide of the Water. The Inftance you are pleased to mention is that of the Presbyterian Miffionary, who accord


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ing to your Phrafe, hath been lately Perfecuted in Droghedah for his Religion; But it is eafy to obferve, how mighty Industrious fome People have been for Three or Four Years paft, to hand about Stories of the Hardfhips, the Merits, the Number and the Power of the Presbyterians in Ireland, to raise formidable Idea's of the Dangers of Popery there, and to tranfmit all for England, improved by great Additions, and with fpecial care, to have them inferted with Comments in thofe infamous Weekly Papers that infeft your Coffee-Houfes. So, when the Claufe, Enacting a Sacramental Teft was put in Execution, it was given out in England, that half the Juftices of Peace through this Kingdom had laid down their Commiffions; whereas upon Examination, the whole Number was found to amount only to a Dozen or thirteen, and thofe generally of the lowest rate in Fortune and Understanding, and fome of them Supera nuated. So, when the Earl of Pke was in Ireland and the Parliament Sitting, a formal Story was very gravely carried to his

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