1 CHAPTER V. DESCRIPTIVE PIECES. a Reg-u-lar-i-ty, SECTION I. reg-u-lår-é-té, play, the general appearance of method, certain order. any action, the whole mixture of b O-be-di-ense, d-be-je-ence, sub-objects. mission to authority. c Dis-crim-i-nate, dis-krim-e-nate, e In-stance, în'-stanse, importunity, i Cot-tage, kot-taje, a hut, a mean habitation. k l 22 Gran-a-ry, gran-a-ré, a storehouse for corn. Car-ni-val, kår-ne-val, a feast. m Qui-e-tude, kwl'-é-túde, rest, repose, quiet. In Be-nig-nant, be-nig'-nant, gracious, kind. f Glow, glỏ, to be heated, to burn. g Yield, yeeld, to produce, resign, o A-dapt, å-dapt', to fit, proportion. submit. p In-no-va-tion, în-no-và-shủn, in h Scene, sèèn, the stage part of al troduction of novelty. The Seasons. 1. AMONG the great blessings and wonders of the crea tion, may be classed the regularities of times and sea sons. Immediately after the flood, the sacred prom ise was made to man, that seed-time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, should continue to the very end of all things. Accordingly, in obedience to that promise, the rotation is constantly presenting us with some useful and agreeable alteration; and all the pleasing novelty of life arises from these natural changes: nor are we less indebted to them for many of its solid comforts. 2. It has been frequently the task of the moralist and poet, to mark, in polished periods, the particular charms and conveniences of every change; and, indeed, such discriminate observations upon natural variety, cannot b undelightful;d since the blessing which every month bring along with it, is a fresh instance of the wisdom and bounty of that Providence, which regulates the glories of the year. We glow as we contemplate; we feel a propensity to adore, whilst we enjoy. dence 3. In the time of seed-sowing, it is the season of con fidence: the grain which the husbandman trusts to the bosom of the earth shall, haply, yields its seven-fold rewards. Spring presents us with a sceneh of lively expecta tion. That which was before sown, begins now to discover signs of successful vegetation. The labourer observes the change, and anticipates the harvest; he watches the progress of nature, and smiles at her influence; while the man of contemplation walks forth with the evening, amidst the fragrance of flowers, and promises of plenty nor returns to his cottage till darkness closes the scene upon his eye. 4. Then cometh the harvest, when the large wish is satisfied, and the granaries of nature are loaded with the means of life, even to a luxury of abundance. The powers of language are unequal equal to the description of this hap py season. It is the carnival of nature: sun and shade, coolness and quietude, cheerfulness and melody, love and gratitude, unite to render every scene of summer delightful. 5. The division of light and darkness is one of the kindest efforts of Omnipotent Wisdom. Day and night yield us contrary blessings; and, at the same time, assist each other, by giving fresh lustre to the delights of both Amidst the glare of day, and bustle of life, how could we sleep? Amidst the gloom of darkness, how could we labour? 6. How wise, how benignant," then, is the proper division! The hours of light are adapted to activity: and those of darkness, to rest. Ere the day is passed, exercise and nature prepare us for the pillow; and by the time that the morning returns, we are again able to meet it with a smile. Thus, every season has a charm peculiar to itself; and every moment affords some interesting innovation.P SECTION II. MELMOтн. a Dis-charge, dis-tshårje', to vent, je Cat-a-ract, kât-a-rakt, a fall of b Per-pen-dic-u-lar, per-pen-dik/-ů- water. trẻ-men-dus, fOb-sta-cle, ob-sta-kl, hindrance, d Ledge, ledje, a ridge rising above i U-nite, yu-nite', to join, to con the rest. cur. The cataract of Niagara, in Canada, North-America. 1. THIS amazing fall of water is made by the river St. Lawrence, in its passage from lake Erie into the lake On 1 104 tario. The St. Lawrence is one of the largest rivers in the world; and yet the whole of its waters is dischargeda in this place, by a fall of a hundred and fifty feet perpen dicular. It is not easy to bring the imagination to corres pond to the greatness of the scene. 2. A river éxtremely deep and rapid, and that serves to drain the waters of almost all North America into the At lantic Ocean, is here poured pecipitately down a ledged of rocks, that rises, like a wall, across the whole bed o its stream. The river, a little above, is near three quarters of a mile broad; and the rocks, where it grows nar rower, are four hundred yards over. 3. Their direction is not straight across, but hollowing inwards like a horse-shoe: so that the cataract, which bends to the shape of the obstacle, rounding inwards, presents a kind of theatre the most tremendous in nature. Just in the middle of this circular wall of waters, a little island, that has braved the fury of the current, presents one of its points, and divides the stream at top into two parts; but they unite again, long before they reach the bottom. 4. The noise of the fall is heard at the distance of sev eral leagues; and the fury of the waters, at the termination of their fall is inconceivable. The dashing produces a mist that rises to the very clouds; and which forms a most beautiful rainbow, when the sun shines. It will be readily supposed, that such a cataract entirely destroys the navigation of the stream: and yet some Indians in their canoes, it is said, have ventured down it with safety. SECTION III. GOLDSMITH. a Sub-ter-ra-ne-ous, sub-ter-ra-ne-h Yawn, yawn, to gape, to open ås, lying under the earth. wide. b Grot-to, grot'-to, a cavern madeli Re-press, ré-pres', to crush, sub c In-crus-ta-tion, In-krůs-ta-shun, k Ig-no-rant, ig'-no-rant, uninstruct for coolness. due. the act of incrusting. ed, rude. ition, a union of particles. d Cei-e-brate, sel-é-bråte, to praise, I Con-cre-tion, kon-kre-shun, coal commend.. e Mag-ni, mag'-ni, an Italian trav-m In-cite, în-site', to stir up, animate. eller. In Spar, spår, a small beam, bar. f Gi-gan-tick, j-gan-tik, bulky, o Pet-ri-fy, pêt-tre-fi, to change to enormous. stone. g Con-sul, kôn-sůl, an officer sent p Re-cede, ré-sèèd, to retreat, deto foreign parts to manage trade. sist, fall back q Per-spec-tive, per-spêk'-tiv, alu Ap-er-ture, ap'-ůr-tshure, a pas sage into, an open place. r Res-er-voir, rez-er-vwor', a place v Anx-ious-ly, ank-shůs-lé, solicit s Quash, kwosh, to crush, to make w Cau-tious-ly, kåw'-shůs-lé, watch scene, a view. where any thing is kept in store. ously, inquietly. a noise. fully. torch... ten, quicken. i t Flam-beau, flam-bo, a lighted ax Ex-pe-dite, eks-pe-dite, to has The grotto of Antiparos. 1. Or all the subterraneous caverns now known, the grotto of Antiparos is the most remarkable, as well for its extent, as for the beauty of its sparry incrustations. This celebratedd cavern was first explored by one Magni, an Italian traveller, about one hundred years ago, at Antiparos, an inconsiderable island of the Archipelago. 2. "Having been informed," says he, "by the natives of Paros, that, in the little island of Antiparos, which lies about two miles from the former, a gigantick statue was to be seen at the mouth of a cavern in that place, it was resolved, that we, (the French consuls and myself) should pay it a visit. In pursuance of this resolution, after we had landed on the island, and walked about four miles through the midst of beautiful plains, and sloping wood lands, we at length came to little hill, on the side of which yawned a most horrid cavern, that, by its gloom, at first struck us with terrour, and almost repressed curiosity. a 3. "Recovering the first surprise, however, we entered boldly; and had not proceeded above twenty paces, when the supposed statue of the giant presented itself to our view. We quickly perceived, that what the ignorant natives had been terrified at as a giant, was nothing more than a sparry concretion, formed by the water dropping from the roof of the cave, and by degrees hardening into figure, which their fears had formed into a monster. a 4. "Incited by this extraordinary appearance, we were induced to proceed still further, in quest of new adventures in this subterranean abode. As we proceeded, new wonders offered themselves; the spars, formed into trees and shrubs, presented a kind of petrified grove; some white, some green; and all receding in due perspective, They struck us with the more amazement, as we knew them to be mere productions of nature, who, hitherto in solitude, had, in her playful moments, dressed the scene as if for her own amusement 1 5. "We had as yet seen but a few of the wonders of the place; and we were introduced only into the portico of this amazing temple. In one corner of this half illuminated recess, there appeared an opening of about three feet wide, which seemed to lead to a place totally dark, and which one of the natives assured us contained nothing more than a reservoir of water. Upon this information, we made an experiment, by throwing down some stones, which rumbling along the sides of the descent for som time, the sound seemed at last quashed in a bed of water. 6. " In order, however, to be more certain, we sent in a Levantine mariner, who, by the promise of a good reward, ventured, with a flambeau' in his hand, into this narrow aperture." After continuing within it for about a quarter of an hour, he returned, bearing in his hand, some beautiful pieces of white spar, which art could neither equal nor imitate. Upon being informed by him that the place was full of these beautiful incrustations, I ventured in once more with him, about fifty paces, anxiously and cautiouslyTM descending, by a steep and dangerous way. 7. "Finding, however, inding, however, that we came to a precipice which led into a spacious amphitheatre, (if I may so call it,) still deeper than any other part, we returned, and being provided with a ladder, flambeau, and other things to expedite our descent, our whole company, man by man, ventured into the same opening; and descending one after another, we at last saw ourselves all together in the most magnificent part of the cavern." clear, translucent: tûr, a building in a circular or oval form, having its area encompassed with rows of seats one above another. c Col-umn, kôl-lum, a pillar, filek Pres-sure, presh'-shûre, force, op of troops. pression. d Throne, throne, the seat of a king. I Črys-tal, kris-tål, a hard peluci e Al-tar, ål-tůr, the place where of ferings to heaven are laid. m E-gress, é-grès, the act of going f Re-ver-ber-a-tion, re-ver-ber-a out. shun, the act of driving back, or n In-scrip-tion, in-skrip'-shun, some sounding back. thing written or engraved, a title a chance. g Ven-ture, ven-tshure, to hazard, o Ob-lit-er-ate, ob-lit-ter-rate, to ef h Mar-in-er, mår-rin-ûr, a seaman, p Pen-e-trate, pen'-nê-trate, face, blot out. to a sailor. pierce the surface. i Am-phi-the-a-tre, âm-nhê-thế-â |