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ABEL (Thomas), Journey In China, 67-
loses almost all his collections, ib.-arri-
val at St. Sebastian, 68-kindly re-
ceived by the Javanese, 68, 69-descrip-
tion of a vampire bat, 70-—and of a Chi-
nese dinner, ib.-account of his journey
to Pek u, 71-74-capricious character
of the emperor Kia-King, 75-pleasing
character of the Chinese peasantry, ib.-
the existence of infanticide proved, 77-
the Chinese not deficient in gratitude,
ib. 78-remarks on the Chinese charac-
ter, 79-description of a Chinese ele-
gante, ib.-observation on the Chinese
mode of drying tea, 87-reasons why
the tea-plant cannot be profitably culti-
vated any where but in China, 88-Mr.
Abel's description of Buonaparte, 90.
Abolition of the Slave Trade, inefficacy of
the measures for, 431.

Academy of Compliments,' notice of, 109.
Acts of Parliament, alarming increase and
imperfections of, 405, 406-causes of
them, the number of revenue acts, 406
-409-of acts granting bounties, and
prohibiting or allowing exportation and
importation, 410-412-the number of
local acts, 413-of particular acts, 414-
and of temporary acts, 415, 416—mem-
bers of parliament not sufficiently atten-
tive to the passing of these acts, 416-
observations on the want of care, and on
the accuracy of their language, 417-
419-the excessive love of legislation,
the most powerful cause of the increase
and imperfection of acts of Parliament,

Adipocire, scientific rediscovery of, 384.
Advertisements (American), for slaves, 130,
131, 154, 155.

America (North), causes of the prosperity

tion, 8-total want of subordination in
youth, ib. 9-the English system of
Poor laws adopted, 9-effects of the
slave-holding system, 10. 129–131—
desiderata wanting to perfect the moral
greatness of America, 11-America why
necessarily an agricultural country, 11,
12-inadequacy of its population for mi-
litary purposes, 12, 13-petty amount of
its post-office revenues, 12, note-real
state of their navy, 13, 14-local circum-
stances that will prevent the formation
of a powerful navy, 15-causes of the
partial naval successes of the Americans,
17-specimen of American political mo-
rality, 20-inefficacy of the present go-
vernment, 22-political views of the Fe-
deralists and Republicans, 23-specimen
of American vanity, 24-state of society
and manners at New York, 127–130—
at Boston, 141-at Philadelphia, 146,
147-in Kentucky, 154–156—and at
New Orleans, 157-159--enormous
rents of houses at New York, 133, 134
-rudeness of the Americans, 141, 142
-specimen of American elections, 144
-and fanaticism, 145-gain, the ruling
principle of the Americans, 151-slavery
perpetuated in the state of Ohio, in de-
fiance of the law, 153-cruel treatment
of a negro, 154-what persons may or
may not beneficially emigrate to America,
134. 161-strictures on the pretended
cheapness of the American government,

America (South), geographical outline of,
333, 334-negro insurrection there,
330, 331-immense numbers of wild
cattle found there, 335-description of
the cow-tree, 329, 330—and of the sago-
tree, 335-experiments with the electrical
eel of South America, 337, 338-ravages
of, 2-sketch of the constitution of the of the crocodiles there, 339, 340—and of
United States, ib 3-the President how the caribe, a species of fish, 343-junc-
elected, 3, 4-defects of the judicial sys- tion of the rivers Apure and Oroonoko,
tem, 4-number of insolvents, 5, note. 344, 345-description of the Caribbees of
-contrast between the dignity of English Parapana, 345, 346-account of the
judges and the levity of those in Ame- turtle-fishery or harvest of eggs, 347-
rica, 5-the legal profession but little 349-remarks on the present political si-
cherished, 6-baneful effects of the non- tuation of South America, 351, 352.
establishment of religion, 7-state of re- Arches, observation on the antiquity of, 34.
ligion, 132. 146. 147-defects of educa-Architecture. See Vitruvius, Wilkins.


Ariosto's Orlando Furioso, analysis of, 529 | Bowdler (John, Esq.) Select Pieces of,
-541-comparison between him and
Bojardo, 527, 528.

Aristophanes, character of, by M. Schlegel,
271-273-sketch of the Greek comedy,
274-state of the new comedy, in the
time of Aristophanes, 275-causes of the
success of his earlier pieces, 276-state
of education at Athens, and its effects,
277-288-exposition of the manners
and doctrines of the Sophists, 289-294
-portrait of Socrates, as represented by
Aristophanes in the Clouds, 295-300-
object of that piece, 301, 302-its failure,
303-observations on it, 304, 305-trans-
lation of Aristophanes' Parabasis for a
second play on the same subject, 306—
309-vindication of Aristophanes, 309,
310-proofs that he did not write the
Clouds to expose Socrates, but the So-
phists of that day, 311-516.
Arts and Sciences, causes of the progress
of, in Greece, 25, 26—and at Rome, 27.
Athens, state of education at, 227–286-
its influence upon the manners of the
Athenians, 286, 287-and upon their
morals, 288-292.

Augustine (St.) legendary tale of, 367-



Bentham (Jeremy), Church-of-England-
isin and its Catechism examined, 167-
character of Mr. Bentham's former
works, 168, 169-plan of his present
treatise, 169, 170-specimen of his abuse
of the church catechism, 170, 171-and
of the National Society and its secre-
tary, 171, 172-his abuse of the Church
of England, 172-176-his work a prac-
tical illustration of his own theory of the
pleasures of malevolence, 177.
Berni's Orlando Innamorato, analysis of,

Bills of Mortality, in Paris, remarks on,
392, 393.

Bojardo's Morgante Maggiore, analysis of,
with remarks, 526-comparison between
him and Ariosto, 527, 528.
Books, regulations concerning the licensing
of, 196, 197. See Copyright.
Booksellers' Application to Parliament for
repealing the enactment, requiring eleven
copies for public libraries, 202-its re-
sult, ib.-proofs of its oppressive opera-
tion, and injury to literature, 202-204
-particularly in the case of Messrs.
Longman and Co., 208-and Mr. Mur-
ray, 209.

Boston, state of society at, 141.
Bounties, remarks on the acts of Parliament
for granting, 410, 411.

112-biographical notice of him, 113-
116-his just sentiments on ecclesiastical
history, 115-notice of his poetry, 117-
and of his prose works, 118-particularly
his Theological Tracts, 119-just senti-
ments on the love of God, 120-remarks
on his genius and character, 121–124.
Bristed (John), on The Resources of the
United States of America, 1-his view of
the character and aims of the discontent-
ed, in this country, 18, 19.
Brydges (Sir E.) Observations of, on the
Copyright Act, 196. See Copyright.
Buonaparte, person of, described, 90.
Burying in churches, origin and progress of,
373, 379-beautiful burial-grounds of
the Mohammedans, Moravians, and
Welsh, 394.


Camden (Lord) opinion of, on the Copy-

right Act, 211-remarks thereon, ib. 212.
Cannon, when invented, 193, 194.
Caraccas, destruction of, by an earthquake
described, 321-323.

Caribe, a ravenous fish of South America,
notice of, 343.

Caribbees of Parapana, notice of, 345, 346.
Casti (Giambattista), biographical notice
of, 487-491-design and character of
his Animali Parlanti, 491-493-speci-
mens of Mr. Rose's version of this poem,

Catacombs of Paris, formation of, 385-
history and present state of them, 386-

Catechism of the Church of England,
abused, 170, 171.

Celts, on the popular fictions of, 94.
Cemeteries, privileges anciently conferred

on, 372-account of the exhumation of
the graves of the kings of France in
1793, 373-of Turenne, ib.-and of
Henry IV. ib. 374 of Louis XIV., XV.,
and Francis I., 374, 375-remarks on
the preposterous custom of exhibiting the
remains of deceased persons of eminence,
375-account of the churchyard of St.
Innocent's at Paris, 381, 382-indecent
mode of interment at the end of the 18th
century, 382, 383-its exhumation de-
scribed, 384-removal of the remains of
the dead to the quarries of Paris, 385-
state of the catacombs during the revolu-
tion, 386, 387-inscriptions in them, 388
-curious arrêté, issued in 1800, rela-
tive to the cemeteries and funerals of
Paris, 389, 390-present state of the new
cemeteries there, 391-French and Spa-
nish custom of commemorating the dead,
392-observations on the taste displayed


in the new cemeteries of Paris, S93, 394|
-on the state of cemeteries in London,
380, 381-and in Switzerland, 395-
paucity of private cemeteries in England,
accounted for, 395, 396.
Chinese Dinner, described, 70--capricious
character of the emperor, 75-his letter
to the Prince Regent, 84-86-character
of the Chinese peasantry, 75-prevalence
of infanticide among the Chinese, 77—
instances of gratitude in that people, 77,
78-remarks on their general character,
79-description of a Chinese elegante,
ib.-and of their mode of drying tea, 87.
Christian (Edward), Vindication of the
Claims of the Universities to a copy of
every new publication, 196—his reason-
ing, in behalf of the claims of the Uni-
versity of Cambridge exposed, 200, 201.
205-and also his false statements re-
specting the booksellers, ib.
Christophe, king of Hayti, character of,
452, 453-state of his dominions, 452—
456. 458, 459.
Church-of-England, specimen of Mr. Ben-
tham's abuse of, 172-176.
Churches, burying in, when introduced,
378, 379-preference in some places, for
lying under cover of the church, 379,
Churchyards of the Metropolis, remarks on,
380-neglect in the reign of Charles II.,
in providing a general repository for Lon-
don, 381-notice of the churchyards in
Switzerland, 395-beautiful poem writ-
ten in a churchyard, 397.
Classical Literature, fragments and remi-
niscences of, part of the material of the
Italian Romance poetry, 512-514.
Clouds (the) of Aristophanes, object of,
301, 302-its failure, 603-observations
on it, 304, 305-translation of his para-
basis for a second play on the same sub-
ject, 306-309-proofs that Aristophanes
did not write the Clouds to expose So-
crates, but the principles and practices of
the sophists of that day, 311-316.
Cobbett (William), Remarks on the con-
duct of, 135-and on his abuse of Mr.
Fearon, 136, 137-notices of some of
the creditors, whom he defrauded, 136

Comedy (Greek), different kinds of, 274—

state of the New Comedy, at the time of
Aristophanes, 275. See Aristophanes.
Constitution of the United States of Ame-
rica, sketch of, 2, 3.

Copyright Act, inquiry into, 196—account
of the licensing of books, previously to
the reign of Queen Anne, 196, 197-
abstract of the Copyright Act passed in

the 8th year of her reign, 197, 198—
its operation for a century, 198, 199—
strictures on Mr. Montagu's conduct in
enforcing the claims of the University of
Cambridge, 200-and on the reasoning
of Professor Christian for the same pur-
pose, 200, 201-result of the booksellers'
application to parliament, for a repeal of
the enactment requiring eleven copies
for public libraries, 202-proofs of its
oppressive nature, and injury to litera-
ture, 202-204-exposition of Mr. Chris-
tian's tirade upon the rights and privi-
leges of Universities, 205-and of his
false statements respecting the booksel-
lers, ib.-the rapacity of the Universi
ties exposed, 206, 207-specimen of the
oppressive manner in which certain pub-
lic libraries have enforced their claim,
208-particularly in the case of Messrs.
Longman and Co. ib.-and Mr. Murray,
209--modifications of the existing Copy-
right Act, proposed by the Committee of
the House of Commons, 210-opinion of
Lord Mansfield on the law of copyright,
211, note-and of Lord Camden, 211-
strictures thereon, 212.

Cow-tree of South America, described,

Crocodiles of South America, ravages of,
described, 339, 340. 342.
Cuvier (M.), Observations of, on fossil re-
maius 45-47.


Dead, variously disposed of, in different
countries, 361-cremation or burning,
361, 362-mode of preserving the dead
in Congo, 363-are exposed by the
Parsees, ib.-Jewish fancies concerning
the dead, 364, 365-burial refused to
deceased protestants in France and Italy,
366-similar instance of bigotry in Eng-
land, 367.

Deluge, tradition of, in South America, 346.
Domingo (St.), state of at the commence-
ment fo the French Revolution, 433, 434
-its effects there, 434-oppression of
the free people of colour by the whites,
437-unsuccessful attempt in behalf of the
mulattoes, by Vincent Ögé, 455—he is
put to death, ib.-general insurrection of
the negroes, 436-barbarities perpetrated
by the whites, 437-sanguinary and de-
structive war between them and the peo-
ple of colour and negroes, 438-arbitrary
conduct of the French commissioners sent
to regulate the colony, 439-part of the
island occupied by the British, 439, 440
-character of Toussaint L'Ouverture,
440-his rise to power, 441-anecdote
of his integrity, 442, 445- his excellent

discipline, and prosperity of the colony,
443, 444-account of the expedition of
General Le Clerc, 444, 445-pacification
between the negroes and the French, 446}
-Toussaint treacherously seized, carried
to France, and clandestinely put to death
by order of Buonaparte, 447-the war
renewed, with increased atrocities be-
tween the negroes and French, 448-who
are finally expelled from the island, 449
-independence of St. Domingo, declared
by Dessalines, 449-his sanguinary con-
duct, 450-is crowned emperor of Hayti,
450. See Hayti.
Duppa, (Richard), Address to Parliament
on Copyright, 196. See Copyright.

[blocks in formation]

--degrading effects of slavery on the
minds of the Americans, 130-advertise-
ments for slaves, 130, 131. 154, 155–
on the state of religion in America, 132
-enormous rents of houses at New York,
133, 134-Mr. Fearon's ignorance and
hatred of his native country exposed, 135
--and on the conduct of Cobbett, ib.-
notices of some of his defrauded credi-
tors, 156, note-and on his abuse of Mr.
Fearon, 136, 137-notices of Mr. Fea-
ron's progress through the United States,
137-140-remarks on his calumnies on
the king, 141-state of society at Boston,
ib.-rude inquisitiveness of the Ameri-
cans, 141, 142-manners and fashions at
Philadelphia, 143-specimen of Ameri-
can Elections, 144-description of the
worship of some American fanatics, 145,
146-low state of religion at Philadel-
phia, 146, 147-miseries of emigration,
147, 148. 152-state of Pittsburgh, 151
-gain, every thing to the Americans, ib.
slavery perpetuated in the state of Ohio
in defiance of law, 153-state of society
at Kentucky, 154-cruel treatment of a
negro boy there, ib.-character of the
Kentuckians, 155-specimen of Ken-
tuckian morality, 156-profanation of
the sabbath at New Orleans, 157, 158
-state of society there, 159-notice of
au English emigrant, ib. note 4.-remarks
on his description of persons who might
be benefited by emigration, 134. 161,
162, 163-and on his account of the
cheapness of the American government,
163-165-concluding strictures on Mr.
Fearon's qualifications as a writer, 166,


Fictions, popular, of the Teutons, remarks
on, 93-and of the Welsh, 94—and of
the Celts and Italians, ib.-of Spain, 95
-the popular fictions of England and of
the Scottish lowlands probably of Teu-
tonic origin, 97-account of various
early English Nursery Fictions, 101–
108-observations on the fictions of the
romantic poems of the Italians, 514-

Forteguerri's Ricciardetto, a mock poem,
design and character of, 503, 504-and
of his Burlesque Poems on the eremitic
character, 505.

Fossil remains, observations of M. Cuvier on,

Funerals (royal) at Sarendib, notice of, 376.


Gisborne (Thomas), the Testimony of Na-
tural Theology to Christianity, 41-tri-
bute to the author's character and pre-

vious labours, ib.-examination of his
position, that the present disordered state
of the earth originates in some moral
cause, 42-47-remarks thereon, 47-
55-and on his attempt to prove, from
physical phenomena, the fall of man, 55
-60-and on his unfair view of the
operation of present happiness, 60-
strictures on his observations on war, 61
--and on death, 63-concluding remarks,

God, just sentiments on the love of, 120.
Government of America, remarks on the
pretended cheapness of, 163-165.
Gratitude, noble instances of, in certain
Chinese, 77, 78.

Greece, remarks on the progress of Arts and
Sciences in, 25, 26.

Gunpowder, the use of, when first known,
193, 194.

Gymnotus Electricus, experiments with,
337, 338.


Harrington's (Sir John) Apology for his
translation of certain parts of Ariosto,
482-specimen of his version, ib. 490.
Hawkins, (E.) Dissertation on Tradition,
352-character of it, 358, 359-actual
benefit conferred by the reformation, ib.
-the importance of unauthoritative tra-
dition illustrated, 353–357.
Hayti, independence of, declared, 449-
horrid massacres of the whites, ib. 450-
Dessalines, crowned emperor, 450-cha-
racter of him and of his government, ib.
451-his assassination, 451-succeeded
by Christophe, ib.-Hayti divided into
two parts, the republican and the royal,
ib.-character of Petion, president of the
republic, ib. 452—and of Christophe, the
king of the other part, 453-internal ad-
ministration of the two divisions, 454-
their military force, 455-population,
456-Boyer the present president of the

country, 324-humane treatment of ue-
groes in the valley of the Tuy, 325-
longevity of some, 326, 327-notice of
its supposed gold mine, 326—and of the
village of Vittoria, 327-anecdote of a
Mestizo, 328-and of Lopez de Aguirre,
329-description of the cow-tree, ib. 330
-negro insurrection, 330, 331-descrip-
tion of the basin of the llanos, 331, 332,
333-geographical outline of South
America, 333, 334-immense number of
wild cattle found there, 335-description
of the sago-tree, ib.-and of experiments
with the Gymnotus Electicus, or Electri-
cal Eel, 337, 338-notices of the croco-
diles and their ravages, 339, 340. 342-
account of a tiger hunter, 343-devasta-
tions of the caribe, a species of fish, ib.—
perilous situation of M. Humboldt, 344
-description of the junction of the rivers
A pure and Oroonoko, 344, 345-descrip-
tion of the Caribbees of Parapana, 345,
346-tradition of the Deluge, 346—ac-
count of the turtle fishery, or harvest of
eggs, 337, 348, 349-avidity of the In-
dians for pigments, 349-Fortress of the
Jesuits, 350-probable cause of the mu-
sical sounds, supposed to be uttered by
the statue of Memnon, 351-remarks on
the political situation of South America,
351, 352.


Icelandic Fiction, vestiges of, in an English
Nursery Tale, 104-107.

Immorality of the revenue laws, 408, 409.
Infanticide, prevalent in China, 77.
Insolvents, number of, at New York, 5,
note.-state of the American insolvent
laws, ib.

Italians, remarks on the popular fictions of,
94 and on their narrative poems, 487
-498.503—509-and Romantic Poems,



republic, suspected of a design to betray Jack the Giant Killer, origin of the story
it to the French, 457-progress of edu- of, 103-parallels between it and an
cation and the arts among Haytians, 458 Icelandic fiction, 104-107.
-of religion, 459-future prospects of Javanese, character of, 68, 69.
Hayti, ib. 460.
Judges in the United States, levity of, con-
trasted with the dignity of those in Eng-
land, 5.

Heroic and Romantic Poetry of the Italians,
comparison between, 544-548.
Hickathrift (Mr. Thomas), notice of the

popular tradition respecting, 102-pre-
sent state of his supposed sepulchre, 103

Humboldt and Bonpland (MM.), Personal
Travels of, in South America, Vol. IV.,
320-defects of this volume, ib. 321-
description of the earthquake, which de-
stroyed the city of Caraccas, 321-323-
progress of the travellers through the

Judicial system of the United States of
America, defects of, 4.


Kentucky (State), condition of society in,
154 cruel treatment of a negro boy at
Natchez, in that state, ib.-character of
the Kentuckians, 155-specimen of their
morality, 156.

Kia-King (Emperor of China), capricious


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