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ALL-OF-A-ROW, s. A child's game. Suffolk.

ALLOLIDA, 8. The plant cuckoobread.

ALLONCE. All of us. Somerset. ALLONELY, adv. Exclusively. See Alonely.

ALLOQUY, 8. (Lat.) The act of
addressing a person.
ALLOTTERY, S. An allotment.

Allow me such exercises as may become
a gentleman, or give me the poor allot-
tery my father left me by testament.
As You Like It, i, 1.

ALLOUS. All of us. Somerset.
ALL-OVERISH, adj. Neither sick
nor well. Var. dial.
ALLOWANCE, S. Approbation.

A stirring dwarf we do allowance give
Before a sleeping giant.

Troilus and Cressida, ii, 3. ALLOWED. Licensed. An "allowed fool." Shakesp., Twelfth Night, i, 5. "An allowed cart or chariot." Hollyband's Dict., 1593. ALL-PLAISTER, S. Alablaster. Yorks. ALLS, S. Earnest money. North. See Arles.

ALL-SALES, adv. (A.-S. from sæl,

a time.) At all times. Suffolk. ALL-SEED, S. The orach. Skinner. ALL-SEER, 8. One who sees everything.

ALL-SIDES. Every one. South. ALL-THE-BIRDS- Two names of peculiar to Suffolk.



ALL-THE-WORLD-OVER, adv. On every occasion. This common familiar phrase is ancient, being found in Brome's Queen and Concubine, 1659, p. 96. ALLUBESCENCY, s. (Lat.) Willingness; facility in yielding. ALLUSIVELY, adv. (Lat.) With allusion to something.

I thought him also in the late times a little too nice, and tender of his credit;

and somewhat too profuse of his logick and rhetorick; who being to preach upon that of the Acts; Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I thee: Whenever he had named his text, desired the people, in all hast, to take the words not litterally, but allusively, for that he had good store of money chinking in his pockets; besides what he left at home in his coffers.

Eachard's Observations, 1671, p. 63. adv. Altogether;

ALLUTERLY, wholly. ALLUVION, 8. (Lat.) A washing

away. ALL-WATERS. "I am for all waters," i. e., I can turn my hand to anything. Shakesp. ALLY, S. The aisle of a church. Var. dial. ALMAIN,



s. (1) A German.

(2) A kind of solemn music. It was also the name of several dances, the new allemaigne, the old, the queen's allemaigne, all of which are mentioned in early books of dance tunes. ALMAIN-LEAP, S. In dancing, a kind of jig.

Skip with a rhyme on the table from NewNothing,

And take his almain-leap into a custard.
Jonson, Devil is an Ass, i, 1.
ALMAIN-QUARREL, S. A causeless,
unnecessary quarrel.

D. John. I met before Don Ferdinand's
house a serving man who thrusts me, by
design, upon an almain-quarrel.
Tod. That's very true, but somewhat
unwillingly, like a coward as he is.

Davenant, The Man's the Master. ALMAIN-RIVETS, 8. Moveable rivets. The term was applied to a light kind of armour, used originally in Germany.





8. Germany.

I'll cry flounders else,

And walk, with my petticoat tuck'd up, like A long maid of Almainy. O. P., viii, 438.

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ALMAN, S. A kind of hawk.
ALMANDINE, adj. Made of almond.
ALMANDRE, 8. An almond-tree.

And of almandris grete plenté,
Figgis, and many a date tre.

Rom. of the Rose, 1363.

ALMARIE, S. (A.-N.) A cupboard;

a pantry. See Ambrie.

Ther avarice hath almaries,
And yren bounden cofres.
Piers Pl., p. 288.

ALMARIOL, S. (A.-N.) A closet, or cupboard, in which the ecclesiastical habits were kept.

ALMATOUR, S. An almoner.

After him spak Dalmadas,
A riche almatour he was.

Kyng Alisaunder, 3042.

ALME, 8. An elm. Northampt.
Almen, made of elm.
ALMEES, 8. pl. Alms. East Sussex.
ALMES-DISH, S. The dish in the

old baronial hall, in which was
put the bread set aside for the

ALMESFUL, adj. Charitable. ALMES-ROW, s. A row of houses inhabited by paupers.

Also whenne eny pore man or womman is ded in the almys-rewe, the seyd prysts to be redy to brynge the coors to churche, and there to abyde til hit be buryed. Stratford MSS., tem. H. VI. ALMESSE, S. (A.-N.) Alms. ALMEST, adv. Almost.

And as he priked North and Est,
I tel it yow hym had almest
Bityd a sory care.

Chaucer, Tale of Sire Thopas.

ALMICANTARATH, s. An astrological term, applied to a circle drawn parallel to the horizon.

Meanwhile, with scioferical instrument, By way of azimuth and almicantarath. Albumazar i, 7. ALMODZA, S. An alchemical term for tin.


ALMOND-FOR-A-PARROT. Some trifle to amuse a silly person. proverbial expression, which occurs in Skelton and the writers of the Elizabethan age. ALMOND-BUTTER, s. The following is given as a receipt "to make almond-butter;"

Blanch your almonds, and beat them as fine as you can with fair water two or three hours, then strain them through a linnen cloth, boil them with rose-water, whole mace, and annise seeds, till the substance be thick, spread it upon a fair cloth, draining the whey from it, after let it hang in the same cloth some few hours, then strain it and season it with rose-water and sugar.

True Gentlewoman's Delight, 1676. ALMOND-CUSTARD, 8. Was made as follows:

Take two pound of almonds, blanch and beat them very fine with rosewater, then strain them with some two quarts of cream, twenty whites of eggs, and a pound of double refined sugar; make the paste as aforesaid, and bake it in a mild oven fine and white, garnish it as before, and scrape fine sugar over all.

The Queen's Royal Cookery, 1713. ALMOND-FURNACE, s. At the silver mills in Cardiganshire, they have, or had, a particular furnace in which they melt the slags, or refuse of the lithurge not stamped, with charcoal only, which they call the almond furnace. Kennett. ALMOND-MILK, s. Almonds ground and mixed with milk, broth, or water.

The devil take me, I love you so, that I could be content to abjure wine for ever, and drink nothing but almondmilk for your sake.

Shadwell, Epsom-Wells, 1673. ALMONESRYE, 3. The almonry. ALMOSE, s. pl. Alms. ALMOYN, s. pl. (4.-N.) Alms. ALMS-DRINK, S. Liquor of another's share which his companion drinks to ease him. Shakesp. ALMSMAN, 8. A person who lives on alms; also, a charitable per



ALMURY, S. The upright part of an astrolabe.

ALMUSLES, adj. Without alms.
For thef is reve, the lond is penyles;
For pride hath sleve, the lond is almusles.
Pol. Songs, p. 255.
ALMUTE, S. A governing planet.

An astrological term.

Emanguly, ere his popular applause could hatch his ruine, upon conference with a witch that hee saw (by the almuten of his nativity) short life attended him, growes fearfull of his syres inconstancy. Herbert's Travels, 1638. Without a sign masculine? Dem. Sir, you mistake me:

You are not yet initiate. The almutes
Of the ascendent is not elevated
Above the almutes of the filial house:
Venus is free, and Jove not yet combust.
Randolph's Jealous Lovers, 1646.

ALMIFLUENT, 8. (Lat.) Beneficent; abounding in alms.

ALMYGHT, adj. A not uncommon form of almighty. ALNATH, S.

The first star in the horns of Aries, from which the first mansion of the moon is named. Chaucer.

ALNEGEOR, S. One of the king's

officers, says Cowell, who undertook the care of the assize of woolen cloth. Rider, in his Dictionarie, 1640, explains it by the Latin word "ulniger." ALNER, 8. (4.-N.) A purse, or bag to hold money.

I wyll the yeve an alner,
I-mad of sylk and of gold cler,
Wyth fayre ymages thre.
Launfal, 1. 319.

ALNEWAY, adv. (A.-S.) Always. And therby heth he alneway the herte ine peyse, and the body governeth by the wylle of God.

Ayenbite of Inwit, MS. Arundel, 57, f. 25. ALNIL, adv. And only. (?)

Sertis, sire, not ic nozt;

Ic ete sage alnil gras,
More harm ne did ic nozt.
Pol. Songs, p. 201.

ALOES, 8. An olio, or savoury dish, composed of meat, herbs, eggs, and other ingredients, something

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ALOGY, S. (Gr. áλoyía.) An absurdity.

ALOMBA, S. Tin. Howell.
ALOND, adv. On land.

Ah, the mansing is so ibroded,
Thah no preost alonde nere,
A wrecche neotheles thu were.
Owl and Nightingale, 1. 1301.

And taketh his leave, and homeward saileth
And in an ile, amidde the wilde see, ....
He made his shippe alond for to sette.
Chaucer, Leg. Good Women, 1. 2164.
One; single.

ALONE, adj. (4.-S.)

Now, Jeshu, for thy holy name,
Ase I ame but man alone,
Than be my helpe to nyght.
Torrent of Portugal, p. 23.

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Alonly lening to the strong pilor of holy scripture, agayne the hole college of the Romanistes.

Leland's New Year's Gyfte. For the wyll allonely is deedly synne. Institution of a Christen Man, p. 111. Whereof (omitting many things), my muse, alonely say.

ALOOF, adv.

Warner's Albion's England, 1592. Nearer the wind. A sea term. See Hunter's Disquisition on the Tempest, p. 46. ALONG, (1) adv. Slanting. Oxfordsh.

(2) prep. Owing to. Var. dial.
It is found in Chaucer.
ALONGE, v. (4.-S.) To long for.
Piers Ploughman, p. 526.

This worthy Jason sore alongeth
To se the straunge regionis.

Gower, MS. Soc. Antiq., f. 147.

ALONGST, prep. Along; length

wise. Somerset. It is found in the Elizabethan writers. ALOORKE, adv. (A form said to be derived from the Islandic.) Awry; out of order.

His heed in shappe as by natures worke,
Not one haire amisse, or lyeth aloorke.
MS. Lansd., 208, f. 4.

ALORYNG, 8. (A.-N.)

A parapet

wall. A form of alure. ALOSE, v. (1) (A.-N. aloser.) To praise; to commend.

These ii. bisshoppes tofore that tyme were the most alosed bisshoppes among alle othere. Rob. Glouc., p. 450, note. (2) (A.-S.) To loose; to make loose.

ALOST, part. p. setshire word.

Lost. A Somer

When all England is aloste. MS. James. ALOTHEN, v. (4.-S.) To become disgusting.

Nes non so hot that hit na coleth, Ne non so hwit that hit ne soleth, Ne nogt so leof that hit ne alotheth, Ne not so glad that hit ne awrotheth. Owl and Nightingale, 1. 1265. ALOUGH, adv. Below. See Alogh. ALOUR, 8. See Alure.

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ALOWE, (1) adv. (A.-S.) Low down. (2) v. To humble.


\v. (A.-N. allouer.) To ALLOWE, praise; to approve. Cursyd be he that thy werk alowe! Richard Coer de Lion, 4662. For he hathe no knowen congregacion to reprove him or allowe him.

Sir T. More's Works, p. 524. ALOYNE, v. (4.-N. aloigner.) To delay.

ALOYSE. (1) Alas!

(2) A kind of precious stone. Book of St. Albans, sig. F, i. ALPE, S. (1) (4.-S.) A bull-finch. Ficedula, an alpe. MS. Bodl., 604, f. 31. There was many a birde singing, Thoroughout the yerde all thringing: In many placis nightingales, And alpes, and finches, and wodewales. Rom. of the Rose, 658.

(2) (A.-S. elp.) An elephant. ALPES-BON, 8. (A.-S. elpen-ban.) Ivory.

ALPHABET, 8. The index or list of contents to a book was formerly so called.

ALPI, adj. (A.-S.) Single.

A, quod the vox, ich wille the telle,
On alpi word ich lie nelle.

Reliq. Antiq., ii, 275.
ALPICKE, S. A kind of earth.
Cotgrave, v, Chercée.
ALPURTH, S. A halfpenny-worth.
Monast. Angl., i, 198.
ALRE, gen. pl. (4.-S.) Of all.

Bidde we ure lavedi,

Swetest alre thinge,

That heo ure erende beore

To then heoven kinge.

MS. Cott., Calig., A. ix, f. 244 v°.
Also; as;

ALS, (1) conj. (A.-S.)
likewise; in like manner.

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ALSE, (1) 8. The name Alice.
(2) adv. (A.-S.) Also.

The fowrthe poynt techyth us alse,
That no mon to hys craft be false.
Const. of Masonry, p. 23.

ALSENE, 8. (4.-S.) An awl. Elsin
is still used in the North of Eng-
land in the same sense.
ALSO, (1) conj. (A.-S. alswa.) As.
(2) All save; all but. Midland

ALSONE, conj. As soon; immediately.

Alsone as that childe y-borne is,
It hath wytt or har i-wys,
And may speken to his dame.
K. Alisaunder, 1. 5024.

ALSTITE, adv. (A.-S.) Quickly.

Unto the porter speke he thoe,
Sayd, To thi lord myn ernde thou go,
Hasteli and alstite.

Robson's Romances, p. 50. ALSUITHE, Conj. (A.-S.) As soon as; as quickly as. ALSWA, conj. (A.-S.) Also. ALTAMEL, 8. A verbal or lump account, without particulars, such as is commonly produced at spunging-houses. A slang word. ALTEMETRYE, 8. The measuring of altitudes.

ALTERAGE, s. A fine or tax to the

altar; one of the amends for offences short of murder. ALTERATE, v. (Lat.) To alter; to change; part. p. altered. ALTERCAND, part. a. (A.-N.) Contending.

ALTERN, adv. Alternately. Milton. ALTHAM, 8. A slang term. In the Fraternitye of Vacabondes, 1575,

the wife of a "curtall" is said to be called his altham. ALTHER, gen. pl. of al. Prefixed to adjectives. See Alder. ALTRICATE, V. (Lat.) To contend. ALUDELS, 8. (A.-N.) Sublimingpots without bottoms, which fitted into each other, without luting. An alchemical term. ALUFFE, adv. (A.-S.) Aloof; more nearly to the wind.

ALURE, 8. (4.-N.) A gutter or ALOUR, channel behind the battlements, which served to carry off the rain-water; sometimes, an alley, or passage from one part of a building to another; the parapet-wall itself.

Up the alurs of the castles the laydes
thanne stode,

And by huld thys noble game, and whyche
knyzies were gode. Rob. Glouc., p. 192.
Alisaunder rometh in his toun,
For to wissen his masons,

The towris to take, and the torellis, Vawtes, alouris, and the corneris. Kyng Alisaunder, 1. 7210. ALUTATION, s. (Lat.) Tanning of leather.

ALUTE, v. To bow. See Aloute. ALVISCH, adj. (A.-S.) Elfish; having supernatural power. ALWAY, adv. (A.-S.) Always. Thereby a christall streame did gently play, Which from a sacred fountaine welled forth alway. Spenser's Faerie Queene, I, i, 34. ALWAYS, adv. However; nevertheless. North.

ALWELDAND, adj. (A.-S. alALWELDING,walda.) All-ruling; omnipotent.

I prai to grete God alweldand,
That thai have noght the hegher hand.
Fwaine and Gawin, 1. 2199.
ALWES, S. pl. Hallows; saints.
ALY, v. (A.-N.) Go.

Aly! he saide, aly blyve!
Kyng Alisaunder, 1. 4370.

ALYCHE, adj. Alike.
ALYE, (1) v. (A.-N.) To mix. See

(2) s. Kindred; allies.

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