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beneficiary organizations; 27 had savings-bank accounts; 26 accumulated savings in former years, and 30 during the past year; 10 had neither a surplus nor a deficit during the past year.

FACTORIES, MILLS, AND SHOPS.-Improvements during 1900 were reported in the case of 167 factories, mills, and shops situated in 114 towns. These improvements were in the nature of new buildings, enlargement of existing buildings, etc. It is estimated that these improvements cost $2,174,825 and gave employment to 5,539 persons. COTTON AND WOOLEN INDUSTRIES.-Returns were received from 10 cotton and 28 woolen mills. The tabulations show for each establishment the amount of capital invested, cost of material used, value of product, weeks in operation during the year, persons employed, and wages paid. Nine of the 10 cotton mills and 19 of the 28 woolen mills made complete returns for 1899 and 1900. The totals of these returns for each of the two years are shown in the following statement:


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These returns show an increase in all the items in 1900, except in the number of women employed in the cotton mills and of children employed in the woolen mills, where a decrease is shown.

SHIPBUILDING.—Accounts are given of the operations of shipyards in 10 different localties in Maine, and of the vessels launched in the 5 custom districts of Bath, Waldoboro, Belfast, Castine, and Machias. During the 11 months ending November 30, 1900, vessels with a total tonnage of 53,067 were launched in these districts, an increase of 5,979 over the preceding 12 months.

CANNING INDUSTRY.-A brief account is given of the progress of the canning industry in the State and lists of establishments engaged in the same. The leading articles canned and packed in the State were corn, blueberries, sardines, clams, condensed milk, and pickles. There were about 175 canning factories in the State, valued at $1,214,900 and employing 15,071 persons, not including those employed in supplying the factories. About $1,400,000 were paid in wages in 1899. The value of the product in 1899 was $5,306,029.

WOODWORKING INDUSTRY.-This chapter contains lists of establish-) ments engaged in woodwork for buildings and in the manufacture of boxes, handles, etc., and brief descriptions of some of the leading manufacturing plants.

BLEACHING AND DYEING.-An account is given of a leading bleach-) ing and dyeing establishment in the State.

RAILROADS. During the year ending June 30, 1900, 21 steam railway companies in the State gave employment to 7,240 persons, including general officers, and paid $3,693,164.54 in wages. The average daily earnings per employee were $1.78.

The street railways in the State employed, in 1900, 941 persons who received a total of $423,500.15 in wages. The average daily earnings per employee were $1.52. Conductors and motormen received from $1.43 to $1.60 per day.

The figures for both the steam and street railways show a considerable increase in 1900 over the preceding year.


Ninth Annual Report of the Bureau of Industrial Statistics of Maryland, 1900. Thomas A. Smith, Chief of Bureau. 166 pp.

The contents of this report may be grouped as follows: Resources and agricultural production, 14 pages; strikes, 93 pages; arbitration, 2 pages; employment agency, 3 pages; sweat shops, 6 pages; the canning industry, 4 pages; handling Maryland crops, 2 pages; statistics of Baltimore, 12 pages; new incorporations, 20 pages; immigration into Maryland, 3 pages.

STRIKES. Summary tables and detailed accounts are given of the strikes occurring during the year 1900. There were 34 strikes reported, involving 10,039 persons who either went on strike or were locked out. The establishments in which these strikes occurred employed 26,415 persons, of whom 590 females and 10,432 males, including strikers, were thrown out of employment.. The wage loss was estimated at $1,047,841, and the loss to the employers at $342,095. Of the 34 strikes, 13 were ordered by organizations of the working people, and 21 were undertaken without organization. Of the former 9 were successful or partly successful, and 4 were unsuccessful; of the latter 5 were successful or partly successful, and 16 were unsuccessful. Of the 34 strikes, 8 succeeded, 6 succeeded partly, and 20 failed. ARBITRATION. This chapter consists of a brief discussion of the general conference of the National Civic Federation on the question of arbitration.

EMPLOYMENT AGENCY.-Since August 21, 1900, the bureau has been conducting an experimental employment agency. Up to December 31, 1900, 124 applications for work and 55 applications for help had been filed. Of the former 117 were males and 7 were females. Of the

applications for help 30 were for males and 25 for females. Forty-six applications for help were referred to employers.

SWEAT SHOPS.-Statistics are given of an investigation made in 1899 and 1900 by the city health department of Baltimore of 108 places regarded as sweat shops. Of these 74 were found to be insanitary.

THE CANNING INDUSTRY.-Returns from 65 canning establishments showed the employment of a total of 1,781 men, 3,331 women,and 636 children. These were employed an average of 42 days during the canning season of 1900. Their earnings averaged about $1.50 for each working day for men, $0.87 for women, and $0.45 for children. The total wages paid in the 65 establishments amounted to $242,993. Statistics are also given showing the expenditure for raw material, the quantity and kind of fruit and vegetables canned, etc.

HANDLING OF MARYLAND CROPS.-A table is given showing the estimated quantity of grain, vegetables, and fruits raised in the State that was handled by the various transportation companies.

STATISTICS OF BALTIMORE.-A chapter on municipal government gives an analysis of the statistics of cities contained in the Bulletin of the U. S. Department of Labor for September, 1900, so far as they relate to Baltimore, and makes comparison between Baltimore and the cities of Boston and St. Louis. Other chapters show expenditures for the various municipal departments, etc., of Baltimore and brief digests of the various department reports.

NEW INCORPORATIONS.-A list is given of the new incorporations in the counties of the State from January, 1899, to November, 1900, and from December, 1899, to December, 1900, in Baltimore City. This supplements the lists published in previous reports.


Eighteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics. 1901. Joseph L. Cox, Commissioner. vii, 264 pp. The present report treats of the following subjects: Penal and reformatory institutions, 5 pages; statistics of counties, cities, and villages, 125 pages; prison statistics, 2 pages; real estate statistics, 8 pages; commercial and hotel statistics, 18 pages; agricultural implements, 7 pages; manufacture of stoves and furnaces, 8 rages; bituminous coal mines, 14 pages; labor canvass, 28 pages; suicides, 15 pages; boiler explosions, 2 pages; strikes in Michigan, 3 pages; industrial statistics, 7 pages; papers on factory inspection, 12 pages.

STATISTICS OF COUNTIES, CITIES, AND VILLAGES. These include population, number and value of public buildings and improvements, wages paid for labor, number and wages of men in fire and police departments, prison statistics, etc.


MANUFACTURE OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. A canvasS made of 1,760 employees in 41 establishments engaged in this industry

located in 30 different towns. Of these 1,597 worked by the day and 163 did piecework. Their daily pay rolls amounted to $2,984.78, or $1.69 per employee canvassed. Of the 1,760 employees 1,752, or all but 8, reported having steady employment; 852 were able to save from their earnings, and 611 owned their homes, 383 reporting the homes free from encumbrances; 627 rented their homes, paying an average of $6.65 per month; 522 paid board at an average rate of $3.10 per week.

MANUFACTURE OF STOVES AND FURNACES.-Twenty-one establishments canvassed reported an aggregate capital of $3,378,632. The value of their total output in 1899 was $6,308,917. They employed 4,224 persons, exclusive of office men, and paid $8,214 per day for labor, or an average of $1.944 per employee; 142 office clerks received an average of $2.48 per day.

A canvass was made of 1,663 persons employed in 20 of these establishments located in 11 different towns. Of these 749 were paid by the day and 914 by the piece; 1,659 had steady employment; 677 were able to save from their earnings; 505 owned their homes, in 260 cases free from encumbrances; 582 rented their homes at an average monthly rental of $7.25; 576 paid board at an average rate of $3.60 per week. Their aggregate daily pay amounted to $3,718.77, or $2.24 per employee canvassed.

COAL MINES. On December 1, 1900, 31 mines were in operation in the State. They gave employment to 1,638 persons, who worked an average of 7.7 hours per day. Their daily aggregate wages amounted to $3,832.92, or $2.34 per person. The total output was 843,476 tons, costing $1,164,000, or $1.38 per ton. A canvass was made of 1,311 employees of 25 mines, in September, 1900. Of these, 322 were paid by the day and 989 were paid by the ton. Their average hours of labor per day were 8.1, and their average daily wages $1.91. These figures differ somewhat from those, above, which were obtained from the mine authorities. Of the 1,311 employees canvassed, 444 were able to save from their earnings. The following table shows the average daily wages of mine employees as obtained through the labor canvass, classified according to 18 different occupations:


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LABOR CANVASS.-A special canvass was made of 4,800 male and 1,503 female wage earners in different parts of the State. The inquiries related to wages, nativity, social condition, number of dependents, occupation, length of service, hours of labor, months employed during the year, etc. The tabulation following shows for male and female employees, respectively, for selected occupations, the average daily wages, hours of labor per day, number of months employed during 1900, and the average number of years engaged in present occupation:


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The returns for all of the 4,800 male wage earners canvassed in 34 cities and villages showed the following average results: Daily wages,

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