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straw for its being said that I am in love with one of them, people shall choose which it is as much with both as either, and I am infinitely too old to regard the qu'en dit-on,"

"And why should he," writes Mary Berry to a friend, "when, without the trouble or the ridicule of a marriage, he enjoys almost as much of my society, and every comfort from it, that he could in the nearest connexion? As the willing offering of a grateful and affectionate heart, the time and attentions I bestow upon him have hitherto given me pleasure. Were they to become a duty, and a duty to which the world would attribute interested motives, they would become irksome." Doubtless she would have refused any proffer of the kind: her heart belonged to General O'Hara. To our references we add Pegge's Anec. of the Eng. Lang., ed. by Rev. H. Christmas, Appendix iii.: Notes from a MS. of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford, on the Names of Localities in London, 1844, 8vo; Lon. Quar. Rev., No. clxxxiv., April, 1853, art. iii., (The Old Countess of Desmond:) Blackw. Mag., Mar. 1865, (Etoniana :) Historical Gleanings: a Series of Sketches by J. E. T. Rogers, 1869, cr. 8vo; Notes and Queries, 1849-70; SELWYN, GEORGE; WILLIAMS, SIR CHARLES HANBURY, No. 3.

Nor must I omit to notice: Lettres de la Marquise du Deffand à Horace Walpole, écrites dans les Années 1766 à 1780, auxquelles sont jointes des Lettres de Madame du Deffand à Voltaire, écrites dans les Années 1759 à 1775, publiées d'après les originaux déposés à Strawberry-Hill: Nouvelle Elition, augmentée des Extraits des Lettres d'Horace Walpole, (revue et complétée sur l'édition originale de Londres, 1810,) et précédées d'une Notice sur Madame du Deffand par M. A. Thiers, Paris, Firmin Didot, 1864, 2 vols.

"The bibliographical history of the letters addressed to Horace Walpole is worth a passing notice. He left them, when he died, to his friend Miss Mary Berry, by whom they were published in London in 1810, [4 vols. 8vo.] The following year they were also published in Paris; and since then there have been, we believe, three editions, the last in 1827. It was to that of 1824 that M. Thiers, who was then winning his literary spurs, wrote the biographical notice reprinted as a preface to the two volumes we have before us."-Lon. Reader, 1861, ii. 320.

The first French edition is dated 1812, 4 vols. 8vo; the 2d ed., 1824, (with a new title-page, 1827,) 4 vols. 8vo. The London edition was reviewed in Elin. Rev., Feb. 1811, 290-311, and in Lon. Quar. Rev., May. 1811, 498528, (by J. W. Croker.) This beautiful, brilliant, frivolous, and unprincipled old woman died in 1780, aged 83. May her "tribe" decrease!

Walpole, Horatio, Lord Walpole, brother of Sir Robert Walpole, and also a distinguished statesman, was b. 1678, and d. 1757. He was the author of Answer to the Latter Part of Bolingbroke's Letters on the Study of History, Lon., 1762, sm. 4to, privately printed, 2d ed., 1763, Svo, and of some anonymous political pamphlets pub. 1730 et seq. His Letter on Proposed Alterations of the Thirty-Nine Articles, written in 1751, was pub. King's Lynn, 1863, 8vo. See Park's Walpole's R. and N. Authors, iv. 225; Smollett's Eng., Reign Geo. II.; CoXE, WILLIAM, No. 16: some 1. p., and three copies on largest paper; 2d ed., 1808, 2 vols. 8vo; 3d ed., 1820, 2 vols. 8vo. Horace calls his uncle's style "the worst in the world." Walpole, Michael. Theological treatises, q. v. in Bohn's Lowndes, 2823.

Walpole, Sir Robert, first Earl of Orford, brother of the preceding, and an eminent statesman, was b. 1676, and d. 1745. He was the author of twelve or more pamphlets, (q. v. in Park's Walpole's R. and N. See Authors, iv. 196,) and aided in or revised others. Crit. Hist. of his Administration, 1743, 8vo; Le Testament politique du Chev. Walpole, Amst.. 1767, 3 vols., (by J. H. Gouvet or Maubert:) Smollett's Hist. of Eng.; H. Walpole's Reminiscences: Walpoliana, 1783, 4to, privately printed by Lord Hardwicke, (see Cens. Lit., iv. 149; Restituta, iv. 370;) Burke's Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs, (and Burke's Works, ed. 1852. iv. 437, v. 287;) Smyth's Lects. on Mod. Hist., Lect. XXVI.; Hallam's Constit. Hist. of Eng.; May's Constit. Hist. of Eng., 1861-63, 2 vols. 8vo; Edin. Rev., 1xxi. 179, (repub. in Lord Brougham's Contrib. to Edin. Rev., 1856, i. 133, and in his States. Geo. III., ed. 1856, ii. 441;) Edin. Rev., Iviii. 241, lxxiii. 561, lxxviii. 222, (all repub. in Lord Macaulay's Essays;) Blackw. Mag., Index, vols. i.-1.; COXE, WILLIAM, No. 12, where add: 2d ed., omitting the State Papers, 1800, 3 vols. 8vo; 3d ed., with a Selection from the State Papers, and some Additional Letters, 1816, 4 vols. 8vo, some fine paper; BOLINGBROKE,


"The prudence, steadiness, and vigilance of that man, joined to the greatest possible lenity in his character and his politics, preserved the crown to this royal family, and with it their laws and liberties to this country."-EDMUND BURKE: Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs, 1791, 8vo.

"Few men ever reached and maintained for so many years the highest station which the citizen of a free state can hold, who have enjoyed more power than Sir Robert Walpole, and who have left behind them less just cause of blame, or more monuments of the wisdom and virtue for which his country has to thank him."-LORD BROUGHAM: Elin. Rev., 1xxi. 179. "He retired, after more than twenty years of supreme power, with a temper not soured, with a heart not hardened, with simple tastes, with frank manners, and with a capacity for friend ship. No stain of treachery, of ingratitude, or of cruelty rests on his memory."-LORD MACAULAY: Edin. Rev., lviii. 242. "The fact of a man with an estate of about 20007, a year at first, and which never rose to much above 40001., having lived extravagantly, and amassed above 200,000, is not at all explained by Mr. Coxe; and it is mainly on this expensive living and accumulation of fortune that the suspicions which hang over his memory rest."-LORD BROUGHAM: States. Time of Geo. III., ed. 1855, i. 312, n.

But hear something on the other side:

"His enemies pay him the compliment of saying, 'They do believe now that he did not plunder the public, as he was accused (as they accused him) of doing, he having died in such circumstances.' It is certain he is dead very poor: his debts, with his legacies, which are trifling, amount to fifty thousand pounds."-Horace Walpole to Sir H. Mann, April 15 1745: Letters, ed. 1861, i. 349.

"He was born to 2500, a year, left a nominal estate of 80001.. and died 50,000l. in debt."-To Rev. W. Mason, April 18, 1777: Letters, ut supra, vi. 430.

"My father's whole collection, [of pictures,] of which alone he had preserved the prices, cost but 40,000l., and after his death there were three sales of pictures, among which were all the long-lengths of Vandyke but three."-To Rev. W. Cole, July 12, 1779: Letters, ut supra, vii. 227.

The remainder of the collection was, in 1779, sold to the Emperor of Russia for £40,555. So there was a great profit on the pictures. Horace describes his late father-or, to be perfectly safe, I will say the late premier -in terms which provoke a smile:

"To conform myself to the views of the excellent man, the glory of human nature, who made us all what we are, has been constantly one of the principal objects of my whole life. . . . My father is ever before my eyes,-not to attempt to imitate him, for I have none of his matchless wisdom, or unsullied virtue, or heroic firmness; but sixty-two years have taught me to gaze on him with ten thousand times the reverence that-I speak it with deep shame-I felt for him at twenty-two, when he stood before me."-To the Earl of Orford, Oct. 5, 1778, and to Sir H. Mann, Aug. 19, 1779: Letters, ut supra, vii. 132, 243. See, also, 483, viii. 531, ix. 486.

"After much unjust abuse heaped upon him, there seems now to be a great disposition to bestow upon him unqualified praise. He was probably the most dexterous party-leader we have ever had.-equally skilled to win royal favour, to govern the House of Commons, and to influence, or be influenced by, public opinion."-LORD CAMPBELL: Lives of the Lord Chancellors: Lord Hardwicke, ch. exxxiv., n., (q. v.)

"But certainly the most remarkable example of the evils produced by popular interference with the foreign policy of the State is afforded by the Spanish armament at the close, and which occasioned the close, of Sir Robert Walpole's glorious, because peaceful, administration; and this, as already remarked, produced by party. The public voice was raised by the incenis also the most glaring instance upon record of the mischiefs tives of faction to clamour for war, or at least to complain of alleged maltreatment experienced by smugglers in the Spanish Settlements, marauding under the English flag. Walpole was driven from power and succeeded by his adversaries, who after

wards declared privately, as Mr. Burke has recorded, that their only motive for raising the outcry against keeping the peaco was the hopelessness of being enabled by any other means to overthrow his long-continued ministry."-LORD BROUGHAM: Hist. and Polit. Dissert, ed. 1857, 95.

"He cared for letters no more than his master did: he judged human nature so meanly that one is ashamed to have to ow that he was right, and that men could be corrupted by means so base. But with his hireling House of Commons he defended liberty for us; with his incredulity he kept Church-craft down. There were parsons at Oxford as double-dealing and dangerous as any priests out of Rome; and he routed them both. He gave Englishmen no conquests, but he gave them peace, and ease, and freedom; the three per cents nearly at par, and wheat at five and six and twenty shillings a quarter."-THACKERAY: George the Second.

See, also, Lord Mahon's Hist. of Eng., i. 1836, 62, (and Lon. Quar. Rev., lvii. 339.) and Miscellanies by Earl Stanhope, 1863, p. 8vo; Historical Gleanings: a Series of Sketches-Montagu-Walpole-Adam SmithCobbett, by J. E. T. Rogers, 1869, cr. 8vo; Historical Sketches of the Reign of George II., by Mrs. Oliphant, Edin. and Lon., 1869, 2 vols.: Walpole, or, Every Man has his Price: a Comedy in Rhyme, by Lord Lytton, 1870, cr 8vo; HERVEY, JOHN; PULTENEY, WILLIAM, EARL OF BATH.

Let us leave him with a good word:

"He was far from governing by corruption. He governed by party attachments. The charge of systematic corruption is less applicable to him, perhaps, than to any minister who ever served the crown for so great a length of time."-EDMUND BURKE: Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs.

Walpole, Rev. Robert, of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1. Isabel, from the Spanish of Garcilaso de la Vega, with other Poems, and Translations from the Greek, Italian, &c., Lon., 1805.

"We may venture to assert that not a line in this publication is faithfully translated from the Spanish,"-Edin. Rer., vi. 291. 2. Comicorum Græcorum Fragmenta quædam, Lon., 1805, 8vo. Reviewed in Lon. Mon. Rev., 1806, i. 225. 3. Specimens of Scarce Translations of the Poets of the Seventeenth Century, from the Latin Poets; to which are added Miscellaneous Translations from the Greek, Spanish, Italian, &c., 1805, 12mo, pp. 176. See Lon. Mon. Rev., 1806, iii. 408. 4. With DRUMMOND, SIR WILLIAM, Herculanensia; or, Archæological and Philological Dissertations: containing a Manuscript found among the Ruins of Herculaneum, 1810, 4to, pp. 214. viewed in Lon. Quar. Rev., iii. 1; Edin. Rev., xvi. 368. 5. Memoirs relating to European and Asiatic Turkey: Edited from Manuscript Journals, 1817, (some 1818,) 4to, pp. xxii., 607. Reviewed in Lon. Quar. Rev., xix. 233; Lon. Mon. Rev., 1819, ii. 256, 372. See No. 6. 6. Travels in Various Countries in the East: being a Continuation of Memoirs relating to European and Asiatic Turkey; Edited, 1820, 4to. Reviewed in Lon. Mon. Rev., xevii. 262. See, also, Jour. des Savants, 1818, 1820, 1821; Stevenson's Cat, of Voy. and Trav., Nos. 277, 278.


Among the authors of the MSS. pub. in Nos. 5 and 6 are Mr. Morritt, Dr. Sibthorpe, Professor Carlyle, Mr. Davison, Capt. Light, Dr. Hume, Lord Aberdeen, Mr. Haygarth, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Browne, Col. Leake, Col. Squire, Dr. E. D. Clarke, and Mr. Fazakerly.

Walpole, Rt. Hon. Spencer Horatio, M.P., great grandson of Sir Robert Walpole, first Earl of Orford, and late Secretary of State for the Home Department, &c., b. 1806, and educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, has published Exclusion no Intolerance, (highly commended in Lon. Gent. Mag., 1860, ii. 125,) and other addresses. He is an excellent classical scholar.

Walpole, Hon. Thomas. Letter to the Governor of the Bank, Strawberry Hill, 1781, 4to. Walpole, W. W. Who Did It? a Novel, Lon., 1865, 3 vois. p. 8vo.

Walpoole, George Augustus. New British Traveller, Lon., 1784, fol.

Walrond, Henry. Arithmetical Tables, Lon., 1663,


Walrond, John. Texts relating to the Deity of the Son and Holy Ghost, Lon., 1720, 8vo. Anon. Walsall, John. Serm. at Paule's Crosse, Lon., 1578. Walsall, Samuel. Serm. on Esay liii. 4, 1615, 4to.

Walsh, Mrs. The Officer's Daughter; or, A Visit

to Ireland; a Novel, 4 vols. 12mo.

Walsh, E. 1. With DALY, J., Reliques of Irish Jacobite Poetry, Lon., 8vo: Parts 1, 2, 1854. 2. Irish Popular Songs, with English Metrical Translation, 1851, 12mo.

Walsh, Edward, M.D., R.A., a native of Waterford, Ireland. d. 1832. 1. Bagatelles; or, Poetical Sketches, Dubl., 1793, 8vo. 2. Narrative of the Expedition to Holland, 1799, Lon., 1800, 4to.

Walsh, F. W., and Drury, W. B. Reports H. Ct. of Chancery temp. L. C. Plunkett, Dubl., 1839-42, 2 vols. 8vo.

Walsh, Hy., of Christ Church, Warminster, England. 1. One Catholic and Apostolic Church, Lon., 1838, 8vo. 3. Practical Commentary on the Four Gospels: in Lectures, 1847, 8vo. Privately printed.

Walsh, J. Collection of the Choicest Songs and Dialogues, Lon., s. a., fol.

Walsh, Rt. Hon. John Edward, LL.D., b. in Ireland, 1816, and educated at Trinity College, Dublin, was admitted to the Bar, 1839; Q.C., 1857; AttorneyGeneral for Ireland, 1866, and from Oct. 1866 until his death, Oct. 20, 1869, Master of the Rolls in Ireland.

"He has written Justice of the Peace for Ireland,' published in 1844, [see NUN, R.,]Reports in Chancery, Irish,' in 1845-9, and Ireland Sixty Years Ago,' in 1847."-Men of the Time, 1868,


Walsh, John Henry. 1. Manual of Domestic Economy, Lon., 1856, '57, '58, fp. 8vo. 2. Economical Housekeeper, 1857, '60, fp. 8vo. 3. Manual of Domestic Medicine and Surgery, 1857, '65, '69, fp. 8vo. 4. English Cookery Book, 1858, '59, fp. 8vo. 5. Manly Exer

[merged small][ocr errors]

cises, 1863, 18mo. Also the following, under the name of Stonehenge: 6. The Greyhound, 1853, '64, sq. er. Svo. See Lon. Reader, 1864, ii. 699. Superseded Blaine's Rural Sports. 7. Manual of British Rural Sports, 1856, 57, 12mo; N. York, 1856, 12mo; 8th ed., Lon., 1868, sq. er. Svo. 8. The Dog in Health and Disease, Lon., 1859, 8vo. 9. The Shot-Gun and Sporting-Rifle, 1860, 62, er. 8vo. 10. With LUPTON, I. J., The Horse in Stable and Field, 1861, '62, '65, 8vo; with Notes and Additions by R. McClure, M.D., V.S., and with an Essay on the American Trotting Horse, by Ellwood Harvey, M.D., Phila., 1869, 12mo. 11. Riding and Driving, Lon., 1863, 18mo. 12. With Woon, J. G., Archery, Feneing, and Broadsword, 1863, 18mo.

Walsh, Rev. J. Johnston, sole surviving member of the Futtehgurh Mission (Hindostan) of the Board of Foreign Missions of the (American) Presbyterian Church. A Memorial of the Futtelgurh Mission and her Martyred Missionaries, Phila., 1859, cr. 8vo.

Walsh, J. P. Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained, Lon.. 1842, 12mo.

Walsh, John, a distinguished Fellow of the Royal Society. 1. On the Electric Property of the Torpedo; Phil. Trans., 1773, Abr., xiii. 469. 2. Of Torpedoes found on the Coast of England; ib., 1774.

"The first person who made accurate experiments on the torpedo was Mr. Walsh."-Encyc. Brit., 8th ed., viii. (1855) 572. See, also, 573, 575, and 788.

Walsh, Sir John, M.P. 1. Poor-Laws in Ireland, Lon., 1830, 8vo.

"Incomparably the best pamphlet in opposition to the project for introducing poor-laws into Ireland."-McCulloch's Lit. of Polit. Econ., 1845, 300. 2. On the Present Balance of Parties in the State, 1832, 8vo.

"Sir John's admirable treatise."-Blackw. Mag., xxxi. 427. See, also, xxvii. 761, xxix. 662, xxx. 394.

3. Chapters of Contemporary History, 3d ed., 1836, 8vo. Reviewed in Edin. Rev., Ixiii. 239; Westm. Rev., xxv. 281. 4. Practical Results of the Reform Act of 1832, 8vo, 1860. He considers the results "evil." See Lon. Athen., 1860, i. 573.

Walsh, M. McN. The Lawyer in the School Room: Comprising the Laws of all the States on Important Educational Subjects, N.Y., 1867, 12mo.

Walsh, Michael, a native of Ireland, d. at Amesbury. Mass., 1840, aged 77. 1. New System of Mercantile Arithmetic, Newburyport, 1801. 8vo; from 3d Newburyport ed., Northampton, Me., 1807, 12mo; Bost., 1826, 8vo. 2. New System of Book-Keeping, 1826, 12mo.

Walsh, Michael. Speeches, Poems, and other Writings, N. York, 1843, 8vo.

Walsh, Peter, a learned Roman Catholic, a native of Moortown, co. of Kildare, Ireland, was a friar of the Franciscan order, and professor of divinity at Louvain. He was loyal to the English crown, and disclaimed the Pope's supremacy in temporals. He d. in London, 1687. 1. Letter to the Catholicks of England, &c.; secretly printed, 1674, 8vo. 2. History and Vindication of the Loyal Formulary or Irish Remonstrance, 1674, fol.: Lilly's Cat., 1859. p. 21, £12 128.; Abp. Tenison's sale, in 1861, £8 88., (Lilly.) 3. A Prospect of the State of Ireland from the Year of the World 1756 to the Year of Christ 1652, Lon., 1682, 12mo. Comes down only to 1172. 4. Four Letters on several Subjects to Persons of Quality, 1686, 12mo. Other works. See Harris's Ware; Brokesby's Life of Dodwell; Bohn's Lowndes; WILSON, ROBERT.

"His principles were honest and loyal, and he laboured with all his might to persuade the Irish Roman Catholics to submit

to the king."-SIR JAMES WARE.

"The honestest and learnedest man I ever knew among them." -BISHOP BURNET: Hist. of his Own Times, ed. 1833, i. 355, (q. v.) Walsh, Philip Pitt, M.D., of London, d. 1788. Practical Observations on the Puerperal Fever, Lon., 1787, 8vo.

Walsh, Sir Robert. His Narrative and Manifest relating to the Plots in 1678, Lon., 1679, fol.

Walsh, Robert, LL.D., b. in Baltimore, 1784, and educated at the Roman Catholic College at Baltimore and the Jesuit College at Georgetown, (where, when about twelve years of age, he delivered a poetical address before General Washington,) after a residence of several years in Great Britain, France, and other parts of Europe, in his 25th year settled in Philadelphia, and was admitted to the Bar, which he soon deserted for the more congenial pursuit of letters. In 1837 he removed to Paris, (where for many years he was United States Consul,) and resided there until his decease, Feb. 7, 1859.

1. A Letter on the Genius and Disposition of the French Government, including a View of the Taxation of the French Empire; by an American recently returned from Europe, Phila., (Dec. 1809.) 1810, 8vo; Balt., 1810, 8vo; Lon., 1810, 8vo; 6th ed., Phila. and Len., 1810, 8vo; 12th Lon. ed., (six weeks after first Lon. ed..) 1810, 8vo.

We must all learn to love the Americans if they send us many such pamphlets as the present. . . . The scope of the work is to persuade the people of America that their true interest lies in cultivating a cordial alliance with England, and in avoiding all close relations with her enemy."-LORD JEFFREY: Edin. Rer., xvi. 1. See, also, xxxiii. 423, (by Lord Jeffrey.)

"The author (we believe, Mr. Walsh) has displayed. . . an acute and comprehensive mind improved by much previous study." Lon. Quar. Rev., iii, 320,

2. Correspondence respecting Russia between Robert Goodloe Harper and Robert Walsh, Jr., Phila., 1813, 8vo. 3. Essay on the Future State of Europe, 1813, 8vo. 4. An Appeal from the Judgments of Great Britain respecting the United States of America: Part First: Containing an Historical Outline of their Merits and Wrongs as Colonies, and Strictures on the Calumnies of British Writers, Phila. and Lon., 1819, 8vo, pp. 512; 2d ed., Phila., 1819, 8vo; 2d Lon. ed., 1820, 8vo. Reviewed in N. Amer. Rev., x. 334, (by Edward Everett;) Edin. Rev., xxxiii. 395, (by Lord Jeffrey, and repub. in his Contrib. to Edin. Rev., 1853, 799;) Lon. Mon. Rev., xciii. 297. See, also, Analee. Mag., xiv. 472, xv. 67, xvi. 302, 355; Blackw. Mag., xvi. 634, xvii. 203, (by John Neal ;) MARSHALL, JOHN, LL.D., (p. 1227.) For this work he received the thanks of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, by which copies were purchased for the use of the members. 5. Didactics, Social, Literary, and Political, Phila., 1836, 2

vols. s. 8vo.

"Full of bright and solid sayings on a large variety of important and various things.... In not a few instances a greater simplicity of style would have pleased us better."-J. G. PALPREY: N. Amer. Rev., xliii. 260, 261.

Highly commended by E. A. Poe in his Literati: Robert Walsh. See, also, South. Lit. Mess., ii. 399. Mr. Walsh was editor of The American Review of History and Politics, of which eight quarterly numbers (repub, in London) were pub. Phila., 1811-12; of The American Register, of which two vols. were pub. 181718: of The [Philadelphia] National Gazette, 1821-37; of The Museum of Foreign Literature and Science, 1822; and of The American Quarterly Review, 1827-37, 22 vols. He was a contributor to The Port-Folio, to Delaplaine's Repository, and to the Encyclopædia Americana, (in both of which he pub. biographical sketches of eminent Americans,) and was for many years Paris correspondent of the National Intelligencer and The Journal of Commerce. He also edited, with Biographical Sketches, American editions of Select Speeches of George Canning, Phila., 1835, 8vo, and Select Speeches of William Windham and William Huskisson, 1841, 8vo. See, also, SANFORD, EZEKIEL.

Notices of Mr. Walsh will be found in Griswold's Prose Writers of America; Duyckinck's Cyc. of Amer. Lit.; Blackw. Mag., xvii. 203, (by John Neal ;) N. Amer. Rev., xliii. 258, (by J. G. Palfrey.) and Hist. Mag., 1859, (Obituary.) See, also, The Philadelphia Book, 1836, 72; Works of T. Jefferson, 1854; Corresp. of Sir J. Sinclair, ii. 55: Memoir of the Rev. Sydney Smith, 1855, 2 vols. Svo: Proceed. Mass. Hist. Soc., 1858-60, 1860, 8vo, 231. Walsh, Rev. Robert, LL.D., Chaplain to the British Embassy at the Ottoman Porte. 1. Brief Notice of some Ancient Coins and Medals, as illustrating the Progress of Christianity in the Early Ages, 1828, 12mo, pp. 140; 2d ed., 1828, 12mo; 3d ed., 1830, 12mo. Favourably reviewed in Lon. Lit. Gaz., 1828, 423, 439, 470. 3. Narrative of a Journey from Constantinople to England, 1828, Svo; Phila., 1828, 12mo; 4th ed., Lon., 1839, 12mo. In French, by MM. Vilmain et Rives, Paris, 1828, 8vo. Commended by Lon. Mon. Rev., 1828, ii. 381, and Lon. Lit. Gaz., 1828, 321, 341. Also reviewed in South. Rev., iii. 325. 4. Notices of Brazil in 182829, Lon., 1830, 2 vols. 8vo; Bost., 1831, 2 vols. 12mo. "A complete picture of the actual state of Brazil."—Lon. Mon. Rev., 1830, ii. 102.

Also commended by Lon. Lit. Gaz., 1830, 186, 202, 222. Also reviewed in Chris. Exam., xi. 150, (by S. Sewall.) 5. Residence at Constantinople, Lon., 1836, 2 vols. 8vo; 2d ed., 1838, 2 vols. 8vo. Favourably reviewed in Lon. Athen., 1836, 396, 414, and Lon. Lit. Gaz., 1836, 307, 341; less favourably in Edin. Rev., lxiv. 125, and Lon. Mon. Rev., 1836, ii. 506. Also reviewed in Dubl. Univ Mag., viii. 196, South. Rev., iii. 225, and Museum, xxxi. 74. He contributed the letter-press descriptions


to The Turkish Empire, Illustrated (Fisher's Constantinople, &c.) from drawings by Thomas Allom, 4to: reviewed in Dubl. Univ. Mag., xiii. 137. See, also, WARBURTON, JOHN.

Walsh, Robert M. 1. Life of the Cardinal de Cheverus, Archbishop of Bordeaux, by the Rev. J. Huen Dubourg: Trans. from the French, Phila., 1839, 12mo; 1841, 12mo. 2. Sketches of Conspicuous Living Characters of France; Trans., 1841, 12mo.

Walsh, T. Registry Cases in England, Dubl., 1839,


Walsh, Thomas. Nine Sermons, 1764, 12mo. Walsh, Thomas, Captain 53d Regt. of Foot. Journal of the Late Campaign in Egypt, &c., Lon., 1801, 4to; 2d ed., 1803, 4to. In French, with Notes and Introd., Paris, 1823, 8vo. Walsh's book disputes the assertions of Denon and other French writers. A notice of it will be found in Edin. Rev., ii. 54, (by Rev. Sydney Smith.)

Walsh, Thomas, a Wesleyan. Sermons, with Preface by J. Morgan, Lon., 1810, 12mo. See MORGAN, REV. JAMES, No. 1: add, N. York, 18mo.

Walsh, Rev. Thomas. History of the Irish Hierarchy, with the Monasteries of each County, &c., Lon.,

1853, r. 8vo; N. York, 1854, r. 8vo.

Walsh, William, M.P., b. 1663, and educated at Wadham College, Oxford; Gentleman of the Horse to Queen Anne; d. March 15, 1707-8. 1. Dialogue concerning Women; being a Defence of the Sex, Lou., 1691, The Preface is by Dryden. 2. Letters and Poems, Amorous and Gallant, 1692, 8vo. The above, with other performances of his,-epitaphs, elegies, odes, songs, &c., -were included in The Works of the Minor Poets, 1749.


"He has more elegance than vigour, and seldom rises higher than to be pretty."-DR. JOHNSON: Lives of the Eng. Ports: Walsh: Cunningham's ed., 1854, ii. 37: see Index.

He was the friend of Dryden, and encouraged the youthful muse of Pope; and both of these great poets have sung his praises:

William Walsh, of Abberley, Esq., who has so long honoured me with his friendship, and who, without flattery, is the best critic of our nation."-DRYDEN: Postscript to Virgil. "About fifteen I got acquainted with Mr. Walsh. He used to encourage me much," &c.-POPE: Spence's Anec., (q. v.) "Such late was Walsh, the muse's judge and friend, Who justly knew to blame or to commend."

POPE: Essay on Criticism, 11. 729-30. See Bowles's Pope; Walsh's Essay on Pope; Bliss's Wood's Athen. Oxon., iv. 741; Cibber's Lives; Malone's Dryden: Bell's Dryden; Moore's Byron.

Walsh, Rev. William. 1. Eucharistica; or, A Series of Poems on the Eucharist, N. York, 1855, 18mo. 2. Lenten Manual, &c., 1855, 24mo.

Walsh, William Pakenham, Chaplain of Sandford. 1. Remains of the Venerable Henry Irwin; with an Introductory Notice, Lon., 1858, 12mo. 2. Six Discourses on Christian Missions; Donnellan Lects. for 1861, with Notes and Appendix, Dubl., 1862, 8vo.

"A complete and very effective survey."-Lon. Athen., 1862 ii. 48.

"It is wise and thoughtful."-Lon. Chris. Observ. Walshe, A. Catechism and Hand-Book on Regimental Standing Orders, Lon., 1851, 8vo; 2d ed., 1855, Svo.

Walshe, Miss E. H., a native of Ireland, d. 1869, aged 34. 1. From Dawn to Dark in Italy, Lon. Several translations into Italian, and editions printed at Florence, &c. 2. The Foster-Brothers of Doom, Lon. 3. Golden Hills. 4. The Manuscript Man; or, The Bible in Ireland; with a Memoir of the Author, 1870, cr. 8vo.

"The tales and sketches written by the late Miss Walshe have been amongst the most popular of the books published by this society."-Lon. Rel. Tract Soc. Mag., Nov. 1869.

Walshe, Edward. The Office and Duety in fighting for our Countrey, Lon., 1545, 12mo. Walshe, John Edward. See NUN, R. Walshe, R. H. Elementary Treatise on Metallic Currency, Lon., 1853, 8vo.

Walshe, Walter Hayle, M.D., b. in Dublin, 1816, and educated at Paris and Edinburgh, was from 1849 to 1862 Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine, &c. in University College, London, &c. 1. Physical Diagnosis of Diseases of the Lungs, Lon., 1843, fp. 8vo. "Of extraordinary merit."-Brit, and For. Med. Rev. 2. Nature and Treatment of Cancer, 1846, 8vo; with Additions by J. M. Warren, M.D., Bost., 1844, 12mo; new ed., 1855, 12mo. Commended by Med.-Chir. Rev.


3. Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Lungs and Heart, including the Principles of Physical Diagnosis, Lon., 1851, p. 8vo; 2d ed., 1854, p. 8vo; 3d ed., Revised and Enlarged, and divided, viz.: I. Lungs, 1860, p. 8vo; Phila., 1860, 8vo; II. Heart and Great Vessels, Lon., 1862, p. 8vo; Phila., 1862, 8vo. Highly commended by medical journals. Also, Researches on Phthisis, by P. C. A. Louis, M.D., 2d ed., Trans. from the French, Lon., 1844, 8vo, (Syd. Soc.)

Walshman, Thomas, M.D. A Species of Erysipelas; Memoirs Med., v., 1799, 182.

Walsingham. History of the Life of Mary Queen of Scots, 1681, fol.

Walsingham, Edward, a Roman Catholic, UnderSecretary to George, Lord Digby, Secretary of State to Charles I. Britannica Virtutis Imago; or, The Effigies of trve Fortitvde expressed to the life in the famous Actions of that incomparable Knight, Major Generall Smith, who is here represented, June, 1644. See SMITH, SMYTH, or SMYTHE, SIR JOHN. 2. Alter Britannica Heros; or, The Life of Sir Henry Gage, 1645, 4to.

Walsingham, or Walsyngham, Sir Francis, one of the chief pillars of the throne of Elizabeth and of the Protestant cause, was b. at Chiselhurst, Kent, in or about 1536, and d. 1590. A paper by him, entitled Sir Francis Walsingham's Anatomising of Honesty, Ambition, and Fortitude, will be found in Cottoni Posthuma, (see COTTON, SIR ROBERT BRUCE;) and there is ascribed to him, on doubtful authority, Arcana Aulica, or Walsingham's Manual of Prudential Maxims for the Statesman and Courtier, 1655, Svo; (with Sir R. Naunton's Fragmenta Regalia,) 1694, 8vo; other edits., 1722, 12mo, 1728, 12mo. This has also been supposed to be a translation from the Spanish. Respecting this eminent statesman, see Sir Dudley Digges's Compleat Ambassador, 1655, fol., 1665, fol., (gives an account of Walsingham's French embassy, 1570-73:) Lloyd's Worthies; Birch's Lives: Melvil's Memoirs; Wood's Annals; Peck's Desiderata; Biog. Brit.; Lysons's Environs; Lodge's Illustrations; Hume's England; Hallam's Constit. Hist. of England; Motley's United Netherlands, 1861; Lon. Gent. Mag., 1851, ii. 353; HAKLUYT, RICHARD; WATSON, THOMAS, No. 4.

"The dexterous Walsingham."-LORD MACAULAY: Edin. Rev., April, 1832, 295: Nares's Memoirs of Lord Burghley,

Walsingham, Francis, of the Society of Jesus. Search made into Matters of Religion, by Francis Walsingham, Deacon of the Protestant Church, before his

Change to the Catholike, 8. l., 1609, 4to; 2d ed., St. Omers, 1615, 4to; Lon., 1843, p. 8vo.

"It is written with taste and spirit, and was particularly recommended by Alban Butler to those Protestants who were inclined to embrace the Roman Catholic religion."-CHARLES BUTLER.

Walsingham, or Walsinghamus, Thomas, a monk of the Benedictine abbey of St. Alban's, (“and very probably regius professor of history in that monastery about the year 1440" Bishop Nicolson,) was the author of two valuable historical works: 1. Historia Brevis, ab Edwardo Primo ad Henricum Quintum, Lon., 1574, fol. 2. Ypodigma Neustriæ vel Normanniæ, ab Irruptione Normannorum usque ad Annum sextum Regni Henrici Quinti, 1574, fol. These (Nos. 1 and 2) are two of the three portions, (the third is Elfredi Regis Res Gestæ,) each paged separately, of a volume edited and pub. by Archbishop Parker. See Dibdin's Typ. Antiq., and his Lib. Comp. Both are also contained in Camden's Anglica, Normannica, Hibernica, Cambrica, à Veteribus Scripta, Francf., 1603, fol.

"His short history begins at the conclusion of Henry III.'s reign, where Matthew Paris ended his; and he might well seem to be Paris's continuator, were his language answerable to his matter. The account he gives is well enough, and we are indebted to him for many things not taken notice of by any other writer of those times. Indeed, his reign of King Edward II. is wholly borrowed from Sir Thomas de la More. His Hypodigma Neustriæ, as he calls it, has a more particular regard to the affairs of Normandy."-BP. NICOLSON: Eng. Hist. Lib., ed. 1776, 56.

See, also, 68; Henry's Hist. of Great Britain; Burke's Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs, n. See Histoire tragique et mémorable de Pierre de Gaveston, &c., tirée des Chroniques de Thomas de Walsingham, 1588, sm. 8vo: noticed in Brunet's Manuel, 5th ed., iii. (1862) 211. There has recently appeared: Chronica Monasterii S. Albani Thomæ Walsingham, quondam Monachi S. Albani, Historia Anglicana; Edited by H. T. Riley, M.A., &c., Longmans, 1863-64, 2 vols. r. 8vo, (Rolls Pub.) See Lon. Reader, 1863, i. 286.

"Our own chroniclers, Westminster, Knighton, and Walsing

ham, may vie with the best of other countries."-MILMAN: Hist.

of Lat. Chris., vol. viii, b. xiv. ch. iv.

Walsly, Captain John. The Ship's Husband; a Narrative addressed to the E.I. Co., Lon., 1791, 8vo. Walstab, George Arthur. Looking Back; or, Pique, Repique, and Capot, Calcutta, 1864, 8vo. Walter. Relations and Observations, Historical and Politick, upon the Parliament begun 1640, 4to. Walter of Evesham. See ODINGTON, WALTER. Walter of Hemingburgh or Hemingford. Walteri de Hemingburgh Chronicon de Gestis Regum Angliæ, ad fidem Codd. MSS. recensuit H. C. Hamilton, Lon., (Eng. Hist. Soc..) 1848-49, 2 vols. demy Svo: 250 copies: 1. p., r. 8vo: 200 copies.

Walter, Albert G., M.D. Conservative Surgery in its General and Successful Adaptation in Cases of Severe Traumatic Injuries of the Limbs; with a Report of Cases, Pittsburg, Pa., 1867, er. 8vo.

Walter, Cornelia W. See SMILLIE, JAMES, Nos. 2, 3.

Walter, Emile. What Is Free Trade? An Adaptation of Frederick Bastiat's "Sophismes Economiques," Designed for the American Reader, N. York, 1867, 24mo, pp. 158.

Walter, Rev. E. Help to the Profitable Reading of the Psalins, Lon., 1854, 12mo.

Walter, F. A., one of the Librarians of the British Museum. The Roman History by G. B. Niebuhr; Trans. from the German, Lon., 1827, 2 vols. 8vo.

"Highly creditable to Mr. Walter."-Lon. Mon. Rev., 1827, i. 381.


Walter, Fred. Aug., M.D. Annotationes Academicæ, Berol., 1786, 4to. Walter, George. 1854, 12mo.

History of Kansas, N. York,

Walter, Henry, Rector of Hasilbury Bryan, late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, and Professor of Natural Philosophy in the E. I. College, Hertford. 1. Lectures on the Evidences in Favour of Christianity and the Doctrines of the Church of England, Camb., 1816, 12mo. 2. Primer; or, Book of Private Prayer, Lon., 12mo. 3. Letter to the Rt. Rev. Herbert, [Marsh,] Lord Bishop of Peterborough, on the Independence of the Authorized Version of the Bible, 1823, 8vo. 4. Second Letter to the same, 1828, 8vo. He shows that Tyndale's translation was not copied from, though it may have See Horne's Introduc.; profited by, Luther's version. Lowndes's Brit. Bibl., 106. 5. History of England from the Earliest Period to 1832; in which it is intended to consider Men and Events on Christian Principles, 1840, (again, 1848,) 7 vols. 12mo, 528.; red. in 1852 to 188.; I. p., r. 12mo, 638.; red. in 1852 to 218.

"Scripture gives us an account of the world, in this one view -as God's world."- BISHOP BUTLER.

"I have been reading with considerable pleasure, and, I need not hesitate to say, with much profit, Walter's History of Eng land on Christian Principles.'"-DR. OLINTHUS GREGORY. See, also, TYNDALE, WILLIAM.

Walter, J. Spirit of the Metropolitan Conservative Press, Lon., 1840, 2 vols. p. 8vo.

Walter, J. A., Surgeon R. N. Voyage to the West Indies, Lon., 1820, 8vo.

Walter, J. Conway, Curate of Trinity Church, Brighton. The Genuineness of the Book of Daniel Asserted on Evidence External and Internal, Lon., 1863, Svo.

Walter, John, translated Specimens of Welsh Poetry, in English Verse, Lon., 1782, 8vo.

Walter, John, 1773?-1812, founder of the London Times, (Jan. 1, 1788,) obtained a patent for "logography, or the art of using entire words, their radices and terminations, instead of single letters, in arranging and composing for printing." On Logographic Printing, Lon., 1789, Svo. This plan, though often experimented on, has not yet been adopted.

Walter, Rev. N. C. Notes on Baptism, Lon., 1838, 12mo.

Walter, Nehemiah, minister of Roxbury, Mass., b. in Ireland, 1663, d. 1750. He published several sermons, essays, &c., 1707-54, and a vol. of his sermons was published in 1755. See Sprague's Annals, i., Trin. Congreg., 217.

Walter, Richard, Chaplain of the Centurion in Anson's Expedition. Voyage round the World in the Years MDCCXL. I. II. III. IV., by George Anson, &c.; Compiled from Papers and other Materials of the R. H.

George Lord Anson, &c., (see ANSON, GEORGE, LORD,) Lon., 1748, 4to; 1. p., r. 4to: 350 copies; 1748, 8vo, 4 edits. in 1748; 5th ed., 1749, 4to; 7th ed., 1753, 8vo; new ed.. 1776, 4to. Also in Callander's, Harris's, and other collections of Voyages. It was pub. in French, Amster., 1749 or 1751, 4to; Paris, 1750, 4to; 1750, 4 vols. 12mo: 1754, 4 vols. 12mo; with Voyage à la Mer du Sud, traduit de l'Anglais, (also pub. Lyon, 1756, 4to,) 1764. 5 vols. 12mo. It was also pub. in German, French, and Dutch in 1749, and in Italian in 1756. This was really written by Benjamin Robins, the mathematician, Walter's MS. (chiefly taken from the journals) serving only as materials for a part of the book. See Nichols's Lit. Anec., ii. 205; Davis's Olio, 1-4; Rich's Bibl. Amer. Nova, i. 90.

Walter, Thomas, of Jesus College, Oxford. See BEDLOE, CAPT. WM.; Bliss's Wood's Fasti Oxon., ii. 373; Langhaine's Dram. Poets, 15.

Walter, Thomas, son, and colleague in the ministry at Roxbury, of Nehemiah Walter, (supra,) was b. 1696; d. 1728. 1. Choice Dialogue between John Faustus, a Conjurer, and Jack Tory, his Friend, Bost., 1720, 16mo. This is an answer to J. Checkley. 2. Grounds and Rules of Musick Explained, 1721: 3d ed., Bost., 1740, 24mo; -1746, 4to: 1760, 8vo. 3. The Sweet Psalmist of Israel; a Serm., 1722, 16mo. 4. Serm. on the Scriptures, 1723, 16mo. 5. Essay upon Infallibility, 1724. See Sprague's

Annals, i., Trin. Congreg., 219.

Walter, Thomas, a native of England, settled on a plantation on the banks of the Santee, near Charleston, S.C.. and there remained until his death. Flora Caroliniana, secundum Systema Vegetabilium perillustris Linnæi digesta, Lon., 1788, 8vo, pp. viii., 263, with a plate.

Walter, Thomas U., LL.D., Architect, of Philadelphia. See SMITH, JOHN JAY.

Walter, W. J. The Martyrs; or, The Triumphs of the Christian Religion; from the French of Châteaubriand. 1812, 2 vols. 8vo.

Walter, W. Joseph, of St. Edmund's College, Baltimore. 1. Account of a MS. of Ancient English Poetry, entitled Clavis Scientiæ; or, Bretayne's SkyllKay of Knawing; by John de Wageby, Lon., 1816, 8vo: 50 copies. 2. Sir Thomas More: his Life and Times, Phila., 1839, 12mo. 3. Sir Thomas More: a Selection from his Works; forming a Sequel to Sir Thomas More, &c., Balt., 12mo. 4. Mary. Queen of Scots; a Journal of her Twenty Years' Captivity, Trial, and Execution, Phila., 1840, 2 vols. 12mo. See, also, SOUTHWELL, ROBERT. Walter, Rev. Weever. 1. Letters from the Continent, Edin., 1828, 8vo. 2. XIX. Lectures on St. Paul,

Lon., 1856, 12mo.

Walter, William H., Mus. Doc. 1. Selection of Psalms, together with the Canticles, Occasional Anthems, &c., N. York, 1857. 2. Manual of Church Music, 1860, sm. 4to. 3. The Common Prayer; with Ritual Song, Edited. N. York and Bost., 1869, fp. Svo.

Walters, Daniel D., M.D., 1773–1824, contributed a Diary of the first month of the Yellow Fever in New York in 1822 to the N. York Med. and Phys. Jour., vol. i. See Williams's Amer. Med. Biog., 607.

Walters, J. E. Delays in Chancery traced to the Confused State of the Laws of Equity, &c., Lon., 1826, 8vo.

Walters, Rev. John. 1. Dissertation on the Welsh Language, with Remarks on its Poetry, Camb., 1771, 8vo. 2. English-Welsh Dictionary, Lon., 1794, 4to; improved ed., Denbigh, 2 vols. r. 8vo, £3 38.

"The excellent English-Welsh Dictionary of the Rev. John Walters."-THOMAS WATT: Sketch of the Hist. of the Welsh Lang. and Lit., in Knight's Eng. Cyc.

Pughe's (R. J. Pryse's ed.) and Walters's books united make the best Welsh Dictionary. See, also, D. S. Evans's English-and-Welsh Dictionary, 2 vols. 8vo; ASCHAM, ROGER.

Walters, John. Explanation of Improvements in the Frame Timbers of Ships; Phil. Mag., xlv. 280, 1815. Walters, Thomas. Tables of Insurance on Ships

and Merchandise, Lon., 1779, 12mo.
Walters, Rev. W.


Sacred Garland, Halifax, 32mo,

1st and 2d (1857) Series.
Walther, Professor C. F. W., of St. Louis, Mis-
1. Der Lutheraner. 2. Lehre und Wehre, St.
Louis. 3. Die Stimme unserer Kirche in der Frage von
Kirche und Amt, St. Louis.
Walther, David. 1. Vindicia Biblicæ, Lon., 1832,
Anon. 2. Some Reply to "Phases of Faith," by
Francis Newman, 1851, p. 8vo.


Walthew, Richard. Moral and Political Essay on the Poor-Laws. Lon., 1814, 8vo.

Walton, Alfred A. History of the Landed Tenures of Great Britain and Ireland, from the Norman Conquest to the Present Time, Lon., 1865, 12mo.

Walton, Brian, D.D., b. at Cleveland, North Riding of Yorkshire, 1600, was educated at Magdalene College and Peter-House, Cambridge, and subsequently taught school and served as a curate in Suffolk and London; became successively Rector of St. Martins Orgar, London, of Sandon, Essex, and St. Giles-in-the-Fields, London. He was also chaplain to Charles I. Having espoused the side of the clergy in the London tithe dispute, (see BREWSTER, SAMUEL, and Abstract of Dr. Walton's Treatise on the Payment of Tithes and Oblations in London, Lon., 1641, 1662, 4to,) he became obnoxious to the Puritans, who sequestered his livings and forced him to fly to Oxford, a fortunate event, as he thus gained leisure for the preparation of the great work with which his name will ever be honourably connected. Soon after the Restoration he was appointed Chaplain to Charles II.,. and, Dec. 2, 1660, consecrated Bishop of Chester. He was installed Sept. 11, 1661, and d. in London, Nov. 29 of the same year. His publications which follow must ac1. Introductio ad Lectionem Lincompany each other. guarum Orientalium Hebraicæ, Chaldaicæ, Samaritanæ, Re-Syriaca, Arabica, Persica, Ethiopica, Armenæ, Coptæ, Lon., 1654, 12mo or 18mo: 1655, 12mo; Editio secunda priori emendatior, 1655, 12mo; 1815, fol.: 100 copies, of which 97 were destroyed by fire, March, 1822. was the harbinger of No. 2. See No. 3. "This little tract is really well written, and must have been very useful at the time it was published."-DR. ADAM CLARKE: Bibl. Dict., ii. 11.

Walter, William, Servaunt unto Syr Henry Marnaye, Knyght, Chauncellour of the Duchye of Lancastre. 1. The Spectacle of Louers, Lon., s. a., 4to: Roxburghe, 3276, £43; Heber, Pt. 4, 2856, £15. See No. 4. Notices of No. 1 will be found in Dibdin's Typ. Antiq., ii. 331, Ritson's Bibl. Poet., 108, and Collier's Bibl. Acct. of Early Eng. Lit., 1865, vol. ii. 2. The Amorous History of Guystarde and Sygysmonde, and of thyr dolorous Deth by her Father, newly translated out of Laten, (of Leon. Aretin,) 1532, 4to: Roxburghe, 3277, £54. printed in Certaine worthye Manuscript Poems of Great Antiquitie, 1597, 12mo. See Warton's Hist. of Eng. Poet., ed. 1840, ii. 418. See No. 4. 3. The Hystory of Tytus and Gesyphus translated out of Latin into Englyshe, s. a., 4to: Roxburghe, 3275, £36; 1560, 8vo: Bindley, £24 13s. 6d. See No. 4. 4. A lytell contrauers Dyalogue bytwene Loue and Councell, &c., s. a., 4to. All of these were printed by Wynkyn de Worde. See Dibdin's Typ. Antiq., ii. 338, &c.

Walter, William Bicker, a descendant of Nehemiah Walter, (supra,) was b. in Boston, 1796; graduated at Bowdoin College, 1818; studied for the Unitarian ministry at Harvard, and sometimes preached, but did not obtain a license; d. at Charleston, S.C., 1822. Sukey; a Poem, Bost., 1821; 2d ed., 1821; 3d ed., Balt., 1821. See No. 2. 2. Poems, (Romance, The DeathChamber, &c.,) Bost., 1821.


"They [Nos. 1 and 2] are a compound of strange, beautiful poetry, audacious plagiarism, and absolute vulgar nonsense."JOHN NEAL: Blackw. Maj., xvii. 202.

Walter, William Clayton. 1. Brief Analytical View of the Rule in Shelley's Case, &c., Lon., 1826, 8vo. 2. Essay on the Power of Rectors and Vicars to Grant Leases, &c., 1828, 8vo.


See, also, Bibl. Sussex., vol. i., Part 2, 74. 2. Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, complectentia Textus Originales, Hebraicum cum Pentateucho Samaritano, Chaldaicum, Græcum, Versionumque antiquarum Samaritanæ, Græcæ LXXII Interpretum Chaldaica, Syriaca, Arabica, Ethiopice, Persica, Vulgata Latinæ, quicquid comparari poterat; Cum Textum et Versionum Orientalium Translationibus Latinis, &c.: Cum Apparatu, Appendicibus, Tabulis, variis Lectionibus, Annotationibus Indicibus, &c.; Edidit Brianus Walton, S.T.D., Londini, imprimebat Thomas Roycroft, 1657, 6 vols. fol.; 12 copies (all with the royal preface) on 1. p., r. fol.

"In many of the copies the lines of the preface which mention the Protector are cancelled, and Charles II. is introduced

in his place; hence the original are called Republican copies, the latter Royal copies. In some copies are found a dedication to Charles II., (reprinted 1811, fol.,) and an Advertisement to the Subscribers, &c. In most copies, over the fourth and fifth answers in Explicatio Idiotismorum, in the Apparatus Criticus,

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