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coming of the Lord. It is true, we are expecting that both the church and the world will hereafter witness such a practical exhibition of all the fruits of the Holy Spirit, and in so large a degree, that it will with propriety, and in prophetic style be said, the knowledge of the Lord covereth the earth as the waters do the channels of the deep. Will our friend "Minimum” please to bear in mind the question under consideration, and if he have any original arguments to present in support of the literal reign, let us have them, multum in parvo; after which we shall be happy to receive some practical essays on the gospel of Christ, and the Christian religion, in all their redeeming and sanctifying power. J. W.]

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All the nations of men are before him conveyed:
His bar of tribunal in justice arrayed-
Each tongue shall confess-whilst the judge on
the throne

Shall the wicked condemn, and acknowledge his


Their bodies, though vile, shall be fashioned aright, od of ZaHOIT

And robed in a costume of glory and light :
With songs of thanksgiving they'll rise in the
And dwell with our Saviour eternally there.
The world shall be burned, and nature dissolve,
And the earth on its axis shall cease to revolve:
Whilst the heavens rolled up, shall depart as a
And the stars into regions of darkness shall fall
Creation, convulsed to her centre, shall quake,
And His voice the foundations of heaven will


The sun and the moon shall grow dim and decay, And the earth from his presence, shall vanish


But celestial heavens and earth shall be made,
The redeemed shall rejoice in that blessed abode,
All garnished with glory that never shall fade :
Where sorrow shall never their pleasure corrode.
Unpolluted by sin, and unhurt by disease,
With their ensign of triumph uufurled in the

A crown of bright glory they ever shall wear—
A palm-wreath of honor triumphantly bear.
A convoy of angels, and chariot of love,
Shall escort them safe home to that city above:
Transformed like the Saviour, secure from all
for ot
ever to reign.
But the wicked shall sink into darkness and
gloom, Ho
Everlasting destruction their sentence and doom:
From the presence of God and the Lamb they
shall flee,

In his glorified presence

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And the glory of heaven they never shall see. The remedial kingdom shall come to an end, And the sceptre of pardon no longer extend: Death, spoiled of his trophies, all vanquished shall fall

The saints saved in heaven, and GOD ALL IN ALL. From "Universalism against itselt:" LITERARY NOTICES.

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NEW TRANSLATION (TESTAMENT.) THE pocket edition of the new translation of the New Testament, by A. CAMPBELL, has just Each eye shall behold him in awful attire been published, in a cheap form, by Messrs. The saints shall be glad, and their Saviour admire: Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. London. It conWhilst those who condemned him to die on the tains a general preface, embodying an apology tree, for

Shall wail when that glorious Messiah they see. "Twill comfort the saints, to reflect on the day When sorrow and sighing shall vanish away→ When they shall be crowned, and ascend to the skies,

And all tears shall for ever be wiped from their


a new translation of the Sacred Oracles, as well as a preface to the Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John; and also distinct prefaces to the Acts of the Apostles, and each of the Epistles addressed to the first congregations of the Lord. By careful and repeated examination of each preface, the reader

is greatly assisted in comprehending the design of these component parts of the New Testament. The following extract, in which the writer indicates the state of mind essential to a fair, can

did, and impartial translation, is taken from the

General Preface:

If the mere publication of a version of the inspired writers requires, as we think it does, the publisher to have no sectarian object in view, we are happy in being able to appeal to our whole course of public addresses, and to all we have written on religious subjects, to show that we have no such object in view. We have disclaimed, and do again disclaim, all affection or partiality for any human system, creed, or formulary under heaven. The whole scope, design, and drift of our labours, is to see Christians intelligent, united, and happy. Believing that all seets have gone out of the way (for Christianity is in its nature hostile to each and to every sect) we will not, we cannot, we dare not do any thing for the erection of a new one, or for assisting any now in existence in its human appendages. As to any predilection or preference to any now existing, we have none, farther than they hold the traditions of the apostles. As far as they hold fast these, we hold with them; and where they desert these, we desert them. Besides, we have no aversion to, or umbrage against, any one more than another. We oppose those most, who most oppose and depart from the simplicity that is in Christ. I do most solemnly declare, that as far as respects my feelings, partialities, reputation, and worldly interest as a man, I would become a Presbyterian, a Methodist, a Quaker, a Universalist, a Socinian, or any thing else, before the sun would set to-day, if the apostolic writings would, in my judgment, authorize me in so doing; and that I would not give one turn to the meaning of an adverb, preposition, or interjection, to aid any sectarian cause in the world. Whether every reader may give me credit in so declaring myself, I know not; but I thought it due to the occasion, thus to express the genuine and unaffected feelings of my heart. May all, who honestly examine this version, abundantly partake of the blessings of that Spirit which guided the writers of this volume, and which in every page breathes " Glory to God in the highest heaven, peace on earth, and good will among men."-A. CAMPBELL.

Our second extract forms the concluding part of the preface to the Acts of the Apostles :

Of the New Testament historians Luke is the most eminent. He gives us one continued history, from the commencement of the Christian era down to A.D. 63 or 64. He records in his testimony concerning Jesus, and in his Acts of Apostles, all the grand and important events and transactions connected with the establishment of the Christian religion in Asia,

Africa, and Europe. This book is the grand link which connects the previous histories with the apostolic epistles, and constitutes a key to the right interpretation of them; without which they would have been in a great measure unintelligible. An accurate acquaintance with the history of the people which composed most of the congregations to which the apostles addressed letters, with the time and circumstances of their conversion, and with their customs and questions, found in this book, greatly facilitates our proficiency in the knowledge of those letters, which explain the meaning and bearings of that one glorious fact on which the Christian superstructure is reared.

From it alone we learn by what means that great moral and religious revolution was accomplished which eventuated in the destruction of polytheism and idolatry in the best portions of the world: which desolated so many Pagan temples, and caused millions of altars to moulder down to dust, notwithstanding the wisdom and learning of philosophers, the sword of the civil magistrate, and the superstition of the common people, were allied in maintaining them, and in suppressing this "wicked and odious heresy," as the Romans called it.

From it we also learn what true Christianity is, and how far the modern exhibitions of it have degenerated from the ancient and apostolic order of things; we discover what was the character and design of their religious meetings. In the book of Acts we see how the church of Christ was formed and settled. The apostles simply proclaim the truth of God relative to the passion, death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ; and God accompanies their testimony with the demonstration of the Spirit. What was the consequence? Thousands acknowledge the truth, embrace Christianity, and openly profess it, at the most imminent risk of their lives. The change is not a change of merely one religious sentiment, or mode of worship, for another; but a change of tempers, passions, All before was prospects, and moral conduct. earthly, or animal, or devilish, or all these together; but now all is holy, spiritual, and divine: the heavenly influence becomes extended, and nations are born to God. And how was all this brought about? Not by might or power; not by the sword, or by secular authority; not through worldly motives and prospects; not by pious frauds or cunning craftiness; not by the force of persuasive eloquence: in a word, by nothing but the sole influence of truth itself, attested to the heart by the power of the Holy Spirit. Wherever religions frauds and secular influence have been used to found or support a church, professing itself to be Christian, there, we may rest assured, is the fullest evidence, that that church is wholly anti-christian: and where such a church, possessing secular power, has endeavoured to support itself by persecution, and persecution to privation of goods, of liberty, and of life, it not only shows itself

to be anti-christian, but also diabolic. The religion of Christ stands in no need either of human cunning or power. It is the religion of God, and is to be propagated by his power: this the book of the Acts fully shows; and in it we find the true model, after which every church should be builded. As far as any church can show that it has followed this model, so far it is holy and apostolic. And when all churches or congregations of people, professing Christianity, shall be founded and regulated according to the doctrine and discipline laid down in the book of the Acts of Apostles, then the aggregate body may be justly called The Holy, Apostolic, and Catholic Church.


THIS unique volume is dedicated, by special permission, to her Majesty the Queen, and presented to the public in an elegant English dress the paper, printing, wood engravings, and cloth binding, being severally of superior style. It is well known to many of our readers, that, at the close of the year 1847, a gentleman offered prizes of £25, £15, and £10, for the three best essays on the advantages of the Sabbath, to be written by láboring men, and to be sent in by the end of March, 1848. This proposal excited great interest, and although the time allotted for writing was so brief, yet we are happy to know that the astonishing number of 950 compositions were sent in, as the result of this offer the manuscripts of which, after the award is made, are to be deposited in the British Museum, as a memorial, and for the inspection of future generations. Amongst the essays received was one from a female, accompanied by a modest and appropriate letter, inserted at the conclusion of the introductory remarks.

great things for the cause of Christ, or fretting because our opportunities of improvement are so few and small. This has been my most besetting sin, and the most powerful temptation to which I have been exposed; and so faras it has prevailed, it has lessened my usefulness, and retarded my improvements. Could we comprehend how great is the blessedness of being fellow-workers with God, we should not thus trifle with the opportunities afforded us of doing what we can; but, feeling that we are called to an honor and felicity far above anything we can deserve, eagerly seize the slightest, if it be but to whisper a word of truth in the ear of the poorest child-to lure on and assist some ignorant one to spell out and understand a passage, a phrase, or even a word of the book of God, or even to minister to the comfort and happiness of those around us in the things of this life. Thus our Father in Heaven stopped to lavish kindness and care upon man's mortal frame, to throw the sweets of summer at his feet, and hang the luxuries of autumn overto carve the leaf. And shall we disdain to lay head-to enamel the field, to paint the flower, hold of every opportunity of ministering in the slightest degree, or in the humblest way, to the comfort and enjoyment of those around us? And yet, how often are opportunities of doing small acts of kindness and usefulness let slip, and our limited means of serving God, or benewhile we are sighing over our narrow sphere fitting man ?”

The following appropriate extract we cannot withhold from our readers :—

"When men meet together on the first day of the week to break bread, to surround the table of their Lord, to pass from hand to hand the cup of blessing, to hear the words and study the character of Him, who, when he was rethreatened not, but committed himself to Him viled, reviled not again-when he suffered, who judgeth righteously: when they, as the children of that God who is by his love manifested in the gift of his well-beloved Son, subduing the enmity of his enemies and reconciling them to himself. meet thus together on the first day of the week, not to hear the words of a human orator, nor to attend to the words of a fallible instructor, but to gather around the Scriptures of truth, the word of the living and true God, to learn his will, that, with willing heart and ready feet, they may run in the way of his commandments -when they study his "I firmly believe, that the only safety from character, as he there reveals himself, that their temptation, in this world of sin, in this state of moral nature may become assimilated to his— weakness, is to have our heart full of the love that they may be like their Father in heaven, of God, our understanding enlightened by the who maketh his sun to shine upon the evil and truth of God, and our hands actively engaged the good, what must be the result? Who will in whatever useful employment the providence hesitate to say, were working-men all to meet of God places within our reach: never sighing weekly, thus to keep the Lord's day as appointover our limited opportunities of doing good-ed by himself, that soon the oppressor would never repining that we are not placed in situa- cease out of the land-that intemperance, ignotions, and endowed with talents, to do and suffer rance, vice of all kinds, with all the poverty,

The sketch of the author's life will be read with much interest, and cannot fail being productive of good to all, but especially to females who desire faithfully to discharge their important obligations to society. We select from this sketch the following paragraph :

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disease, and wretchedness, inseparably connected with them, would be for ever banished, and peace, descending from the skies, whither sin had caused her to take her flight, again dwell with redeemed man?


do we ap

"And ever as we approach nearer and nearer to such a use of the weekly rest- and ever as the circle widens, of those who feel it not their duty only, but their dearest, choicest privilege, thus to spend and enjoy this day proach more nearly to the long-predicted age of the millennial glory, to the dawn of the great Sabbath of the world that Sabbath of rest from sin and suffering, strife and oppression, when the Lord himself shall judge the nations in righteousness, where the lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of man shall be brought low, and the Lord alone be exalted.

"The Lord's day can never be trifled with but at our peril. Like every appointment of our benevolent Creator, it was instituted for the benefit of his creatures, wisely adapted to fulfil its purpose; and he who sells its privileges for gain, or barters them for pleasure, makes a poor bargain indeed. Selfishness-narrow, ungenerous, short-sighted selfishness generally outwits itself; and this is especially the case with employers who, regardless of the comfort, health, or morality of the employed, engage them in labor on this day, and thereby deprive them of its benefits. The interests of employers are inseparably connected with the well-being of the employed. The labor of a healthy, steady, honest, intelligent workman, is of double value to that of him who cannot be depended upon, whose moral principles are unsound, or his habits are irregular — whose mind is uncultivated, or his body debilitated by disease. And those who engage men in labor or business upon the first day of the week, may blame themselves if, in a few years, they find it difficult to have their work well performed, and discover that their property is far from being secure."

Without intending to be officious, we recommend the authoress to publish a people's edition of this work, provided a few pages be added, in allusion to the great and marvellous facts which transpired on the first day of the week, and which have given the divine sanction to its consecration as a day of rest and of worship for nearly two thousand years, and will be held sacred by the disciples of the Lord till he come again. What so marvellous and stupendous as the resurrection of Christ from the dead his ascension to the Father's right hand in power and great glory the outpouring of the Holy Spirit the speaking in various languages-the conversion and free forgiveness of three thousand sinners in one day, the whole of whom were baptized into the name of the Father, of the Son,

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and of the Holy Spirit. On this day — the "Pearl of Days" - the spiritual kingdom of Christ was set up--and the new dispensation commenced the preparation of a people for the Lord, who, at his return, will gather his redeemed, obedient, and sanctified people together in one body, and so shall they ever be with the Lord. Well might the primitive disciples be steadfast in the apostles' doctrine, the fellowship, the breaking of bread, and in prayers, in obedience to the command of their absent Lord!



ALL MANKIND. BY ALEXANDER HALL, Loydes ville, Ohio. (Printed for the author: the twenty-third thousand.)

Such is the title of a book of 480 pages, demy 8vo. stereotyped, and published in Cincinnati, and of which, in comparatively a few months, the amazing number of 23,000 copies have been sold. The author, who is one of our brethren, is ardently engaged in promoting the spread of primitive Christianity. During the last month we have received five hundred copies of this popular work, and we recommend it to the notice of all our readers, but especially to those who are unsettled in mind with reference to the subjects on which our brother elaborates.



Gentle reader-You need not expect that I am going to weary your patience, or my own, by giving you a lengthy preface, or formal apology; and, as for introduction, I will hereby introduce you to the body of the work, and let you read for yourself. But, before you commence, I have one word of friendly admonition to give you, and that is this-please to do yourself the favor, and your humble servant the justice, to read the book through carefullyexamine every subject thoroughly — scrutinize every position rigidly- -measure every sentence critically-weigh every argument fairly decide every point impartially-and act upon the whole matter honestly; and if you are a believer in Universalism, you will throw that doctrine away -and if you do not believe in it, there is no danger that you ever will."

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Life, 234 to 251; 5-Personality of the Devil, 252 to 261; 6-Forgiveness of Sins, 262 to 282; 7-Compunctions of Conscience, 283 to 301; 8-Testimony of the Hundred Witnesses, 302 to 316; 9-A Debate on the Perfections and Attributes of Deity, 317 to 423; 10-A brief Review of the Pro and Con. 424 to 465; Conclusion, 466 to 480.

No individual can peruse this work without deriving much instruction therefrom. The author has received the thanks and eulogies of different denominations in the United States, for the publication of his able work-to the views entertained in some parts of which country it is peculiarly adapted, the principles of Universalism extensively prevailing in the States.


nexion with the Congregational denomination. 2. To cultivate brotherly affection and sincere co-operation in everything relating to the interests of the associated churches.

3. To establish fraternal correspondence with Congregational churches, and other bodies of Christians throughout the world.

4. To address an annual or occasional letter to the associated churches, with such information as may be deemed necessary.

5. To obtain accurate statistical information relative to the Congregational churches throughout the kingdom and the world.

6. To inquire into the present method of collecting funds for the erection of places of worship, and to consider the practibility of introducing any improved plan.

7. To assist in maintaining and enlarging the civil rights of Protestant Dissenters.

To promote the accomplishment of these objects, and the general interests of the Union, an annual meeting is held, with such adjournments of the same as may be deemed expedient,

This annual visitor, which embodies matters of great interest, calls upon Protestants to pre-in London, or some other principal city or pare for a moral conflict with great and powerful antagonistic principles. It contains 64 pages of closely printed matter, which, in addition to the regular tables, present a vast amount of information, highly interesting to the Nonconformist. Our space forbids us to give more than a few brief extracts:


THE Union of Congregational Churches and ministers throughout England and Wales is founded on a full recognition of their own distinctive principle, namely, the scriptural right of every separate church to maintain perfect independence in the government and administration of its own particular affairs. The Union, therefore, does not assume legislative authority, nor is it to be regarded as a court of appeal. The Union consists of associations of congregational churches and of individual churches severally adhering to the Union. The qualification of a church for membership, is connexion with an association; or, where no association is accessible, recommendation by the three ministers already in the Union residing nearest to the applicant church. Every church connected with the Union is required to make an annual contribution to its funds; neglect of which for two successive years forfeits membership. The tutors of the theological colleges of the Independents, and the officers of their general public societies, being members of Congregational churches, also ministers and deacons in fellowship with churches eligible for connexion with the Union, may become personal members of the Union by payment of an annual subscription of not less than five shillings.

The objects contemplated in the formation of this Union, are-

1. To promote Evangelical religion in con

town. These assemblies are to consist of the pastors of churches connected therewith, of delegates deputed by those churches of whom each church may depute two; and each church consisting of more than 100 menbers, three; or, one additional delegate for every additional 100 members and of personal members of the Union. No persons not belonging to one of these three classes have a right to vote in the assemblies of the Union.

There are no statistics of the number of members composing the denomination, or of the increase or decrease during the year 1848.


The present number of Baptist churches may be stated at 1911. The total number of churches reporting their state to the Union, was 964; and the result of the returns was as follows:

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