ALFORD, January 3rd, 1848.--Since my last, I have cast away, as useless, all the doctrines and commandurents of men to which I had previously howed, and can now conscientiously say, the Bible, the Bible alone. I first proposed to the General Baptist with whom I was connected, to adopt the scriptures alone as a rule of faith and practicebut without success. I therefore withdrew, and commenced at once to proclaim the gospel in my own room. Thinking I should not make much impression on the public in a small private room, I ventured to rent a small unoccupied chapel belonging to the Wesleyan Methodists, in which I endeavour to preach Christ every Lord's day morning and evening. The chapel will seat about 100 persons. Inquiry is already excited. Last Lord's day evening, some questions were put to me which led to an arrangement for a public discussion next Lord's day evening, the subject, New Testament Regeneration, its causes and effects. If you or any brother could visit us, we should very gladly receive you. Yours, R. B. BUCK. We should be very glad to visit Alford, but fear it cannot be at present. Bro. Frost and self once addressed about 30 most attentive hearers in this village.--ED.] DUNDEE, January 18, 1848.--Dear brother: I have much pleasure in presenting the following statistical account of the Church in Dundee. At present we number-- Females, 52; males, 49: in all, one hundred and one. Most of our brethren are of the working classes, and have frequently to change their residence. Of late, three have gone to Cupar, one to Lesslie, two to Perth, one to London, one to America, and one at present in Montreal. Those holding office in the Church are brethren James Ainslie, John Watson, and all communications on Church matters are requested to be sent to William Anderson, seedsman. Additions are continuing to be made to the Church. Three are to be added to our number on Lord's day first, and many more are thinking WM. ANDERson. to lose his valuable services, but what can be of the 8th came duly to hand; the contents I shall endeavour to use to the best advantage in attempting to increase the subjects of the Redeemer's kingdom. Encouraged by your kind suggestions, and this tangible manifestation of interest in the great work, and of your confidence in me as in some measure worthy of being entrusted with this service for the Lord. I know that it is an easy matter to utter words of great and solemn import when they are not realized; yet I think my conscience bears me witness that I know no higher honor, no greater happiness, than to NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, January 4, 1848. labor for Him. I have just received a letter -I regret to state, that at a meeting held on from Bro. Kirk, of Haydon-bridge, who was the 25th December, the resignation of brother formerly a local preacher among the PrimiM'Dougale, our Evangelist, was received tive Methodists: his preacher was sadly exby the representatives of the co-operative cited at his baptism, and dignified me with Churches in this neighbourhood. Since his the appellation of "sheep-stealer," for my engagement in this work, upwards of twenty influence in the act. The Independents, have been added (chiefly by his exertions) to Wesleyans, and Primitive Methodists have the different Churches, exclusive of Sunder-united to get up the revival meetings to which land. Two more were added last Lord's day he alludes, and in addition the Independent to the Church in Bedlington through his minister lectures against us most indefatigainstrumentality. It is matter of deep regret bly. Wм. MCDOUGALE. BROTHER CAMPBELL'S HARBINGER.--In a letter dated November 28th, 1847, Brother Campbell says, "We are now putting up the Harbinger in the form of a newspaper, and have sent it to a few brethren in England and Scotland, with postage paid to New York. They will not cost more than 2d. each number. so that any person paying you s 61. may have the whole volume, postage making the amount only 103. 6d. per annum. Please say to me whether you receive them at this price, and if so notify it in your paper." We shall be very glad to act as agent for Brother Campbell, and to receive 8s 6d. from all who have agreed for his Harbinger. There is much uncertainty respecting the arrival, as well as the charge for postage. From the period we commenced taking the Harbinger, with the excepti n of the year 1817, we have not received one voluine complete in this way. The charge for postage is often 4s., but generally 28. 81. per number This depends, however, whether it arrive by steamer or not. The charge is someti ne 2d.: this occurs when the postmaster at Liverpool mistakes it for a newspaper, and marks the amount accordingly. Our two last numbers cost -November 4s. December, 2.84. Were it not for the edification of our brethren, we certainly hould not pay from 2 to £3 per annum for this periodical. We are desired to inform Brother Campbell that Messrs. G. Perkins. Manchester; Hill, Wardropper. and Douglas, Sunderland; J. Ingless, A. Cameron. Banff; W. Anderson, Dundee: and H. Bakewell, Oulton House; all express their obligation for the two numbers of the Harbinger sent, but decline taking any more, seeing that their arrival is so uncer tain, and postage so exorbitant. The legal charge for postage is, no doubt, 4s. per steamer, aud 28. 8d. per sailing vessel, being equal to four letters. Elihu Burritt's ocean penny postage is much needed. How and when shall we obtain it ?-J. W. EVANGELIST FUND.-The brethren at Shrewsbury are respectfully informed, that their contribution of 178. 6d. has been duly received for this object--J. W. OPPOSITION TO TRUTH AND RIGHTEOUSNESS. -No person, whether inspired or uninspired, has been raised up. in any age of the world, to contend for truth and righteousness, who has not been opposed by pretended friends, as well as open enemies. Moses had for his opponents Korah, Dathan, Abiram, and his two nephews, the sons of Aaron, all of whom pretended to be the friends of God, and the true followers of his law. But were they so? David had his friend Ahithophe!--Jesus his friend Judas-Paul his friends Alexander, Hymeneus, and Philetus, once disc ples of Jesus, but afterwards mighty opponents of the Word of God. One of them, at least. greatly withstood the Apostle's testimony. Let not the true hearted disciple of Christ, even in this age, expect to find it otherwise. Blessed are ye when men shall speak all manner of evil against you falsely, for my name's sake rejoi e and be exceeding glad, for great your reward in heaven. is WHAT HAS THE WAR COST?-What has the war cos us? 120.000 000 of dollars? Is this a great sum? Is it a loss to us? Could we have made any use of it? With the interest of 120.000.000 dollars we might found a National Gallery that would rank with the British Museum, as the British Museum does with the Cabinet of Pennsylvania College. Te famous Garden of Plants," founded and endowed at Paris by Richlieu, in the times of Louis the XIV. did not cost, from then till now. as much as three months of the Mexican war. With 120,000,000 dollars. a school house and church might crown every hill-top, from the Penobscol to the Rio Grande, and teachers of knowledge and righteousness might do their mission of good without money or price for any one!- North American. A SOLDIER.-Can any one who professes the peaceable doctrine of the gospel, be a soldier? Jesus Christ, by disarming Peter, à sarmed every soldier afterwards, for custom can never sanction a wrong act. Tertullian, A.D. 197. THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION.-It is a striking fact, and one which much disarins the infidel of all argument, that the precepts of Christ have stood the test of eighteen centuries; and no genius has imposed on the Christian system, or suggested any one arti cle more conducive to the glory of God and the benefit of mankind. VANITY. We conceive vanity to be a species of petty pride, by w ich humanity distorts its nature, and thus renders itself ridiculous to men of sense. MORALS AND MANNERS.-It is written that evil communications corrupt good manners. It is also certain that evil habits corrupt good morals. THE FATHER'S ADVICE TO HIS SON. Let honesty be first your guide In every thought, in word, and action; Without this principle of pride The heart can feel no satisfaction. The honest man, though e'er so poor, May scorn the rogue with gold'encrusted; An upright column stands secure, A broken branco is never trusted. The poor and lonely ne'er d'spize, Nor judge a mon by his apparel: The slave, thoug wrapped in humble guise, May be more honest than an earl. 'Tis not the gay i gilded dress, Whose bosoms most with truth are glowing; The poppy, robed i loveliness, Is black at heart, while smiles bestowing. To those beneath you never do A deed that may demand defending; To ali be just and condescending. The Boreal blasts will harder make it. Deprive your mind of just opinion, Nor to the tyrant ever cower, Nor blench bef. re his dark dominiou; Look in his face wit steady eye, 1 With brow unbashed, with lid unfalling; The fearless falcon sweeps the sky: The worm, you know, was made for crawling. Be not too quick to join a fray, Nor reckless hrave the risk of danger, Nor think at once to know a stranger.; The coldest nights are oft the brightest. Let her be simple, wise, and tender: Beware of those that fawn before you: So trust them not though e'er so warmThe osier bends with every gale, The oak alone sustains the storm. With talking fools your dis ance keep, They'll bring you nought but pain and trouble: The placid waters, pure and deep. Throw up no froth nor empty bubble. Then choose a friend of steady mind, Whose every lot is ruled by reason: A feather flies with every wind A rock's the same in every season. CHRISTIAN UNION. THE present parties of professed Christians will never negociate the union of the body of Christ. It is their interest to maintain divisions and distraction, from which they have drawn their life's blood. But for division they never would have been in existence. Still good is destined to come out of it. But how should it be expected of them to make an effort in behalf of an event which, desirable as it might be to others, would, the moment it occurred, dry up the very fountain of their own existence. Life is as dear to society as to individuals; and therefore the present struggles and agonies which are being made by each sect to maintain itself, in spite of increasing light, and the restoration of the true gospel, are perfectly natural, and will doubtless continue to be made by the least and the greatest of them, until, like the dying viper, they gasp their last gasp and expire. To effect a union of the body of Christ, some party must arise, or must already have arisen, who shall be VOL. I. seen coming up out of this wilderness of parties, leaning on the Scriptures alone, as the spouse in the Canticles was seen coming up out of the wilderness leaning upon her beloved. This party, resting alone upon the Word of God for its faith, must publicly avow, and particularly sustain, original Christianity, both in word and doctrine-in command and ordinance-in morals and discipline-in worship and order-in principle and privilege—in faith and hope-in love and union. Christians-not mere pretenders-are the children of light: they have, as such, derived their life from the light, and by light they may hope to overcome. As, therefore, the light swallows up the darkness, or as Moses's rod swallowed up the rod of the magicians, so must the true party, whenever it appears, swallow up the false, and the church, or body of Christ, establish its own divinity, by demonstrating the earthly or human character and origin of every institution pretending to be divine. The church of Rome is infallible, and can, therefore, upon her own premises, never be reformed. She is G feelings must correspond in nature, if not in degree, or how can we be of one heart and of one soul? In the intercourse that takes place at communion seasons, professors are exhorted and instructed to feel as if different views to their own were true: i, e. while the communicant knows himself to be a Presbyterian or Independent, he is exhorted to feel like a Methodist, or Episcopalian, or Baptist, as the case may be: but this is as impossible as it would be for a man to feel like an angel. Primitive Christians were one in fact, faith, hope, love, and feeling. So it must be again before the truth can prevail. The questions then before the mind of every sincere, true-hearted inquirer, who desires to return to Primitive Christianity, are the mother of harlots—the idolatrous parent of the Galician, Spanish, Portuguese, and other churches, which, like herself, have committed licentiousness with the kingdoms of Europe, and will both be destroyed at the brightness of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. This does not apply to the Protestant Reformation, which owes not its existence to the will or pleasure of Roman Catholicism, but to the Holy Scriptures, which, taking possession of the heart of Luther, brought into existence that great Reformer and his numerous followers, inspiring them with the religious fortitude so essential to opppose and protest against the corruptions of the See of Rome. It was on this account they bore the name of Protestant. The Reformation by Luther, there--first, the union of the body of fore, may be regarded as the Church Christ; and secondly, the conversion of Christ protesting against the cor- of the world by the truth practically ruptions of the Apostacy. But the developed in that union. "Neither struggle of Protestantism being ter- pray I for these (the Apostles) alone, minated, and Reformers having fallen but for them also who shall believe into sects and parties, with separate on me through their word: that they interests, Protestantism can now only all may be one as thou, Father, art be viewed as the professed Church of in me, that the world may believe Christ divided against itself. Now that thou hast sent me." The party, we have the authority of Christ for then, that shall absorb and triumph believing that if this state of things over all other parties, must itself be be persevered in, Protestantism will converted to God by the true gospel, come to nothing; and consequently, and by the true gospel must it seek all the labours, sufferings, attainments, to convert all others. It must, also, and victories of the great spirit of the possess itself of the true ecclesiastical Reformation be lost in some subse- order, and, finally, put on the primiquent and supervening form of Pro- tive and original gospel character in testantism, which may prove more all righteousness, and peace, and joy detrimental to mankind, and the in- in the Holy Spirit; for by the origiterests of true religion, than Roman nal gospel, church order, and that Catholicism itself. A family divided Christian character which was enagainst itself must come to naught—joined by the Lord Jesus on his foland a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. This is what we must guard against. If we would not lose the labor and learning of those who have preceded us, we must have full fellowship for one another in Christ -must be united in facts-must know and feel that we are of the same body, and partakers of Christ through the gospel. Our faith and lowers, can we alone promise ourselves success in what lies before us, viz. the union of the body of Christ. Union is strength: division is certain defeat. Roman Catholics, aware of this, dread nothing more than division: they will pardon anything short of schism-they do not scruple to burn those guilty of heresy, and even the penitents who confess it. Protestants, being disunited, have, in their desires and efforts to convert the world, been defeated; so much so, indeed, that even their own sons and daughters are dying unconverted to God, or living entirely ignorant of original Christianity. There is no denying this statement: it is as evident as it is deplorable. And how can it be otherwise, until parents study, believe, and practice Primitive Christianity, as given to the world by the Apostles of the Lord? THE APPROACHING CRISIS. THAT the world is approaching a grand crisis—that it is on the eve of greater revolutions, social and moral, than have been ever witnessed in the past is indicated by all the events of the present age, so fraught with change and with promise. The great revolutions in human society, which have heretofore effected radical and general changes in its character and condition, have all been preceded by events, which have foreshadowed their approach. The world has been placed in a state of preparation before these mighty changes have been brought upon it. religion. Had it been, as in ages before, divided into isolated and hostile kingdoms and empires, repelling free intercourse with each other, the marvellous enterprize of the propagation of a new and universal religion in all nations, by a band of Galilean fishermen, would have been utterly impracticable. The world is now evidently approaching a state of preparation, more favorable than that which we have noticed, for a similar and wider diffusion of the religion of Christ. After the fall of the Roman Empire, it was again severed into fragments, divided into numerous and isolated hostile kingdoms, enveloped for ages in the gloom of intellectual and moral night, and distracted and convulsed by continual intestine and foreign wars. At last it has subsided again into a state of almost universal peace. By the genius of commerce, the family of civilized nations has been reconciled and united more closely and harmoniously, than it was by the overshadowing tyranny of Rome. The barbarous portions of the globe are, also, being rapidly brought within the sphere of commercial and civilized intercourse. Asia throughout its whole extent is yielding to the resistless progress of European enterprise, which scatters in its path the arts of civilization, and the blessings of Christianity. The wall of exclusiveness, which from immemorial time environed China, more impregnable than that which she built to repel the invasions of her northern foes, has been broken down, and the It was united under a com- merchant and the missionary have mon government. The nations were free access to her 300 millions of blended into one great family, one human beings. India long before universal empire, under the sway of yielded to the powers of British valor, their imperial mistress-"Eternal and the grasping avarice of British Rome." Thus forced into one com- merchants and statesmen. Under the munity of nations by the might of protection of British rulers, the misconquest, and tranquillized into uni- sionaries of Christianity and civilizaversal peace beneath the iron sway tion prosecute with impunity the of a single government, it was pre-schemes of religious and social revopared for the reception of a universallution among her idolatrous and en Thus at the period of the advent of Christ, and the establishment of His Kingdom, the world, by a long series of providences, of wars and conquests, of revolutions in its political arrangements, and social condition, had been brought into the state, most favorable to that great and wide-spread religious and social revolution, which followed these great events. |