God is goodness, wisdom, power....... Hail, sacred truth! whose piercing rays. Hail, thou long-expected Jesus... Hail to the Lord's anointed!. Happy soul, thy days are ended.. Hark! from yonder mount arise... Hark! from the cross a voice of peace... Hark, hark! the gospel trumpet sounds.. Hark! joyful sound! the Saviour comes... Page. 288 35 136 277 206 276 246 285 39 48 96 94 21 208 215 22 281 268 296 42 250 185 221 17 52 231 265 102 88 108 46 53 67 49 Hark the notes of angels singing-..... Have mercy, Lord-have mercy, Lord.. 57 55 Hear, O sinner!-mercy hails you.. 103 Heavenly Father-sovereign Lord. Hear what the voice from heaven proclaims.. 265 287 Here at thy cross, my gracious Lord..... 152 Ho! every one that thirsts-draw nigh.. Holy and reverend is his name..... Holy Ghost, dispel our sadness. If life's pleasures charm thee... Page. 119 34 95 92 221 164 41 42 133 144 17 41 249 267 175 239 32 75 262 185 19 I would not live alway-I ask not to stay. I'm not ashamed to own my Lord.... 275 85 147 In thy great name, O Lord, we come.. 200 154 In vain we lavish out our lives... JEHOVAH, God! thy gracious power Let God, the Father, and the Son.. 296 Let us adore the grace that seeks.. 121 70 29 64 197 205 Let us, with a joyful mind.. Light of those whose dreary dwelling. 129 44 142 278 99 137 256 201 38 194 212 23 235 73 58 45 218 205 My God, how endless is thy love!.. 286 My God, I bow before thy feet... 242 My God, my King, to thee I'll raise.. My God-my Father-blissful name!.. 158 293 Page. My God-my life-my love... 154 My God, permit me not to be... 240 My God! the spring of all my joys.. 153 My gracious Lord, I own thy right.... 161 My gracious Lord, whose changeless love.......... 190 My never-ceasing song shall show... 26 My opening eyes with rapture see........ 199 My Saviour, let me hear thy voice.. 146 My Saviour, my almighty Friend.. 150 105 180 191 NO more, my God-I boast no more.. 139 Nor eve hath seen-nor ear hath heard... O praise ye the Lord! prepare your glad voice..... 291 O Thou that hear'st the prayer of faith... O Thou, whose mercy guides my way. O Thou, whose tender mercy hears.. O Zion, tune thy voice.... Oh could I speak the matchless worth... Oh for a heart to praise my God... 81 170 168 Page. Oh for that tenderness of heart..... 134 263 Oh may my heart by grace renewed. 168 190 Oh what amazing words of grace.... Once more, my soul, the rising day.. 276 Oppressed with guilt, and full of fears. 18 People of the living God!. PEACE, humbled soul, whose plaintive moan.. Praise God, from whom all blessings flow. 118 173 295 Praise the Lord! ye heavens, adore him.... 290 Praise to God!-immortal praise.. 276 292 291 Praise ye Jehovah's name.... Praise ye the Lord-let praise employ. Prostrate, dear Jesus, at thy feet.. Repent! the voice celestial cries... Saviour, bless the word to all... 121 222 61 227 47 203 96 146 Saviour, source of every blessing... Shine, mighty God, on Zion shine......... Shout, for the great Redeemer reigns.......... 210 242 222 43 |