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the apostles were? [Ans. No.] With what should we wish them to be illuminated? [Ans. True knowledge and understanding of God's word.] Should not we pray that all ministers may lead righteous lives? [Ans. Yes.]

Instruction.---By the Nobility are meant noblemen and ladies of high rank and titles, but more particularly those noblemen who are of the House of Lords. The Lords of the Council are those with whom the king holds council on the affairs of the state. Magistrates signify persons who execute the laws of the land by the king's authority; such as Judges, Mayors, Justices of the Peace, &c.

Questions.---What do those who make laws and help to govern a nation stand in need of? [Ans. Grace, wisdom, and understanding.] Should we not pray for the nobility then? [Ans. Yes. What should magistrates execute? [Ans. Justice.] What should they maintain? [Ans. Truth.] Can they do so without divine grace? [Ans. No.]

Questions.---What should we pray God to do for all people? [Ans. Bless them.] How should we wish all nations to live? [Ans. In unity, peace, and concord.] Would not the world be a happy place if they did so? [Ans. Yes.]

Questions.---Ought we not to love and fear God? [Ans. Yes.] How should we keep his commandmedts? [Ans. Diligently.] Can we do this without the help of God's holy Spirit? [Ans. No.]

Instruction.---An increase of grace is the help of God's Spirit more and more. The fruits of the Spirit signify faith and good works.

Questions.---What should we pray for an increase of? [Ans. God's grace.] How should we hear God's word? [Ans. Meekly.] With what affection should we hear it? [Ans. Pure affection.] What fruits should we wish to bring forth? [Ans. The fruits of the Spirit.] What are they? [Ans. Faith and good works.] Can we be true Christians without these? Ans. No.]

Instruction.---To err from the way of truth signifies to be led away by false doctrines; the way to avoid this is to keep steady to the Church we belong to.

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Questions.---Is it not a sad thing to err from the way of truth? Ans. Yes.] As we have been put into the way of truth, should we suffer ourselves to be drawn away from it? [Ans. No.] Can unlearned persons be certain that they shall not be deceived by those who would draw them away from the true Church [Ans. No.] Should not they be on their guard then? [Ans. Yes.] Should not we pray for those who have erred and been deceived? [Ans. Yes.]

Instruction.---By those that stand, are meant those who stand firm to the doctrines of Christ's Church, and strive to resist the temptations of Satan. The weak-hearted are those who are discouraged by the trials of life. Those that fall are such as yield to the temptations of our spiritual enemies.

Questions.---What should all Christians stand firm to? [Ans. The doctrines of Christ's Church.] Should we be disheartened under the trials of life? [As. No.] How long will Satan try to tempt mankind? [1ns. As long as the world lasts.] Who can tread him under our feet, or keep him from hurting us? [Ans. Christ.]

Questions.---Are we not all subject to affliction at one time or other.? [Ans. Yes.] Should not we pray for other afflicted persons then? [Ans. Yes.].

Questions---Can those who are travelling by land or by water go with their fellow Christians to the House of God? [Ans. No.] Is it not a kindness to pray for them? [Ans. Yes.] Should people travel either by land or water on the Sabbath day without a necessity for it? [Ans. No.] Can people who do so expect any benefit from the prayers of the Church? [Ans. No.] Can people who are ill go to Church? [Ans. No.] Should we stay away for slight illnesses? [Ans. No.] Can young children pray for themselves? [Ans. No] Can people who are in prison go to Church? [Ans. No.] What should those who can go to Church pray God to do for them? [Ans. Preserve them, and shew pity upon them.]

Questions.---Is it not a sad thing for a woman to lose her husband, and for children to lose their father or mother? [Ans. Yes. Is it not a sad thing for people to be oppressed or cruelly treated. [Ans. Yes.] What should the congregation do for such unhappy people? [Ans. Pray God to defend and provide for them.]

Questions---On whom should we pray God to have mercy [Ans. All men.]

Questions.---What should we pray God to do in respect to our enemies, persecutors, and slanderers? [Ans. To forgive them, and turn their hearts.]

Questions.---Do not fruitful seasons depend entirely upon the blessing of God? [ins. Yes.] Should we not pray for this blessing? [Ans. Yes.]

Instruction.---True repentance signifies sorrow for sin and amendment of life. Our negligences are the sins we commit, from not thinking of our duty. Our ignorances are those we commit for want of knowing our duty.

Questions.---As we must know that we have committed many sins of negligence and ignorance, should not we wish to repent truly of them? [Ans. Yes.] What should we pray God to endue us with in order to amend our lives? Ans. His Holy Spirit.]

Read to the end of the Ejaculations after the Lord's Prayer.

Questions.---Who is meant by the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world? [Ans. Our Saviour.] What do we beseech him to grant us? [Ans. His peace.] What else do we beseech our Saviour to do? [Ans. To have mercy upon us.] What is said after these short sentences? Ans. The Lord's Prayer.] If God were to deal with us after our sins and iniquities, what would he do to us? [Ans. Punish us severely.] Why does the minister say, Let us pray? [Ans. To put the people in mind of what they are about.]

Instruction.---Having a contrite heart signifies being truly sorrowful for sin. God has promised to pity and pardon those who are contrite. Persecution means cruel treatment on account of religion.

Questions.---Will God, who is full of mercy and compassion, despise the contrite? [Ans. No] What should we do in all our troubles and adversities? [Ans. Pray to God to assist us.] Cannot God defeat all the evil purposes which either the devil or wicked men may form against us. [Ans. Yes.] Is it not a sad thing when people are cruelly treated and put to death en account of their religion? [Ans. Yes.]

What is this called when it is against the members of Christ's Church? Ans. A persecution in the Church.] What should Christian congregations do when they are free from persecution? [Ans. Give thanks.]

Read to the end of the Ejaculation.

Instruction.---These petitions are particularly suited to times of persecution. When the Church of England was first established in its present form, there were dreadful persecutions, and numbers of its members were burnt alive because they would not be of the Roman Catholic religion; but at length by the mercy of God, these persecutions -eased, and the Church of this country has long enjoyed eace and tranquillity.

Questions.---What noble works are those which we heard of from our forefathers? [Ans. God's delivering them from persecution.]

Instruction.---Our infirmities signify those sins we fall into through the weakness of our mortal nature. For these we justly deserve to be punished, because if we would constantly pray for divine grace, God would strengthen us by his Holy Spirit, so that we should not commit them; but if we truly repent, these sins will be pardoned for our Saviour's sake.

Questions.---Is not God very merciful in forgiving us when we deserve punishment [Ans. Yes.] What should we do in all our troubles? [Ans. Put our whole trust in God.] How should we serve God? [Ans. In holiness and pureness of living.] Who is our only Mediator and Advo. cate? [Ans. Jesus Christ.] What will God do for his sake [Ans. Pardon our sins.]

Tell the Children, that after the foregoing Praye some of the Prayers for particular occasions are used; such as the Prayer for the High Court of Parliament; the Prayer in the time of War and Tumults, &c. and after these the General Thanksgiving, and shew-them how to find them; then direct the Children to turn back to the Prayer of St. Chrysostom in the Litany, and the Concluding Prayer, and make them observe that these are the same as in the Morning and Evening Prayer. The Children should be constantly exercised in finding the different parts of the Service, till they can readily.



Read the Rubrick.

Question.---When are these prayers and thanksgivings to be used? [Ans. Before the two final prayers in the Litany.] What is meant by final prayers? [Ans. Finishing prayers.]

Read the Prayers and Thanksgivings one after the other to the Children, stopping at the end of every one to ask the Questions.

Questions.---What is the first prayer for? [Ans. Rain.] When is this used? [Ans. When rain is wanted for the fruits of the earth.].

Questions.---What is this Collect for? [Ans. Fair Wea ther:] When is this used? [Ans. When the fruits of the earth are in danger of being spoiled by great rains.]

Questions.---When are these Collects to be used? [Ans... In the time of dearth and famine.]

Questions.---When is this Collect to be used? [Ans. In the time of war and tumults.] What is meant by tumults? [Ans. Disturbances in a kingdom.]

Questions---When is the next Collect to be used? [Ans. In the time of any common plague or sickness.]

Read the Rubrick before the Prayers for the Ember Week.

Instruction.---The Ember days are the Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, after the first Sunday in Lent; after Whitsunday, after the 14th of September, and after the 13th of December. The Sundays following are the times appointed by the Church for ordaining Priests and Deacons. The Ember days were at first Fast days, set apart for imploring God's blessing upon the four seasons of the year.

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