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Notices by the PRESS of Dr. Warren's Sunday-school Commentary on the New Testament.


It is in the best style of the book-making art. Its notes are brief, for the most part condensed and apposite. They evince high scholarship, excellent judgment, and a correct ideal of what such a work should be. The page is exceedingly grateful to the eye, the catch-words are in larger type than the notes, and the illustrations, maps, &c., are very neatly done. It is one of the finest works of the kind with which we are acquainted, and will be an invaluable aid to students of the Bible and Sabbath-school teachers.


"Common sense, eminent scholarship, persevering industry, and a deep love of truth, and every other good quality of mind and heart, have been employed in explaining the great truths of revelation. The volume before us is beautifully printed and illustrated on fine, tinted paper, and contains the best efforts of the writer in making plain, in a few words, what might be obscure to the uneducated. The 'practical thoughts' will be found very useful and suggestive."


"The author has condensed a large amount of information into his prefatory Chronological Harmony, introductions to the several books, foot-notes, and practical thoughts. He has made free use of the best critical works of modern scholars. A convenient index of subjects is appended. The typography and binding are very attractive."


"The notes are models of brevity and point. Sound judgment seems to have been exercised as to the subjects for comment. The cuts and maps are beautifully executed. The book is a marvel of beauty in its typographical arrangements and execution. We should think this Testament would be admirably suited for family reading."


"We know of no similar work that approaches it for compactness of thought, clearness of exposition, and brevity of expression. We are surprised at the cleverness which compresses so much in so little space. the family, for private reading, and for S. S. teachers, the work will be a valuable hand-book on the gospels."



"We have in this volume the text of the four gospels in large and clear type, accompanied with brief, comprehensive and pertinent notes and practical suggestions, embodying the conclusions arrived at by the most eminent Biblical scholars, and appropriate illustrations. Convenient in form, attractive in appearance, and presenting the results of labored investigations so that they may be comprehended at a glance, the work is in every way adapted for use in family devotions and the Sabbath-school, and meets a long existing want. We predict for it an extensive circulation and great popularity, especially among those in advanced years."


"This Commentary is printed beautifully, and is well adapted to popular



day-School Commentary.


"We have been examining this work with much interest and satisfaction. Stripped of the verbiage which characterizes some larger works, and containing the most valuable exegetical and practical points presented by Alford, Lange, and other eminent scholars, we have an excellent manual for Sabbath-school teachers and all who desire an inexpensive, but helpful Commentary. It deserves a place in every parish library, and every teacher's hand."


"A valuable companion to all Sabbath-school teachers, and parents, and those whose means, and learning, and time, do not admit of patient, critical research."


"It will be found a valuable aid in the clear understanding of the sacred text, and its brevity and conciseness will be a high recommendation to many. The works of the best scholars from which it has been chiefly drawn, are a good guarantee to its excellence in its interpretation of difficult passages. The design was evidently to make it as far as possible acceptable to all Christians of whatever name. The division into sections is a great advantage. The typography is in the highest style of elegance.”


"We are greatly pleased with this work. The qualities of clearness, condensation, and a careful selection of the passages and words that need comment, are conspicuous. We have very little chance to take exception to opinions or statements. We commend the Commentary warmly as being filled to the brim with just what is needed to help in the study of this interesting portion of the Bible. whole volume is an exceedingly useful and convenient one for those who are engaged in studying a series of lessons on the Life of Christ. The division into sections, with the references to the chronological harmony, is very valuable for this purpose."



"The object of this new Commentary is to aid readers of the New Testament in learning its real meaning, and make the truths found the means of spiritual edification and salvation. It is well adapted to secure these ends, for it is carefully and judiciously prepared. The mechanical execution of the work is quite superior in all respects."

THE PACIFIC, San Francisco.

"It is a help to both scholar and thinker, and will no doubt be read. ily sought after, as it embraces much that is valuable and interesting. It is finely illustrated, and contains a colored map of Palestine."

Notices by the PRESS of Dr. Warren's Sunday-School Commentary.


"The conclusions of the latest and best Biblical scholars are given concisely but clearly. We most heartily commend the style in which the book is produced. When we remember how our great Societies and Boards were wont formerly to bring out their publications, and compare that with the present style, we are astonished at the advance."


"An admirably contrived apparatus for facilitating the study of the Scriptures. Its exterior is unusually attractive and elegant, the typography, presswork, and tinted paper, being among the finest specimens of the art. The notes are brief expositions of difficult points, followed by equally brief and pointed suggestive practical comments on the principal ideas of the passage. Not a line of space is lost by unnecessary multiplication of words. The student who has time to spare will be likely to find at once what he needs. It embodies results rather than processes. An alphabetical index of subjects closes the volume, which is a credit to the Society issuing it, and which will be likely to gain wide popularity."


"The principal feature which commends it is the notes and illustrations, by which all things contained in the four Gospels are made plain to the popular mind. This publication will supply a much needed household want, and will doubtless be largely sold.”


"We have examined this volume with some care, and with much satisfaction. It is, we think, the most judicious Commentary in brief compass that we have met with. It contains the results of the best critical authorities, ancient and modern. The practical lessons at the close of each chapter are comprehensive, and exceedingly plain and pointed. Families and teachers that cannot afford a more extended or costly Commentary on the New Testament, cannot do better, in our judgment, than to obtain this one. The volume sent us is printed in good, clear type, and is very handsomely bound. It contains a map, appropriate engravings, and a full Alphabetical Index. We cordially commend this work to the attention of our readers, especially to those who are engaged in teaching in the Sabbath-school."


"It is a most valuable Commentary, admirably adapted to Sabbathschool and family use."


"The practical suggestions are particularly valuable for their pointed earnestness, which brings the truth of the text home to the heart of the reader. It is eminently catholic in spirit, being free from denominational bias, yet true to the teachings of Orthodox Christianity. Its cheapness and worth commend it to all."


Israel P. Warren, Publisher, 52 Washington St., Boston.

SMITH'S SALOON; or, The Grays and the Grants. By Mrs. L. L. Worth. 16mo. $1.25.

A graphic delineation of the evils resulting from the opening of a liquor “saloon" in a quiet country village. Incidentally are shown also the bad effects of smoking, card-playing, and similar habits, which are so often indulged in by the young under the plea that there is " no harm" in them. It is an excellent book for parents to put into the hands of their children, both sons and daughters.

GRACE COURTNEY; or, Seeking the Shepherd. By Howe Benning. 16mo. $1.25.

An instructive book for young ladies, showing the way in which the Good Shepherd, amid the excitements and temptations of school-life, brought a wandering sheep to himself.

THE HAND OF THE DILIGENT. 18mo 60 cents.

This book will show boys how to get rich, both in money and character, by following the suggestion re corded in Proverbs x. 4.

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There are many kinds of ambition, some right and some wrong. Energy, rightly put forth, will, as in the instance here related, bring a poor English cabin boy to a position of honor and wealth. The story well illustrates the saying, "Be sure you are right, then go ahead."


Israel P. Warren, Publisher, 52 Washington St., Boston.


WHAT IS TRUTH: An Inquiry concerning the Antiquity and Unity of the Human Race, with an Examination of Recent Scientific Speculations on those subjects. By Rev. EBENEZER BURGESS, A. M., Member of the Am. Oriental Society, author of a Mahrattą Grammar, Translator of the "Surya Siddhanta,” etc. 12mo. pp. 408. Price $2.00.

The object of this work is to uphold the truthfulness of the Mosaic account of the Creation, and Dispersion of Man on the Earth, in opposition to the speculations referred to. The scope of the discussion is shown on the next page of this notice.

The substance of the volume was first delivered before the Lowell Institute, Boston, in the winter of 1867. At the close of the course, the following testimonial was adopted:

"We, the ladies and gentlemen of the city of Boston, who have attended the valuable and highly instructive course of lectures on the Antiquity of Man, delivered at the Lowell Institute, by the Rev. E. Burgess, do hereby express our hearty thanks and unqualified appreciation of the same.

"We would also express the hope that our worthy and much esteemed friend, the Rev. E. Burgess, will, at an early day, publish the said lectures, in order that all may have the benefit of the important facts therein contained."


"I heartily concur in the above desire, that the lectures, revised and enlarged, should be published. They are a depository of facts and opinions gleaned from a wide field of literature, and cannct fail to be acceptable to every class of readers."

Says REV. E. N. KIRK, D. D.

"The subject is now one of commanding interest, both with the friends and the foes of Christianity. The author's long residence in India, and personal intimacy with the pundits, gives him extraordinary advantages in examining the points of attack by those who use the Sanskrit writings. I earnestly await the appearing of the book at an early day."


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