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" Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared ; though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which... "
The Reasonableness and Certainty of the Christian Religion - Page 346
by Robert Jenkin - 1708 - 394 pages
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The Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity: In Three Parts : Wherein All the ...

Samuel Clarke - 1712 - 554 pages
...òî. Who in the days of his Fleih , when he had offered up frayer s and fupplications, with ftrong crying and tears, unto him that was able to fave him...that he feared ; Though he were a Son, yet learned he Obedience by the things which he fuffered : And being made perfeä, he became the Author of eternal...
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A discourse concerning the divine providence

William Sherlock - 1715 - 476 pages
...had offered up Prayers and Supplications, with prong Cry, •ing and Tears, unto him that was ahle to fave him from Death, and was heard in that he feared,^ .Heb.y/ That is^thp'God did not deliver him fromDeath, he delivered him fronyhis Fears, fent an Angel...
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The Christian's Defence Against the Fears of Death: With Seasonable ...

Charles Drelincourt - 1721 - 540 pages
...the Hebrews^ j4£ts 6. Heb. y. Jefus Chrift having offer'd up Prayers and Supplications, with ftrong Crying and Tears, unto him that was able to fave him from Death, and was heard, in that he feared ; for he was not altogether freed from the Sufferings and Torments of the Crofs,but he endured them...
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An abstract of the historical part of the Old Testament ..., Volume 1; Volume 66

Edward Harley - 1730 - 332 pages
...MELCHISKDIC 7 Who in the Davs of his Fleft, when he had offered up Prayers t.ul Supp'ications, w tli ft ong crying and Tears, unto him that was able to fave him from Death, and was heard, in that he feared ; s Thoufth heweteaSon, yet learned he On; D IEXCE by the Things which he iiflcrcd : 9 And being made...
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The Christian's defence against the fears of death, tr. by M. D'Assigny ...

Charles Drelincourt - 1732 - 536 pages
...the Hebrews, Atts vi. Heb. v. Jefus Chrift having offered up Prayers and Supplications, with ftrong Crying and Tears, unto him that was able to fave him from Death, and was heard, in that he feared ; for he was not altogether freed from the Sufferings and Torments of the Crofs, but he endured them...
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An abstract of the historical part of the Old Testament [by E ..., Volume 1

Edward Harley - 1735 - 764 pages
...Who in thr Days of his I Icfh. when h had offered up P.ayers and Supp ications w th ftcong ciying and Tears, unto him that was able to fave him from Death, and was heard, in that he feaied ; t Though hewetea Son, yet learned he OBFDIENCE by the Things which he mffered : 9 And being...
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A Collection of Tracts, on Various Subjects, Volume 1

Thomas Chubb - 1754 - 432 pages
...v. 7. Who in the days of his flejh, ivhen he had offered up prayers and fupplications, with fir ong crying and tears, unto him that was able to fave him from death, and was heard in that he feared, &c. In thefe texts it is declared, that our Lord Jefus Chrift did frequently make application to God...
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The confession of faith, the larger and shorter catechisms, with the ...

Assembly of divines confess. and catech - 1765 - 626 pages
...when he had offered up prayers and fupplications, with itrong cryings and tears, unto him that wa1« able to fave him from death, and was heard in that he feared. Heb. iv. 14. Seeing then that we have a great high pried, that is paffed into the heavens, Jelus the...
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The Whole Works: Of the Reverend Mr. John Flavel, ... In Eight ..., Volume 7

John Flavel - 1770 - 520 pages
...of his flefti, when " he had offered up prayers and fupplicatioas, with ftrong cries " and tears, to him that was able to fave him from death, and " was heard in that ke feared." He was heard as to itrength and fuppbrt to carry him through it, though not as to deliver*...
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The confession of faith, the larger and shorter catechisms, with the ...

Assembly of divines confess. and catech, Church of Scotland - 1773 - 570 pages
...all ages, by his Spirit and word yt in divers ways of adminiftration z. the whole will of God a, f in that was able to fave him from death, and was heard, in that he feared. Heb. ¡v. 14. Seeing then that we have a great high prieft, that is pailed into the heavens, Jefus...
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