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No. 12.

Boston, Saturday, July 19, 1806.

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was swallowed up in the multiplied forms and rituals of monkish idolatry. But the rectification of these evils, has produced others of more terrible aspect. The people, redeemed from the shackles of religious ceremonials, made the first use of their liberty to wander into the boundless wilderness of philosophic speculation; to loosen the restraints on their passions, and to resign the sceptre of reason to the dominion of faucy. Many wrong notions of things entertained by the world, have from time to time been exposed, and though century has followed centu ry in the search for truth and the detection of error, we now can only discern some feeble glimmerings of light, which are just sufficient to conduct us through the gloom, and to render visible the darkness of our course.


THE deference which is paid to public opinion by mankind in general, is forcible in its operation and universal in its extent. Few persons are so far removed from the affairs of social life as utterly to disregard it; and those few are considered' rebels in the moral state, whom it is the duty of the community at large, if not to punish, at least to avoid. Yet notwithstanding this universal submission to the decisions of the world, nothing is The absurdities of opinion though more common than the errors in often proved and, derided, seldom which such decisions are involved, weaken its force; for from whatand the absurdities with which they ever cause it may arise, whether abound. Cicero says, "that time founded in truth and justice, or vice effaces the fictions of opinion and and error, its influence in the world confirms the determinations of na- is not only universally felt," but ture ;" and sometimes indeed pop-universally acknowledged." Even ular abuses are rectified in succeed- a decided, individual opinion, has not ing ages, though the chance is great, that control over the actions of the that in prescribing the remedy for person who entertains it, that any one disease, the constitution may be decision would have, if sanctioned weakened for the easy admission of by the practice of mankind; though more. Thus, at one period the the one should be preposterous, and French Roman-Catholics governed the other should be consistent wich the state, in consequence of the pre-reason.

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vailing superstition of all ranks to The causes which bestow such avour them; and religious truth, efficacy, and confer such power on VOL. 1.]


the opinion of the world, it is perhaps both useless to seek, and hard to find. It is difficult to trace the composition of complex ideas back to their original formation.

general acknowledgement of superior wisdom, is as surprising to reflect upon as it is common to observe. But the enchantments of opinion are sometimes so delusive, that those who are thought to be wise, are discovered to be foolish; and those, whose retiring modesty

their understandings, in after ages will be found to have possessed that knowledge, which should insure respect, without that cringing, which obtains it.

Those sentiments which have the greatest weight of authority in the world, generally arise from the strongest passions drawn into con-excites opinions to the prejudice of stant operation. By the strongest passions are not meant those which are most violent, but those which are most lasting. Pride, in this sense, is one of the strongest sensations, of which the mind is susceptible. It is the most impartial passion, because no one is free from it; it is never vehement, for vehemence is transient, and pride is one of the inost constant sentiments in the human breast; and is ever at hand to aid the force of opinion. Pride, united to selfishness, originates most of the opinions which circulate in the world, and notwithstanding their perversion of sense, if once they get mounted on the "sightless couriers" of credulous ignorance, they are diffused with the suddenness of light, though reason should rise in rebellion, and virtue exert all her energies to oppose them.

Power has charms too enticing to be resisted by the ambitious; and opinion contributes to the delusion. The crimes of politics, the sacrifice of principle for the object to be gained; the meanness of flattery, the corruptions of intrigue, and the exertions of talents, may sometimes raise a man to the eminence he aspires after; but the sceptre of empire will too often change to a serpent in his hand.

Riches have an influence in the world, which is in part well founded; for without competency, life would be burthensome, and desire become tasteless. But that opinion which allows no satisfaction but in Those objects of pursuit, which accumulating; no delights but in have the sanction of opinion as the retaining wealth, is not only absurd most to be desired, will be found on in theory, but vicious in practice. reflection, oftentimes to be replete The miser, in his fears and cares with misery, disappointment, and for his wealth, finds a perfect counvice. If science spreads her trea- terpoise for all the enjoyments of sures upon the summit of her hill, possession. Every wind blows desthe struggles of her votaries to ob-truction; and every approaching tain a share of them, involve them step foretells the happening of evil. in mazes of inextricable disputes, No joy brightens his face, worn or excite in the unsuccessful the with perpetual toil, and prematurely bitterest asperities of envy. That furrowed by the anxieties of avarice. persons, whose object should be the The charms of beauty, soon fade; promotion of knowledge, should but opinion authorises their supresuffer the clouds of jealousy and dis-macy. Voluptuousness, frequentcontent to overcast the serenity of ly usurps the place of modesty ; and intellectual gratification, for the debauchery preys upon the frame; vain expectation of obtaining the admiration however, conducts the

frail one, by attentions and flattery, up the sideof the mountain of delight, and then suddenly leaves her to fall into the deep of incurable disease, by the dizziness of the intoxication.

Custom imperiously exacts the publica-
tion of these annual orations. Nor is it
justice to former orators to say, it is

"A custom more honored in the breach, Than in the observance." The object of this mode of celebrating this great anniversary is not to set an Perhaps it would be fruitless, to APOLLO in the pulpit to flash upon the endeavor to oppose the general cir- audience the mere brilliancy of wit, nor culation of opinion, by obstinate a MINERVA to give them the precept departure from its dogmas; noth-of good sense and sound judgement to and example of eloquence; but a man ing weaker, than the rock, can re- harangue them on the "feelings, mansist the force of the current. So-ners, and principles" that gave birth to cieties may effect something; but the proud prerogative of such a celethe labours of individuals will be in bration. With substantial men, subvain. Yet, I cannot but view that man stance is the principal, & refinements of rhetoric and embellishments of oratory with respect who having burst asun-are considered as mere casual incidents. der the fetters of adamant, by which opinion chains his followers, exerted his force against him, and, in the words of an American poet,

"Shook opinion from his marble throne, And independent brav'd the world alone."


For the Emerald.



If a gentleman have marked his production with just discrimination and correct force of thought, little ought it concern him, whether it would stand the test of critical scrutiny; whether it would pass, like Daniel, through the flames unhurt. To be the object of respectable criticism is no trivial compli ment. ZoILUS hurled a javelin in spite at the aerial castles of HOMER, and the best production of ADDISON was not impregnable to the criticism of BLAIR. After such able literary engineers have failed in the attempt to erect muniments of style, in which no breach could be effected, surely it ought to be no reason against raising another rampart, To a copy of the Oration, delivered that it may tempt similar, successful exon the 4th of July, immemorial usage ertions. We think the reasons suggestseems now to have given the public aed for not publishing at all would have title by prescription. That a professional gentleman should question a popular right, sanctioned by such a continuity of enjoyment, and by uninterrupted possession, as far as possession can be predicated of the subject, is to us indeed matter of wonder. The author well knows the importance of a harmony of precedents and the embar, rassment occasioned by the necessity of consulting the last case. Where the law is not only settled, but well settled, no attempt should be made to shake it "Stare decisis" should ever be the governing maxim. To make a question of expediency on such an occasion, and calculate whether more would not be lost by obeying than transgressing the law, is unprincipled and unmanly Correctness would aim at obedience, whatever be the gain of transgression.

done better as an apology for the im
perfections of the publication itself. In
giving this opinion, God forbid Mr. C.
should suspect us of the least tincture
of the spirit of partizans. For truth's
sake let not the shrine of the classics be
polluted by the profanation of party. If,
from literature and principle, we should
ever sink into politics, he should soon
find all that we say of him to be preju-
dice and presumption.

The law of custom, we have said,
with respect to the submission of these
orations to the press is well settled.
They are delivered on a commanding oc-
casion. The voice of a town calls for a
disquisition on politics; on what gave
life and glory by one revolution, and
may prevent death and disgrace from
another. They are rather to be con-
sidered discussions of principles, than


decorations of rhetoric. If uniformly The examples of careless tautology published, they may be important funds were too frequent and glaring to be for future historians. That such a pro- overlooked by the slightest glance of duction should be withheld from the the intellectual optics. The disquisipress, because the author, from any tion on the preamble to the statute of reason, however amiable or otherwise hon tribute, stating that the money was to orable, had not been able to make it be appropriated "towards" a certain proof against criticism, or had been object; and therefore implying that still even obliged to leave it extremely objec more was to come, was undoubtedly tionable in point of style, is to suffer a just, but partook too much of the nicety temporary, individual disadvantage to of verbal criticism to be generally unin some measure to sacrifice the objecttion in a court of law, than as a popular outweigh a permanent general good; is derstood on delivery. It would have done better as an argument of construcof the community in requesting an oration to the personal feelings of the crator. But when we see a production suppressed, which is not extremely objectionable in point of style, the argument strengthens.

catchword on a political anniversary. Calling our annual celebrations of independence "the SATURNALIA of America," was we think neither happy nor judicious. Not happy because few present could be presumed to take the This we believe is the first instance allusion. Net judicious, since the Sain this town where the oration has not turnalia were principally marked, as been in print. It is therefore we have may be made manifest from reference been thus prolix. Repetition of wrong to HORACE, ADAMS, or KENNETT, sometimes constitutes right, and devia-for days in the Kalends of January, -tion, in time, may become uniformity, It is hoped this will be the only instance, the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last.

In attending its recent delivery several passages struck the ear as im proper for adoption in a discourse on so dignified an occasion." The phrases family connexion," "family pictures," are well enough all in the family, but will hardly answer for popular assemlies. The people will not be treated on the same familiar terms with babes at the fire side. To talk about "the murmurs of the woodland turtle" may be gentle enough for the tender ditties of TIBULLES, but comes with ill grace from the ore rotundo of a popular declaimer. The frequent allusions to "I" were sufficient to have brought for the gentleman from across the Adantic one of the blushing honors of the Lord 11igh Chancellor of England, a letter patent for the title, Counsellor EGo. The use of the first person in a public speaker is extremely disgustful. The disgust is universal. Every one has vanity; but every one is conscious he has it without reason, and detests the sight of it in others.

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when masters waited at their table on slaves. But the difference is, that we have no slaves in New England.

The elaborate antitheses, introduced by the orator, were generally fortunate. But this is a figure that dazzles; and constant coruscation soon overpowers the ere. The flight of lightning is too rapid for vision to follow; and the flash of anithesis zig-zags so instantly from one side to the other, that the mind's eye contemplates it with pain. It flies quicker than thought. When long continued, this figure is particularly objectionable. With regret we must add, it was here completely run down.

The principles of Mr. C. were correct throughout. The animadversions on the non-importation act, were spirited and appropriate, however seemingly discordant with those "feelings and resolution with respect to the article, principles," which by a nen-importation that from individual delicacy these tea, gave birth to a nation. We regret should be lost to the public. The style was in general pure, chaste, and correct; but it wanted that nerve, which should ever characterize these compositions. It was better adapted' to the One instance of mixed metaphor par-familiar intercourse of epistolary corticularly attracted attention, and we respondence, than the proud tones of a could not be told, "that the pillars of manly orator. It was indeed too reliberty would expire" without thinking of wooden groans.

plete with classic allusions, and censurPable for the number of different allu


sions to the same object. "The club clusive as the importunity of a beloved of Hercules" is not the talisman of the woman. When therefore the benevoorator, in how many various lights and lence and virtuous qualifications of a shades soever he may be pleased to wife are excited in the endearing avowield it. We have been tempted to cations of tenderness, care, attention, this desultory examination from memo- friendship, he must be a disgrace to hus ry of a production, which exists only in species, and unworthy of participating memory and manuscript, that some idea in these accomplishments, who should may be formed by many, of what could refuse to be biassed to good actions, UT have been heard only by few. We may conciliated to virtuous principles. have extenuated nothing, but have set grant it is truly deplorable that such down naught in malire. We may in-power over men is frequently abused deed have misquoted; but as we can- by some women. Every Xantippe has not be convicted of this without produc- not a Socrates to draw lessons of paing the oration itself, we rest safe on tience from the impetuosity of a virago, this head. Should it be produced and and hence conjugal recrimination is of its production strike this conviction, ten a cause of ridicule with the sons of still we shall be happy in having sacri- wit and levity, who are severe in railleficed ourselves to the gratification of ry on the married, and equally unjust the public. MINERVA may be the gen- in their sarcasms on wedlock. Socratleman's household god and rather a tes, however, notwithstanding his ill scrupulous deity. Should this propitia- luck in marriage, was yet unprejudiced, tory offering prove to be accepted and for in a discourse concerning love, he find favor in the sight of this head of inforced his doctrines with such address the Penates, to the giving up the papers that every batchelor in his audience is under his charge, the object gained reported to have formed the resolution would amply compensate the loss of of marrying, and every married man the victim. Mr. C. would certainly immediately went home to his wife. acquire reputation from submitting his production to the press "with all its the most perfect delight. It awakens Marriage is an institution formed for imperfections on its head." It has ma-every sense and calls forth every virtue ; ny brilliant passages. These should it inspires cheerfulness, corrects imnot be forever unknown, because once modesty and improves joy. It doubles unheard. every pleasure, because participated, it divides every affliction by voluntary sympathy. It holds up prudence to our observation, and recoinmends immorality to our contempt. It tells us to plant sincerity, and promises satisfaction for the fruit. By reflecting on the important relation we bear to child. MARRIAGE is the bond of society, ren and wife, we are induced to the and therefore the most in portant ob-practice of honor. By a consciousness ject of the politician's investigation. of their interest and happiness in our Love, the most violent of passions, finds reputation, we are content with mediohere its reward; and as that love only crity, abhorring the means of increas can insure permanent peace and honouring a fortune at the expence of our good the human heart, which is controled by name, and their consequent degradavirtue, all men of sense look up to that tion. By the acquisition or perfecting condition as "the perpetual fountain of honorable sensations and ideas, oc of domestic sweets." casioned by our new appellations of Whoever considers the influence of husband and father, we are restrained the sex upon our manners, the irresist-from the commission of crimes. ible force of the passion they inspire, If a man be not happy in his own will confess that the heart is capable of house, where shall he look for happi being mended and the conduct reform-ness? It is the proper theatre of a ed by a connexion with an amiable wo-woman's glory, it is the just bounds of man. The way she points, will be im- a man's felicity. He may indeed, wan plicitly followed, for there is no judg-der in a fruitless search of extraordina ment so strong and no reason so con-ry bliss, but the sole of his foot lik

Boston, July 10, 1806.



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