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occurred rather too frequently, es-
pecially as the epithet is not Ho-" facile emergunt, quorum virtuti-
The Latin Oration on "Haud
meric, nor distinguished for signifi- bus obstat res angusta domi."
cant aptness. The numbers on "Slow rises worth, by poverty de-
Austin were judicious. The close" pressed," was, we understand
of the last line, where he apostro-well written, but we were not near
phised his classmates at the tomb, enough to hear any one sentence

logue was well chosen. From the The subject of the Greek dialanguage of this production, the locality of these institutions, and the contrasted character of the lawgivers, we think these speakers could


upon credit.

bid memory expire," expressed a bold thought, a flight sudden and sublime. The conception was too strong for harmony. The verse was rough, But it was designed for the ravings of distraction, and had a right to set music at defiance. To leave fancy for fact, the de-not have adhered to their subject livery of this production was man- without Attic point. That they did ly, the gesture for the most part just, the accentuation generally corwe are very willing to take rect, and, what was no common merit that day, every syllable was but the subject was too unwieldly The oration by Jones was happy ;. distinctly and audibly pronounced. for the occasion. The classic alThe first conference was well lusions were some of them apt. conducted throughout. The style But the changes on these are pretty of Lincoln, both in thought and ex-nearly rung cut, and the objects of pression, combined the maturity of allusion become generally hackmanhood with the vigor of youth.neyed. The style was neat, but The the subject was vastly too copious toute ensemble led us to hope much for the time allotted a Commence

The delivery was manly.

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ment nerformance

It was not to


Abbot and Moore fill a limited channel; it was only were not very clear in their utter-when the earth was to be deluged, ance. From one of these gentle-that a fountain of the great deep men fell the striking personifica- was broken up. tion "Indifference, that half sister "of death." Charles Burroughs on The Poem on "The Passions" professional occupation brought up production. But it was so wretchwe are willing to believe was an able the rear. It may be invidious to edly delivered, we could hardly discompare. But we give the deliv-tinguish our ery of this production the prefer- Here and there indeed we caught vernacular tongue. ence to that of any other in the the whole of a couplet, and what we course of the day. The style was did thus catch, amply paid us for chaste, perspicuous, and energetic. the toil of attention. We should Considering the limited allotment like to read this production. We of time, much deference was paid believe the poetry was superior. to method, and the Aristotelian But the words were so swelled in requisition of beginning, middle, the utterance, few ears could admit and end, pretty ably regarded. He them. They went forth of such did not attempt to consider the in- unnatural bigness, no man could fluence of the three leading profes-tell "what manner of speech they sions, but was judiciously general. "were of." The declaimer failed

merely from enunciation. He seem-1 We believe it was this gentleman ed to make a just use of emphasis, who called something both the and his gestures were appropriate. "sister and the wife of science." By a little attention he may soon "Jovis soror atque conjux." This correct this error. Till then, the quotation was rather unfortunate. bard had better muse, than sing. It would have done well enough for The last conference was interest-a heathen auditory, but was too ining for manner and matter. Gor-cestuous a connexion to introduce don on Humor was handsome, and to a Christian assembly: As the

the Conferer on Pathos impressive. His allusion to the famous speech, delivered in Congress on the ratification of the British treaty, was well timed and in point. The demon of discord was struck dumb at the eloquence of Ames; " and “even party itself bound a victim "at the shrine of pathos." The last gentleman spoke with force. His appeal to the deserted desk" was not unaffecting. It was not the first time" Truth" had excited "pathos."

men was meant.

ladies did not understand Latin, it would have been a little more tolerable without a translation.

liked better than the subject. The The Oration on Commerce we same reasons of objection, which we gave to the attempt in an oration to compare "the Influence of climate and government on Letters" are even more applicable here. Objects of magnitude and emulation for the research of scientific labor should never be made toys for the Rhetoric of literary pastime. The orator could not do justice to his subject without necessarily subjecting himself to the

The Dissertation on Genius was able, but not delivered in a very au-imputation of pedantry. From andible voice. It exhibited marks of xiety probably to guard against this, an investigating mind, accustomed that information in some parts was rather to collect ideas in the depths looked for in vain, which the annunof abstraction, than to seize them in ciation of the theme in the Lills of the fights of fancy. In this Disser- the day led many to expect. The tation we think it was that the word introduction was heavy. It seemed Phaeton was mentioned as if spelt like the labor of Sesyphus or an atwith a diphthong. It left us at a loss tempt to heave mountains up hill to know what personage of gods or In his circumnavigation of the globe, we were really concerned for The Oration by Everett was man- the fate of the Orator. Toward ly. It discovered precosity of tal- the close however he flashed conents, and great versatility of mind. spicuous, and the character of Bo-? In his prosopopoeia of criticism he naparte was the sketch of a master, fairly discriminated between the His Latin quotation as to the tritrue and the false, and distinguished dent was signally happy. The the prince of darkness from the An- whole was given ore rotundo, His gel of light. Vanity and self igno- eulogium on Jones was brilliant, but rance prevented the carping critic the conclusion outrageously injufrom taking the devil to himself, dicious. We do not impute to the and saying "Master, is it I," to orator egregious arrogance or unwhom civility only prevented the common vanity. But were we to orator's exclaiming "Thou art the judge of his character from the conman." We hope the same cour-clusion of this oration alone, we tesy will protect us from exposure, I should think him unrivalled in both.

That a young man, should fret his hour upon the stage, till he had irrtated himself into such an oversight of extravagance, as to think that his shallop of a moment, should accompany the squadron of Sir William Jones "along the stream of time," is indeed wonderful, Yet what less can be gathered from the following lines? He is speaking of the august character of this illustrious judge, scholar, and statesman, "Oh, while along the stream of time

thy name

Expanded flies and gathers all its fame,
Say, shall my little bark attendant sail,
Pursue the triumph and partake the
gale "

Had Pope himself applied this to
JONES, instead of BOLINGBROKE it
would have been the madness of arro-
gance in him. In Mr. S. this must
have been an oversight. We know
the man and with us he is therefore
protected. But strangers must have
heard him, to whom he was without
this defence. He nevw could have
meant the lines in this sense. But
the application is irresistible and
oversight unpardonable.

We have been thus minute to excite to industry. We live at a time when youth think they can lounge "up the steep of fame." We barb no arrow; the shaft of criticism is of feather. We would wound the feelings of no man.


From a sketch prefixed to an obscure

translation of an eminent work, we collect the subsequent biographical article. The author of the Consolation of Philosophy should never be forgotten. A man, that lived so much for others, should be dead only to himself. Since the sufferings of BOETHIUs are real, human nature can derive little consolation from reflecting that those of BELISARIUS are fictitious. Two works of greatest interest in literature, Reflections in Exile, and the Consolation of Philosophy, were written under cheerful, yet thoughtful submission to an unjust and ignominious sentence. They are proud proofs how good citizens are scholars, and how promptly Philosophy yields obedience to law. The former shows, that Intelligence is every where at home; the latter, that wisdom can lead captivity captive. "The mind is its own place." It can make liberty confinement, and confinement liberty.


ANCIUS Manlius Severinus Bocthius was descended from an ancient and noble family. Many of his ancestors were senators and consuls of Rome. He was born at Rome, in the 455th year of the Christian era, 46 years after the taking of that city by Alarick I. king of the Goths. Boethins Severinus, his father, was III. and, by the command of that prefect of the palace to Valentinian emperor, was put to death in the same year which gave birth to his

The day did not equal its prede scessors for the delivery of the per-illustrious son. Though deprived formances in general. The elocu- of the care of an excellent parent, tion of the scholars was almost uni- the young Boethius had the happiversally inaccurate. We could not ness of falling under the tuition of but think the Professor of oratory worthy relations, who gave him a had much to do. Satisfied that he good education, and inspired him is competent to much more, we ex-with an early taste for philosophy pect the anniversary will soon come and the belles lettres. They sent when the English language at Cam-him to Athens, where these studies bridge will not only be written with still flourished. He resided eighelegance but spoken with purity, teen years in that celebrated seminary, where, animated by a noble


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mulation, he distinguished himself the latter western emperors had mong his fellow-students, and done before him. The Romans nade a surprising progress in eve- and the inhabitants of Italy were y branch of literature. But phi- pleased with the government of osophy and mathematics were his Theodorick, because he wisely rularling studies; Plato, Aristotle, ed them by the same laws, the same Euclid, and Ptolemy, his favourite polity, and the same magistrates authors. He studied their writings they were accustomed to, under the with the utmost attention, and be-femperors. In the eighth year of came master of the treasures they this prince's reign, Boethius had contained. the singular felicity of beholding In this manner did Boethus em- his two sons, Patritius and Hypatius, ploy his youth. Upon his return raised to the consular dignity. Durto Rome, he soon attracted the pub-ing their continuance in office, Thelic attention. He was considered odorick came to Rome, where he as a person born to promote the had been long expected, and was happiness of society. The most received by the senate and people distinguished men in the city sought with the greatest demonstrations of his friendship, perceiving that his joy. Boethius made him an elomerit would soon advance him to quent panegyric in the senate; the first employments of the state. which the king answered in the His alliance was wished for by per- most obliging terms, declaring that sons the most respectable. But he should ever have the greatest Elpis, descended from one of the respect for that august assembly, most considerable families of Mes- and would never encroach upon any sina, was the lady on whom Boethi- of their privileges. us fixed his choice. His choice was Boethius was advanced a second fortunate; for in Elpis were united time to the digy of consul, in the all the accomplishments of the head eighteenth year of the reign of king and heart. She had a fine taste in Theodorick. The care of public literature, particularly in poetry, affairs did not however engross his was a shining example of every vir- whole attention. This year, ss he tue, and must have been a delightfu- informs us himself, he wrote his companion to this eminent philosol Commentary upon the Predicapher and statesman. She bore himments, or the Ten Categories of two sons, Patritius and Hypatius. Aristotle. In imitation of Cato, To the happiness of possessing a Cicero, and Brutus, he devoted the lady of such uncommon merit, Bo- whole of his time to the service of ethius soon had the satisfaction of the commonwealth, and to the culobtaining the highest honour his tivation of the sciences. He pub--, country could bestow. He was lished a variety of writings, in which made consul in the year 487, A. C. he treated upon almost every branch at the age of 32. Two years after of literature. I shall mention the Boethius' advancement to the dig-principal of them.

Besides the aity of consul, Theodorick, king of Commentary upon Aristotle's Catthe Goths, invaded Italy; and, hav-egories, noticed above, Boethius lag conquered Odoacer and put him wrote an Explanation of that phideath, he in a short time made losopher's Topics, in eight books; imself master of that country, and another, of his Sophisms, in two xed the seat of his government at books; and Commentaries upon Ravenna, as Odoacer and several of many other parts of his writings.


He translated the whole of Plato's the expedient of water dropping out works: he wrote a Commentary, of one vessel into anothor. So fond in six books, upon Cicero's Topics: was Gondebald of these pieces of he commented also upon Porphy-mechanism, that upon his return to ry's writings; he published a Dis- his own country, he dispatched amcourse on Rhetoric, in one book; a bassadors to Theodorick, praying Treatise on Arithmetic, in two that he would procure for him the books; and another, in five books, two wonderful time-keepers he had upon Music: he wrote three books seen at Rome. upon Geometry, the last of which is lost he translated Euclid; and wrote a Treatise upon the Quadra-wife-Elpis, the faithful partner of

ture of the Circle; neither of which performances are now remaining he published also translations of Ptolomy of Alexandria's works; and of the writings of the celebrated Archimedes: and, to conclude this imperfect list of his learned labours, he published several treatises upon theological and metaphysical subjects, which are still preserved.

actions, Bocthius lost his beloved During the course of these trans

his domestic cares, his pleasures, and his studies. To comfort himself under this affliction (for the wise man comforts himself under every event)* he married a second time; and had the uncommon felicity of being again equally happy in his choice. for his consort was Rusticiana, the The lady whom he chose daughter of Symmachus, one of the most respectable men in Rome for birth, learning, and probity. This lady bore him two sons, Symmachus and Boethius, who, as we are informed in the second book of the Consolation, were conspicuous in their youth for very eminent talents.

The acuteness of understanding and profound erudition displayed in such a diversity of works, upon all subjects, acquired Boethius a great reputation, not only among his countrymen, but with foreigners. Gondebald king of the Burgundians, who had married a daughter Boethius was a third time elected of Theodorick, came to Ravenna, consul, along with Symmachus, his on a visit to his father-in-law, and father-in-law, in the 30th year of thence went to Rome, not only with Theodorick's reign. This was his a view to see the beauties of that last consulship: during the course famous city, but that he might have of it he had the misfortune to fall the pleasure of conversing with our under the displeasure of Theodoillustrious philosopher. Boethius. rick, Boethius had been hitherto sensible of the great honour confer- remarkable fortunate: he had liv red upon him by this prince, did ed long in health, affluence, and every thing in his power to amuse splendor; had attained to every and entertain him. He showed him honor he could expect; and had several curious mechanical works preserved invariably the esteem and of his own invention, which Gonde-affection of his fellow-citizens. Durbald greatly admired; but what ing the course of almost forty years, chiefly struck him, were two watches or time-keepers; one of which pointed out the sun's diurnal and annual motion in the ecliptic, upon a moveable sphere; and the other indicated the hours of the day, by

for capacity and probity, he was undoubtedly the most distinguished character in Rome. His uncommon merit, however, and his great influence, did not prevent his ruin; they were probably the causes of it.

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