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him to more respectable society.|

SEDULOUS and DIVES were eduThere are indeed some leaden cated at the same school; they ensouls which merely serve the pur- tered the University together, and pose of keeping the body in a state received its honors at the same of vegetation; moles incapable of time. SEDULOUS had his patrisight, whose opake heads never ad- mony in his education, and entered mit an idea; but such are indeed rare. the world with no other means of The common class of mankind have subsistence than what was to be desense enough to understand, and rived from the industrious improveability to pursue, those professions, ment of acquired advantages. DIwhich society requires; and while VES inherited a large estate by the Industry is their tutelary saint to death of a near relation, and took whom they address their morning possession of it on the day he be orisons and their evening prayers, came twenty-one years old. After they need anticipate no failure of leaving the University, for form sake their plans. he entered the office of a CounselEVERY man is indebted to socie-lor, and was in proper time called ty. He owes to it the usefulness to the Bar. Relying however on of his talents or the produce of his the durability of a large estate, he labor. Born not for himself alone, considered his professional conbut as one of a great community, cerns too tedious to engage attenwhich exists by a reciprocity of ben- tion, and bringing too little emoluefits, it is his duty, as it ought to ment to be an object of regard. be his pleasure, to contribute his His clients were neglected, his of proportion to the common stock. fice became deserted, and his time The idlers, fruges consumere nati, was more generally spent in the are like weeds which choak the pro- lounging room of a Coffee-house, ductions of a profitable soil. They than in the Library or at the Bar. hang a dead weight upon others, in Unaddicted however to any licenthe same manner that time hangs tious or dissipated pleasures, he was upon them, and serve very little merely a harmless Idler, without purpose except to increase the num-consequence, a being in whom nober of those who live on the indus-body felt concern, who lived merely try of others. The Chinese, it is for himself, without doing either said, carry into practise the com- good or harm in society, otherwise mand of St. Paul. Their popula- than by example. tion is so numerous that without the SEDULOUS had a sound mind calabor of every individual, a sufficien- pable of reflection, and what was cy would not be produced for year-yet better, habits of industrious atly consumption. Every man there- tention, which led him to prefer his fore, who is idle, is considered as a compting-house engagements to the tax on some other more industrious, most alluring parties of pleasure. and is punished for his remissness He had articled himself to a Meras certainly as if he had committed chant, and after gaining a proper a theft of the necessaries of life; knowledge of commercial affairs, for altho' he might not be under the commenced business on his own necessity of attending to laborious account. His industry gave him pursuits, yet some one else loses the means of punctuality, and puncby his leisure, to whom the occupa-tuality afforded him an extensive tion of the former would have given credit. Cautious and attentive his the means of subsistence.. enterprizes were planned with dis

cretion and executed with judg- fails to extenuate. We do not mean ment. Acquiring by these means to attach to LOVER'S Vows in partisufficient to equip a vessel, he em-cular the general censure we have barked on a commercial speculation, applied to German plays; but we and after several years absence, was mean to assert that, admitting it to rewarded for his industry and per- be more free from faults than any severance with a handsome indepen- other production of Kotezbue, it is cy. In the by-path of the capital yet essentially repugnant in charache accidentally met one day his ter and sentiment to the genuine classmate DIVES, in the garb of tendency of pure and unsophisticatpoverty and distress. The contrast ed English comedy. For what is was striking. Dives at first neg- the foundation, and what the relected his regular business, and idle- sult of this play? ness at length so corroded his mind Without making particular referas to render every occupation labo-ence to the introduction of the loves rious. He became inattentive to of AMELIA and ANHALT, which, his pecuniary concerns; his Banker serve only to destroy the unity of failed, other property belonging action; (retarding the progress of to him was dissipated, and the rava- the main incident, and having noges of a fire lately consumed all that connection with it) let us examine remained. Without the means of the principles admitted by the conreplacing what he lost; unacquaint-duct and conclusion of this drama. ed with the busy concourse of the Agatha Fribourg is deluded under world and those habits which lead a promise of marriage by Baron Wel-to respectability and opulence, he denhain; who leaves her with a boy, become a mere wandering mendi- the unfortunate issue of their ill facant, relying only on the kindness ted connection. Here we have an of his friends and the occasional admission that females are easily gratuities of charity. deluded; and under a promise of marriage, Agatha's peace of mind is not only destroyed, but she is left a prey to the frowns of penury and the gripings of disease. Now, what follows, as the consequences of this seduction? Frederic, the offspring of this attatchment, becomes a soldier, and returning home on furlough to obtain the certificate of his birth, he finds his mother houseless, by the way-side almost perishing for want Being unable materially to relieve her distressing condition, he resolves to procure means by begging on the high-way. meets Baron Wildenhain and requests money of him, and the small sum which he receives not being sufficient, he deliberately draws his sword and demands more. It must be observed that, this circumstance


THE ORDEAL.....No. 2.


Respicere exemplar vite morumque jubebo.
LOVERS' Vows, (Kotzebue) AND THE
QUAKER....Wednesday, Oct. 15.


IT has often been considered a maxim in dramatic writing that every play should be written for some express moral purpose, or should at least be so constructed as in the conduct or catastrophe, to have a moral tendency. The introduction of German plays on the English stage is a direct infringement of this principle; inasmuch as their stories are generally founded on some crime committed,which for the good of society ought never to be forgiven, but which the catastrophe seldom does not take place until after much

time has elapsed, on the stage. Had sider an absolutely essential dress, Frederick attempted robbery from or expect excommunication in dethe impulse excited by his mother's viating from it.-Mr. Por must distress, he had possibly been justi- learn to elevate his voice and dignified; but a deliberate commission fy his gestures. They are oftenof crime constitutes. guilt. And times laughable when he wishes to why draw his sword on one who had be serious; and generally are tame granted him money; why not on one when he strives to be energetic. who had refused him? But to re- Mrs. PoE, performed the scene with turn to the more immediate pun-Anhalt, where she divulges her affecishment of the seduction. As to tion, in an accurate, chaste and atthe distribution of temporal bless-tractive manner. USHER in the Beings, KOTZEBUE, makes the inno-ron, wanted character: that is, a dis cent wretched; and the guilty pros-tinguishing feature by which Baron perous. He plunges AGATHA into Wildenhain should be known at the depths of want, servitude and once. But his style this evening misery; while he continues Baron would "suit any other part as well Wildenhain in all his possessions, as this," Sir Philip Blanford or Sir and ultimately makes him happy. Hubert Stanley. Nevertheless he The pride of the Baron too, has no was on the whole quite respectable." punishment: but it should seem as Mr. Dykes appeared as a new perif every crime was whitened, and former: new, because his style of every stain eradicated from his char-acting has entirely changed; and acter the moment he consents to ad- we may truly say for the better.*. mit Agatha to his reluctant favor. It We pass the rest of the perform-. is an idea founded in just reason, ance, as not entitled to further obthat no writer should present vicious servation. persons in a pleasing shape, there-CURE FOR THE HEART ACHE,' by giving false attractions to immorality and turpitude; on the contrary he should bestow his utmost pains on virtuous characters. KOTZEBUE in the person of the Baron presents us with a man in whom good and evil are so mingled, as to leave us in doubt whether to hate or love him. His vices, however abstracted from his character, would justly excite detestation.

(Morton) and LA FORET NOIR.

Friday, October 17.

THE chief objections advanced against the plays of Morton are their tendency to broad farce, and the want of consistency in their characters. Thus the two Rapids, in the play under consideration, are glaringly caricatured; and Old Rapid who in the beginning is despised As to the consistency of charac- and laughed at, on a sudden beters, no particular objection need becomes a moralist, and utters the sen-. adduced; it would too greatly ex-timents of a philosopher.

tend our limits. In this point, the play is open to reprehension.

The performances were in no degree so excellent as to deserve, nor so contemptible as to require a critical analysis. The costume of Anhalt was inappropriate, both as to shape and richness. A plain coat and wig a German pastor would con

But notwithstanding this general · censure, Morton always interests us with the delicacy of his sentiment, exhilarates us with the excentricity of his humor, and satisfies us with his truth and nature.

We intend to offer a retrospect of the new performers as soon as we can have formed a judgment.


Mr. Usher in Sir Hubert Stanley | hand of a friend to extricate her from her peril-Her heart is good. And who can blame her for her conduct to Sir Wm. Dorrillon, under the name of Mandred. She knew him not as a father but as an over

was dignified and impressive; Mr. Dickenson, in Old Rapid, made the most of his abilities. Mr. Fox surprised us with his volubility and perpetual motion, and sometimes with pathos; yet we cannot sub-bearing censurer of her pleasures, scribe to the opinion, that he was the real Young Rapid.

Jesse Oatland, by Mrs. Poe, had a sweet and able representative; and Mrs. Usher looked Ellen Vortex admirably. But we cannot afford Mrs. Shaw much praise for her personation of Mrs. Vortex; excepting in the scenes of disappointed triumph, where she evinced some truth of coloring.

This play went off with more deserved eclat than any other since the season opened; though there was no absolutely correct deliniation of character, throughout the whole range of its personages.

not as a friendly instructor, but as a rigid monitor. Sir William Dorrillon is a captious man, who presumes to expect every excellence from his daughter, while he has never thought of the dangers to which his negligence had exposed her. His idea of reforming her under a fictitious name is by no means reasonable, his changing coats with a contemptible fellow like Bronzely, is derogatory to his character, not only. as no end was obtained by it, but as his voluntarily suffering the subsequent disgrace, was not demanded by common honesty or common politeness. "If an author,” says Mr. Cumberland, probably with eye to WIVES AS THEY WERE & MAIDS AS this very play, "cannot reform a THEY ARE (Mrs.Inchbald) and PAUL dissipated lady without a spunging and VIRGINIA......Monday, Oct. 20. house to read his lectures in, I am This play, written by Mrs. Inch- sorry for his dearth of fancy and. bald, is liable to considerable objec-lament his want of taste." tion, both in design and tendency; must that father be who could sufin design, for its object is not attain- fer his daughter to be taken to pried; and in tendency, for no pur- son before his face, as was Miss. pose is answered, nor no moral pro-Dorrillon in the present piece? duced by the catastrophe. If Lady This play has some agreeable di-Priory is offered as a model by alogue; but we cannot think it dewhich wives of the present day serves a station in the ranks of legitought to be formed, we trust no imate comedy. As to the perform-friend to the sex will consider it by ance we shall refrain from much. any means perfect. She does not observation. But Mr. Dickenson on love her husband; but obeys him the stage and the Prompter off, were through dread; he is the master obliged continually to renew the and she the servant. The example very imperfect memories of almost which such a character affords is every performer. We should really forbidding rather than attractive. consider it adviseable to have the Neither is Miss Dorrillon a pro-prompt-book open upon the stage, per contrast to Lady Priory; be- that the actors might read, and then. cause, though she is immersed in repeat their parts; as it is now, they the vortex of dissipation, she has graciously favor us with a double never had a kind counsellor to lessen exhibition; the Prompter's and their the force of its influence; nor the own,


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Selected for the Emerald.

[It is wonderful indeed, but certainly made them, gradually disappear, But the austerities he, prescrib true, that there have been those who seemed to derive their chief happi-and, disgusted at this desertion, he shut up his school.

ness from bodily pain, from wretch edness and misery. The stoic endeavored to destroy the nature of his nerves, and become alike insensible to the warmth of the passion, and the corporeal sensations of nature. In catholic countries orders of men exist whose lives are dedicated to sorrow; whose greatest amusement is daily to take a shovel full of dirt from their graves. In the contemplation of such characters, it is difficult to say wheth er commiseration or contempt is the predominant sentiment. We should pity the folly that so dreadfully militates with reason, but could scarcely wish to relieve the sufferer from his voluntary punishment. The following picture of the great originals of insensibility, drawn by the masterly pencil of the Abbe Barthelemi, will remind the classical reader of the truth of our remarks, and exhibits the unpleasing appearance which human nature presents, when an affectation of singularity distorts its features. Em. Ed's] Anour the time that Plato open-allurements of pleasure. He someed his school at the academy, re- times says: "I am poor, a vagasumed Apollodorus, Antisthenes, bond, without country, without asyanother disciple of Socrates, estab- lum, and compelled to live as I can lished one likewise, on an eminence from one day to another; but I op situated on, the opposite side of the pose courage to fortune, nature to city. This philosopher laboured, laws, and reason to the passions." during his youth, to make an exter- From these principles, which in nal display of the most rigid virtue; their respective consequences may and Socrates, penetrating his inten-lead men to the summit of perfec tions, one day said to him: Antis- tion, or plunge them in every spethenes, I see your vanity through cies of disorder, results, a contempt the rents in your garment. His for riches, honors, glory, the dismaster had taught him that happi- tinction of ranks, the decorum of ness consists in virtue: and he society, the arts and sciences, and made virtue consist in a contempt all, the comforts and embellishments of riches and enjoyments; and, to of life. The man, created in the enforce his maxims, appeared in imagination of Diogenes, and whom public, with a staff, and wallet over he sometimes goes in search of his shoulders, like one of those un- with a lanthorn; that being, foreign happy mendicants who expose their to every surrounding oject, and in wretchedness to passengers. The accessible to every thing that gratisingularity of this sightprocured him fies the senses, who styles himself a disciples, who remained attached to citizen of the world, though he him for some time by his eloquence. claims not that relation to his na

Diogenes now made his appear ance in this city. He had been banished from Sinope, his native country, with his father, accused of diminishing the coin. After a long resistance, Antisthenes imparted to him his principles, and Diogenes presently gave them a greater extent. Antisthenes sought to correct, the passions, Diogenes to destroy them, The wise man, to become happy, should, according to him, render himself independent of fortune, of mankind, and of himself: of fortune, by braving alike her favours and caprices; of men, by divesting himself of prejudices, and despising customs, and even laws, when not conformable to his understanding; of himself, by labouring to fortify his body against the rigour of the seasons, and his mind against the

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