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feelings, a gentleman high in rank, | erature. But I forbear to enlarge. I should soon make the improve, ment of the lesson its utter defeat ; not encourage this virtue, but promote the success of its opposite; commit sad blunders; worse confound confusion; instead of excit, ing to forbearance. effectually write the reader quite out of patience. S,

family and fortune, eager to express some suggestion, conceived to be immensely important to the state, is interrupted by some rude Plebeian in the Rome of mind, raising his barbarian arm to smite him into silence. Instead of yielding to the natural irritability of noble blood," Strike, but hearken !" is all that escapes from his lips.4. That's noble.". It has ranked Themistocles among the nobles of nature. Posterity at this day would scarcely have known him, had it not been for this ennobling instance of patience.

The true spirit of: Christian patience is well expressed in sacred yle by the meek language of Job. Stop, till have spoken; and, when that I have spoken, mock on." The wretch that could continue his interruption after such a reproof, deserves not the tolerance of pa



Messrs Editors,

It is well known to be a remark among those who are inclined to in dulge their wit at the expence of philosophy, that no position, however ridiculous, can be taken, but it will be supported and defended by Philosophers. Although a general like the spirit of ridicule than the love, observation of this nature looks more tiences and forms a case which must have been without the apostle's conof truth, yet it must be confessed, templation, when he wrote of the that many of the most visionary syscharity "that endureth all things." tems have by turns found their adPatience is essential to the states-vocates among the learned, and that What would PITT have genius and labor are often directed been, but for political patience? to the curious consideration of subThis it was that alone emboldened jects that can never benefit the comhim to stand firm at helm amid munity, rather than to serious inthe commotions of the elements quires on interesting matter. and the tumults of the people. This uly could so long have enabled him to ride the whirlwind and direct the storm. This made him great, in spite of fortune; and left bis life proof to the world how infinitely more glorious it is to deserve success than to command it. If a great man, struggling with the storms of fute, the gods behold within this eccentric enquiry worthy pleasure, after so long and violent and well contested a struggle, they must witness his prostration with regret.

I was led to these remarks by a curious essay published by Mr. Vander Mulen, the author of two learned dissertations on the creation of the world, concerning the "rib of which Eve was formed.” So singular an object of philosophical investigation naturally excited curiosity and lead me to wonder what could be found

the profound thoughts of a professed philosopher, and I assure you my expectations were more than realized by the ingenuity of his hypoPatience is peculiarly necessary theses and the fertility of his mind to the historian and the man of lit-in reconciling facts to theories.

proper that she should be taken from the middle, by which means he could not but have a proper esteem for her, and look upon her as a companion and friend. This too is the doctrine of the Angelical Doctora.

Mr. Vander Mulen says, that the formed of a rib and not of the dust deep sleep which fell upon Adam, of the ground as Adam was?"was intended by God to conceal From a variety of reasoning, Mr. from him such an admirable opera-V. Mulen concludes, that this was tion as that of creation.; and that necessary to unite the first husband when Adam said Eve was bone of his and the first wife in the strictest bone and flesh of his flesh, it was by bonds of unity and love. Had Eve means of knowledge acquired by a been created of the dust she would dream in that time. Mr. Vander have been a stranger to Adam.Mulen then gives the conjectures Had she been created from an inof the Jewish Rabbies on the proba-ferior part of his body he might ble formation of Adam and Eve.- have despised, and trampled upon "Some (says he) will have it that her. Had she been created out of our first parent was both a man and his head she would have been liable a woman. Rabbi Samuel, son of to assume too much and domineer Nachman, affirms, that the first over him notwithstanding the weakman and the first woman were crea-ness of her sex and the superiority ted together in such manner that of her husband, It was therefore Eve cleaved to Adam's shoulders as though she had been glued with pitch." After reciting and opposing the opinions of several Jews and Christians in this part of his enquiry, he proceeds to state and formally to discuss three questions. 1st. Whether the rib out of which Eve was created, belong to the right or the left side?" In answer to this he says, it is the better opinion, that it was taken from the left side near his heart, to denote that a man and his wife should have but one heart. But the anatomical fact, that a man has as many ribs on one side as the other seems to stop his enquires. The second question is, "whether after the loss of that rib Adam was a maimed or perfect man?"! The point most laboured in this part is to show that Adam had one rib more than any of his race, this he calls an useless rib to Adam considered as a private man, but as he was the head of all mankind, that rib was necessary to him for the production of Eve, since she could not be propagated in the natural way, and hence he concludes, that notwithstanding this loss of a rib Adam was a perfect man. But the third question is the most perplexing-" Why Eve was!

Conveniens fuit mulierem formari de vitæ costa. Primo quidem, ad significandum virum ac mulierem debet esse socialis con- junctio, Neque mulier debet dominari in virum et ideo non est formata, de capite, neque debet a viro despici tanquam servfiiter subjecta & ideo non est for mata de pedibus"; and a similar sentiment probably gave rise to the following in the mas ter of sentences. Ego accipio te, non dominam, nec ancillam sed conjugem-I take thee not to be my mistress or my servant, but my wife.

This is a brief sketch of the essay of Mr. Vander Mulen, who has discussed it with much laborious investigation, and scientific research, and spent time and talents which had better have been appropriated to more useful designs. Thus it is, that science diminishes from its own respectability, and philosophy makes itself ridiculous by the tendency of its manners.


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celebrity in Frank Rock

hope he may yet learn more
in elevated scenes.

The Tom Shuffleton of the ev ing was good. Mr. Fox gave some new points to the character. But we still say, more articulation, or less rapidity, Mr. Fox.

The female parts were well sustained, particularly, Mary Thornberry by Mrs. Poe. She received her father with great effect.

The Iron Chest, (Coleman) and Lying Valet. Friday, Nov. 21.

The acting this evening was, on the whole, to be commended; but THE IRON CHEST has many sinit was in many respects imperfect.gular connections with theatrical In Dennis Brulgruddery, Mr.] history. It was written by the Bernard, was exceedingly great; younger Coleman, for the chief proand lost nothing of his established prictor of Drury Lane theatre, at a fame in the character of this ec- greater expence than it had ever centric Irishman. The scene of been usual to pay for the exertions equivoque after the return of Dan, of dramatic ingenuity. was well imagined. We have sel- Sir Edward Mortimer is repredom seen a more indifferent Peri-sented as a gentleman of noble mind grine, than Mr. Usher. His voice and high sense of honor. In the without being elevated, was uncom-heat of passion he had committed a monly thick; and his enunciation murder, for which he had been arwas defective; as was in some in-raigned, tried, and for want of proof stances his emphasis. This char-honorably acquitted. The consciacter requires great powers, as its ousness, however, of his real guilt connection with the interest of the disturbs his mind and makes his piece, from the beginning to the hours gloomy and unpleasant; he end, renders it particularly interest-is sketched upon the plan of Junius, ing; whether in protecting inno-"one of those compound characters, cence, relieving distress, or denoun- who without firmness enough to cing vengeance on arrogance and avoid a dishonorable action has feelpride. ing enough to be ashamed of it.

We think Mr. Dickenson's Job Thornberry was too broad. And in the scene before Sir Francis Rochdale, he was more violent than is consistent with true discrimination. Yet the first interview with Perigrine was quite respectable.

Sir Francis Rochdale, by Mr. Dykes, evinced considerable ability, His costume was correct.

Mr. Poe, as he did not appear to aim at, so he did not attain much

Wilford is a young and friendless orphan whom Mortimer had taken into his service from principles of benevolence, and employed as his secretary,

Under these circumstances the play opens. Wilford is curious to understand the cause of Mortimer's melancholy, and learns fom Winterton, the steward of the family, the history of the trial; but is still anxious to obtain further particulars. From the conduct of Wil

the violence of his motions is seized with strong fits of convulsion. The curtain drops and the play concludes.

ford, Mortimer is apprehensive that he is suspicious of the fact, particularly as the Iron Chest, in which his papers are deposited, being accidentally left open, Wilford is found in In the IRON CHEST, Coleman has the act of examining it. Το prejumbled a number of incidents, which vent however any effect which might that they are contained in the same have no connection with each other, but result if Wilford should make the play, yet while they do not in the least discovery, he voluntarily discloses contribute to promote the progress, the real facts under the solemn oath they essentially injure the interest of of Wilford never to reveal them the fable. In the first scene, we have Uneasy under this knowledge, and a poacher and his family, Rawbold, Dan apprehensive that the jealousy of Sir and smuggling brandy of fearing the and Barbara. They talk of killing deer Edward would make his life a con- power of Sir Edward Mortimer, and af tinued scene of unhappiness, he pri- ter the scene closes, we see no more of vately leaves the family, and in his Rawbold. Dan and Barbara to be sure flight is made prisoner by a band of are seen; but are seen merely to take robbers, who infested the vicinity. scenes in which the Robbers are introup time upon the stage. There are Mortimer, alarmed at his flight, cir- duced; which are perfectly useless, culated a story prejudicial to his not to say detrimental to the piece.character, with the design of des- Neither have Helen and Blanch any troying his credibility if ever after material relation to the main plot. In he should reveal the fatal secret.short the play is a heap of episode, and none of the characters, but those of Sir One of the robbers being dismissed Edward Mortimer, Wilford, Fitzhard from the band informs of Wilford's ing and Winterton, have any intimate captivity, who is immediately arrest-connection with each other. Could a ed by Mortimer and arraigned on new interest of the supernumerary cha the charge of theft before Fitzhard-story, the play might gain much addiracters be interwoven with the chief ing, a worthy officer and brother of tional credit; which it certainly needs. Mortimer, who was then by chance An arrangement, might be made, by in, the family. On this examina- which Rawbold should prove to be the tion, which is made with great in-man supposed to be murdered by Sir genuity and dramatic skill, every one is convinced of Wilford's guilt until in his trunk, which was brought in and opened, a "paper of curious enfolding," and a singular knife arrests the attention of Fitzharding. This paper was a narrative of the murder which Mortimer had commited and the knife, the instrument by which it was accomplished. Mortimer in a hurry had previously the cashiered thief and the sympathy thrown them with jewels and other excited would be correspondent in both articles into Wilford's trunk, to the characters of the play and the audi stengthen the force of his accusa-tors, and the interest in his fate be tion. Conscience struck and over-much more lively than now. powered by the disclosure of his As it is at present however, the guilt, Sir Edward confesses that the charges he had brought against Wilford were utterly false, and in

the case of Sir Philip Blanford in Speed Edward; which would be parallel to the Plough; and by that means a ligh wrought scene of forgiveness might be introduced as a catastrophe. When the loves of Wilford and Barbara, and Sir Edward and Helen might easily be con contribute to the result by unavoidable summated, and the other characters concatination. There is no necessity for the Robbers to bring in Wilford before the audience. Let him be missing until Sir Edward has information from

whole art of the author seems to have and interesting trial of Wilford to been directed to produce an ingenious wards the conclusion; and leaving


most of his characters to shift for themselves, he has made the Iron Chest quite a defective drama.

Besides, the characters are not well preserved, and the tendency is not moral. The diction is oftentimes inflated and the metaphor confused; though the language is sometimes illumined with the flashes of genius and ornamented with the inventions of fancy. The story is borrowed from the popular novel of Caleb Williams; and the author has followed his original too closely to admit much dramatic incident.

no enchantment can subsist in á living stream. Nay, if you can interpose a brook betwixt you, and witches, spec. tres, or even fiends, you are in perfect safety. Burns' inimitable Tamo Shanter turns entirely upon such a circumstance. The belief seems to be of antiquity. Brompton informs us, that certain Irish wizards could, by spells, convert earthen clods, or stones, into fat pigs, which they sold in the market; but which always reassumed their proper form, when driven by the deceived purchaser across a running stream. But Of the performance, little is requir-Brompton is severe on the Irish, for a ed to be said, Sir Edward Mortimer very good reason: Gens ista spur in the hands of Mr. Caulfield was cissima non solvunt de cimas." tolerably supported. In the first inter- niton. Fohannis Bromptou apud decem view with Wilford his execution of the Scriptores, p. 10763 contending passions, had instantaneous effect. But he mouthed very considerably almost all the long speeches; making no difference in his tones whether he was conversing with Wilford or Fitzharding; at the trial, or in the library. We think his action rather too exuberant; and his manners forced. Fox in Wilford, shewed attention to his business; and in the trial scene, he was forcible.

Adam Winterton is the most sopor.. ific character which ever lethargized an audience. And Mr. Dickenson from his acting seemed to conceive it such, Mr. Dykes' personation of Fitzharding wanted vivacity. The outline was good, but the colouring defective. Mr. Bernard's humour shone conspichons in Dan; and notwithstanding it is a clog upon the play, he relieved the burthen by the celerity with which he managed it. Rawbold, by Mr. Usher, as it is an unfinished character does not demand observation; it is sufficient that he did all which is required in it. Mrs. Stanley, as Helen, increased our favourable opinion of her powers of discrimination, and just delivery; and Mrs. Poe rises in esteem.

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In the legends of Scottish superstition, means the magic power of imposing on the eye-sight of spectators, so that the appearance of an object shall be totally different from the reality. To such a charm the ballad of Johnie Fa' imputes the fascination of the lovely countess, who eloped with that gypsey leader...


was so pathetic a reader of dramatic poetry, that while he was reciting one of his own plays in the green-room, to major Mohun, the latter, in the warmth of his admiration, threw away the part, Fand exclaimed "To what purpose can I undertake this character, if I am not able to play it as well as you read it?"



THIS great poet, though one of the first harmonizers of our language, was SO indifferent a reader, that when he brought his play of Amphytrion to the the first reading, says, Though he stage, Cibber, who heard him give it delivered the plain sense of every pcriod, yet the whole was in so cold, so flat, and unaffecting a manner, that I am afraid of not being believed if I should express it."

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