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vations in presence of several per-lessness, a remarkable skill for findsons of distinction, friends as well ing and remembering opponents of his doctrine. This After inquiries it was found that town contains two establishments; he had often been employed as a in one of them about 400 prisoners messenger, and that he had discovare kept by way of punishment; in ered every place with the greatest the other, nearly as many lunatics ease. and ideots are confined.

A list of the most notorious felons

and lunatics having been made,with an account of the character of each,

Dr. G. was struck at the sight of T. (a notorious fellow, who had formerly belonged to a gang of robbers,) on account of his particular organ for fighting.

and the reasons for which he was confined, the remarks which Doct. Gall made at his examination were instantly compared with it. He neither saw the list before nor after-booter." He discerned likewise in wards.

"This man (said he,) might have been a good soldier and free

him the organ of music; and it appeared that he had learned to play on the violin without any instruction.

In P., a locksmith from Gerlitz, who was confined as a false coiner, and who was known in the house as being of a mechanical turn, he Every person was desirous to immediately discovered a decided know what Dr. G. would say about talent for mechanics, which the T., who was known in the house as man, according to his own account, a thief full of cunning, and who, had evinced even from childhood. having made several times his It would have been natural to think, escape, wore an additional iron.that, according to the direction It was surprising that he saw in which this instinct took afterwards, him far less the organ of cunning and of which he made such a bad than in many of the other prisonuse, the sense for numbers might ers. However, it was proved that have been found likewise in him.-examples and conversation with But Dr. Gall did not see any thing of it; and at some trials he proved to be but a poor accomptant.This circumstance confirmed his former observations on the organization for mechanics, according to which the mechanical skill may exist without the least notion of arithmetic and geometry.

In the prisoner A. he observed less the organ of thieving, than that of venereal instinct, with a violence of temper, as an effect of his organ for fighting. By comparing the list with his assertions, it was found that he had been guilty of highway robberies, and a rape, and that he was subject to epileptic-fits.

In S. he observed, besides the organ of thieving and that of care

other thieves in the house had suggested to him the plan for his escape, and that his own stupidity was the cause of his being retaken.

Whilst the observations upon single individuals were continued, the steward had drawn up all the rest of the prisoners in two sepaIn rate ranks male and female. the whole number, no innocent person was found, as could easily be proved by their organs of thieving. Doctor Gal's opinion is, that organs point out prominent innate propensities, but involve not the necessity of their being exerted.

Towards the evening the electoral hospital for the poor and orphans was inspected.

Dr. G. was struck at the sight of gesticulation, and declamation, of a man born blind, of the name of the preacher. Grellman, a very assiduous instructor of the orphans, as he discovered in him a peculiar organ for mechanical arts: he spends his leisure hours in making bird-cages, and other things for which the measure of proportion is particular-with the cloak of piety and devotion. ly required. The existence of the She repeated with great eloquence very prominent organ for music in the protestations of her innocence. a person deaf and dumb was ex- The organ of murder was found in tremely surprising. After inquiry | her in a very smail degree; as, on it was found that he used to do the contrary, the organ of talking every thing by time, and that he shewed itself still more, and still was not quite insensible to the more that of cunning. Neither the sound of a drum. organ of ambition, nor of vanity, nor She has of loftiness, were visible. been pregnant twelve, and delivered The construction of seven times.

Elizabeth Wedekind appears, who is confined on suspicion of murder till she can prove her innocence. The chaplin observes, in his list of prisoners, that she possesses the art of covering herself

In a young man half-grown Dr. G. discerned immediately what he calls the organ of murder in a strange degree; and to his great surprise he was told that both his parents had been found guilty of being incendaries. He recommended a strict vigilance over him.

her skull is favorable, particularly on account of the organs placed on her forehead.

Two others were brought before him. Of one of them he said, The following morning several "The organ of good-nature is not persons, whom Doctor Gall had re-visible in him; but his organ of served for more minute investiga- lust is strong, and contributes to tion were brought before him, His the disclosure of the organ of thiev, observations generally agreed withing. The man's confession, that he facts, as far as they could be ascer was very fond of the fair sex, contained. firmed partly Dr. G.'s observation. Three noted thieves appeared. Of the other, he said, "His head is One of them, of the name of Weber, a pattern of inconstancy, and there. was examined. "Two of his or- appears not the least mark of the gans are conspicuous in an extraor-organ of courage." This cunning dinary manner, that of thieving rogue has been able to gain a great with an uncommon cunning, and authority amongst his fellow-conthat of representation." Of the victs. How is this to be reconci! former, the account of his life fur-ed with the want of firmness which nished us with convincing proofs, his organization plainly indicates? and of the latter he gave us instantly an example, by representing an enraged person in the most natural manner. He has played several parts, which have done credit to his abilities as an actor. At the same time it was said of him, that he could deliver any sermon he had beard, and imitate exactly the voice,

Dr. G. answered, that he had got his authority by cunning, not by courage. We were told that when he was apprehended he lost countenance, and neither knew what to say nor what to do.

Various other instances are cited but these will sufficiently exemplify his talents.

For the Emerald.


And Original Remarks.

These lines have no meaning; but may we not say in imitation of Cowley on another book,

'Tis so like sense 'twill serve the turn as well! Johnson.

The Venetians, have an odd shew peculiar to themselves. There is a set of artisans, who by the help of several poles, which they lay across each others shoulders, build themselves up into a kind of pyra mid; so that you see a pile of men in the air of four or five rows one above another. The weight is so

[ocr errors]

THE reviewers in the Monthly Mirror, thus conclude their remarks on Doctor Cowper's Scottish poetry. Some of the obsolete words mentioned, are made use of in various parts of this country. We shall now say (borrowing a word or two from what Doctor Cowper, calls "the vigorous parent") that though our author threats and fethers† in his tappit less preface, his verse contains equally distributed, that every man meikle bonnie§ poetry-enough in-is very well able to bear his part of deed, to prove him a man of gum-it, the stories if I may so call them tion, and a dowty of the muses. growing less and less as they ad*To maintain an opinion merely by vance higher and higher. A little obstinate assertion. To talk idly.boy represents the point of the pyfoolish. Much beautiful. Good ramid, who, after a short space, sense. a darling. leaps off with a great deal of dexterity, into the arms of one that Dryden's delight, next to argu-catches him at the bottom. In the ment, was in wild and daring salsame manner the whole building lies of sentiment, in the irregular falls to pieces. Mr. Addison is of and eccentric violence of wit. He opinion that this circumstance exdelighted to tread upon the brink plains the following verses of Clauof meaning where light and dark-dian, which show that the Venetians ness began to mingle; to approach are not the inventors of the trick. the precipice of absurdity and hover Men, pil'd on men, with active leaps over the abyss of unideal vacancy. [skies: This inclination sometimes pro- And build the breathing fabrick to the duced nonsense, which he knew; as, A sprightly youth above the topmast [show. Move swiftly, sun, and fly a lover's Points the tall pyramid, and crowns the [in thy race. Leave weeks and months behind thee


Amariel flies

To guard thee from the Demons of the




From Robert Walpole's, miscellaneous translations from the Greek, Spanish, &c. the following extracts are taken. From the Greek. Eplay,Once I know in madd'ning hour My flaming sword above them to dis-I own'd your beauty's magic power, All keen, and ground upon the edge of And prais'd those eyes of liquid blue, day, Those lips which sham'd the morning's hue,

And sometimes it issued in absurdities, of which perhaps he was con

[blocks in formation]

The golden locks whose wary flow
Shaded those rising hills of snow.
You each ardent wish repress'd;

You continued still reproving,
Still I woo'd and still was loving
Still to you the sigh address'd.
Now, alas! what changes rise!
Mark, each grace, each beauty flies

Time, your cruel foe, at last.
Grants me vengeance for the past;
Youth no more that eye illumes;
Age has brought its joyless glooms;
those lures to spread forbear;
Vain that studied dress and care;
Others tempt; I'm not of those
Who seek the thorn, and leave the rose.

From the Italian.

women have taken interest in some of
those labours, with the view of which
they have been presented, and on which
they have bestowed an admiration the
more lively, as it became more enlight-

Galvanism, like the Phantasmagoria, Aerostation and Mesmerism was fashionable for a time; but when the illusion has been dissipated, when facts As, Venus, late you miss'd your boy, the most scrutinized and best interpretAnd anxious sought where he haded have been restored to electricity; stray'd; [joy when science dissipating deceitful "One kiss" you cried, "I'll give with hopes have reduced to a small number, To him who knows where Cupid's laid.', the new acquisitions which Galvanism has created, the Assemblies, the Jour Give me the kiss; for see he lies nals, the Lyceums and Atheneums In the dark heav'n of Rosas eyes; have ceased to take much interest in Or, bid my Rosa's lips bestow that discovery which the system of Dr. The kiss, and yours I will forego.. Gall appears to have superceded. La Revue Philosophique, Litteraire et Politique.

The following is extracted from -Swift's art of punning, and will serve as an example of his manner.

THE publication of a work is anSir —, once in parliament brought nounced which is powerfully recomin a bill which wanted some amend-mended to public curiosity by the name ment; which being denied him by the hense, he frequently repeated, That he thirsted to mend his bill; upon which a worthy member got up, and said, Mr. Speaker, I humbly move, since that -member thirsts so very much, that he may be allowed to mend his draught. This put the House into such good humour, that his petition was granted.


of its auther. Memoirs of Louis XIV, written by himself, composed for the Dauphin, his son, and addressed to that prince; followed by several fragments of military memoirs, instructions given to Phillip V. Seventeen letters aḍdressed to that monarch on the government of his states and several other unedited pieces; arranged and published by J. L. M. de Gain-Montagnac, Two parts in one large 8vo. volume.

The editor has published several facts to establish the authenticity of these papers, and they are such as can leave no doubt even in the minds of

Translated for the Emerald, from the French Reviews and Mercures for February and March. In noticing a complete history of Gal-persons the most distrustful of the vanism the French reviewers speak thus of the present state of that discovery.

Galvanism is at this day hardly spoken of, but it is not difficult to explain the cause of this indifference and forgetfulness. The public mind is fully occupied by that new order of phenomena which appears so extraordinary and in which the imagination discovers a certain means of disclosing, and explaining the most secret and delicate operations of nature. On all sides experiments and observations are multiplied, and persons the least acquainted with the sciences, men of the world, even

• Dr. Gall's new system of Craniology, some account of which appears in this days Emerald.

editors of posthumous works. The authenticity of these precious manuscripts us fully demonstrated.

1. Lessons of a Father to his children, upon Grammar, Logic, Metaphysics and Moral Philosophy, being posthumous works of Marmontel, historiographer of France, secretary of the French Academy, &c. printed from a manuscript in the hand writing of the author, vols. 8vo.

2. A collection of discourses and declarations by the celebrated advocate general Seguier, was expected in February, edited by his son, M. Seguier, first president of the court of appeals.

3. Travels in the eastern part of Terra-Firma, in south America, performed in the years 1801, 1802, 1803,

and 1804: contaming a description of This they will be disposed to grant, the general government of Caraccas, when they are informed that most of composed of the provinces of Venezue- the proofs were revised in the last moYa, Maracoibo, Varinas, Spanish Guin-ments of the author, and that in those na, Cumana and the Isle of Marguerite, moments M. Lavoisier, courageous and and comprising every thing which re- composed, engaged in a work which fates to the discovery, conquest, topo- he thought useful to the sciences, afgraphy, legislation, commerce, finan- forded a sublime example of the serences, inhabitants and productions of ity which knowledge and virtue are cathese provinces with an account of pable of preserving amidst the the manners and customs of the Span-most trying situations. This colleciards and the Indians, savage as well as civilized: by F. Depons, late agent of the French government at Caraceas; enriched with a map and plans of the capital city and the principal ports. 4. Idyls of Theocritus translated in-ed here through the zeal and the efforts to French with remarks by Julien, Louis Geoffroy, late Professor of Rhetoric at the Mazarin College.

Mercure de France.

tion has been presented to all the scientific societies..

A letter from Ragusa inserted in the Vienna Court Gazette, says: "the vaccine inoculation has at length triumph

of the indefatigable Dr. Stulli, who, at the repeated invitations of Dr. Carro of Vienna has happily surmounted all the obstacles which prejudice and carelessness threw in his way. The CateScientific Intelligence. chism written by Dr.Carro, being transDr. Thornton has saved the lives of lated into the Illyrian language, and cirtwo persons, who had taken, the one culated in the town and adjacent counan ounce, and the other two ounces, of try, induced a great number of the inlaudanum, by means of acids, and the habitants to adopt inoculation. The inhalation of oxygen-gas. The quick-duced the best effect. In a few days matter transmitted from Vienna pro-a est and most powerful emetics had no effect, such as vitriolated zinc, and tartar emetic in large doses, till they were assisted by means of lemon-juice, Opium (says the Doctor,) deprives the system of its oxygen that is, it renders the fibres less attractive of that principle; and hence oxygenated me tals, presenting less affinity to the fibres of the stomach, are not decomposed, and fail of counteracting the fatal effects of opium. The vegetable acids easily give out their oxygen, and they therefore at once counteract the effects of laudanum.


Dr. Stulli inoculated one hundred children, which is a considerable number for this country, in which of late years, and even in 1804, more than three hundred children died of the natural smallpox. This discovery is likewise making progress among the Dalmatians and the Turks."

An optician of Berlin, named Molin, pretends to have discovered the lost secret of painting indelibly on glass. The celebrated chemist Klaproth has declared that M. Molin's work cannot be effaced without destroying the glass.

To Correspondents.

The "Stanzas on leaying the University," are to be considered before is not always productive of the glow of admission: The warmth of friendship, genius.

Madame Lavoisier has collected in two volumes, under the title of Memoirs on Chemistry, all that is left of a work which her husband was printing when France and the sciences had the misfortune to lose him. She has prefixed to this collection a preface from which we make the following extract. These fragments would not have seen Our apology is offered to Castigator, the light, had they not contained a for detaining his communication thus Memoir by M. Lavoisier, who, in con- long. Some passages which were obsequence of the facts which are therejectionable, have been expunged. May stated, claims the new theory of chem- we presume the barb of his severity, has istry as belonging to him. The indul- not been rendered pointless by us?" gence of men of science is requested R** will observe an omission of one for the errors which may have crept of his productions; but let him not into any other parts of this collection." sorrow as those without hope."

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