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is; and therefore you should have cried the soul is harrowed up, and the out, in time,

"Ne QUID nigh miss!" This has two meanings, each equally apposite, and as a pun, defies ADDISON's objection of not bearing translation.

"Tes. Walking through a boundless field of fresh ploughed clay-land; and carrying home, at each foot, an undesired sample of the soil, of about ten or twelve pounds weight.

Ned Tes. Ah! this is, as Dryden says, "A trifling sum of misery New added to the foot of thy account!"


"Sen. In attempting to pay money the street-emptying your purse into the kennel-the wind taking care of all the paper money:

eyes riveted, and the ear eager for the next word in the most impor tant part of this impressive solilodrowns the sound of his voice and quy, a rude clap from the gallery breaks up the interest.

For Mrs. Testy. Dancing at a ball in a new silk suit directly under a chandelier, in which the animated candles stoop to conquer, and the spermaceti streams a flood, as the ointment did on Aaron-not that there's any beard in the case-but down to the very skirts of your garment; and when you have gone down the middle, not having much chance to come up again, from hav

Ned Tes. "The trembling notes asing made a genteel faux pas upon cend the sky!"

Alex. Feast.

We cannot forbear one quotation further, as giving a reading of Macbeth, new, we believe, even to CoopER and FENNEL.

"Sitting down, with a keen appetite, to a beef steak (and nothing else) which proves to be completely charked by overdressing.

Tes. Confound 'em!-none of them ever attend to Macbeth's receipt for dressing a beef steak, though by much the best that ever was given.

Sen. How ?
Tes. Why,

"when 'tis done, 'twere well If 'twere done quickly.",

the spot in the floor, that seems glad to have caught what your clothes > could well spare, and that has fairly widened the sett by a new figure tandem-Kid shoes rent by the fall, gown torn, and nose bleeding.

JUNIUS might well have said, with respect to this whole volume of miseries, "I defy the gravest of your chaplains to read the catalogue without laughing." Put this book into the hands of intelligence itself. and you would see the gravity of wisdom transported into "Laughter, holding both his sides." The annunciation of the moral the author has put into the mouth of Sensitive sen. who toward the close thus un

deceives his brother:

The "

dagger which you see before you," is "but a dagger of the mind" terrified, are only pigmies, magnified the Shapes by which you are teased, or into giants by the fogs of imagination.

We have here amply detailed the miseries of the country, of games, London, public places, travelling, social life, reading and writing, the table, miseries domestic, miseries personal, and miseries miscellaneous, so that every man, "who would be wretched from taste," may find at once a misery to his liking. The On the whole, this writer's vein present editors might have supplied of wit, fertility of classic allusion, by way of notes some of the mise- and extreme familiarity with the ries of our own public places and best English authors, give to his others, peculiar to Boston. As thus, production intrinsic merit. He has Sitting at the Theatre, wrapt a felicity in misery and is happy in in attention to COOPER in the dag- the detail of wretchedness. The ger scene of MACBETH, and just as Miseries of Human Life has all the

wit of Swift's "Directions to Ser-perhaps be mistaken, and the actor vants," without the obscenities of may improve. The personation of Jafthe dirty Dean." Though the fier, cannot be exposed in all its errors; mirth is made up of misery, it is ticular, must be general. criticism in relation to it cannot be par no miserable mirth. The book is, was a defect. The whole A few lines uttered what it aspires to be, a MORAL well may possibly take from this unJEST BOOK. The author has en- qualified censure; but what better than listed wit in the cause of morality a single exception serves for the proof and it does faithful service. of a rule! His predominating error was a slowness of delivery, an inertness Boston, March 5. of utterance that converted the spirit of the character into vapour, and rendered what was animated, glowing and energetic, at once vapid, cold and lifeless. We conceive this gentleman mistaken in the estimate of his powers, by his complete failure in a part of this arduous kind at the outset. Few performers have ever existed who have


THE ORDEAL.....N. 20.



Venice Preserved (Otway) and Sixty-risen to the very apex of professional

Third Letter.

Friday, March 6.

THE disgust arising from the ill representation of dramatic productions, seems to be proportionate to the degree of their intrinsic excellence. When a mere acquaintance is assailed, we are indifferent to the assault but let a friend be attacked and our feelings are immediately roused into opposition.As a great tragedy well performed, affords to men of taste the richest treat, so when mangled by bad performance it is rendered at once an object of displeasure. The representation of Ve. nice Preserved on this evening, would allow to criticism the greatest scope of severity, while it cannot authorise justice, to throw much praise into the


From this general censure we will ingly exempt the Pierre of Mr. Caul. field. He played better than he has ever done the same character; his improvement seems to be progressive.

attainment at a flight; such powers are indicative of uncommon genius. Common birds must be fledged before they can fly the Phenix only is perfect from the first. Garrick may have be gan his career where other performers have therefore been contented to end usually end; and most of his successors where he began. Palmer, Cooke, and (to be more at home) Cooper, all have It is in the profession of acting as in risen by slow and gradual advances.every other, it must be learned before it can be understood, and studied be-fore it can be practiced. If this gentleman would not endeavour to compass too much at first, he may soon be enabled to o'erleap the block on which he originally stumbled; let him at presentTM assume conly second characters, and mastering them, he will then have only one step to make to eminence; now, his exertions will be fruitless, and his failure the more discreditable, because success is most unlikely.

The Beaux Stratagem (G. Farquar) and Lying Valet. Monday, March 9.

We cannot but express our surprise that the gentleman who made his first appearance in Jaffier, should have ventured to undertake a part at the same time so laborious and difficult, without This is a bustling comedy; the incimuch more tuition than he appears to dents succeed each other in constant have received, and attention than he rapidity, and are often ludicrous and.. seems to have bestowed. We had pro-dramatic. These excellencies are more conceived opinions rather favourable than disadvantageous in respect to the promise of his abilities; but we are fearful the performance of Jaffer, proves the metal base, and that what we imagined sterling was the glitter of the gold upon the surface. We may

than obviated by the extreme licentiousness of its dialogue, and immorality of its tendency. Farquar was ill when he wrote it, and the mind and body being intimately connected, it may perhaps be safely said that, "his wit was diseased Feeling and sentiment, rather

than wit and humor, seem in these days to govern the public taste; hence the licence of double-entendre and unblush ing front of vice, find few votaries in a modern audience. This play we think very little calculated for the meridian of Boston, for if the objectionable. pashe was guilty, in the liberties he has sages were expunged, it would be no taken in altering the original, he cer longer a play. The reasons which could tainly deserves praise for snatching have induced the managers to bring it from the jaws of time, a production so forward, should have been powerful; but replete with beauties, that posterity we presume the universal disapproba- will never cease to honour it. It has tion of the judicious public, has proved constantly been disputed whether the them nugatory. happy termination of this play, is rather The choice of this comedy being bad, to be condemned or applauded. Critis no reason why it should not have been ics of the highest authority have mar wholly represented. In the last act so shalled themselves for the contest.--On much of the plot was omitted, that we one side we find Addison and Richardwere uninformed, why the robbers were son, and on the other Doctor Johnson induced to visit Lady Bountifull's house and Coleman; but the matter is yet o of Boniface's treachery and co-opera-pen for discussion. The public howertion, of Cherry's instrumentality in deer have given a decision in favour of tecting the scheme, of the reason of Aimwell's arrival at so fortunate a conjuncture, of the previous arrival of Sir Harry, and conversation with Sullen relative to the divorce. In short, one of the busiest parts of the plot was in-been left undisturbed for a great lapse tirely omitted.. of time. It is generally conceded howThe friends of Mr. C. Powell cordi.ever that many important alterations by ally welcomed his re-appearance on our Tate, were both necessary and judi boards, after his long absence. In the cious. The exclusion of the gibing part of Scrub, by recalling the recollect-fool from scenes so tender and affecttions of "scenes gone-by," he afforded ing, was by Garrick found indispensithem the highest gratification. ble; and the omission of that unnatural deed of cruelty, in which Gloster's eyes are trodden out upon the stage, has been proved agreeable to every audience.

Shakespeare has shewn his consummate knowledge of human nature in its most intricate mazes, had lain dormant and unknown until the time of Tate. Andthough he may be subject to decided: censure for the presumption of which

Mr. Bernard in Archer, by no means realised the expectations we had formed of it, but acted without much force or animation. His manners wanted much of grace and gentility.

the play as now universally acted ;which they had not given the original copy of Shakespeare. Other plays had descended regularly from the period when they were written, but this had

In the loves of Edgar and Cordelia there is nothing improbable or inconAimwell by Mr. Fox and Boniface by sistent; they are happily blended with Mr. Dykes, were personated tolerably; the principal story. The unexpected which cannot truly be said of the parts meeting of the lovers in the third act, performed by Mr. Poe and Mr. Barnes. has been praised, as being "a gleam Mrs. Stanley filled the part of Mrs. of sunshine and promise of fair weathSullen with great credit to her talents, er, in the midst of storm and tempest.” it is precisely in the line wherein she It is supposed that Tate was assisted most excells, Cherry by Mrs. Poe, by Dryden in the alteration of this play, had a representation at once lovely and which will readily account for the act. able. But in consequence of a very with which the emendations are incorunbecoming costume, we could not rel-porated and assimilated with the gen. ish Mrs. Usher. A lady who depends eral plan. so much upon exterior for success, In this tragedy the characters, are should pay such attention to her dress, so striking, original, natural and well as to improve and not impair her ex-preserved, that either Edgar, Edmund, ternal charms,

King Lear, (Shakespeare) and Spoited
Child. Wednesday, March 11.
The tragedy of King Lear, in which

or Kent would be a hero, for any other author. The moral is now more complete than before, for although Gonerill, Regan and Edmund were deservedly punished for their crimes, yet Lear and

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Cordelia, were killed without reason and without fault. But now they survive their enemies and their virtue is crowned with happiness.

It is

and in all the varieties of the character he distinguished his personation by traits of the most judicious discrimina. tion. Our limits will not admit any greater particularity.

Cordelia by Mrs. Poe, was interesting; but the part is not suited to her voice.

Lear is, of all characters in tragedy, Kent by Mr. Usher had all the sturdy the most difficult to perform. This bow of Ulysses has proyed so hard to bend, bluntness of the part; and the tenderness was not ill portrayed. The bully. that despair has succeeded to hope; since Garrick it is presumed there hasing scene with Oswold had much merit never been a perfect Lear, and before Kent is certainly one of his best charhim there is no one upon record. Lear acters is an old man of impetuous impulse, Mr. Fox lost no ground by his perconstantly in excess. This may informance of Edmund. some measure account for the division of his kingdom; but the remoteness of the age to which the play must refer, will prove an additional reason. remarked that were the same story told of an Indian prince it would not excite surprise. Lear is capricious, irresolute, inhuman; but being old, a king, a father, an outcast, persecuted by his daughters he is an object of commiseration and sympathy. Mr. Fennel did himself great credit in his personation. The facility with which he entered into the age of the character, the dignity of his deportment and general apprehension of the author were remarkable traits of excellence. The curse was

On the whole though some mistakes were committed, and much confusion arose from the blundering of supernumerary performers, yet the exhibition of King Lear deserved the reception it met with; and we have no doubt would amply remunerate Mr. Fennel and the managers in a second representation..

For the Emerald.



denounced with great feeling and ef- (By a lady who does not yet enjoy them.)

fect, and the ironical though pathetic
utterance of these lines was very ap

Dear daughter, I confess that I am old;
Age is unnecessary: on my knees I beg
That you'll vouchsafe me, raiment, bed,

and food.

The moment when his senses began to
fail, was happily marked. We thonght
however the subjects of his raving when
he enters mad to Edgar and Gloucester,
wanted a distinctness to have rendered
them evident. So too this passage
'It were a delicate stratagem to shoe-
A troop of horse with felt. I'll put't
in proof,

And when I've stol'n upon these sons-
in law,

Then kill, kill, kill, &c.

was not marked with sufficient force, especially the last line, which we think should be contrasted, with the soft and cautious manner in which the first part of the passage is uttered.


I WISH with all possible dispatch to be an old woman. It has been observed that we pass at once from youth to age-that we hastily move the peg from twenty-nine to sixty ; and we do right. Nothing is so inconvenient as to be neither old nor young. But talk of sixty! why truly it is le bel age-it is charming -it-is that point of maturity and perfection, for which I anxiously wait.

In the first place I am not pretty; and at sixty I shall not feel obliged .to be so. Fontenelle one day met a person of his acquaintance whe announced that he was lately married. "Is your wife pretty į” said Fontenelle. "Ah!" replied the husband, “she is one of the most amiable of women-has wit, talents”—

Mr. Caulfield as Edgar, gained much deserved reputation In the mingled scenes of feigned madness and pathos, "But is she pretty?" "You can have his execution could hardly be mended, | no idea of her goodness of heart and

Fer mildness of character." "My |ing put a question to me, she has friend, tell me if she be pretty; for turned away without waiting for a that is the only thing a woman is reply. Nor shall I feel myself bound obliged to be." It is then very clear that an old woman is not obliged to Be any thing. I can make myself agreeable only when there is no compulsion.

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to be very solicitous in regard to what that lady allows me to say to her; any more than I shall hold myself obliged to take Mr. N. at the very letter of his expressions. Thank heaven I shall then cease We can endure every thing from to laugh at a dull joke, to be amused those, of whom we expect nothing; through politeness, and to be ani- and in old age we do not expect mated without feeling any anima- any thing from the world, because tion. To sustain my place in the we have nothing to offer it. We midst of the amusements of others, look upon it as less important to us, it will be enough for me barely to in proportion as we become of less approve of them. Indulgence will importance to the world, That was be my part; for when pleasure a sensible old lady (Lady Sandwich) has ceased to be a duty, indulgence who never went out without wrapwill become a merit. If I find my-ping herself up in cloaks and carself surrounded by the bustle of fash-dinals, saying that she would rather ionable life, merely to endure it will be ridiculous than rheumatic. Now be taken very kindly of me. But it is sufficiently ridiculous in old now, not to give displeasure, I am people to catch cold for those who etimes obliged to make as much would not thank them for it. At as others. To hose frivolous con- sixty we ought to laugh at the ap versations in w I am at present probation of the world, in order that compulled with acity to take a the world may not laugh at us. I ut, I shall then appear kind if I yet lack many years of sixty. consent to Ista: and amiable, if I devote to them any degree of attention. My motives will be duly appreciated as to the interest with which I question Mr. R. upon the pleasures of une fete to which I had refused to go, as well as to the sincerity of the praises that I may chance to bestow on Miss G.'s elegant hat, without having the intention to get one like it. My sincerity will be unsuspected when I declare plainly that rose-colour of all others, is most suitable to Mrs. P. and I shall with as good a grace, defend my young friends on the score of the extravagance of their fashions, which I can no longer follow; as excuse the follies of youth, in which I no more run the hazard of partaking.

Nothing will prevent me from pardoning Mrs. L, when after hav,

Carelessness and unconcern will then be called reason; indolence, dignity; and idleness meritorious. An old woman is never more pleasantly situated than at home; for abroad, she is compelled to take the first place, because she is absolutely unable to maintain herself in any other. She is never to be suffered to dispute for her rank. But with. how many advantages would she enter into such a contest? Her importance in the estimation of others being no longer founded on her means of pleasing, she ought to found it on the interest which they may have to be well with her. Find herself where she may, she ought to be accounted in the lawful exercise of a kind of magistracy :—she ought to regulate the tone and spirit of the conversation to her own liking, and to be always well aware

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