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THE ORDEAL.....No. 13.

School of Reform, (Morton) and the
Purse, or American Tar.
Friday Jan. 9.

The Secret, (Edward Morris, Esq.) and
Robin Hood. Monday Jan. 12.

Scire secreta domue.

That every undertaking which enthe best means should receive the ap deavours to promote the best ends by probation of mankind is a truth so apparent as to preclude controversy. The Comedy of the Secret written by Ed. ward Morris, has such a moral purpose gained much fame for the virtue of its in view that when it first appeared it design and the originality of its character and plot. The author of the play before us intended to shew some indi

to restore their vigour. Charlemagne, a conquerer and legislator, like Theodoric, but infinitely greater, and unquestionably the greatest man of that vast interval, introduced the sciences and the arts into the great plan of his government, making them the grand basis of a power, which, however, could not survive his departed genius. Charlemagne retarded the progress of the French language, in cultivating throughout his immense dominions the language of the Romans, which remained in France that of the laws and public acts till the reign of Francis I Spain, England, Italy, and Germany, were, during nearly six hundred years, successively trodden under foot by the Barbarians who disputed the possession of them;vidual characters, which the ever våand when the nations, formed of produce; to unite the comic with the rying follies of the world occasionally the mixture of the humbled natives sentimental, and permit neither to be and foreign conquerers, had acquir- too apparent; and to inculcate the les ed some consistence, the whole of son, that active virtue is sure peace of Europe, torn from its foundations mind, though assailed by every tempoby the fury of the crusades, pouredly confer tranquility even on him whom ral misfortune, and that it will ultimate. its population on Asia Minor, Palestine and Egypt, and these long We cannot think the author has been and violent convulsions retarded the always successful in prosecuting his moment in which the people of the plan; his incidents are sometimes strain. North, who had divided the West-ity is broken, and the motives he urges, ed so much that the thread of probabil ern Roman provinces into so many kingdoms, could deposit the rust of their origin, and disengage themselves from that grossness of manners and language which is incom-dorcing his note for five hundred pounds, patible with the culture of the arts. it himself on presentation, is neither when he was conscious he could not pay The crusades, indeed, assisted the within the limits of justice or likelihood. enfranchisement of the populace, No motive was shewn, which would natand developed ideas of commerce; urally produce such an event. And afbut in agitating empires, as yet little terwards when payment for this very stable in their constitutions, they de-ed in the evening, it is not very proba note given in the morning was demandprived governments, on whom all ble the man who had cheated Mr. Dorimprovement depends, of the leis-ville in obtaining it, would run a race ure and means of devoting them-with another tenant to try which should selves to the interests of letters.

(To be continued.}

past vices may have rendered miserable.

would hardly produce the effects he endeavours to establish. For example we are inclined to believe Mr. Dorville'a generosity to his tenant Frank, in en

offer him the money the soonest-Besides, where could Frank have found so much, in so short a time? In the morning, we are told he was to be turned adrift from his farm for want of it, the note is given in lieu of it; and at night

he enters with his coffers full. But notwithstanding some inconsistancies and complexity in the plot, the characters may lay claim to originality and the dialogue to correctness.


Old Lizard and his family are finely drawn; that low cunning which is continually on the watch to entrap, and then to betray, is the predominant feature in the character of old Lizard; but it is relieved by much eccentricity and The meanness which appears in the disposition of Jack forms a fine contrast to the nobleness which he afterwards evinces; and which promotes 30 essentially the progress of the fable. Mr. Dorville is an excellent lesson of the advantages of virtue and integrity. Rosa, seems a mere love-sick girl on the plan of modern novel mongers, and 8 rather more remarkable as the herone of so good a play, than as a character of merit-Though the features of Susan Lizard cannot be considered new, they serve to add force to the play, from their singular combination-none of the other parts are remarkable.

We shall not enter into a critical an. alysis of the personation of this come dy; It consisted of many defects and many excellencies.

Mr. Bernard in old Lizard gave another proof of the versatility of his comic powers. The sly villian he portrayed to admiration, and the discriminating points, between his parental feelings, and his disposition to cheat every one but his family, were shown with great accuracy of tone and gesture.

Mr. Usher's Dorville was respectable, his first scenes were good: but in the last in which he tells his story to Rosa and receives assistance from bis grateful tenants he was tame and monoto


founded the meaning and depressed the spirit of his author."

Rosa, by Mrs. Stanley wanted an innocent playfullness which is its principal trait. The character as she exhibited it was pleasing; but gave her no chance of evincing her powers. These were reserved for the Epilogue, and the concluding lines, had great effect from the singular beauty, with which they were uttered.

But ah! there is one secret still behind, Which we to-night, have struggled hard to find.

Tis one on which depends our rise or fall; It is the Secret-how to please you all.

We suppose the Secret would have obtained a full house at a second representation; but it has lost its principle attraction, old Lizard has departed for New-York.

The Voice of Nature (translated and altered from the French, by W. Dunlap} and the Maid of Hungary.

Wednesday, Jan. 14.

Of those compositions commonly called melo-dramas, which the taste of the present times has spawned in numerous shoals, no one has been more successful in France, than the Judg ment of Solomon; and in this country, the translation of the French play, "The Voice of Nature. The pomp of these spectacles most generally destroy all interest in the dialogue; as knowledge advances, pleasure passes from the ear to the eye." Hence, the millions are pleased, and the few disappointed. In this piece before us, however, something should be done as well as said; and we may safely congratu late ourselves that in our theatre there is no fear of being overburthened with too much bustle and shew.

In Jack Lizard, Mr. Caulfield's deportment, had a forced ease, to use a The fable of the Voice of Nature, is paradoxical expression. We think he founded on the story of Solomon's dewould be very useful in sprightly come-cision between the two mothers, and dy, notwithstanding this evening, &c. his merits would have shown conspicuously had not some of the best passages in the part been unavoidably omitted. We wish to praise Mr. Fox, his former xertions are remembered with pleasare; but we cannot bestow praise that would do him injustice as well as ourselves, for his personation of Sir Harry Fleetly. His conception seemed corsect, but imperfect in his part, he con

the scene is transferred to Sicily. The plot, however, is rather unaccommodating, since the author is obliged to make the real mother guilty, and by rendering her peculiarly amiable, has subjected himself to the censure of making vice alluring, and associating too many charms with passionate indiscretion. The concern for the fate of the child is fairly produced and highly wrought; and the unity of action is inviolately

maintained. But the character of Alzira is not preserved. She repents too goon. A woman naturally vicious like her, would hardly have exhibited signs of real contrition in a moment; be'sides, poetical justice required her exemplary punishment.

Mrs. Powell came this evening be fore the public with the grace of novel ty added to her "countless charms.”Her Lilla, although a character in which some of her first rate virtues are drawn, and by all means the principal character in the play, was for the most Of the representation of this play, on part cold and uninteresting. Her firs Wednesday evening, malignant criti-interview with Rinaldo, trembling with cism would say much, and perhaps be timidity and impassioned at the sigh just; but a few general remarks will of her lover and seducer, has conside satisfy us. Alphonso, by Mr. Usher, able difficulty of action. But when the stood first in the bill, and has the first actress feels too vulgar in her mould tr demand on our remark and commenda- tremble at any thing but a rival, and too tion. Its principal, perhaps its only de- phlegmatic in her temper to feel fect, was want of identity, which ought thing but a sneer, difficulties like these to belong to every character; but which sink into nothing before her. It cannot every character is sure to lose, when be said that Mis. P. was too tame in committed to the personification of Mr. her scenes, for although a languor ges Usher. Although Alphonso by the erally prevailed, yet in some instances Green-Room standard is a weighty char- Herod must have trembled. Whe acter and for that reason no doubt given asked by Rinaldo whether she dared to Mr. U.--in representation it should maintain her claim before the King, have no more gravity than is necessary Lilla replied "Yes"-then sinking flat to the dignity of a king, yet Mr. U. upon her knees, added, before my throws into the manner of a king, hap- God." As this was reverential it was pier than ever king was, all the impres- proper; but as it was reverence unsive, sullen gloom of his Sir Philip Blan-natural, and mere flummery to the milford; saving this objection, the part of lion, it was unbecoming and disgustAlphonso was well played, and, as it ing. If Mrs. P. possesses the talents deserved, received more applause than so frequently ascribed to her, she any other in the piece. highly reprehensible for not exerting them on an occasion so peculiarly preperas this; but if she does not, and all this outcry about "domestic virtues and unrivalled talent" is empty praise, the mere return for silver-ticket favors, it is to be hoped her laureats the next

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to silence. They have already blow her bubble of reputation to its extreme tenuity, and one more puff from Senex's pipe will surely burst it.

Mr. Fox in Rinaldo played with considerable spirit and some effect. We have frequently remarked that this gentleman suffers from the hurry of his utterance. After he has reached the peroration of a long, no matter how eloquent a speech, his pace quickens un-season, if feed at all, will be retained til the conclusion is made, in the most inarticulate pother of sound and sentiment that the mouth of man can utter. We do not mean to ridicule what is no fault of Mr. F. the natural impediment to his utterance: but to recommend to him more deliberation and coolness in his manner as certain remidies to this confusion. We would rather commend him for the exertions already made, and successfully too, to the improvement of his articulation; for the most part he is prompt, precise, and forcible; he may be so at all times, by taking a little more time to be so.

The other gentlemen having little to do, ought to have done much better they certainly seemed to endeavour by doing ill to give an importance to their business which it does not deserve, and in this effort were alone successful.

Mrs. Shaw's Alzira deserves credit, as she played with sufficient understanding of the part, not to sink bels herself, however short of other people's excellence she may have reached. A zira's repentance did not relieve u was improperly intended, from our dis gust at her vice; for although Al was repentant, Mrs. Shaw continued very far from pleasing.

Mrs. Dickenson, supported the pot had no action that had either fora of Isabella in her usual manner. propriety, and uttered no word that wa either understood or heard.



visitor was the famous Vulture Hop. kins, damned by Pope to everlasting fame, in the lines

When Hopkins dies, a thousand lights at


The wretch, who, living, saved a candle's


that all you come about, says Grey, in the dark. So saying, he with great why then we may talk this matter over deliberation extinguished his new lighted farthing-candle. Struck with this instance of economy, Hopkins rose up, acknowledged himself convinced of the other's superior thrift, and took his

A paragraph appeared not long since in one of the Faglish journals, of the following port: "A woman was ducked in the Thames, at I have been told, sir, says Hopkins, that Kingston in Surry, in a chair pre-you are better versed in the prudent served for that purpose, pursuant and necessary art of saving, than any to sentence on an indictment for man now living, and I therefore wait upon you for a lesson of frugality, an being a common scold." This apart in which I used to think I excelled, pears something like what in mod-but am told by all who know you that ern language is called a hoax, and you are greatly my superior. And is formerly a take in or a banter; yet it is certain that ducking was a pun ishment for like offences by the common law of England. The same punishment was likewise inflicted in France, especially those parts which were in possession of England, as appears by an antient manuscript of the following import. If a woman be convicted of scolding or abuse, she shall have a chord fastened under her arm pits and be cast three times into the water; and if any one upbraid her with it, such person shall pay ten pence; and if it be a woman that upbraids, such woman shall pay ten pence or be ducked three times, and this sum of ten pence shall be for the use of the public. Ducking could not have been thought of then, as it would now, to make it equivalent to ten pence !




took off his beaver, the quaker quaintWhen a man bowed to a quaker and ly enough interrogated him, Friend, would'st have me take off my coat ?Some one, however, who seems to have enquired into these subjects, has the following observations on the question.

Fashions, like prejudices, have commonly some latent utility; this should be investigated and recorded, in order to prevent attempts to lay aside the The old way of bowing convenient. had no such merit. Capita autem aperiri aspectu magistratuum nec venerationis causa jussere sed ut Varro aucor est valetudinis quo firmiora consuetudinc ea fierent. Nat. Hist. Lib. 28, c. 6. According to Pliny then, we pulled off our hats in salutation that we might be less apt to catch cold; for our custom, no doubt, was derived from the Romans. It did not answer this purpose, for the English of the last generation were remarkable for catarrhous disorders.Now that hats have neither tassels nor corners, he would recommend, from a motive of convenience, to touch rather than lift them!

The founder of the hospital that bears his name, was as remarkable for his private parsimony as his public munificence. He invariably dined alone, and a soiled proof sheet or old newspaper served him for a table cloth. As he was one evening sitting in his room meditating over a handful of lighted embers confined within the narrow precincts of a brick stove, and without any candle, a person who came to enquire for him was introduced, and after the Nicolai was praising Voltaire for havcustomary compliments, Mr. Grey light-ing written so much that is new and so ed a farthing candle which lay ready much that is good-His good is not on the table, and desired to know the new-his new is not good, replied Lespurport of the gentleman's visit. The sing.



IN a retrospect of domestic literature for the half year ending in January 1802, the English reviewer thus quietly consoles himself with the enumeration of those fortunate circumstances

which have compressed his labours within reasonable limits.

Extracts from the " Miseries of Human Life."


Being serenaded at your window, all night long, by the tender war-whoop of two cats, performed with all their demonical variations.

Thanks to the scarcity of rags, the dearth of paper stuff, to the excise on After sweltering for an hour, on a pulp, and to the law of libel, the mass hot day, in an attempt to drag on a new of publications begins to abate. Ii-and tight boot, being unable to get it on, stead of provinces only acres of sheets for want of size; or off, for want of a have been sullied; instead of a Thames boot jack;-and so dangling about the only a Tweed of ink has been let loose, house like Prince Prettyman. and the task to survey if it be flat enough Pushing up your shirt-sleeves for the to annoy is not long enough to tire. If purpose of washing your hands-but so the neekinger mills become as efficient ineffectually, that in the midst of the in withdrawing as the price of publica-operation, they fall and bag down over tion is become in withholding the su-your wet, soapy wrists. perfluities of literature, we shall be In attempting to untie the strings of compelled soon to revert from the new your drawers, at going to bed very to the good, to bring upon the parlour sleepy, dragging them into a cluster of table the classics of our forefathers, to hard knots-with your subsequent frenview the inside of volumes which they from nipping and picking at them for binder has labelled Addison and Richardson, to learn our anti-jacobinism in Berkley, and our mysticisms in Jeremy Taylor.


Scipio (said he) has acquired an im mortal name by destroying men who would die rather than be slaves, be it my better ambition to emancipate slaves who wish to be men.


an hour, until nails are soar :-no knife:

Eating a biscuit so unguardedly, that the crums, or rather crust-ula, keep showering into your bosom :--while, from the cause you have just mentioned, you are under the necessity of cherishing them next your skin, for the rest of the day-and a poor day of it you have!-apropos of which, likewise,

After having breakfasted in bed, to which you are confined,-rolling, through the rest of the day and night, in crums, which are presently baked by your body into innumerable needles of


Finding that you have far-very far very far indeed-from enough bedclothes, as you get into bed, in a brandy freezing night:-House-maids all dead asleep long ago.


The Parisian Minister of the Interior lately requested the Professors of the Museum of Natural History to indicate two trees to be consecrated to science and to literature. The Professor pointed out the cedar of Lebanon for science Being driven from one corner of the and the oriental plane for literature.-bed to another by the sharp points of These emblematical plants are proba-feathers, which stand up to receive you, an bly well chosen; but it would facilitate which ever side you turn. the general reception "of such hyeroglyphics, which to the allegorical sculp ture may be very convenient, if the trains of ideas were revealed which led to the selection. The myrtle of love, the palm of religion, the laurel of victory, the oak of liberty, the olive of peace, the ivy of criticism, the mimosa of sensibility, are not all equally char-ers, under the nail. acteristic of the obstructions with which Á dozen or two of hiccups in the same they become associated.

Omne tulit punctum ! The sheet untucked, or too short, so as to bring the legs into close intimacy with the blanket.

Scissors that pinch,instead of cutting.

Receiving the first hint that your thimble has a hole worn through it, from the needle, as it runs, head and should


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