Some Remarks on Mr. President Clap's History and Vindication of the Doctrines, &c. of the New-England Churches

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J. Parker, 1757 - 127 pages

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Page 52 - Q. 42. What is the sum of the ten commandments ? A. The sum of the ten commandments is, To love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our strength, and with all our mind ; and our neighbour as ourselves.
Page 43 - Charity fufrereth long, and is kind ; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itfelf, is not puffed up, doth not behave itfelf unfeemly, feeketh not her own, is not cafily provoked, thinketh no evil ; rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
Page 51 - Q. 40. What did God at first reveal to man for the rule of his obedience ? A. The rule which God at first revealed to man, for his obedience, was the moral law.
Page 20 - As to what appertains to soundness of judgment in matters of faith, we esteem it sufficient that a church acknowledge the scriptures to be the word of God, the perfect and only rule of faith and practice, and own either the doctrinal part of those commonly called the articles of the church of England, or the confession or catechisms, shorter or larger compiled by the assembly at Westminster, or the confession agreed on at the Savoy, to be agreeable to the said rule.
Page 89 - These Things will never go down in a free State, where People are bred in, and breathe a free Air, and are formed upon Principles of Liberty; they might Answer in a Popish Country, or in Turkey, where the common People are sunk and degraded almost to the State of Brutes, by Poverty, Chains and absolute Tyranny, and have no more Sense of Liberty and Property...
Page 46 - Friendfhip or good Humour. If indeed they be drunk either with Wine or Zeal, they will be apt to fight about the Church or...
Page 37 - Sermon preached at the ordination of Nathan Strong, Oct. 9, 1745, by John Graham, of Southbury. 5. That all sin consists in the voluntary transgression of known law; that Adam was not created in a state of holiness, but only had a power to act virtuously; and every man is now born into the world in as perfect a state of rectitude as that in which Adam was created. 6. The actions of moral agents are not free, and consequently have no moral character, unless such agents have plenary ability and full...
Page 46 - I pleafe God, yet I break the Peace of the Church ? Would not this be to own, that the Will of God and the Will of the Church are oppofite Things? I do not believe that there are upon Earth...
Page 84 - That holy images of the cross should be consecrated, and put on the sacred vessels and vestments, and upon walls and boards, in private houses and in public ways. And especially that there should be erected images of the Lord God, our Saviour Jesus Christ, of our blessed Lady, the mother of God, of the venerable angels, and of all the saints. And that whosoever should presume to think or teach otherwise, or to throw away any painted books, or the figure of the cross, or any image or picture, or any...
Page 9 - Purposes for which it was given, do explicitly and fully resolve, as follows, viz. "1. That the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the only Rule of Faith and Practice, in all Matters of Religion, and the Standard by which all Doctrines, Principles and Practices in Religion are to be tried and judged. "2. That the Assembly's Catechism and the Confession of Faith, received and established in the Churches of this Colony, (which is an...

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