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From and to whom.




Mr. Grant to Mr. Blaine.... May 12


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Imprisonment of Frank Xavier Fischer: Incloses
a copy of his note of March 19, 1890, to the minis-
ter of foreign affairs, and a translation of the re-
ply, dated the 4th instant, stating that the dis-
trict captaincy at Bregenz had been repri
manded, and expressing regrets for the unjusti-
fiable arrest of Fischer.

Mr. Blaine to Mr. Grant.... May 16 Expulsion of Hugo Klamer from Austria-Hun

gary: Baron Passetti's note of March 5 affords no
reason for a change in the Department's opinion
that the expulsion of Klamer was unjustifiable;
reply to Mr. Grant's No. 67 of March 11, 1890.



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Same to same.....


1890. Jan. 10

Political situation: Incloses a translation of a
decree creating two vice presidents, and of a
decree separating the church from the state.

Mr. Blaine to Mr. Lee....... Feb. 26 Legation: Incloses Mr. Lee's credentials as

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chargé d'affaires ad interim and an authenti-
cated copy of the joint resolution of Congress,
approved on the 19th instant, congratulating the
people of Brazil on the peaceful establishment
of the Republic, for presentation to the Presi-
dent of Brazil.

Congratulations of Congress to the Brazilian peo-
ple presented to the President on the 1st in-
stant. Incloses copies of speeches, and a trans-
lation of a press article describing the audi.


Courtesies shown to the officers of the Brazilian
squadron which arrived at New York November
25 and left December 12.

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Salvador: Reported revolution on the 22d instant.
The President and others assassinated.
Saivador: General Ezeta proclaimed provisional
president. Guatemala will not recognize the
new government, and is moving troops towards
the frontier.
Salvador and Guatemala: Martial law declared
in the departments of Guatemala adjoining Sal.
vador. The armies of the two countries con-
fronting each other on the frontier and a bat-
tle imminent. Incloses a copy and translation
of proclamation issued by the President of Gua
temala June 27, denouncing the revolution in




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Salvador and Guatemala: War imminent.
presence of a United States naval vessel on the
Pacific coast of Central America necessary.
Salvador and Guatemala: Confirms telegrain of
8th instant. Urges the importance of sending a
war vessel. Envoy from Salvador in Guate
mala. The Guatemalan Government refuses to
receive him. Describes the military situation.
Protection to American interests: The Secretary
of the Navy has ordered two ships of war to
the coast of Salvador and Guatemala

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Mr. Mizner to Mr. Blaine (telegram).

July 16

120 Same to same


Arms for Salvador on the Pacific Mail steamer Colima expected to arrive at San José de Gua temala on the 7th instant. The Guatemalan Government wishes that of the United States to cause the steamer to carry the arms beyond Salvador and land them in a neutral state. The Colima is detained until the 20th instant. Requests immediate instructions. July 16 Salvador and Guatemala: Armies of 14,000 men each confronting each other. Confirms his telgram of this date. The Guatemalan Government threatens to declare war in time to seize the arms on the Colima as contraband of war. The Colima will be detained until the 20th instant. Interception of telegrams: Efforts made to 34 communicate with minister.

Mr. Adee to Mr. Mizner (tel- July 19 egram).

Same to same (telegram).... July 19

Mr. Blaine to Mr. Mizner
Mr. Adee to Mr. Mizner (tel-

July 20
July 21

Same to same (telegram).... July 21

Mr. Mizner to Mr. Blaine July 22 (telegram).

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July 23

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July 25
July 26

Same to same (telegram).... July 26

Mr. Mizner to Mr. Blaine... July 26

126 Same to same.........


Colima: The Department has been informed of
the detention of the Colima by the Guatemalan
Government and of the seizure of the arms. As
war had not been declared, Guatemala detains
the arms at her own risk, and steamer must
be released without delay. United States can
not be a party to any conference in which
Salvador does not participate.

Colima: Instructions to demand the instant sur-
render of the Colima, with all her cargo.
Seizure of the steam launch of the Pacific Mail
Steamship Company at San José by the Gua-
temalan Government reported.

Colima: The Guatemalan Government has con-
fiscated the arms on board. Instructions to
protest and to demand restoration.
War between Salvador and Guatemala: Rumored
defeat of the Guatemalan army. Has not heard
from the Department for 2 weeks. Guatemala,
Nicaragua, and Costa Rica-Honduras consent-
ing by telegraph-have signed a treaty secur-
ing corstitutional government in Salvador and
request the good offices and moral support of
the United States. Asks for a man-of-war.
War between Salvador and Guatemala: Defeat
and retreat of the Guatemalan army. Martial
law declared throughout Guatemala on the 21st
instant. All men between 18 and 50 required
to present themselves for military duty. Ex-
port duty on coffee raised to $2 per 100 pounds.
Duties on imports raised. War formally_de-
clared by Guatemala against Salvador. Con-
firms his telegram of the 22d instant. Asks
for a man-of-war. Incloses the Spanish text
of the treaty between Guatemala, Nica-
ragua, Costa Rica, and Honduras, of the 19th

Interception of telegrams: The Department has
sent Mr. Mizner five telegrams.
Interception of telegrams: Instructions to de-
mand an immediate investigation, and invio-
lability of his official correspondence.
Good offices: Instructions to tender the good
offices of the United States for the friendly ad-
justment of all the differences among the states
of Central America.

War between Salvador and Guatemala: Incloses
a copy and translation of a decree issued by
the President of Guatemala on the 21st instant,
declaring war against Salvador.

July 28 Seizure of arms on the Colima: Violation of a
positive agreement made by him on the 18th
instant with the Guatemalan Government that
they should be stored with the United States
consular agent at San José or sent to a neutral
port. They were seized while being trans-
ferred from the Colima, going south, to the City
of Sidney, going north.

Same to same (telegram).... July 29
Same to same..
July 31


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Mr. Mizner to Mr. Blaine... July 31

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July 31

Mr. Wharton to Mr. Mizner July 31

Same to same (telegram).... July 31

Mr. Mizner to Mr. Blaine Aug. 1 (telegram). 142 Mr. Wharton to Mr. Mizner. Aug. 2 Same to same (telegram).... Aug. 4


Mr. Mizner to Mr. Blaine ... Aug. 4

War between Salvador and Guatemala: De- 41
scribes the situation. Has tendered the good
offices of the United States to the President of
Guatemala. They were declined.

Protection to American interests: Arrival of
the U.S. S. Ranger and the U. S. S. Thetis at San
José on the 28th instant.

Good offices: Instructions to proceed immediaety
to San José de Guatemala and there to await
further instructions.

Good offices: Instructions to use his good offices
with the Governments of Guatemala and Salva.
dor for the restoration of peace, securing com-
munication with Salvador by means of the
Ranger or Thetis.

Good offices: Gives reasons why it is inexpedient
for him to go to San José.

War between Salvador and Guatemala: Presi-
dent Barillas's proclamation received.
Good offices: Department considers it necessary
for him to go to San José and place himself in
communication with the Government of Salva-
dor through the Ranger and the Thetis.
Good offices: Incloses copies and translations of
speeches made at the reception of the Costa
Rican minister accredited on a special mission
of peace to Guatemala and Salvador by the
President of Guatemala on the 16th of July.
Aug. 4 Seizure of arms on the Colima: Gives details and
incloses copies of correspondence with the
Guatemalan Government on the subject.
Good offices: Incloses copies and translations of
correspondence between Nicaraguan minister
to Guatemala and the Guatemalan Government,
and a communication of July 30 from the Costa
Rican and Nicaraguan ministers to Guatemala
to the Provisional President of Salvador, in the
interests of peace.

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Aug. 4



Same to same..

Aug. 5

Same to same (telegram).... Aug. 5

Good offices: Gives reasons for assuming that the
Department wishes him to go to La Libertad,
instead of San José. Will go to La Libertad on
the Thetis.

War between Salvador and Guatemala: General
Ezeta declines the good offices of the United
States and declares his intention to hoist his
flag in the city of Guatemala.

143 Mr. Wharton to Mr. Mizner. Aug. 5 Seizure of arms on the Colima by the Guatema


Same to same.......


Same to same...

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lan Government: Incloses copies of communi-
cations received by the Department of State
from the Pacific Mail Steamship Company.
Aug. 6 Interception of telegrams: States that Guate-
mala could communicate with its minister in

Aug. 6 Good offices: Incloses copies of the Department's
telegrams to him in relation to the tender of the
good offices of the United States between Sal-
vador and Guatemala; also copies of telegrams
exchanged between the Department and the
United States legation in Mexico regarding the
proposal of the Mexican Government to act
either jointly or concurrently with the United
States in the interest of peace between Salva-
dor and Guatemala. The United States Govern-
ment respects the independent sovereign rights
of each commonwealth, and can not counte-
nance forcible interference from any quarter.
Aug. 6 Interception of telegrams: Instructions to inves-
tigate the causes of the delay in receiving tele-
grams, and to report on the subject.

Same to same (telegram).... Aug. 7 Interception of telegrams: General Guirola has

Same to same (telegram).... Aug. 8

telegraphed that messages from Department to Mr. Mizner are not detained in Salvador; detention must consequently be in Guatemala. Attack upon the United States consulate in San Salvador: Telegram of this date received; asks for a full report. Instructions to notify the Government of Salvador that unless the rights of the Government and citizens of the United States are respected the President will be compelled to devise measures for their enforcement. Directs him, if necessary, to proceed to San Salvador and demand that the consul be reinstated and protected.

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Mr. Mizner to Mr. Blaine Aug. 8 (telegram).

Same to same (telegram).... Aug. 9

Same to same (telegram).... Aug. 11

149 Mr. Wharton to Mr. Mizner. Aug. 11

150 Same to same..

Ang. 11

Same to same (telegram).... Aug. 12

Mr. Mizner to Mr. Blaine Aug. 12 (telegram).

139 Same to same..

Aug. 15

Mr.Wharton to Mr. Mizner Aug. 15 (telegram),

Mr. Mizner to Mr. Blaine (telegram).

Aug. 16
Aug. 18

Attack upon the United States consulate in San
Salvador: During a battle in the city of San
Salvador, General Ezeta's forces seized the
United States consulate, hauled down the flag,
and damaged and destroyed property; has de
manded immediate reparation. A firmer atti
tude is needed towards Guatemala and Salvador.
Asks for an increase of the naval force in
Central American waters.

Attack upon the United States consulate in San
Salvador: Has received Mr. Blaine's telegram
of the 9th instant. The reparation demanded on
the 8th instant is promised for the 10th. Will
go to San Salvador on the 10th instant.
Attack upon the United States consulate in San
Salvador: In accordance with his demand, the
Government of Salvador, on the 10th instant,
hoisted the United States flag over the consu
late, fired a salute of 21 guns, reinstated the
consul in his office, and guarantied his rights.
The minister of foreign affairs has written
him an adequate letter of apology.
Seizure of arms on the Colima: Incloses a copy
of a letter of the 7th instant, and inclosures,
from the president of the Pacific Mail Steam-
ship Company.

War between Salvador and Guatemala: Incloses
dispatch No. 350 from the United States minis.
ter in Mexico.

Attack on the United States consulate at San Sal
vador: Instructions to express the gratification
of the United States Government at the repara-
tion made.

War between Salvador and Guatemala: Peace
suggested by Salvador on the basis of non-
intervention. Armies quiet and in camp.
War between Salvador and Guatemala: Reports
his return to Guatemala from San Salvador on
the 14th instant.

Good offices between Salvador and Guatemala:
Glad to welcome Mexico's disposition toward
establishment of peace.

Good offices of the United States have been ac-
cepted by both belligerents.

Peace negotiations: Bases of peace accepted by
the ministers of both belligerents, subject to ap
proval by the respective Presidents.

Aug. 18 Attack upon the United States consulate at San
Salvador: Gives details and incloses docu-

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Same to same (telegram).

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Interception of telegrams: Is investigating the
causes of delay in their delivery.
War between Salvador and Guatemala: Gives an
account of the battle of July 30 and 31, in the
city of San Salvador, between the forces of Gen-
eral Rivas and Gen. Antonio Ezeta.



Same to same (telegram)... Aug. 21 Seizure of arms on the Colima: The Guatemalan

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War between Salvador and Guatemala: Instructs
him to telegraph Mc. Mizner to suggest arbitra-



War between Salvador and Guatemala: The
bases of peace have been modified and accepted
by both parties.
Good offices: Acknowledges telegram of 15th in-
stant. As peace has been agreed upon, sup-
poses that further action may be suspended.
War between Salvador and Guatemala: Ac-
knowledges telegram of 25th instant. As the
bases of peace have been signed, action with re-
gard to arbitration is unnecessary.

Same to same (telegram)... Aug. 28 Killing of Gen. J. M. Barrundia on board the

American steamer Acapulco at San José de
Guatemala by the Guatemalan officials: Re-

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Mr. Mizner to Mr. Blaine (telegram)-Continued.

1890. Aug. 28


Same to same


Mr. Hosmer to Mr. Wharton

Mr. Wharton to Mr. Mizner (telegram).

Aug. 29
Aug. 29
Aug. 30

ports the killing of General Barrundia this day while resisting arrest. He had guaranties for the safety of Barrundia, and united with the United States consul-general in advising the captain of the Acapulco to permit the arrest. Killing of Gen. J. M. Barrundia: Makes a report and incloses copies of documents on the subject. Killing of Gen. J. M. Barrundia: Makes a report and incloses copies of document on the subject. Killing of General Barrundia: Regrets that Mr. Mizner advised or consented to the surrender of Barrundia. Barrundia placed himself within the jurisdiction of Guatemala at his own peril, and it was for the authorities of Guatemala to assume jurisdiction at their own risk.

Same to same (telegram).... Sept. 2 Killing of General Barrundia: Mr. Mizner's tele

Mr. Mizner to Mr. Blaine Sept. 3 (telegram).

gram of the 1st instant received. Repeats his
own telegram of August 30.

War between Salvador and Guatemala: Both
armies have been withdrawn from the frontier
and are being rapidly disbanded.

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War between Salvador and Guatemala: Gives an
account of the peace negotiations and incloses
copies and translations of documents.
Killing of General Barrundia: Instructs him to
make a full report on the subject.
Killing of General Barrundia: "Gives his reasons
for consenting to Barrundia's arrest. Has sent
a full report.



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Sept. 10

Sept. 9 Killing of General Barrundia: Acknowledges
telegram of 3d instant. Sent a full report in his
No. 150.
Seizure of arms on the Colima Gives further de-
tails. The arms were returned on the 31st
ultimo. Incloses copies of documents.
Sept. 10 Interception of telegrams: Copies of all tele-
grams to and from the various legations in
Guatemala are inspected by the Government.
Has not received Department's telegram of
July 20.

Sept. 10

Mr. Wharton to Mr. Mizner. Sept. 10

Mr. Mizner to Mr. Blaine Sept. 11 (telegram).

Mr. Wharton to Mr. Mizner Sept. 12 (telegram).

Mr. Tracy to Mr. Blaine.... Sept. 13

War between Salvador and Guatemala: The
armies have been reduced to a peace footing.
Peace will be declared in a few days.
Attack on the United States consulate at San
Salvador: Consul Myers will be instructed to
furnish a statement of the damage done to his
own property and to that of the consulate.
War between Salvador and Guatemala: The
bases of peace have been complied with, the
armies have been disbanded, and the presence
of the men-of-war is no longer required.
War between Salvador and Guatemala: Instruc-
tions to express the earnest wishes of the United
States Government for continued friendliness
between Guatemala and Salvador.
War between Salvador and Guatemala: Incloses
a copy of a letter of August 28, 1890, from the
commander of the U. S. S. Ranger, announcing
the acceptance of the terms of peace by Guate
mala and Salvador. Seizure of arms on the
Colima. The same letter reports the return of
the arms by the Guatemalan Government. Kill-
ing of General Barrundia. The same letter
gives details regarding the killing of General






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