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The Emperor, as we have already said, was, by ftipulation, to furnish ninety thoufand men against the common enemy, as having no fleets to maintain, and, in right of his family, being most concerned in the fuccefs of the war. However, this agreement hath been fo ill obferved, that, from the beginning of the war to this day, neither of the two laft Emperors had ever twenty thousand men, on their own account, in the common cause, excepting once in Italy, when the imperial court exerted itself in a point they have much more at heart, than that of gaining Spain, or the Indies, to their family. When they had fucceeded in their attempts on the fide of Italy, and observed our blind zeal for pushing on the war at all adventures, they foon found out the most effectual expedient to excuse themselves. They computed easily, that it would coft them lefs, to make large presents to one fingle perfon, than to pay an army, and turn to as good account. They thought they could not put their affairs into better hands, and therefore wifely left us to fight their battles.

Befides, it appeared, by feveral inftances, how little the Emperor regarded his allies, or the caufe they were engaged in, when once he thought the empire itself was fecure. It is known enough, that he might, feveral times, have made a peace with his difcontented fubjects in Hungary, upon terms not at all unbefitting either his dignity or intereft but he rather chose to facrifice the whole alliance to his private paffion, by entirely fubduing and enflaving a miferable people, who had


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but too much provocation to take up arms, to free themselves from the oppreffions under which they were groaning; yet this muft ferve as an excufe for breaking his agreement, and diverting fo great a body of troops, which might have been employed against France.

Another inftance of the Emperor's indifference, or rather diflike, to the common caufe of the allies, is the bufinefs of Toulon. This defign was indeed discovered here at home, by a perfon, whom every body knows to be the creature of a certain great man, at least as much noted for his skill in gaming as in politics, upon the bafe mercenary end of getting money by wagers, which was then fo common a practice, that I remember a gentleman in business, who having the curiofity to enquire how wagers went upon the Exchange, found fome people, deep in the fecret, to have been concerned in that kind of traffic; as appeared by premiums named for towns, which no-body but those behind the curtain could fufpect. However, although this prospect had gotten wind by fo fcandalous a proceeding; yet Toulon might probably have been taken, if the Emperor had not thought fit, in that very juncture, to detach twelve or fifteen thousand men to feize Naples, as an enterprise that was more his private and immediate intereft. But it was manifeft, that his Imperial Majefty had no mind to fee Toulon in poffeffion of the allies; for, even with these difcouragements, the attempt might yet have fucceeded, if Prince Eugene had not thought fit to

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oppofe it; which cannot be imputed to his own judgment, but to fome politic reafons of his court. The Duke of Savoy was for attacking the enemy as foon as our army arrived; but when the Marefchal de Threffe's troops were all come up, to pretend to befiege the place, in the condition we were at that time, was a farce and a jeft. Had Toulon fallen then into our hands, the maritime power of Françe would, in a great meafure, have been destroyed.

By a much greater inftance than either, of the foregoing, how little the Emperor regarded us or our quarrel, after all we had done to fave his Imperial crown, and to affert the title of his brother to the, monarchy of Spain, may be brought from the proceedings of that court not many months ago. It was judged, that a war carried on upon the fide of Italy, would cause a great diverfion of the French forces, wound them in a very tender part, and facilitate the progrefs of our arms in Spain, as well as Flanders. It was propofed to the Duke of Savoy, to make this diverfion; and not only a diverfion during the fummer, but the winter too, by taking quarters, on, this fide of the hills. Only, in order to make him willing and able to perform this work, two points were to be fettled: first, it was neceffàry to end the difpute between the imperial court and his Royal Highnefs, which had no other foundation than the Emperor's refufing to make good fome articles of that treaty, on the faith of which, the Duke engaged in the prefent war, and for the exe

cution whereof, Britain and Holland became guarantees, at the request of the late Emperor Leopold. To remove this difficulty, the Earl of Peterborough was dispatched to Vienna, got over fome part of those disputes to the fatisfaction of the Duke of Savoy, and had put the rest in a fair way of being accommodated at the time the Emperor Jofeph died. Upon which great event, the Duke of Savoy took the resolution of putting himfelf at the head of the army, although the whole matter was not finished, fince the common cause required his affiftance; and that, until a new Emperor were elected, it was impoffible to make good the treaty to him. In order to enable him, the only thing he asked, was, that he fhould be reinforced by the imperial court, with eight thou fand men before the end of the campaign. Mr. Whiteworth was fent to Vienna, to make this propofal; and it is credibly reported, that he was. impowered, rather than fail, to offer forty thoufand pounds for the march of those eight thousand men, if he found it was want of ability, and not inelination, that hindered the fending them. But he was fo far from fucceeding, that it was faid the minifters of that court did not fo much as give him an opportunity to tempt them with any particular fums; but cut off all his hopes at once, by alledging the impoffibility of complying with the Queen's demands, upon any confideration whatsoever. They could not plead their old exeufe, of the war in Hungary, which was then: brought to an end. They had nothing to offer, Kk3 but

but fome general fpeculative reafons, which it would expofe them to repeat; and fo, after much delay, and many trifling pretences, they utterly refused so small and seasonable an affiftance: to the ruin of a project, that would have more terrified France, and caufed a greater diverfion of their forces, than a much more numerous army in any other part. Thus, for want of eight thoufand men, for whofe winter-campaign the Queen was willing to give forty thousand pounds; and for want of executing the defign I lately mentioned, of hindering the enemy from erecting magazines, towards which her Majesty was ready, not only to bear her own proportion, but a share of that which the States were obliged to; our hopes of taking winter-quarters in the north and fouth parts of France, are eluded, and the war left in that method which is like to continue it longeft. Can there an example be given, in the whole courfe of this war, where we have treated the pettieft prince, with whom we had to deal, in fo contemptuous a manner? Did we ever once confider what we could afford, or what we were obliged to, when our affistance was defired, even while we lay under immediate apprehensions of being invaded?

When Portugal came as a confederate into the grand alliance, it was ftipulated, that the Empire, England, and Holland, fhould each maintain four thousand men of their own troops in that kingdom, and pay between them a million of pattacoons to the King of Portugal, for the support of twenty eight thoufand Portuguese; which number


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