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or at least some temporal fortune fufficient to keep him out of contempt? though, in my opinion, it were infinitely better, if all the clergy (except the bishops) were permitted to appear like other men of the graver fort, unless at those feafons when they are doing the business of their function.

There is one abuse in this town, which wonderfully contributes to the promotion of vice; that fuch men are often put into the commiffion of the peace, whofe intereft it is, that virtue fhould be utterly banished from among us; who maintain, or at leaft enrich themselves by encouraging the groffeft immoralities; to whom all the bards of the ward pay contribution for fhelter and protection from the laws. Thus thefe worthy magiftrates, instead of leffening enormities, are the occafion of juft twice as much debauchery as there would be without them. For those infamous women are forced upon doubling their work and industry, to answer double charges, of paying the juftice, and supporting themselves; like thieves who efcape the gallows, and are let out to steal, in order to discharge the gaoler's fees..

It is not to be queftioned, but the Queen and miniftry might eafily redrefs this abominable grievance, by enlarging the number of justices of the peace, by endeavouring to chuse men of virtuous principles, by admitting none who have not confiderable fortunes; perhaps, by receiving

into the number, fome of the most eminent clergy: then, by forcing all of them, upon severe penalties, to act when there is occafion, and not permitting any who are offered, to refufe the commiffion. But, in these two laft cafes, which are very material, I doubt there will be need of the legislature.

The reformation of the stage is entirely in the power of the Queen; and, in the consequences it hath upon the minds of young people, doth very well deferve the ftricteft care. Befides the indecent and profane paffages; befides the perpetual turning into ridicule the very function of the priesthood, with other irregularities, in most modern comedies, which have been often objected to them; it is worth observing the distributive justice of the authors, which is conftantly applied to the punishment of virtue, and the reward of vice; directly oppofite to the rules of their best critics, as well as to the practice of dramatic poets in all other ages and countries. For example, a country 'fquire, who is reprefented with no other vice but that of being a clown, and having the provincial accent upon his tongue, which is neither a fault, nor in his power to remedy, muft be condemned to marry a cast wench, or a cracked chambermaid. On the other fide, a rake-hell of the town, whofe character is fet off with no other accomplishment but exceffive prodigality, profanenefs, intemperance, and luft, is rewarded with a lady of great fortune to repair his own, which

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which his vices had almost ruined. And as, in a tragedy, the hero is reprefented to have obtained many victories, in order to raise his character in the minds of the fpectators; fo the hero of a comedy is represented to have been victorious in all his intrigues, for the fame reason. I do not remember, that our English poets ever fuffered a criminal amour to fucceed upon the stage, till the reign of King Charles II. Ever fince that time, the alderman is made a cuckold, the deluded virgin is debauched, and adultery and fornication are fuppofed to be committed behind the scenes, as part of the action. Thefe, and many more corruptions of the theatre, peculiar to our age and nation, need continue no longer, than while the court is content to connive at, or neglect them. Surely, a penfion would not be ill employed on fome men of wit, learning, and virtue, who might have power to strike out every offenfive or unbecoming paffage from plays already written, as well as thofe that may be offered to the stage for the future. By which, and other wife regulations, the theatre might become a very innocent and useful diverfion, inftead of being a fcandal and reproach to our religion and country.

The proposals I have hitherto made for the advancement of religion and morality, are fuch as come within the reach of the administration ; fuch as a pious active prince, with a steady refolution, might foon bring to effect. Neither am I aware of any objections to be raised against what

what I have advanced; unlefs it fhould be thought, that the making religion a necessary step to intereft and favour, might increase hypocrify among us and I readily believe it would. But if one in twenty fhould be brought over to true piety, by this or the like methods, and the other nineteen be only hypocrites, the advantage would still be great. Befides, hypocrify is much more eligible, than open infidelity and vice: it wears the livery of religion; it acknowledges her authority, and is cautious of giving fcandal. Nay, a long continued difguife is too great a conftraint upon human nature, especially an English dispofition. Men would leave off their vices out of mere weariness, rather than undergo the toil and hazard, and perhaps the expence, of practifing them perpetually in private. And I believe it is often with religion, as it is with love; which, by much diffembling, at last grows real.

All other projects to this great end, have proved hitherto ineffectual. Laws against immorality have not been executed; and proclamations occafionally iffued out to inforce them, are wholly unregarded, as things of form. Religious focieties, though begun with excellent intention, and by perfons of true piety, are faid, I know not whether truly or no, to have dwindled into factious clubs, and grown a trade to enrich little knavish informers of the meaneft rank, fuch as common conftables, and broken shopkeepers.

And that fome effectual attempt should be made toward fuch a reformation, is perhaps more neG 3, ceffary/

ceffary than people commonly apprehend; becaufe the ruin of a ftate is generally preceded by an univerfal degeneracy of manners, and contempt of religion; which is entirely our cafe at prefent.

Diis te minorem, quod geris, imperas. Hor..

Neither is this a matter to be deferred, till a more convenient time of peace and leifure. A reformation in mens faith and morals, is the best natural, as well as religious means, to bring the war to a good conclufion : because, if men in trust performed their duty for conscience fake, affairs would not fuffer through fraud, falfehood, and neglect, as they now perpetually do. And if they believed a God, and his Providence, and acted accordingly, they might reasonably hope for his divine affistance in so just a cause as ours.

Nor could the majesty of the English crown appear, upon any occafion, in greater luftre, either to foreigners or subjects, than by an administration, which, producing fuch great effects, would discover fo much power. And power being the natural appetite of princes, a limited monarch cannot fo well gratify it in any thing, as a ftrict execution of the laws.

Befides, all parties would be obliged to close with fo good a work as this, for their own reputation. Neither is any expedient more likely to unite them. For the most violent partymen I


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