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a-base'ment (å-bās'měnt), humiliation ab'bess (ǎb'ěs), head of a convent Ab'er-deen'shire (ǎb'ĕr-dēn’sher) ab-hor'rence (ǎb-hôr'ĕns), hatred a-bide' (å-bid'), wait; live abode, lived; home

a bodiless spec'tral il-lu'sion (spěk'trăl ĭ-lū'zhŭn), a ghost abroad, away from home

ab-rupt' (ăb-růpt'), steep; sudden; hurried

absolute property, thing owned entirely by one

a-bu'sive (å-būʼsĬv), insulting a-byss' (ȧ-bis'), great depth

Ab'ys-sin'i-a (ăb’Ĭ-sînʼĭ-å), a country in East Africa

ac'cess (ǎk'sĕs), admission ac-com'pa-nied (ǎ-kŭm'på-nĭd), went with

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account, consider

ac-cu'mu-la'tion (ǎ-kū'mu-lā'shŭn), collection

ac'cu-rate (ǎk'û-rât), exact

a-chieve your adventure (å-chēv′), perform the knightly deed you have requested

a-chieve'ment (å-chev'měnt), deed; accomplishment

A-chil'les (å-kil'ēz), one of the heroes in the Iliad

ac-quire' (ǎ-kwir'), gain

ac'tu-at'ed (ǎk ́tû-āt'ĕd), inspired a-cute' (å-kūt'), deep; sharp ad'age (ǎd'âj), old or wise saying

ad'a-mant (ăd'å-mănt), hardest stone

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ad'a-man'tine (ăd'å-măn'tîn), hard as

the hardest stone

a-dapt' (å-dăpt'), fit

ad'der (ǎd'er), poisonous snake ad-dress' (ǎ-drěs'), speech; speak to; write to

ad'e-quate (ăd'ê-kwât), suitable; sufficient

ad-her'ent (ăd-hēr′ĕnt), follower a-dieu' (å-dū'), good-by ad-ja'cent (ǎ-ja'sĕnt), near by ad-just′ (ă-jùst'), arrange administered justice with dis-crim'inaʼtion (dis-krim'i-na'shun), in punishments he used judgment ad'mi-ral (ăd'mi-răl), naval officer of the highest rank

a-do' (ȧ-doo'), trouble

ad-ven'tur-ous (ăd-věn'tûr-ŭs), bold ad'ver-sa-ry (ăd'vẽr-sâ-ri), foe ad-ver'si-ty (ăd-vûrʼsi-ti), misfortune ad-vert' (ăd-vûrt'), refer advo-ca-cy (ăd′vô-kả-sĩ), support; favor

ad'vo-cate for an im-pos'tor, an (ǎd'vô-kât; im-pos'ter), are you one who pleads the cause of a deceiver a-ë'ri-al (â-ē'-ri-ǎl), in the air af-firm' (ă-fûrm'), declare

afflicted, unhappy

affliction, misfortune

afford, give

af-front'ed (ă-frůn'těd), offended

a full noble surgeon, a man who knew how to care for the wounded or sick against the red west, with the sunset sky behind them

Ag'as-siz (ǎg'â-sê), famous naturalist aggravated (ǎgʻrå-vāt'ĕd), magnified a-ghast' (å-gåst'), amazed

agʻile (ǎj'îl), lively; quick-moving

ag'i-tat'ed (ǎ'ji-tāt'ěd), frightened; excited

Ag'ra-vaine (ăg′rå-vān)

aid'de-camp (ād'dê-kămp), a general's assistant

a kind of destiny, etc., necessity which has forced me to do this a-lert' (å-lûrt'), watch; watchful Al-giers' (ǎl-jērz'), African seaport al'ien (al'yen), foreign; strange al-lay' (å-la'), quiet al-lege' (ă-lěj'), declare all-hor'rent (ôl-hor'ěnt), bristling all


al-lit'er-a'tion (ă-lĭt'er-a'shuŭn), repetition of the same letter or sound at the beginning of two or more words in succession

al-lot'ment (ă-lot'měnt), share

all that here could win us, everything that would keep us here al-lude' (ă-lūd'), refer Almes'bur-y (ämz'bĕr-i) alms (ämz), charity

al-ter'nate-ly (ǎl-tûr'nât-li), by turns; first one, then the other al-ter'na-tive (ǎl-tûr'nå-tĭv), choice am'a-teur' (am'ȧ-tûr'), careless; beginner

am'bush (ăm'boosh), hiding; trap a-mend' (ȧ-měnd'), correct; change a-mends', to make (ȧ-měndz'), do all

he can to make up for his sins; be forgiven by; give reward for injustice am'o-rous og'lings (ăm'ô-rus ōgʻlingz), loving looks; "making eyes" a'mour' (a'moor'), love-affair am'ple (ăm'p'l), large; full ample base, strong foundation Am'ster-dam (ăm'stẽr-dăm), in Holland, the only place where printing of religious pamphlets could be done a-nat'o-my (à-năt'ô-mi), science which treats of the structure of the body ancient ice, thick ice which has been there unmelted so many years André, Major (än'drâ), a British spy an-gel'ic kin'dred (ăn-jěl'îk kin'dred), a relationship to heaven An'gles (ang'gl'z), old English an'guish of spirit (ăng'gwish), mental


an'gu-lar (ang'gü-lår), uneven an'i-mate (ǎn'i-māt), inspire animate the people's hearts, stir the people and fill them

an-ni'hi-late (ă-nï'hi-lât), wipe out An-noure (ăn-or)

a-non' (å-non'), at once; soon; again An-tae'us (ăn-tē'us), a giant who

grew stronger each time he touched his mother, Earth an-tago-nist (ăn-tăgỗ-nist), opponent an'te up (ǎn'tê), bet

an'them (ǎn'them), hymn

anticipate (ăn-tis'ĭ-pāt), have an idea of; foresee; hope for; get ahead of anʼti-quat'ed (ǎn'ti-kwāt'ěd), old

fashioned An-toni-o (ăn-tổni-6)

an'vil (ăn'vil), a block of iron and steel on which metal is shaped by hammering ap'a-thet'ic (ǎp'å-thětʼîk), indifferent apathy (ǎp'ȧ-thi), lack of feeling a-poc'a-lyp'ti-cal (ȧ-pŏk'ȧ-hpʼtĭ-kǎl), which revealed all its beauty

A-pos'tle (ȧ-pos''l), one of the twelve disciples of Christ

ap-palled' (ǎ-pôld'), frightened ap-par'el (ǎ-păr1ěl), clothing

appa-ri-tion (ăpä-rish ăn), ghost; form; thing seen

ap-pend' (ǎ-pěnd'), add

apper-tain ́ing thereunto (ǎp'ĕr-tān' ing), belonging to it

ap'pre-hend' (ǎp'rê-hĕnd′), fear appre-hension (ăpre-hěnshăn), fear appre-hen’sive (ăpre-hěn’siv), afraid ap'pro-ba'tion (ǎp'rô-ba'shun), approval

ar'ca-bu-ce'ro (är'kä-boo-tha'rō), a soldier of the fifteenth century ar'chi-tect (är'kĭ-těkt), designer; house planner; architects of Fate, makers of their own future arch'ly (ärch'li), slyly; gayly ar'dent (är'dent), strong ar'dor (är'der), eagerness ar'du-ous (är'dü-ŭs), difficult ar'gent (är'jent), silver A-ri'ca (ä-rē’kä), seaport in Chile A'ri-el (a'ri-ěl)

ar-ma'da (är-mā'dä), armed fleet arm'éd (ärm'ěd), holding a weapon arrant jocky (ǎr'ănt), poor horseman ar-ray' (ǎ-rā'), dress; soldiers; parade; display; express

arrest, stop

ar'ro-gance (ǎr'ô-găns), impudence ar'se-nal (är'sê-năl), place for making or storing arms

Art, the artistic power necessary to produce a splendid structure as-cend’an-cy (ă-sěndăn-si), promi


as-cend'ing and se-cure' (ă-send′ing; se-kür'), growing higher and safe as'cer-tain' (ǎs'er-tan'), make out as he were not, after the wind dies down it seems as if there never had been any

as if a hunt were up, like the gay calls and cheers of successful hunters as'pect (ǎs'pekt), condition; look As'pi-net (ǎs'pi-nět), Indian chief as'pi-ra'tion (ǎs'pĬ-rā'shŭn), ambition as-pir'ing to imʼmor-tal'i-ty (ǎs-pir'ing; im'or-tăl'ĭ-ti), hoping for everlasting fame

as-sail' (ǎ-sal'), attack as-sault' (ǎ-sôlt'), attack as-ser'tion (ǎ-sûr'shun), statement as-sign' (ă-sin'), suggest; give as-sume' (ă-sum'), take up; believe as-sur'ance (ǎ-shoor'ăns), promise; declaration

As'ta-roth (ǎs'tå-roth), Phoenician goddess of love As'to-lat (ǎs'tô-låt)

as'tral lamp (ăstrăl), a kind of brilliant oil lamp

a strong as-sail' (ă-sal'), a fierce attack as was his wont (wŭnt), as he always did

ath-let'ic (ǎth-lět'ĭk), muscular at large, free

at'las load (ǎt'lås), a burden as heavy

as that borne by the giant Atlas, who was represented in Greek mythology, as holding the sky on his shoulders

at once far off and near, echoing first in one place then in another a-tone' (å-tōn'), make up; be sorry at-tained' to a fortune (ǎ-tānd'), reached a high position

at-tend' (ă-těnd'), wait; send at-ten'tive-ly scru'ti-nized


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au-thor'i-ta-tive (ô-thor'ĭ-tâ-tiv),commanding

aux-il'ia-ry (ôg-zil'yå-ri), helper a-vail' (å-vāl′), help

avail themselves of their numbers, make use of their greater force A'val-on (à'văl-on), an imaginary earthly paradise where heroes were carried after death

a-venged' upon you (å-věnjd'), made you suffer for

a-vert' (å-vûrt'), prevent; turn away av'o-ca'tion (ăv′ô-kā ́shůn), occupa

tion which one has for pleasure a-vow'al (ȧ-vou'ăl), declaration awful moment, tremendous importance

a-whiles' (å-hwilz'), sometimes ay (1), alas; yes

Aymer de Valence (amer dẽ và lons)

A-zores' (ȧ-zōrz'), islands near and belonging to Portugal az'ure (ăzh'ür), sky-blue

Ba'al (ba'ǎl), Phoenician god of love Bacon, Sir Francis, English philosopher and statesman (1561-1626) bade (băd), ordered; commanded badge of his au-thor'i-ty (ô-thor'ĭ-ti), sign of his power

baf'fled (bǎf'ld), defeated

bal'lad (băl'ad), a kind of short, narrative poem suita e for singing balm (bäm), fragrance, balms, herbs usec. to preserve bodies

Bal'tic's strand (bôl'tiks strånd), shore of the Baltic Sea

band, company of men organized for a common purpose

barb (bärb), fast horse; point barbarian, foreigner; here, a Persian bard (bärd), a poet and singer bare (bâr), carried

barge (bärj), boat elegantly furnished and decorated; large flat bottomed boat

Bar'ham Down (bär'ăm)

bark (bärk), boat; ship

bar'on (băr'un), a nobleman

ba-rouche' (bä-roosh'), open carriage Bar-ré', Colonel (bȧ-rā')

bar'ri-er (băr'ĭ-er), obstacle

bars and blocks, fastenings which hold & ship on shore while it is being worked on

bars ef-ful'gent (ě-ful'jěnt), shining streaks

bar'ter (bär'ter), trade

barter their commodities (kŏ-mŏd'ĭ-tiz), trade what they had for other things they wanted

base (bās), unworthy; disgraceful base'less (bas'lĕs), false base'ness (bas'něs), disgrace

Bath-she'ba (băth-she'bȧ), see Da

vid's transgression battlements, high towers

battle peal, noise of cannon, etc. Baud'win (bôd'win)

bear him, conduct himself

bear himself meetly, behave properly bear sway (swā), rule

bear the brunt of (brůnt), face the most serious

bear witness, hear me state Beau'mains (bō'mānz)

beautiful were his feet, see Isaiah LII, 7

be-daubed' (bē-dôbd'), covered; coated

be-deck' (bé-děk'), decorate Bed'i-vere (běd′i-vēr)

bee'tling (be'tling), projecting be-fits' the scene, fits the spring day be-get' that golden time again, recall the wonderful experience you gave


beggar description, make

any description of it seem poor compared with how bad it really was be-guiled' (bê-gild'), led be-hest' (bé-hěst'), command be-hoove' (be-hoov'), be proper for; befit

be-lab'o-ring (bê-lā’bẽr-îng), beating Bell'i-cent (běl'i-sent)

belligerent (bě-lĭj'ĕr-ěnt), warlike bel'lows (běl'ōz), an instrument for blowing fires be-neath' (bê-nēth')

benediction (běn'ê-dĭk'shŭn), blessing Ben'e-factor (běr ́ê-făk ́tẽr), one who does great good be-nef'i-cence (bé-něf'i-sens), doing good

be-nef'i-cent (bê-něf'ĭ-sěnt), kind ben'e-fits forgot (běn'ê-fits), kindness

to others not appreciated by them be-nevo-lent (bể-něvô-lěnt), kind be-nign' (bė-nin'), kind; loving be-nig'nant (bê-nig'nănt), kind

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be-stirs' him well (bê-stûrz'),

about briskly, or busily

be thy man, serve you

be-trayed' with a kiss (bê-trād′), deceived by pretended friendship. See Matthew XXVI, 48

be-troth'al (bê-tröth'ǎl), marriage ceremony (the word usually means engagement)

bev'y (běv'i), flock

beyond per'ad-ven'ture (pěr′ăd-věn ́tür), without doubt

beʼzoar (bē'zōr), a mineral matter found in certain animals, once used as a remedy to counteract the effects of poison

bi'as (bi'ăs), influence

bite so nigh (ni), hurt so much bite the dust, die in defeat biv'ouac (biv'wak), encampment of soldiers prepared for fighting blackening, making black; killing blades of heroes, swords which have won great victories

Blake, Robert, a British admiral blared across the shal'lows (blârd; shǎl'ōz), called across the river blast'ed (blåst'ĕd), withered blazed (blazd), marked by having a piece of bark cut away blaʼzon (bla'z'n), coat of arms bleached, whitened by the sun bless'éd (blěs'ěd), much loved

bliss of sol'i-tude (sŏl'i-tud), great comfort in lonely moments

blithe (blith), happy; joyous block-ad'ed (blŏk-ād'ěd), kept bloom, time of greatest happiness blossom into melody, break into song blow (blo), blossom

board, table

bod'ed ill (bōd'ěd), foretold misfortune; bod'ing (bōd'ing), warning bog'gy (bog'i), marshy; having swamps bold peas'an-try (pěz'ăn-tri), brave farmers whose land belonged not to themselves, but to their lords Bon'a-ven'ture' (bōn'ă-věn'tūr′) bon'dage (bon'daj), slavery

bondage of error, the, mistaken view which keeps me from doing right (lines 1-4 refer to the story of God leading the Israelites through the Red Sea. See Exodus XIV)

bon'ny bird (bon'î), fair lady
bookstall, a small book-shop
boon (boon), jovial
boor'ish (boor'ish), rude

horder, see frontier, second meaning bore, went

boundless reach, endless stretch boun'te-ous (boun'tê-ŭs), generous boun'ti-ful (boun'ti-fool), generous bou-quet' (boo-kā'), mass of flowers bour'geois' (boor'zhwä′), head man bow (bow), forward part of a vessel bow'er (bou'ĕr), apartment Bra-bant' (brå-bănt'), Belgian province

brack'ish (brăk'ĭsh), salty; distasteful brag'gart (brăg'årt), boaster braided light, light from the red, white, and blue intermingled

brand from the burning (brand), piece of burning wood from the midst of the fire—that is, out of the midst of great danger Brath'wick (brǎth'ĭk) braved (bravd), courageously met brawl (brôl), quarrel; rush bra'zen (bra'z'n), brass breach (brēch), opening

break faith, etc., fail to carry on the great work we have died doing breast'ing (brěst'ing), forcing their way through

breast'plate (brěst'plāt), armor
breastwork, fortification
bred (bred), brought up

bridge, platform over the forward deck of a ship

brim'stone (brim'stōn), sulphur bring him to knowledge, recognize him bringing weary thought to me, making me discontented

brist'ling steel (bris'ling),

pointed in the air

Brit-an'ni-a (bri-tǎn'ĭ-ȧ),

name for Great Britain



broader sig'ni-fi-kaʼtion (sigʼni-fi-kā’

shun), deeper meaning

broadside, with his side facing me

bron'co (brong'kō), small wild horse

brood, sit on eggs to hatch; lie

brought to bay, cornered so that escape seems impossible

brute forms, wild creatures

Bru'tus (broo'tŭs), a Roman who was one of Caesar's slayers

buc'ca-neer' (bŭk'ȧ-nēr′), adventurer Buchan (băk ăn)

budget (bŭj'ět), collection buf'fet (buf'ět), blow

built in an age, in process of building for many years

bul'lied (bool'ĭd), irritated and injured

bul'lion (bool'yŭn), silver which has not been coined or made into objects bul'rush (bool'rush), a large rush growing in water

bul'wark (bool'wȧrk), fortification buoy'ant-ly (boi'ănt-li), joyfully burden of the commonwealth, responsibilities of the whole country bur'gess (bûr'jĕs), freeman who could vote

Bur-goyne' (bûr-goin'), the English general who surrendered to Washington

burning star, the stars and stripes of the flag are called "burning" and "flaming" to bring out their great power and beauty bur'nish (bûr'nish), polish bur'row(bur'ō), hole dug in the ground bur'then (bûr'th'n), burden butte (būt), steep hill

by mortal means, by bringing him to great danger through someone else

Caer-le'on (kär-lē'ŏn)
Ca'ius (ka'yŭs)

Cali-ban (kăli-băn)

calm, spoken to a (käm), quieted cal'trop (kǎl'trop), spike driven into the ground, having four crossed points projecting at the head Cam'el-iard (kǎm'ěl-yärd) Cam'e-lot (kǎm'ê-lŏt), the legendary seat of Arthur's palace and court cam-paign' (kǎm-pān'), war

Camp'bell, Thomas (kăm'ěl)

can'ter (kǎn'ter), easy gallop

ca-pa'cious (kȧ-pā'shŭs), holding a

great deal

ca-pa'ci-ty (kȧ-pǎs'ĭ-ti), ability

ca-price' (kȧ-près'), tickleness

ca-pri'cious (kå-prí'shŭs), changeable

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