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all others, are most qualified for it. The very geographical position of their country, situated in the centre of all the Slavonian provinces, appears to have destined the Polish nation for that leading among their race. Since the dismemberment of Poland, Slavonia is without any nation to represent her in Europe. Russia has usurped that office in diplomacy with foreign cabinets; but it is only usurpation, without either sympathy on the part of the Slavonians or the people abroad. From her retarded civilization at home, she is least qualified for representing Slavonia, either in literature, science, or morals. Still less is she fit for that high mission by the character of her government, it being the combination of a fierce Varaguo-Tatar rule, military and cruel; while the national character of the Slavonians, as it was most justly described by the Byzantine writers, is pacific and mild. Russia looks to aggrandizement and conquests; the Slavonians were never aggressive, and their government has invariably been democratic, or mixed, as that exemplified in ancient Poland. The government of Russia, again, is the perfection of despotism, and therefore unnational and anti-Slavonic. It is useless for the Russians to boast that they are fellow-Slavonians; they possess no Slavonian government. In their character of subjects they have only exchanged their ancient Varaguian and Tatar masters, for their Czars and autocrats; the rule of the latter is but a continuance of the former, equally grinding, and for the age in which it is exercised, the more degrading to Russians. The government of autocrats is an anomaly in Europe-as great an anomaly as has been that of a Tamerlan and a Batou Khan, in former centuries. It is not with the persons of the autocrats that the fault lies, but with the system of autocracy itself. Government based upon its principle, amidst such an increase and complication of the affairs of the state, is an absurdity, and such must also be its workings and results. Yet to such a cruel and abject rule Russia wants to subject the remainder of the Slavonians, under Turkey, Austria, and Prussia. For that is her great aim: and the Russians, in their speech and in their writings, make no secret of it. Meanwhile, the ancient nationality of Slavonia, although subdued, is not dormant: by an inherent instinct of self-defence, at every step it opposes Russian autocracy's ambitious designs and intrigue. The Poles had long stood a bulwark against her; and but lately she received a check in Servia. That spirit of opposition against her is in a great measure nurtured by ancient civilization, institutions, and reminiscences: hence her barbarous fury against them-and her proscriptive measures of the laws, religion, manners, language, literature, and everything which is national. Thus she is now doing in Poland, and thus she would act everywhere. It cannot therefore be uninteresting to contemplate in what manner, under such adverse circumstances, the Slavonic spirit works its way, and is triumphant in its noble aspirations. It appears unconquerable indeed! In order to spread more light on that subject, we shall commence our continuation of the present notice, in our next number, with a full summary the Literature of Bohemia, which may be said to be the eldest sister of Poland.


STOCKHOLM.-The two sons of our Crown Prince having made sufficient progress to enable them, with advantage, to attend the lectures at the university, their august father has lately had an examination instituted, at which Geijer, the professor of history, Sellen, professor of Roman language and literature, and Malmsten, professor of mathematics, all of Upsala, assisted. It is understood that the young princes have come off with flying colours, and that they are likely to become ornaments to the University of Upsala, which they will visit under the guardianship of Count Henning Hamilton. The eldest, Charles, is 17; the younger, Gustavus, is 16 years old.

The well known Miss Bremer has lately exerted herself very much, both in public and private, in forwarding several benevolent institutions in Sweden, whose object is the reclaiming of persons who have lost their characters.

Swedish journals speak highly of a little work of Andrew, Fryxell's Tales from Swedish History, which has, in a short time, reached the fourth edition.



Dec. 27, died at Nancy, Mathieu de Dombasle, after a long and severe illHis merits as an agriculturist will insure the originator of agricultural institutions in France a lasting memory. His school in Roville has an European reputation.

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Dec. 12, at Lyons, Jean François Casimir Delavigne, member of the Institute, librarian of the Castle Fontainebleau, member of the Legion of Honor, and one of the most esteemed modern poets of France. His principal works are, "Les Vepres Siciliennes," 1819; "Le Paria, Tragéd." 1821;"Messeniennes et Poésies diverses," "Messeniennes et Poésies nouvelles," 1824; "Théatre," 2 vols. 1825, &c. He was born at Havre, March 16, 1794. His mortal remains were removed to Paris, and on the 19th of December last buried there with great splendour, amid a numerous attendance of his friends and admirers. In praise of his literary productions, as well as personal character, eloquent speeches were pronounced at his grave; and one by Krystyn Ostrowski, a young Polish poet. The motive for his paying that tribute to the memory of the French poet, he stated, was the popularity of his writings in Poland, and in particular, "La Varsovienne," a splendid warlike song, which, at the outbreak of the Polish insurrection in 1830, was composed by Delavigne, and which the Polish soldiers used to sing in their camps. We give here the poetic words with which the Pole addressed the manes of the departed.

"Casimir, thy name was always cherished, and revered in Poland. We loved thee, while we were yet children; for thou hast sung to us of glory, that sweet dream of youth and of nations.

"Casimir, we loved thee, when soldiers, for thy voice, raised in the name of liberty, warmed our bosoms; and thy Varsovienne' we used to sing when going to battle, and when returning from it triumphant.

Casimir, we loved thee, while exiles in foreign land, for thou hadst a tear for enthralled Poland, and a voice that augured well for her futurity. Both thy heart and thy genius were in unison with our efforts, as they are with our fond prospects. Sons of Poland! we come to bid thee our last farewell, as if to one of our own brethren.

"It is customary with us, in cases of death tearing from us any warrior of ours in a foreign land, that we cover his eyes with our native earth which is steeped in the martyr blood of those who had fallen in battles, that he may, even in the arms of his eternal sleep, dream of his country.

"Thus be it with thee, great champion of freedom! as if thou wert one of our own brethren. Accept the tribute which is due to thee from Poland, mourning over thy grave; and may that handful of her native soil" (here the speaker threw it in the grave) "render thy rest the sweeter!"

Oct. 26, at Berlin, Dr. John Otto Ellendorf, private tutor at that University, born in 1805. He was well known as an author. His principal works are, "St. Bernard v. Clairvaux u. d. Hierarchie seiner Geit," 1837; "Die Karolinger u. d. Hierarchie ihrer Zeit," 2 vols. 1838; "Thomas à Becket, Erzbischof von Canterbury," 1839; "Die Moral und Politik der Jesuiten," 1840; "Der Primat der Römischen Päbste,” 2 vols. 1841; "Historisch-Kirchenrechtliche Blätter," 3 vols. 1839-42; and many other pamphlets against the Jesuits and the Roman hierarchy.





(The Works marked † are Roman Catholic.)

BAUMGARTEN, M., theologischer Commentar zum alten Testament. Vol. I. p. 2. (Exod. XX. to Deut.) 8vo. Kiel. 10s.

BAUMGARTEN-CRUSIUS, Dr. L. F. O., exegetische Schriften zum neuen Testament. 1 Bd. 1 Th. Matthäus. Herausg. v. Dr. J. C. T. Otto. 8vo. Jena. 2s.


+Collegium, das deutsche, in Rom. Eutstehung, geschichtlicher Verlauf gegenwärtiger Zustand u. Bedeutsamkeit desselben. Mit Urkunden u. Belegen, von einem Katholiken. 8vo. Leipzig. 3s. 6d.

DELITZSCH, Dr. F., u. Dr. C. P. CASPARI, exegetisches Handbuch, z. d. Propheten d. A. Bundes. 1. Heft. Obadja v. Caspari. 3s. 25. Heft. Habakuk v. Delitzsch. 8vo. Leipzig. 5s. 6d. DUNCKER, L., des heiligen Irenäus Christologie, im Zusammenhange mit dessen theologischen und anthropologischen Grundlehren. 8vo. Götting. 4s. DUESTERDIECK, F. A. C., quae de Ignatianarum epistolarum authentia duo

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Ellendorf, J., Dr. Binterim vapulans, oder Revision der Frage ist Petrus in Rom und Bischof der römischen Kirche gewesen? Darmstadt. 2s.

+ ESTII, G., in omnes Pauli epistolas, item in catholicas commentarii. Ad optim. libror. fidem accuratiss. recudi cur. Fr. Sausen. Tom. IV. et V. 8vo. Mogunt. Each, 6s.

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GUERIKE, H. E. F., Handbuch der Kirchengeschichte. 5 Aufl. 2 Bde. 8vo.
Halle. 18s.

HASE, K., Kirchengeschichte. 5te. Aufl.
HASSE, F. R., Anselm von Canterbury.

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