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ART. III.-1. Clement Walton, or the English Citizen, by the Rev. W. GRESLEY, A.M. Lichfield. London: Burns.

2. Scripture History-Old Testament, by the Hon. and very Rev. H. E. J. HOWARD, D.D. Dean of Lichfield. London: Burns. 3. The Parable of the Pilgrim, by Bishop PATRICK. Reprint. Edited by the Rev. W. CHAMBERLAIN, A.M. London: Burns.

THE above are titles of the first three volumes of a series from which we augur great benefit to the cause of religion in this land; and thence, by natural consequence, to the extension of Christ's kingdom on earth. For it is not a token of undue presumption to act, as if England and England's branch of the Catholic Church were destined in the counsels of the Most High, to become the means of conveying saving truth to all nations of the world. And there is much reason to believe that God has high honour for our Church in store, if only we remain true to her catholicity of doctrine and apostolicity of order and discipline. But, be this as it may, whatever, by lawful means, tends to further the cause of true religion in these lands is a positive good, and, as such, worthy of the support of all well-wishers of their country; and, on this score, we heartily wish the ENGLISHMAN'S LIBRARY "God speed." The learning, piety, and moderation of the two gentlemen to whom the superintendence of the series is confided is a sufficient guarantee for the character of the works, were not the names of the contributors also calculated to inspire confidence.

The plan of the series has been resolved upon with a clear perception of the wants of the age in which we live. Cheap literature is the order of the day, and, if churchmen do not find the people with food, the sectaries and their allies, the popish and infidel factions, will drug them with poison. There cannot be a greater mistake than that the press is necessarily an engine of evil. To the invention of printing are we, under God, indebted for the accelerated progress of the Reformation ; and so long as the engine is worked by proper persons its results must be beneficial. But like all other means of effecting great ends, it may be used either for good or for evil. For this assertion we have no occasion to rely on theory. That it is a mighty engine for good, the Reformation is a witness ;—that it is a mighty engine for evil, the disaffection and insubordination, which have followed on the perusal of the unstamped trash, is a testimony. But, alas! its powers have been oftener tested by the foes than the friends of truth. The enemy has been busy with this engine sowing tares, when the good farmer has failed to use it for sowing the wheat. The time is however now come when this is sufficiently felt, and each day affords proof of the eagerness of the friends of sound principles to provide for the dissemination of

those principles by the means of cheap literature. To the Clergy the public are indebted for this. They alone began the mighty movement, and having preached down, through many years, the opposition of well-meaning men to extended education, they are now ready to take the lead in supplying the demand created by that education. They it is to whom the public owe the consideration now bestowed upon the education of the people. They have ever been, as it was their interest no less than their duty, the friends of information all for which they stipulated was, that this information should be based upon religion, upon the religion of the Church. And having succeeded in convincing the intelligent and wealthy that it was their interest to give the people a sound education, they now come forward to provide the material for carrying out their theory. But the object of the series is so ably stated by one of the editors in the opening chapters, that we refer our readers to it, as better calculated to explain their views than any thing we could advance.

Volumes 2 and 3 require little comment. The Dean of Lichfield has handled an interesting subject in a most able and interesting manner. The third is a reprint, and Mr. Chamberlain has done his part well.

Of Clement Walton we would gladly say much. Mr. Gresley is already well known by his works, and Clement Walton is not an unfit successor of the Portrait of an English Churchman. The fourth chapter, on practical Church Reform, is admirable; but where all is good it is as invidious as it is difficult to single out for praise. All we would say is, that if the series go on as auspiciously as it has begun, it will be a most valuable addition to our literature.


Christian Moderation, and the Reasons for it. A Sermon preached in the Parish Church of Rochdale, on Sunday, the 22d day of December, 1839. Being the Sunday after the Funeral of the Rev. W. R. Hay, Vicar of the Parish. By the Rev. RICHARD PARKINSON, B.D., Fellow of Christ's College, Manchester. (Printed at the request and for the use of the Parishioners.) Manchester: Simms. 1840. Pp. 238.

We have no occasion to introduce the author of this sermon to our readers. Though it is an unpretending discourse, it is characterised by that

charm which ability and piety alone can give to a subject. The more we make ourselves acquainted with the writings of this divine, especially his later ones, the more are we struck by his very happy mode of expressing himself in aphorisms. In another place will be found instances of this, but it is impossible to illustrate our position better than by the following instance which occurs in the preface. "Wise men trust in a good cause; fools trust to it." The title sufficiently explains the object of the sermon. In the former part the subject (Phil. iv. 5,) is handled generally; and in conclusion the reference is special to the

occasion. The sentence," the Lord is at hand," is treated in the following way at pp. 12, 13, as regards the nearness of God in his mercies:

"The Lord is at hand! He is at hand in his mercies; he is at hand in his judgments. We may look upon this solemn intimation either on its bright or on its dark side; or we may look on it on both, and see in both abundant reasons for the cultivation of christian moderation. Let us first consider that he is at hand in his mercies. Moderation we have defined to be gentleness, meekness, patience. These are not virtues natural to the human heart. They must be sown there and cherished there by a higher and holier power than mere human wisdom and firmness; and such power is pledged to us in the intimation, The Lord is at hand.' He is at hand in the gracious aid which he affords through his Holy Spirit to every one who has become a member of his church by baptism, and who seeks for that aid through faith and prayer. He is at hand in his holy word, which he has caused to be written for our learning, and which conveys his will to man, both as to his own promises and our duties, in the language of eternal truth. He is at hand in the teaching of his ministers, to whom he has committed the ministry of reconciliation, and who are ambassadors in his name, praying you in Christ's stead, as though God did beseech you by them. He is at hand in his sacraments, the outward and direct channels through which he has pledged himself to be accessible by his people: the one an indispensable means of introduction into his church, and full participation in the privileges of his kingdom; the other equally indispensable as a prescribed mode of reconciliation with him in penitence, and an open token of fellowship with his church on earth, and communion with his church in heaven. In all these respects, and they are all of the most momentous import to our soul's health, 'the Lord is at hand.' He is with his church, through these instruments, in all its trials and troubles; and while constantly interceding for us with the Father in heaven, is still with us in this lower world, guiding and guarding us by his Spirit, till we come to his everlasting kingdom. We are thus enabled to let our moderation be known unto all men, because the Lord is at hand."-Pp. 12, 13.

The following advice is particularly good, and quite illustrative of a truth

in the Preface, but too often lost sight of now-a-days. "You are the church of which we are the ministers." And with this concluding passage of the sermon, we conclude our notice.

"You will soon, my brethren, be placed under the guidance of another pastor. Keep your eye on your own duties as well as his. Strengthen his hands in the discharge of both his sacred and civil offices, by your own zealous cooperation. Be assured that the chains are forged which are to bind down our church, as Samson was bound in the prison-house, only to be restored to liberty to make sport for the lords of the Philistines. It is you alone who can break the fetters, by standing fast in the liberty with which Christ and the laws of your country have made you free. At the same time, let your moderation be known unto all men. It is not violence, but firmness and zeal that is wanted. Follow your Lord and Master, who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; and yet submitted to every trial, even the death of the cross, that he might bear witness unto THE TRUTH.'"-Pp. 22, 23.

Controversial Lectures with Rome, in course of delivery at Manchester. I. Importance of the Controversy. By REV. HUGH STOWELL, A. M. II. Rule of Faith. By Rev. R. FROST, A. M.

SUCH are the titles of two Lectures just published as the first of a series, with a view to contrast the churches of England and Rome in points of doctrine. The first comes from Mr. Stowell, and is therefore eloquent: of its powers of argument we cannot say so much. In places where the right nail is hit on the head, it is clumsily done, and in one or two instances the reverend gentleman seems hardly to have clear cognizance of the dogmas of our own church. The sermon might inspire an excitable partisan, but would never, we think, convert an opponent. It seems designed as a manual on the subject, but in this point of view it is a total failure. The Manchester folk, however, have had one good sermon on Popery preached

"Popery refuted by Tradition," by Dr. Hook, reviewed elsewhere.

there lately, which will be a manual when the fury of Mr. Stowell's eloquence shall be overpast and spent.

Mr. Frost's Lecture has some good points, but betrays great indecision, and with an acknowledgment "that together with the Holy Ghost, we express our belief in one Holy Catholic Church," there is a sad beating about the bush as to what this Church is. We congratulate Mr. Frost upon being an exception to the generality of Ultra-Protestant writers. He is able to write a sermon on Popery, and yet to avoid attacking high churchmen! What will Mr. Stowell and others think of him?

The Colonial Magazine and Commercial-Maritime Journal. Edited by R. M. MARTIN, ESQ., Author of "The History of the British Colonies," &c. &c. London: Fisher, Son and Co. Pp. 152.

THE annually increasing number of emigrants to our colonies, who will, in future generations, necessarily exercise an immense influence on the doctrines of the whole race of men, calls for the serious attention of the British legislature and public at large. We consequently rejoice to see a work, devoted to this most interesting topic, published under the able and experienced surveillance of Mr. Martin. The first number is highly valuable; but we venture to express a hope that the state of religion, especially with reference to the Established Church, will not be overlooked in future publications, and that the best interests of the emigrant, namely, his immortal welfare, will command, at least, as much attention as his moral and political


The Pictorial History of Palestine.
By the Editor of the Pictorial Bible.
Part VII. Pp. 64.

Ir possible each number of this beau-
tiful and most useful publication in-
The pictorial
creases in interest.
department is worthy of the letter-

press, whilst the latter does no discredit
to the talented illustrator.
completed it cannot fail to attract
every class of biblical students. The
mature scholar will find much pro-
found learning and research; the less
deeply read peruser will meet with
abundance of interesting matter, and
both will rise from the grateful task of
studying the volume with satisfaction
and delight. We heartily wish every
one concerned in the publication every
possible success.

The Temperance Emigrants; a Drama, Descriptive of the Difficulties and Discouragements incidental to Temperance Societies, and general Temperance Life. By JOHN DUNLOP, Esa, one of the Vice-Presidents of the New British and Foreign Temperance Society, and President of the Western Scottish Temperance Union: Author of "The Philosophy of Drinking Usages in Great Britain and Ireland." London: Houlston and Stoneman. Pp. 91.

EVERY minister of the gospel must have experienced how much the moral and religious condition of his flock is prejudiced by habitual indulgence in excessive drinking. The house of God is neglected-home deserted— and the ale-house is the favourite abiding place of vast numbers, who yield to the seduction of strong drink. Hence misery and despair-and not Mr. Dunlop's unfrequently death.

object is to stem the current of this crying evil; and in this attempt we hope he may succeed, as the work is got up in an amusing as well as an instructive manner; and the amiable zeal by which he is stimulated would not permit us to be hypercritical as to style or composition, were the defects much greater than we have discovered in the volume before us; nor will we in this place discuss the fundamental objections which we conceive to lie against the principle of Temperance Societies, as now constituted.

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But now bring me a minstrel. And it came to pass, when the minstrel played, that the hand of the Lord came upon him.

THAT these words may be the better understood, it will be necessary to abridge from the sacred text the narrative of which they form a part. They are as follows. Inesha, king of Moab, had been a tributary of Ahab king of Israel, but had rebelled against his son Jehoram, who, in all probability, was a weak, as well as a bad prince. Under these circumstances, Jehoram applied for assistance to his contemporary Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, and his request was readily granted. With these also the forces of the king of Edom were combined, and the campaign was opened against the Moabites. Finding it necessary, however, to take a circuitous route, they were unable to procure a supply of water, and in this strait Jehoshaphat inquired if a prophet of the Lord could be found with whom they might advise. Elisha was at hand; and although objecting to the wicked Jehoram, yet, for the king of Judah's sake he would not be silent. That he might be inspired with the power of divination, he desired that a minstrel should be brought. "And it came to pass, when the minstrel played, that the hand of the Lord came upon him."

This connexion between music and prophesying is frequently alluded to in the Old Testament;† and we may hence conclude that the musical art was held in considerable esteem. Indeed, in both Jewish and Christian churches, both vocal and instrumental music has been in constant use. Amidst the flowers of Eden, Adam is stated to have possessed all that could produce happiness; and of this unmingled joy we may well suppose music must have been a source. And after the invention ofinstruments by Jubal, they soon became generally prevalent; for we find that in the time of Jacob they were even played by his domestics. In the book of Exodus we read the first account of the antiphon, or chaunt, when Moses and the children of Israel sang this song unto the Lord, and spake, saying, "I will sing unto the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea.....And Miriam answered them, Sing ye to the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea."§ This you will perceive was sung by responding, in a manner similar to that adopted in our cathedrals, and was probably brought by Moses from Egypt, since St. Stephen declared that "Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians:"|| and an ancient father ¶ informs us that in music he was especially instructed. The song of Deborah and Barak was also continued in alternate responses; and this style appears to have been always considered admirably adapted for

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A Sermon preached in behalf of a Parish Choir in the north of England. 1 Sam. x. 5. 1 Chron. v. 1. passim.

Gen. iv. 21. Gen. xxxi. 26, 27.

§ Exod. xv. 1-21. || Acts vii. 21, 22: xvi. 25, &c. Clemens Alex. Strom. 20. 1.

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