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fuch kind and fpecial notice of fuch, and fo foon get acquainted with them, as it were, and fhow fuch regard and concern for their comfort, and fo kindly offer what the thought they needed, as to difcover fhe knew the heart of a stranger, and well understood how to do it good, and fo as to oblige them to feel, in fome measure, as if they were at home.

She made it her rule to fpeak well of all, fo far as the could with truth, and juftice to herself and others. She was not wont to dwell with delight on the imperfections and failings of any; and when he heard perfons fpeaking ill of others, fhe would fay what fhe thought fhe could, with truth and juftice, in their excufe, or divert the obloquy by mentioning those things that were commendable in them. Thus the was tender of every one's char. acter, even of theirs who injured and fpoke evil of her; and carefully guarded against the too common vice of evil-fpeaking and backbiting. She could bear injuries and reproach with great calmnefs and patience, with out any difpofition to render evil for evil; but, on the contrary, was ready to pity and forgive thofe who appeared to be her enemies..

She had long told her intimate friends, that fhe had, after iong ftruggles and exercifes, obtained, by God's grace, an habitual willingness to die herself, or part with any of her most near relatives: That she was willing to bring forth children for death; and refign up him whom fhe esteemed fo great a bleffing to her and her family, her nearest partner, to the ftroke of death, whenever God fhould fee fit to take him. And when she had the greateft trial, in the death of Mr Edwards, fhe found the help and comfort of fuch a difpofition. Her converfation and conduct on this occafion was even to the admiration of her friends. It was fuch as difcovered that she was fenfible of the great lofs, fhe and her children had fuftained in his death; and at the fame time fhowed, that fhe was quiet and refigned, and had thofe invifible fupports and comforts by which fhe could truft in God with quietnefs, hope, and humble joy,


They lived together in the married state above thirty years. In which time they had eleven children; all which are now living, except the fecond daughter, who died February 14. 1748, (of whom the public have fome account in the Life of Mr Brainerd, page 251.) and their third daughter, Mrs Burr, before mentioned; and their youngest daughter, named Elifabeth, who died fince her parents. The furviving children are three fons and five daughters.



The occafion of this fermon has been mentioned in a preceding page; and is fo much connected with the history of the author's life, that it was tho't proper to fubjoin it thereto.


As alfo you have acknowledged us in part, that we are your rejoicing, even as ye also are ours in the day of the Lord Jefus.

HE apoftle, in the preceding part of the chapter, declares what great troubles he met with in the course of his miniftry. In the text, and two foregoing verfes, he declares what were his comforts and supports under the troubles he met with. There are four things in particular.

1. That he had approved himself to his own.confcience, verf. 12. " For our rejoicing is this, the teftimony of our confcience, that in fimplicity and godly fincerity, not with fleshly wifdom, but by the grace of God, we have had our converfation in the world, and more abundantly to you-wards."

2. Another thing he speaks of as- matter of comfort, is, that as he had approved him felf to his own confcience, To he had alfo to the confciences of his hearers, the Corinthians, whom he now wrote to, and that they fhould approve of him at the day of judgment.

3. The hope he had of feeing the bleffed fruit of his labours and fufferings in the miniftry, in their happinefs and glory, in that great day of accounts.

4. That, in his miniftry among the Corinthians, he had approved himself to his judge, who would approve and reward his faithfulness in that day.


These three laft particulars are fignified in my text," and the preceding verfe; and indeed all the four are implied in the text: It is implied, that the Corinthians had acknowledged him as their fpiritual Father, and as one that had been faithful among them, and as the means of their future joy & glory at the day of judgment, and one whom they fhould then fee, and have a joyful meeting with as fuch. It is implied, that the apoftle expected at that time to have a joyful meeting with them before the judge, and with joy to behold their glory, as the fruit of his labours; and fo they would be his rejoicing. It is implied alfo, that he then expected to be approved of the great judge, when he and they fhould meet together before him; and that he would then acknowledge his fidelity, & that this had been the means of their glory; and that thus he would, as it were, give them to him as his crown of rejoicing. But this the apoftle could not hope for, unless he had the teftimony of his own confcience in his favour." And therefore the words do imply, in the strongest manner, that he had approved himfelf to his own confcience. :

There is one thing implied in each of thefe particulars, and in every part of the text, which is that point I fhall make the subject of my prefent difcourse, viz.


"Minifters, and the people that have been under their care, muft meet one another before Chrift's tribunal at the day of judgment."

Minifters, and the people that have been under their care, must be parted in this world, how well foever they have been united: If they are not feperated before, they must be parted by death; and they may be feparated while life is continued. We live in a world of change, where nothing is certain or ftable; and where a little time, a few revolutions of the fun, brings to pafs ftrange things, furprifing alterations, in particular perfons, in families, in towns and churches, in countries and nations. It often happens, that thofe, who seem moft united, in a little time are moft difunited, and at the greatest diftance. -Thus


Thus minifters and people, between whom there has been the greatest mutual regard and strictest union, may not only differ in their judgment, and be alienated in affection, but one may rend from the other, and all relation between them be diffolved; the minifter may be removed to a diftant place, and they may never have any more to do one with another, in this world.-But if it be fo, there is one meeting more that they must have, and that is in the laft great day of accounts.

Here I would fhew,

I. In what manner minifters, and the people, which have been under their care, shall meet one another at the day of judgment.

II. For what purposes.

III. For what reasons God has fo ordered it, that minifters and their people shall then meet together in fuch a manner, and for fuch purposes.

I. I would fhew, in fome particulars, in what manner ministers and the people, which, have been under their care, shall meet one another at the day of judgment. Concerning this, I would obferve two things in general.

1. That they shall not then meet only as all mankind muft the meet, but there will be fomething peculiar in the manner of their meeting.

2. That their meeting together at that time shall be very different from what used to be in the house of God in this world.

1. They fhall not meet at that day merely as all the world muft then meet together. I would obferve a difference in two things.

(1.) As to a clear actual view, and diftin&t knowledge and notice of each other.

Although the whole world will be then present, all mankind of all generations gathered in one vaft affembly, with all of the angelic nature, both elect and fallen angels; yet we need not fuppofe that every one will have a diftinct and particular knowledge of each individual of the whole affembled multitude, which will undoubtedly confift of many millions of millions. Though


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