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to the Pope, yet would hee by no meanes allow that every Pope had Infallibilitie in a right line. of succession from Peter: For admit (saith hee) that we are bound to beleeve out of Faith, that the true successor of Peter is the supreame Pastor of the Universall Church, yet we are not bound to beleeve with the same faith, that Leo, or Clemens, is the true Successour of Peter, because we are not bound to beleeve it, as a point of faith, that either of them had a right and Canonicall election*. The reason as I conceive, why this Succession in person is become so doubtfull and uncertaine amongst themselves, is partly grounded upon their owne Councels, and their Pope's Decrees: for the Councell of Florence declared †, that the intention of the Priest did ordeine the Sacraments, and consequently if his intention did faile at the time of Consecration, the Sacrament of Orders was utterly voyd, and the Priest's Ordination and Succession for want of intention, was of no effect; and as touching the Pope's Decrees, Julius the Second above 120 yeeres since, published and declared by his Bull (which all Cardinalls, at the entrance of the Conclave, are sworne to observe) That if it happen the election of the newe Pope bee made and done, either

* Quamvis credere teneamur ex fide verum Petri successorem esse supremum totius Ecclesiæ pastorem, non tamen tenemur eadem fide credere Leonem aut Clementem esse terum Petri successorem, quoniam non tenemur ex fide Catholicâ credere eorum quemlibet ritè et canonicè fuisse électum. Alph. lib. 1. contr. hæres. cap. 9.

+ Conc. Flor. in Decret. Eugen.

by him that is chosen, or by any other of the Colledge of Cardinals, by the heresie of Simonicall contracts, giving, promising, or receiving any goods of any kind, or by making of any other promise, or obligation of what kind soever, whether it bee done by themselves, or others, by a few, or by many, that not onely the election, or assumption so made shall bee from the very moment void and of none effect, but that safely and lawfully they may hold, esteeme, and eschew him as a Magician, an Ethnicke, a Publican, and an arch heretique. Now if any man make a question, whether the Pope can commit any Simonie or no, let him take his answer from the Pope's creature: Thomas Aquinas tells us, that the Pope may incur the sin of Simonie as well as any other†. Besides, the Pope's Bull would never have said (If any Pope happen to bee chosen Simoniacally) if they had not beleeved that the Pope might commit Simony. On the other side, if it bee demanded what Pope in these latter times is guilty of that crime, their owne Treatise, intituled, Novus Homo, The new Man, doth plainely manifest, that Sixtus Quintus did climbe into the chaire by foule Simony; and that since the death of Gregorie the Thirteenth, his predeceesour, there hath not been any true Pope, rightly and Canonically elected.

* Bulla Julii II. in lib. Constit. Pont. Constit. 1. et Novus Homo.

+ Papa potest incurrere vitium Simoniæ sicut et quilibet alius. 2. 2. q. 100.

He who was sometimes a Pope, proclaimed to the world by his publike Writings: Of the Popes of Rome, we might shew foorth very many examples, that they have been found either heretikes, or else defiled with other vices*:

But it shall suffice for a conclusion of this poynt, the ground of Peter's succession is doubtfull, the Pope's Infallibilitie derived from Peter,. is uncertaine, and consequently, the Romanists have but a Morall and conjecturall knowledge for their Rule of faith. I call Bellarmine himselfe to witness the truth of this assertion. First, the right of Succession in the Popes of Rome is founded in this, (saith the Cardinall) that Peter by Christ's appointment placed his seate at Rome, and there remained till his death: So that the reason of Succession hath this beginning from the fact of Peter. From hence there will arise two questions; the one, whether the Lord did command Peter to make his See at Rome: the other, whether the Pope did rightly succeed Peter, if hee were at Rome. For resolution of these points, the Cardinall makes these severall answers: First, It is not improbable, that our Lord did plainely commaund Peter to make his Seate at Rome, yet this is no matter of Faith, nor yet of a divine and

Eneas Syl. de Gest. Conc. Basil. lib. 1.

Jus successionis Pontificum Romanorum in eo fundatur quod Petrus Romæ sedem suam, &c. Bellar. de Pont. lib. 2. cap. 1.

↑ Ratio successionis ex facto Petri. Ibid. c. 12.

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unchangeable precept, but it is most probable; and it is piously to bee beleeved. To the second he answereth: Peradventure it is not (De Jure divino) from divine right and authoritie, that the Pope succeedeth Peter, yet it doth appertaine to the Catholike (Roman) Faith†.

Thus by Bellarmine's confession, it is but probable, and piously to be beleeved, that Peter was at Rome, and made his seate there and therefore at the best it can be but probable, that the Pope should succeed Peter in that See. Besides, there is no necessitie to beleeve it: for (saith hee) it is no point of Faith; and withall, if Christ gave any such precept, yet it may be changed. Againe, if the Pope doe succeed Peter, it is but with a Peradventure, it may be so, and it may not be so for (saith hee) it is not of any Divine right or command, although it belong to the Catholique Romane faith. Adde to these the uncertaintie of their pastor's Ihtention in the ordination of their Priests, the uncertaintie of their Simoniacall contracts, which make void their election, the knowne and condemned heresies of Popes in the Roman See, with the uncertaintie of Peter's being at Rome, on which

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*Non est improbabile Dominum apertè jussisse ut Petrus sedem suam Roma figeret. Bell. de Pont. lib. 2. c. 12. Non est de fide, divino et immutabili præcepto, Romæ sedem Petri esse constitutam, est tamen probatissimum, et piè credendum., Bel. de Pont. lib. 4. c. 4.

+ Fortè non est de jure divino Romanum Pontificem Petro succedere. Idem Ibid. § Observandum.


all the succession of person and doctrine doth depend and tell me, if the Pope's infallibilitie, which is grounded wholly upon probabilities, can bee the Rule of faith; tell me, whether the Pope or his predecessours have had an undoubted succession in doctrine and person; tell mee, whether to neglect the most safe and sure rule of Scriptures, and to follow this morall and conjecturall faith, bee not. Via Dubia, a doubtfull and uncertaine way, and Via Devia, a wandring and By-way.



To lay a sure foundation, that this Papall building may be strong and immoveable, Hostiensis, by way of prevention, gives us to understand, that the Pope and Christ make but one Consistory, so that (sinne excepted) to which the Pope is subject, the


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