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of R. Isaac by Mr. English....the opinion implied in the interpolation not conformable to R. Isaac's.... Examination of Dan. ii. 31, &c....Six summary objections answered.... Something said in extenuation of the incredulity of the Jews...great persecutors themselves.... Barchochebas. pp. 109-213.

CHAPTER V. [Misprinted IV.]

Expectation of the Messiah at the time our Lord appeared.... Evidence of a famous Jewish tradition.... Appearance of false Christs....Sect of Herodians.... Testimony of Josephus.... Theudas.... Judas of Galilee....a second Theudas.... The Egyptian impostor.... R. Gedaliah places him among the false Messiahs...Evidence from incidental passages of the New Testament.... from Virgil's fourth eclogue....from Jewish traditions....evidence from express authorities.... Philo....Josephus..... Suetonius..... Tacitus..... Inferences from these facts. pp. 215-237.

CHAPTER VI. [Misprinted V.]

Quotations....Mr. English's premises incorrect....the inspiration of the sacred writers not a logical inspiration.... The books of the New Testament not a forensick statement of the evidences of Christianity.... The doctrine of accommodation adopted by most divines....Mr. English's mistake on this point....persists in it... The use made by the writers of the New Testament of passages of the Old Testament considered by the author to be something different from classical accommodation....a peculiar use.....the different forms of quotation proved not to express, as is commonly thought, a different kind or degree of application....the same true of the Mishna....character of this work....Proofs that the rabbins quoted passages of scripture in a reference different from the primary and original reference....examples from the Mishna....the Tanchuma...the Zohar... Talmud...another from the Zohar.... from the Beresith authority of the rabbinical treatise Halicoth Olam...example from the Jerusalem paraplırase....character of this paraphrase. .refutation of objections to the doctrine of accommodation, which apply to the opinions of the author....Account of the work of Surenhusius... Two distinet questions with respect to the quotations unhappily confounded by Mr. English... Examination of the examples of the pretended rules of Surenhusius....In giving these examples from Collins Mr. English retains the typographical errours....Collins did the same in quoting them from La Roche....Mr. English did not look at the examples as they stand in the New Testament...the variations of the readings of the Old and New Testament in these quotations very trifling. pP 238-292.


Alteration of Mr. English's opinion of a good part of his own book...his opinion of the moral character of our Lord.....his opinion that the New Testament is spurious, would destroy, if it were true, most of his own objections.... Christianity can be proved without the New Testament.... Case of the woman taken in adultery....Charges brought by Mr. English against our Lord of inconsistency refuted....teaching in parables....reproving the disciples for sleeping...Mr. English's mistake of the commentators... Objection to John viii. 51....Mr. English charges our Lord with inconsequent reasoning...refuted in his examples.... Mr. English mistakes the argument for Christianity from maytyrdom...Paley's statement of the argument... No analogy between the cases quoted by Mr. English and apostolick martyrdom....Mr. English's extracts, without acknowledgment, from Orobio....Limborch's refutation of the objections in the extracts....Opinion of the Protestants, with respect to Peter's being at Rome, mistaken by Mr. English....Mr. English contradicts himself with respect to the morality of the New Testament....with respect to the fouudation of the New Testament.... Motto for Mr. English's second edition from Celsus. pp. 293-328.


Mr. English's tenth chapter taken, without acknowledgment, from R. Isaac...refutation of the various objections it contains... Mr. English's eleventh chapter taken, without acknowledgment, from Dr. Priestley....Discussion of the question of the perpetuity of the Jewish ritual... Distinction between the moral and ceremonial parts of the law....The Mosaick institutions in their nature temporary....Not taught in the Old Testament to be perpetual.... Authority of the Psalms and Prophets....Testimony of Collins.... Express prediction of the abrogation of the Mosaick law.... The doctrine and practice of our Saviour and his apostles.... Vindication of St. Paul.... The Mosaick religion never can be universal.... does not teach the doctrine of immortal life. pp. 329-371.


Mr. English's work contains two systems, the Jewish and Deistick... A contradiction exposed... Source of the notion that there was a schism between Paul and the other apostles....refutation of it....Mr. English borrows, without credit, from R. Isaac....Examination of the charge that Christianity is founded on the religion of Zoroaster...its absurdity... Zoroaster himself drew from the Old Testament. The Old Testament is the source of that part of Christianity pretended to borrowed from Zoroaster... Mr. English

unfortunate in his allusion to Latimer....contradicts himself with respect to the origin of sin....the New Testament doctrine on this subject not borrowed from the Persians, neither is the NewTesta. ment doctrine of the devil..Mr.English makes a great mistake about the doctrine of atonement...betrays the temper in which he pursued this enquiry... Absurd comparison of the primitive Christians to the Shakers....His account of the primitive state of Christianity inconsistent with Tacitus, Pliny, and the whole series of history... No resemblance between the evangelical miracles and those of the church.... The proof of the Christian miracles is their effect on the world.... world.... Mr. Mr... English's English's principles lead to universal skepticism. pp. 372-400.


Our Lord's Prophecy of the destruction of Jerusalem not borrowed from Daniel...eight circumstances alleged in which it is more explicit...strictly fulfilled in all I of them...Mr.English's unhappiness in calling the interpretations of this prophecy nonsensical.... Isaiah uses the same language in the same sense.... No objection to this prophecy from an alleged errour with respect to the day of judgment...Mr. English's surprising neglect to examine the prophecies of the New Testament....two pointed out, Matt. xvi. 18 and Phil. ii. 9, 10, 11.... their wonderful fulfilment against human probability....Our Lord taught the worship of no being beside Jehovah. pp. 401-418.


Mr. English's contradiction of himself with respect to the New Testament morality....examination of his objections to certain precepts....vindication of the precepts....Mr. English holds false notions of morality, which he will learn by experience....a mistake of a few fathers for the body of the primitive Christians....examination of a particular objection...Indecency of the skeptical writers... Vanity of the charge that Christianity was a principal means of destroying the Roman empire.....Mr. English's quotation and treatment of Origen, the one incorrect and the other uncivil.... Authority of Tertullian and of Grotius. pp. 418-441.


Authenticity of the New Testament....Mr. English refutes his own objections... Instances.... Examination of alleged geographical blunders in Matthew.... of alleged ignorance of Jewish customs in the evangelists...Quotation of an apocryphal book... Objection that Latin words occur in the gospels answered.... The case of alleged contradictions between the evangelists... Parallel examples by Dr. Paley and Lessing...Mr. English misrepresents Evanson...Opinion pronounced of Evanson's work by Eichhorn....Mr. English misrepresents Semler... Semler asserts the authenticity of all the books of the New Testament excepting the Catholick epistles, and the apocalypse....Mr. English misrepresents Dodwell....Mr. English's mistake in copying Toland.... The conjectures of Dod. *well refuted by Le Clerc.... Argument for the genuine from the apocryphal gospels.... The authority of Papias vindicated, and of Irenæus and Tertullian....that of Justin Martyr....Heinous liberty taken by Mr. English with Dr. Marsh.... Proofs of the authenticity of the New Testament from the succession of authors that tes. tify to it....from the hereticks....the heathen....the versions... Application of Mr. English's manner of reasoning to the poems of Horace, proving them not to be authentick....Conclusion.



A LITTLE difficulty has arisen in this subject, with respect to the comparative value of evidence from prophecy fulfilled, and evidence from miraculous works. It may therefore be proper to state the precise question in controversy, and the different topicks of argument, which may be employed. The main question is, the Messiahship of Jesus: Was Jesus Christ the person foretold by the prophets, as the Messiah of the Jews? One method, and a very obvious one, of examining his claims to this character, is to compare his person, life, actions, and doctrine with the supposed predictions of them. But if it also appear that this Jesus wrought such works, as evinced that he enjoyed the supernatural assistance and cooperation of God, this certainly is a fact of great importance. For we cannot say that in estimating the validity of our Lord's claims to the character of Messiah, it is of no consequence whether, while he advanced those claims, he wrought such works as proved his intimacy with the God of truth. While he professed himself the Messiah,

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