TO THE REVEREND JOHN THORNTON KIRKLAND, D. D. LL. D. PRESIDENT OF HARVARD COLLEGE, AND VICE PRESIDENT OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. DEAR SIR, It is equally the dictate of duty and inclination to dedicate to you this essay, which owes any merit it may have to the studies it was my happiness to pursue under your direction. What ever hope I may feel of its utility, it is the most agreeable reflection with which I regard it, that it affords me a publick opportunity of expressing the respect, affection, and gratitude, with which I am, dear Sir, your most obedient, RECAPmost humble servant, EDWARD EVERETT. 5713 332 78564 PREFACE. I WOULD take occasion, before entering upon the immediate subject of the present work, to ask the reader's attention to another connected with it:-viz. the alleged plagiarisms of Mr. English. He leads us in his preface to expect, that he had availed himself, to a considerable degree, of the labours of others; and as far as the fact appears to correspond in nature to this expectation, he must certainly be acquitted of plagiarism. His words are, "I do not claim to have originated all the arguments advanced in this book: a very considerable proportion of them were derived from ancient and curious Jewish tracts, translated from Chaldee into Latin, &c. Some FEW other arguments were derived from other authors, and were taken from works not so much known, As I hope they will be." These remarks are from the preface to his first work; and in his letter to Mr. Cary he says, "the whole truth is, that out of over two hundred pages, of which my book consists, if all for which I am indebted to Collins was collected into one mass, it would not occupy more than seventeen pages." And if the very considerable proportion of the arguments in the book, mentioned in the preface as directly derived from others, were to be collected into a mass, and added to this, the whole would amount to not exceeding forty pages." I would here correct a mistake, which the sequel will show to be of some importance. Mr. English did not say in his preface that a very considerable proportion' of the arguments were derived from 'other' sources. The very considerable proportion was derived from Jewish tracts. It was some Few other arguments that were derived from other sources; and under this comprehensive head of some few, the seventeen pages from Collins must be comprised, besides more than twice as much more from other authors. In fact, my result differs a good deal from that of Mr. English, as p. 211 et seq. Prophecy, p. 321, &c. p. 39-61. may appear from the following view of transcriptions from other works, in the Grounds of Christianity examined. Page. IN THE PREFACE. 7th.-2 pages from Dr. Price's Observations. p. 5, 7, &c. [Acknowledged. [Not acknowledged. 19th.-1 do. Evanson's Dissonance, pref. p. 6. [Do. IN THE BODY OF THE WORK. 1st.-8 do. Collins' Grounds and Reasons, p.4-13, and 26-37. 11th.-8 do. Priestley's Theolog. Repos. v. 19th.-1 do. Collins' Scheme of Literal 23d.-7 do. Collins' Grounds and Reasons, 30th.-1 do Collins' Grounds and Rea. p. 79. [Do. [Not acknowledged. [Do. [Do. [Do. 31st.-3 do. Scheme of Lit. Proph. p. 329, 347, &c. [Do. 45th.-3 do. do. do. p. 239, &c. [Do. 13st.-1 do. do. do. p. 147-8. [Do. 45th.-4. do. R. Isaac's munimen fidei, $22. [Do. 51st.-7 do. - and Levi. [Acknowledged. 58th.-4 do. [Do. 73d.-4 do. Orobio. Limborch's Am. Col. 84th.-9 do. Priestley's Repos. v. p. 403, &c. 97th-4 do. R. Isaac's M. F. vide n. p. 378. 104th.-1 do. Dr. Allix. 116th.-1,1-2 do. Brown's History of Shakers. 121st.-1,1-2 do. Middleton's Free Inquiry. 133d.-4 do.Evanson's Dissonance, p. 32, &c. [Not acknowledged. 139th.-5 do. do. p. 240. [Do. 160th.-2 do. Brown's History of the Shakers. [Acknowledged. 170th.-3 do. Toland's Amyntor, p. 193,199. [Not acknowledged. Summary.-Ninety-four pages are transcribed. Twenty pages acknowledged as transcriptions. Leaving seventyfour unacknowledged. Twenty-six pages are transcribed from Collins. Now if Mr. English, when he said that all that he had directly borrowed from others amounted to forty-two [Not acknowledged. [Do. [Do. [Do. |