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Tbom. 2 : 191

Men judge of happ'nefs and woe by outward show, Gay 2:97

who liv'd and dy'd without a name, Swift 1:20
are the chief heroes in the list of fame, Swift 1:20
prove with child, as fancy works, Pope I : 146
vain llaves of interest and of pride,
whose bosoms tender pity warms, Pope od. 3 : 224
be in action, as in name,

Pope il. 2 : 144 whose vice but makes them scandalously great, Pain. 164 are all mad,

Gay 2 : 21 and when the briny cure they try'd, Gay 2:21 some

part still kept above the tide, Gay 2:21 miitake their talents,

Swift 2 :

2 : 289 beasts may degenerate into,

Swift 2 : 289 have ever been the same,

Cong: 149 only feel the smart, but not the vice,

Popc 2 : 250 oft are false,

Cong. II3 have four legs by nature,

But. I:18: are all dedication-proof,

Gay 1: 181 and gods with gifts are pleased,

Cang: 136 and women made for each other,

young and old, praise the Lord, Menam, nightly thines with insect-lamps,

Tbom. I: :72 Mendicant, a furly vagrant,

Pope od. 4:117 Menelaus, in fixty ships leads the Spartans, Pope il. 1:90

a chief once thought, no terror of the field, ib. 159 accepts

Paris's challenge, Pope il. 1:109

magnificence of his palace, Popeod. 3 : 108 Menestheus, no chief like thee,

Pope il. 1:89 Menippean satire, what,

Dry: 7: 160 Mennis, Denham to,


But. 2:133

Watts 92


Din. 44

Mental cye, paft, prefent, future, can defcry,

Mentes, monarch of the Taphian land,

whofe form Minerva takes,

Mentor, Ulyffes' faithful friend,

Merab, promised to David, defpifes David,

Weft 227

Pope od. 3:43

Pope od. 3:43

Pope od. 3: 69

Gow. 2:156

Cow. 2:156

[blocks in formation]

accomplish'd, is an accomplish'd man, Young 3 : 266

[blocks in formation]

Mercy I to others fhew, that mercy fhew to me, Pope 2 :8†,

quits the score,

works of, a part of reft,

the brightest virtue of the mind,:

fways the brave,

and juftice, virtues that adorn a king,"

what, can the zealot's heart affuage,

Merion, burning with a hero's rage,

Merit, a mark, at which difgrace is thrown,

was a crime,

obfcure fhall raife its head,.

can it hope fuccefs in woman's eyes,

Dry. 1:24

Dry. 2:18:


Pope od. 4:

Parn. 15

Young 1:5

Pope il. 2:14


Som. 17

m. 301

chiefly plac'd in judgment, wit, and taste,
wanting, no favour, no praise, will avail,
we are bound to give applaufe,
who confcious of, fhuns the praise,
diftrefs'd impartial heaven relieves,

Merlin, prophecy of,

difcovers the Cambrian mines, Meroe, where fhadow both way falls,

fruitful to a footy race,

and proud of ebon woods,

Meroz came not in the field prepar'd,

Merry Andrew,


Mefappus defcribed,

Methy hayes prepares,

Meffapus, fea-born, Meah, a facred elogue, promife of,

Gay 2:211

Swift 1 : 11:
Pope 1:


Hughes 2

Pope 1:3:1 Swift 1:5 Yal. 41

Milt. 2: 201

Hughes 30
Hughes 30

Parn. 14

Prior 1:20

Garth 15

Dry. 6:18

Rowe L. 15:

Dry. 7: Pope 1:4 Milt. 2: 1:4


Meffiah anointed king,

born to fuffering, penury, and fcorn,

Milt. 1: 161
Sav. 22

Milt. 1: 202

returned victorious,

enfign of,

Solomon, his church the bride,

Meftles and Antiphus the Mæonians head,

Metals difcovered,

how formed,

Milt. 1: 1991

Parn. 204

Pope il. I: 102.

Milt. 2: 104 Yal. 403

Metamorphofes, tranflations of,

notes on,

Metaphor, what,

bard diverfifies fong by,

Garth 122.

Add. 179

Dry. 5: 264.

Bitt 363

Metaphoric meat and drink is to understand and thinkSwift 2:21

Metaphorical terms, unfitting philofophy,

ufed by Cicero,

Metaphors, transparent veils,

cover, and not hide,

Metaurus, red with Punic blood,.

Meteors, now in various forms appear,.

Methuen, epiftle to,

of fincereft mind,

Mezentius, character of,,

flies to Turnus,.

impiety of,

Black. 3

Black. 3

Lanf. 232

Lanf. 232

Rowe L. 102

Rowe L. 72

Gay 1: 180

Gay 189

Dry. 6: 187, 217

Dry. 6:217

Dry. 6:312


fpoils of, a trophy,

Mezeray's hiftory, lines written in,
Mice, arm'd for battle,

Erle Robert's, in Chaucer's ftyle,
Michael, prince of celeftial armies,

Dry. 6:314

Dry. 7: r Prior 155 Parn. 42 Prior 2: 5

Milt. 1: 174


Phil. 45 Cow. I: 219

Sav. 40

Michael, sword of,

Milt. I : 180, 183 Michal, character of,

Dry, I :

: 162 in love with David,

Cow. 2:158 Microscope, discoveries by, Microscopes enlarge our knowledge, Midas, fable of,

Swift 1:71 -- ears of,

Dry: 3:193 Middle state, who keeps, knows how to live, Pope 2 : 184 Midnight riot, spreads illusive joys,

fortune, health, and dearer time destroys, id. 40 Midwife-time, a siifts at all events,

Dry. 3:95 Might, cailed heroic virtue,

Milt. 2:10 Mighty fied, pursued by stronger might, Pope il. 2 : 270 Hector pursued by Achilles, Pope il. 2:270

thrice round the Trojan wall,' ib. 270 to his fears resign’d, Pope il. 2:270 hearts are held in flender chains,

Pope 1: 133 Mildness has a force divine,

King 288 Milky way, innumerable stars, Milo-like, furveys his arms and hands,

Pope 3 : 154 Milonides, master of the ring,

Som. 102 proclaims the prizes, Milton, Paradise Lost, - Regained,

2 : 143 Samson Agonistes,

3:7 occasional poems,

3:71 Christ's nativity,

3: 79 the passion, on time,

3:93 May-morning,


Mall. 223

Som. 103 Mill. I:5



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