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gree of pain or fickness, and a temporary fever hould enfue, there are two ways of fhaking it off, either to lie in bed and encourage perfpiration, or to get on horfe-back, and by brisk exercise reftore the body to its natural ftate. The choice of thefe two methods must always be determined by the peculiar circumftances of the parties concerned, and from the experience which they may before, have had, which agrees best with them.

1253. If a perfon commit excefs in eating, efpecially of high-feafoned things, with rich fauces, a draught of cold water, acidulated with vitriolic acid, will take off the fenfe of weight at the ftomach, and affift digeftion, by moderating the alimentary fermentation, and thus preventing the generation of too much flatus. The luxury of ices may be here of real service at the tables of the great, as producing fimilar effects with the cold water acidulated. Perfons in thefe circumftances ought not to lay themselves down to fleep, but should keep up and exercise until they are fenfible that the ftomach is unloaded, and that they no longer feel any oppreffive weight about the præcordia.

1254. If a man be obliged to faft, he ought, if poffible, during that time, to avoid laborious work: after fuffering fevere hunger, people ought not at once to gorge and fill themselves; nor is it proper, after being overfilled, to enjoin an absolute faft: neither is it fafe to reft totally immediately after exceffive labour, nor fuddenly fall hard to work after having been long without motion. In a word, all changes fhould be made by gentle degrees; for though the conftitution of the human body be fuch, that it can bear many alterations and irregularities without much danger, yet, when the tranfitions are extremely sudden, they cannot fail of producing some degree of disorder.

1255. CELSUS advises to vary the scenes of life, and not confine ourselves to any fettled rules; but as inaction renders the body weak and liftlefs, and



Abfcefs of the lungs, 537, 706.
Abftinence, 58, 69, 73..
Achilles, 7.

Acrimony, 179, 182.
Adipofæ, 300.

Adipfia, 347, 1094, 1095.
Adjunct figns, 81.
Adynamiæ, 262, 806, 830
Æfculapius, 7, 8.
Aetius, 84, 85.
Agathodæmon, 5.
Ageuftia, 335, 1072—1074.
Ague, 401.
Ague cake, 574.
Ague drop, 406.

Air, fixed, effects of, 790, 1232-
Air, putrid, methods of purify.

ing, 478, 479. Albucafis, 88. Aldini, Dr, 97.

exercise gives vigour and ftrength, people should never long omit riding, walking, or going abroad in a carriage: fencing, playing at tennis, dancing, or other fimilar engagements, which afford both exercife and amufement, as each fhall be found most agreeable or convenient, are to be used in their turns, according to the circumftances, or tendency to any particular fpecies of difeafe. But when the weakness of old age fhall have rendered the body incapable of all these, then dry frictions with the flesh brush will be extremely requifite to preferve health, by accelerating the flow of humours through the fmalleft orders of veffels, and preventing the fluids from stagnating too long in the cellular interstices of the fleshy parts.

1256. SLEEP is the great reftorer of strength; for, during this time, the nutritious particles ap pear to be chiefly applied to repair the wafte, and replace those that have been abraded and wathed off by the labour and exercise of the day; but too much indulgence in fleep has many inconveniencies, both with refpect to body and mind, as it blunts the fenfes, and encourages the fluids to ftagnate in the cellular membrane; whence corpulency, and its neceffary confequences, languor and weakness. The proper time for fleep is the night, when darkness and filence naturally bring it on: therefore day fleep in general is not so refreshing; and to fome people is really distressful, as creating an unusual giddinefs and languor, especially in perfons addicted to literary pursuits. Cuftom, however, frequently renders fleep in the day neceffary; and in those conftitutions where it is found to give real refreshment, it ought to be in dulged.

1257. With regard to diet, it has always been held as a rule, that the fofter and milder kinds of aliment are moft proper for children; that grown perfons fhould eat what is more fubstantial; and old people leffen their quantity of solid food, and increase that of their drink.


Aleppo, plague at, 635.
Alexander, 86.

Amaurofis, 140, 329, 1056, 1057.
Amenorrhoea, 368, 1164, 1165.
Amentia, 291, 951.
American fever, 429.
Amphimerina cardiaca, 433: pa-
ludofa, 434-446.
Anæfthefia, 128, 336, 1075, 1076.
Anaphrodisia, 348, 1096.
Anafarca, 307, 982-984.
Aneurisma, 370.

Angina gangrenofa, 668: pecto-
ris, 1167-1171.
Animal fat, 120.
Animal functions, 100.
Animal falt, 180.
Anorexia, 346, 1092, 1093.
Anofmia, 334, 1069–1071.
Anthelmintics, 1191-1200.
Anthony's fire, St, 501.
Antipathies, 132.
Antiphlogistic regimen, 468.

Antifpafmodics, 468.
Anxiety, 125, 126.
Aphonia, 350, 1098-1101.
Aphetha, 248, 680-685.
Apocenofes, 356, 1114—1135.
Apollo, 7.

Apoplexia, 260, 763-795-
Apoplexy, 154: fanguineous,
767-771: ferous, 772-775
hydrocephalic, 777-783:
from atra bilis, 786, from ex-
ternal violence, 787: from
poifons, 788-792: from pa
fions, 793: cataleptic, 794
from fuffocation, 795.
Appendix, 1167-1257-
Appetitus erronei, 338, 1078-
1090: deficientes, 345, 1091-
Aquofæ, 306.

Arabian phyficians, 88, 89, 11
Ariftæus, 7,

Arfenic, 406, 945


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Arthrodynia, 600-603.
Arthropuofis, 237, 624-626.
Afcarides, 1187-1197.
Afcites, 311, 992—998. '♪**
Afclepiades, 65-69..
Afthma, 279, 871-876.
Aftruc, Dr, 1016, 1019.3
Atonic Gut, 610.
Atrophia, 298, 964—968.
Attraction, denied, 65.
Avenzoar, 88.

Avicenna, 88.

Aurelianus, C. 56, 59, 62, 69.

Autocrateia, III.
Autumnal fever, 434.


Baftard Pleurify, 595-

Beddoes, Dr, 95, 1156.

Cavallo, 97.

Causes of difeafes, 104-11%
"Caufus, 86, 418, 421.
Cautery, 84..
Cellular texture, 119.
Celfus, 73..

Cephalalgia, 1181-1183.
Cerapiffus, 50.
Ceratum, 50.

Chalmers, Dr, 833-838.
Chemical analyfis of the animal
folids, 112-116.
Chemistry introduced, 88, 92,93.
Chicken Pox, 648, 649.
Child bed fever, 1172-1180.
Children, difeafes of, 405, 1205
-1224: diet.of, 1225, 1226.
Chincough, 884-888.

Belgrade, great mortality at the Chiron, phyfic taught by, 7.

Gege of, 446.:

Black Vomit, 482, 484.........
Bladder, inflammation of the,

Bleeding at the nofe, 687-691.
Blood, circulation of the, difco-
vered, 94: diseases of the, 159,
167-176: fpitting of, 692-

[blocks in formation]

Chironomia, 26.

Chlorofis, 266, 826-830.
Cholera, 194, 285, 906—910.
Chorea, 272, 853-857.
Chriftie, Mr T. 679.
Chryfippus, 58.

[blocks in formation]

Dover's Powder, 599.
Dracuncuh, 85.

Circulation of the blood, 94, 159. Dogmatists, 62, 64.
Clavus, 378, 929.
Cochrane, Dr, 842...
Coeliac Paffion, 917.
Colica, 284, 890: flatulenta, 891
-895: Pictonum, 896-899:
Cercorea, 900-902: meconia-
lis, 903 callofa, 904: calcu
lofa, 905.

Brain, compreffion of the, 1213. Collyrium, 52,

Brandy, a cure by, 947-
Branks, 528.

Breathing, difficult, 877.
Broderick, Adm. difeafes of his
troops, 438.
Brunonian Syftem introduced,


Bubo, 375, 1127.
Buff-coloured cruft, 172.
Bulimia, 86, 339, 1079, 1080,
Burning fever, 86, 421.


Cabbage-bark, 1194
Cachexia, 295325×

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Cacochymy, 79.
Caius, Dr, 92.
Calculi, Biliary, 1048)
Calculus, 200, 1148—1160,
Caligo, 328, 1054, 1055.
Campania, bad air of, 438.
Cancer, 201, 374...
Canine appetite, 1079, 1080,
Canine madnefs, 934941.
Carbonic acid, 790, 1232-1236.
Cardiac Syncope, 808.
Carditis, 225, 543-548.

Caries, 395-

Carter, Dr W. 841.
Catalepfis, 764.

Cataplafms, 1, 68,
Cataract, 1954, 1055.
Catarrh, 256, 747-756.

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Comata, 259, 762-895.
Conftantine, 91..
Confumption, 702-718.
Continuæ, 464–468.
Contractura, 355, 1112, 1113.
Convulfions, 155, 271, 848851.
Corpulency, 970-972.
Corpufcular System, 65-67.
Corycus, 26.

Coryza, 751.

Coftiveness, 188, 1137—1139.
Cough, 184, 185, 751.
Cow-Itch, 1195.

Cow-Pox, inoculation with, 96.
Cramp, 849.

Crick in the neck, 834.

[blocks in formation]
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Cullen, Dr, his arrangement of
difeafes, 208-395, An error
in his numeration, 225; his di-
rections for inoculation, 645.
Culpi, climate of, 435.
Cupping, 73.

Currie, Dr, 842..
Cypanche, 223, 512: Tonfilla-
ris, 513-517: Maligna, 518
22 Trachealis, 523-526:
Pharyngea, 527: Parotidaa,
Cystitis, 232, 583 525 1.

Dropfy of the abdomen, 992-
998: of the brain, 777-785:
of the breaft, 989-991: of
the belly, 1002: of the fcro-
tum, 1000 of the uterus,
Dumbness, 1102, 1103-

Duncan, Dr, his hiftory of Mc.
dicine, 1-94.

Dyfæfthefiæ, 327, 1053-1076.
Dyfcinefiæ, 349, 1097-1113.
Dyfecoea, 332, 1066. My
Dyfenteria, 257, 757-760à
Dyfentery, 190.!

Dyfopia, 350, 1058-1963.
Dyforexiæ; 337, 1077-1096."
Dyspepfia, 264, 814-819.
Dyspermatismus, : 367, 11629.

Dyspnoea, 280, 877-883: ca,
tarrhal, 878: dry, 879: from
the weather, 880: earthy fub-
ftances, 881: watery, 882 2
from-corpulency, 883.
Dyfuria, 198, 366, 1146, 1147&
calculofa, 1148—1161.
Ear-Ache, 1227-1229. :
Earth Bath, 717.
Ecchymoma, 372..
Eclectic Sect, 74.
Ectopiæ, 384.
Egyptian Physicians, 2, 5, 6,

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


Emprofthotonos, 833.
Empyema, 41, 538-542×
Encyfted dropfy, 993.
Endemic Diseases, 11.
Enteritis, 228, 561—567: phleg-.
monoda, 562-566: eryfi-
pelatofa, 567.
Enurefis, 361, 1123, 1124.
Ephidrofis, 22, 358, 1117, 1118.
Epidemic Difeases, 11.
Epilepfia, 274, 861: cerebralis,
862: fymphatica, 863: occa-
fionalis, 864-868.
Epiphora, 359, 1119, 1120.
Epifchefes, 363, 1136-1165.
Epistaxis, 250, 687—691.
Erafitratus, 57-59.
Eruptive tertian, 414.
Erysipelas, 239, 500, sot, 628-
633 with blifters,
632: with phly&enæ, 633-
Erythema, 500, 501.
Etmuller, 1068.


Exanthemata, 238, 627–685.
Exciting caufe, 105.
Exercife, 709-712.
Exoftofis, 383.


Fainting, 807-813.

Falconer, Dr William, 1155.
Falling Sickness, 861-868,
Fafting, rules for, 1249.
Fat, ufes of the, 120.

Fatnefs, exceffive, 970—972.
Fatuity, 148.

Febres, 210-218: 398-495.
Feeling, 124; defect of, 1075,
Fevers, 398-495: intermittent,
399-463: remittent, 418-
446: continued, 464-468:
typhous, 469-489: putrid,
474-480: yellow, 481-488:
hectic, 491-495 miliary,
658-661: scarlet, 662-671:
puerperal, 1172-1180.
Fits, inward, 1210-1212,
Fixed Air, poisonous effects of
790: medicinal: ditto, 1232-
Flatuofe, 3oz.

Flooding, 728-732: 735-740.
Floyer, Sir John, 8752

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Fluids, acrimony of, 179, 182.
Fluor Albus, 736-741.
Flux, 911-920: of blood, 1115,
1116: of the lachrymal hu-
mours, 1119, 1120: of urine,

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[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Grotto del Cani, 7903
Gum, red, 1215.
Gutta ferena, 1056, 1057.

Hæmatemefis, 744-
Hæmaturia, 745.
Hæmoptyfis, 251, 692-701.
Hæmorrhagiæ, 686-745.
Hæmorrhois, 253, 719–727.
Haen, Dr De, 1157.
Hales, Dr, 1024.
Harmattan, 439.
Harvey, Dr, 94.
Head-ach, 1181-1183.
Health, rules for preserving, 1237

Hearing, difficulty of, 134, 135
depravation of, 1067, 1068.
Heart, inflammation of the, 543

Heart-burn, 889.
Heberden, Dr, 492, 1032, 1033,


1167, 1168, 1188-1190.
Hectica, 491–495.
Hemiplegia, 154, 798.
Hepatic flux, 920.
Hepatitis, 49, 568-5721
Heraclides, 69.
Hercules, 7.
Hermes, 5, 6.'".
Hernia, 385.
Herodicus, 26.
Herophilus, 55, 60.
Herpes, 391.
Hieranofos, 868.
Hillary, Dr, 487, 839.
Hippocrates, account of his
writings, 9: theory, 10-14:
prognoftics, 15-24: practice,
25-29: and remedies, 30-4.
Hippocratic Face, 16.
Hoffman, 94, 793.-

Home, Dr Francis, 9241 927,

1145, 1165, &c.
Hooping Cough, 884-889.
Hofpital Fever, 474-480.
Huck, Dr, 915.

Hungary, bad air of, 437-
Hunger, infatiable, 1079.
Huxham, Dr, 470, 519.
Hydarthrus, 382.
Hydatis, 381.

Hydrocele, 313, 1000, 1001.
Hydrocephalic Apoplexy, 777
Hydrocephalus,:308, 985, 986.
Hydrometra, 312, 999.
Hydropes, 306.

Hydrophobia, 289, 933-948:
fpontaneous, 949.
Hydrorachitis, 309, 987, 988.
Hydrothorax, 310, 989-991.
Hypochondrialis, 265, 820-

Hyfteria, 288, 928—932.
Hyfteritis, 233, 586-590.
I, J.
Jail fever, 474-480.
James, Dr, 936.



325, 1046-10ji.

Idiofyncracy, 75.
Idiotifm, 148, 951..
Jenner, Dr, rewarded, 96.
Jewish phyficians, 3.
Iliac paffion, 195, 892-895.
Impetigines, 317, 1009-1051.
Impotence, 1096.
Incubus, 960.

Inflammation of the lungs, 530:
pleura, 531-536: heart, 543
-547: peritoneum, 548-
551: ftomach, 552-560: in-
teftines, 561-567: liver, 560
-572: fpleen, 573-77
kidneys, 578-582: bladder,
583-585 and uterus, 586-

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Peripneumonia, 224, 530, 533-
Peritonitis, 226, 548–551.
Perspiration, fuppreffed, 195 =
exceffive, 196, 1117.

Pertuffis, 281, 884-888.
Peruvian bark, 404-406.
Peftis, 240, 644-638.
Phlegmafiæ, 219, 496.
Phlegmone, 497, 501.
Phlogiftic Diathefis, 150.
Phlogofes, 220, 497–501.
Phrenitis, 222, 506–511.
Phthifis, 252, 702-718, 1227.
Phymofis, 1127.
Phyfconia, 315, 1002, 1003.
Phyfometra, 305, 980, 981.
Pica, 341, 1083, 1084.
Piles, 719-727: external, 720:
from procidentia ani, 721:
running, 722: blind, 723.
Plague, 634-638.

Plethora, 79.


224, 531-536.
Plica Polonica, 1044, 1045.
Pneumatofis, 303, 973, 974-1
Pneumonia, 224, 529–536.
Podagra, 236, 608-623.
Poifons, 902, 1201-1203.
Polydipfia, 340, 1081, 1982.
Polyfarcia, 301, 970~972.
Porter, Dr, 895.
Porterfield, Dr, 1057.
Praxagoras, 56.
Predifponent caufe, 104, 105.
Pringle, Sir John, 416, 437,

444, 1024, 3028.
Procatarctic causes, 79.
Profluvia, 255, 746—760.
Profufio, 357, 1115, 1116.
Prognoftic figns, 8r.
Prolapfus, 386.
Prometheus, 7.

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Pronunciation, defect in, 1106,

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Quarantines, 637.

Short-fighted perfons, 136.
Sight, diseases of the, 136–143.
Silvefter, Dr, 841.
Sleep, uses, &c. of, 156, 158,
1256; uneafinefs in, 959, 960.
Sleepy tertian, 412.
Small-pox, 88, 639–647: dif-
tinct, 640; confluent, 641:
extirpation of the, 646.
Smell, difeafes of the, 132, 133,

Quartana, 213, 447-458.
Quinfy, inflammatory, 513-317%
Quotidiana, 214, 432, 459-
463; deceptiva, 432.

Rachitis, 316, 1004-1008.
Raphania, 273, 858-860.
Raymond, Dr, 942, 949.
Red Gum, 1215, 1216.
Remittents, 418-446.
Remote caufes, 115.
Refpiration, obftructed, 183.
Rhafes, 88

Rheumatism, 234, 591: acute,
592-599: chronic, 600-603.
Rhubarb, 86.

Rickets, 1004-1008.
Rubeola, 243, 650-657.
Ruth, Dr, 843.

Ruffell, Dr, 635.


Sagar, his arrangement of dif-
eafes, 207.

St Anthony's fire, 501.
St Vitus's dance, 853-856.
Salamanca, ridiculous decree of
the univerfity of, 89.
Salernum, college of, 90.
Salivation, 1121, 1122.
Samiel, 478.

Sanches, Dr, 1016.

Saracens, ftudies of the, 90.
Sarcoma, 376.

Satyriafis, 342, 1085, 1086.
Sauvages, his claffes of difeafes,

203, 204.
'Scarification, 83.

Scarlatina, 245, 662-671.
Sciatica, 594, 601.
Scirrhus, 201.

Scorbutus, 320, 1020-1030.
Scrorula, 318, 1010-1014.
Scurvy, fea, 1020-1029: land,


Scybale, 758, 898.

Seine, waters of the, 1151.

Smyth, Dr J. C. 712, 1170.
Snake pills, 945.
Sneezing, 186.
Solano, Dr, 717.
Solidæ, 314.
Solids, living, 121.
Somnambulifm, 959, 960.
Soranus, 72.

Sore throat, 518-522, 1230.
Spafm, 155.

Spafmi, 267, 831-949.
Spafmodic tertian, 413.
Specifics, 47.

Spina bifida, 987, 988.
Splenitis, 230. 573-577.
Sporadic diseases, 11.

Squinting, 142, 1109-1111.
Stahl, Dr, 94, 726.

Stomacace, 743.

Thirst, exceffive, 1081, 1082:
want of, 1094, 1095.
Thoth, 5.

Thrufh, 680-685.
Tin, powder of, 1193.
Tinea, 392.

Tinnitus aurium, 135.
Tongue described, 129.
Tonquin medicine, 942.
Tooth-ach, 604-607.
Torpor, 151.

Touching, 124: defect of, 1075.
Tremor, 805s.

Trichoma, 324, 1044, 1045.
Trifmus, 270, 844-847.
Tritæophyæ, 420-429.
Trotter, Dr, 1023.
Tumores, 369.
Tuffis, 751.


304, 975-979.

Typhomania, 765.

Typhus, 217, 469-490: gra-
vior, 474, 480.

U, V.

Vaccination, 96.

Valetudinarians, rules for, 1237

Van Swieten, Baron, 1019.
Varicella, 242, 648, 649.

Stone in the bladder, 1148- Variola, 241, 639-647.

[blocks in formation]

Variolodes, 652.

Varix, 371.

Vaughan, Dr, 936-938.
Venereal disease, 92, 93, 1015

-1019; 1125—1135.
Veruca, 377-

Vertigo, 143.

Vefaniæ, 144, 290, 950—960.
Vigour, 149, 150.
Virgile, M. 1040.

Vis medicatrix Naturæ, 111.
Vifion, depraved, 136-143;


Vital Solids, 121.

Vitus's dance, St. 853-856.
Ulcers, 1229, 1230.

Ulcus, 390.

Ulcerous fore throat, 518-

522, 668, 669.

Tabes, 297, 963: dorfalis, 966. Vogel, his claffes of difeafes,
Tenia, ri98–1200.
Taliacotius, 119.

Tafting, depraved, 129-131:
defect of, 1072-1074.
Teething, 1215.

Semen, difficult emiflion of, Tenefmus, 191.

Semi-terfian, 411.

1162, 1163.

Sennertus, 1045.

Senfation, 121.

Sentes, difeafes of the, 123-144;
internal, 144.
Serapion, 62.

Ships, great mortality on board
of, 478, 480; method of pu-
rifying, 479.

Tertian, 400-406: irregular,
407: double, 408: duplicated,
409: triple, 410: fleepy, 412:
fpafmodic, 413: eruptive, 414:
inflammatory, 415: compli-
cated, 416 varied, 417: re-
mittent, 418.
Tetanus, 269, 832-843.
Themifon, 70.
Theffalus, 71.


Voice, lofs of, 1098-1101:
change of, 1104, 1105.
Vomica, 537.
Vomiting, caufes of, 192.
Urine, fuppreffion of, 197, 198:
1140-1145: incontinence of,
199; involuntary flux of, 1123:
difficulty of discharging, 1146

Urticaria, 246, 672-675.
Uterus, windy fwelling of the,
980: dropfy of the, 999.
Vulnus, 389.

Wall, Dr. 1170.

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