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Gammi afafoetida. Ferula afafætida. Afafoetida. The concrete juice. Antihysteric and anthelmintic. Tinctures.

Gummi bdellium. Bdellium. Sudorific, diuretic, and emollient.

Conai benzoin. Terminalia bènzoin, Styrax benBezoin. Cofmetic. An ingredient in feferal anodyne compofitions.

hai elemi. Amyris elemifera. Aromatic. An dential oil, and gives name to ointment. mi galbanum. Bubon galbanum. Galbanum. tipafmodic. An ingredient in many antihyfaric medicines.

femi gambogia. Gambogia gutta. Gamboge. Inetic and cathartic. Gives name to a kind of

Commi kino. Kino. Aftringent. A Tincture. Gummi labdanum. Ciftus ladanifera. Labdanum. Stomachic. An ingredient in the ftomachic pills and plafters.

Cami lacca. Coccus lacca. Gum lac. Aftrint. A tincture. See CHEMISTRY, Coccus, FICUS, MISOSA, &c.

Cami maftic. Piftachia lentifcus. Maftich. Cor


Cammi myrrha. Myrrh. Antifpafmodic and corroborant. A tincture, and an ingredient in many compofitions.

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Gemi olibanum. Juniperus Lycia. Olibanum. Atringent, but uncertain. An ingredient in e powders, and other officinal compofitions. Copoponas. Paftinaca opoponax. OpopoAttenuant and ftimulant. An ingredient feme officinal compofitions.

i fanguis draconis. See Sanguis. Senegal. Mimofa Senegal. Aftringent and Lucilaginous.

Hyrax. See Styrax. ithus. See Thus.

tragacanth. Aftragalus tragacantha: Gum agacanth, or gum dragon. Aftringent and arroborant.

tites. Blood-flone. Aftringent and corro


arborea. Hedera helix. Ivy. The leaves, berries, and refin. Diaphoretic.

terreftris. Glechoma hederacea. Ground The leaves. Aperient and corroborant. Bim. See Enula.

borafter. Helleborafler Fætidus. Bear's foot. The leaves. Emetic, purgative, and anthelmin

Syrup. eborus albus. Veratrum album. White helleore. The root. Moft violently emetic and e. A tincture and honey, formerly. leborus. Helleborus niger. Black hellebore, melampodium. The root. A powerful altrative and emmenagogue. A tincture and ex

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patica nobilis. Anemone hepatica. Noble liver

The leaves. Cooling and corroborant. odactylus. Iris tuberofa. Hermodactyl. The Purgative, but doubtful.

a. Herniaria glabra. Rupture-wort. The ares. Aftringent.

caftanum. Efculus hippocastanum. Horfedebut. The bark and fruit. Corroborant

ad errbine.


Hordeum, Hordeum diflichon. Barley. Refriges

rant. A decoction. Horminum. Salvia borminum.

Garden clary.

The leaves and feeds. Corroborative. Hydrargyras. See Argentum vivum. Hydrolapathum. Rumex aquaticus. The leaves and roots. Alterant and laxative. Hyofciamus. Hyofciamus niger. Commen wild or black hen-bane. The leaves and feeds. Narcotic. Cataplafm, plafter, powder, ointment. Hypericum. Hypericum perforatum. St John's wort. The leaves, flowers, and feeds. Diuretic, fudorific, and alterant. Gives name to a coloured oil.

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Hypocitis. Cytisus hypociftis. Hypociftis. The
juice. Aftringent. Juice infpiffated.
Hyffopus. Hyffopus officinalis. Hyffop. The leaves.
Aromatic and pectoral. A diftilled water.
Jalappa. Convolvulus jalappa. Jalap. The root.
Cathartic. An extract, a fimple and compound
tincture, a refin, and powder.
Japonica terra. See Catechu.
Imperatoria. Imperatoria oftruthium. Mafter-wort.
The root. Aromatic.
Ignatia. See Columba, and Faba,
Indian root. See Rhadix Indica.
Inula. See Enula.
Ipecacuanha. Pfychotria emetica. Ipecacuanha.
The root. Emetic and cathartic. "A vinous
tincture, and a powder.


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Iris. Iris Florentina. Florentine oris. The root. Aromatic and stimulant. An ingredient in feveral pectoral medicines.

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Iris paluftris. See Gladiolum:Juglans. Juglans regia. The walnut tree. The fruit. The kernel emollient, the fell-aftringent.

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Jujuba. Rhamnus zizyphus. Jujubes. The fruit. Emollient and balfamic! Juncus odoratus. See Calamus, a piI Juniperus. Juniperus communis. Juniper. The berries, wood, and refin. Carminative oil water.

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Ingredients in feveral officinal compositions. Kermes. Coccus quercus ilicis. Kermes. Aftringent and corroborant. A confection. Kino. See Gum Kind

Lac. Milk. Analeptic and corroborant. A fac

charine falt.

Lacca. See Gum es1⁄47 %< Lactuca. Lactuca fation. Garden lettuce." The

leaves and feeds. Suppofed narcotic. Lactuca. Lactuca dirofa. Wild lettuce, Juice. Laxative, diuretic, and diaphoretic, An extract. Ladanum. Ciftus Creticus. Ladanum. The gum refin. Ingredient in the ftomachic plafter." Lamium. Lamium album. White archangel, or dead nettle. The leaves and flowers. Suppofed corroborant,

Lavendula. Lavendula fpica. Greater, or broad


leaved lavender. The flowers. An excellent cordial and aromatic. An effential oil; a fimple and compound fpirit; and a conferve. An ingredient in fome officinal preparations. Laurus. Laurus nobilis. The bay tree. leaves and berries. Carminative and antifpafmodic. An expreffed oil. An ingredient in dif. ferent compofitions. Lentifcus


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Lentifcus. Pistacia lentifcus, The lentifc, or maf tich tree. The wood. Aftringent, tonic, and


Lepidum. Lepidium latifolium. Common broad
dittander, or pepper wort. The leaves. An-
tifcorbutic and diuretic.

Levifticum. Ligufticum leviflicum. Lovage. The
root. d feed. Aromatic. Ingredients in fome
compound waters.
Lichen cinereus terreftris. Lichen caninus, Afh-
coloured ground liver-wort. The whole. Re-
commended by Dr Mead, as a specific against
the bite of a mad dog, but without foundation.
Principal ingredient in the pulvis antilyfus.
Lichen. Lichen Iflandicus. Eatable liver-wort. The
herb. Nourishing, antifeptic, and laxative.
Lignum campechenfe. Hamatoxylum campechenfe.
Logwood. The wood. Aftringent. An extract.
Lignum rhodium. Genifla canarienfis, Rofe-wood.
The wood. Cordial. An effential oil.
Ligufticum. See Leviticum

Lilium convallium. Convallaria maialis. Lilly of
the valley. The root and flowers. Cephalic
and nervine.

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Lilium album. Lilium candidum, White lily. The root. Emollient. Poultice.

Limon. Citrus medica. The lemon tree. The
fruit. Aromatic, antifcorbutic, and cordial. An
effential oil; an ingredient in feveral compofi-

Linaria. Antirrhinum linaria. Toad flax. The
leaves. Diuretic and catharic, but doubtful.
Lingua cervina. Afplenium fcolopendrium. Hart's
tongue. The leaves. Aperient.
Linum catharticum. Euphorbia lathyrus. Purging
flax. The leaves. Cathartic. Infufion in whey.
Dried powder.

Linum fativum. Linum ufitatifmum. Flax. The
feeds. Emollient. An expreffed oil. Cataplafm.
Liquida ambra. Acer negundo. Sweet gum, or
forax tree. The refinous juice. Aromatic and

Lithofpermum. Lithospermum officinale, Grom-
well. The feeds. Refolvent; lithontriptic,
Lobelia. Lobelia fiphilitica. Blue cardinal flower.
The roots. Alterant, detergent, cathartic, and
anti-venereal. Decoction of a handful of the
roots in 3 measures of water; one half taken in
the morning fafting; the other at night. This
root was long a famous fecret among the North
American Indians, till it was purchased by Sir
Will. Johnston, and publified by Bartram, &c.
Lujula, Wood forrel. See Acetofella.
Lumbrici et limaces terreftres. Earth worms and
fnails. Aperient and analeptic. Decoction in


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Lupinus. Lupinus albus. White lupines. The
feeds. Anthelmintic.

Lupulus. Humulus lupulus. Hops. The loofe
leafy heads on the tops of the ftalks. Diuretic
and ftomachic.

Lycoperdon. Lycoperdon bovista. Puff-ball, or
duty mushroom. The whole. Styptic.
Macis. See Nux Mofchata.

Majorana, Origanum majorana. Sweet marjoram.
The leaves and flowers. Aromatic and errhine.
An effential oil.



Malal thrum. Laurus caffia. Indian leaf. Aromatic. An ingredient in mithridate and theri


Malva. Malva fylveftris. The mallow. The leaves
and flowers. Emollient. Ingredient in the decoc
tions for glyfters; alfo in cataplafms and fo
mentations Formerly there was a conferve of
the flowers.

Malus. Pyrus malus. The apple tree. The fruit
Refrigerant and laxative."

Mandragora. Atropa mandragora. The mandrake
The leaves. Narcotic.
Manna. Fraxinus ornus. The manna afh. Th
concreted juice. Laxative. Gives name to a
officinal lohoch, and enters feveral other com


Marrubium. Marrubium vulgare. White hore
hound. The leaves. Stomachic and aperient
An ingredient in theriaca. The juices of hore
hound and plantain mixed, are used as rem
dies against the bite of the rattlefnake, given i
fpoonfuls at fhort intervals, while the wound
covered with a cataplafm of these heads bruifec
Marum Syriacum. Teucrium marum.
herb maftich. The leaves. Aromatic and e
rhine. An ingredient in fome cephalic snuffs.
Maftich. See Gum mastic.
Matricaria. Matricaria parthenium. Feverfew
The leaves and flowers. Aperient and antifpa

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Mechoacanna. Convolvulus mechoacanna. Whit
jalap, or Mechoacan. The root. Cathartic.
Mel. Honey. Aperient and detergent.
Melampodium. See Helleborus niger.
Melilotus. Trefolium melilot. Melilot. The leave
and flowers. Emollient and carminative. Give
name to a plafter.

Meliffa. Meliffa officinalis, Balm. The leave
Aromatic. An effential oil, and an infufion.
Melo. Cucumis melo. The melon. The feed
Refrigerant and emollient.

Mentha. Mentha crifpa. Danish or German cur
ed mint. The herb, Aromatic and cordia
A diftilled water, "effential oil, and effence; ?
ingredient in several officinal preparations.
Mentha vulgaris, Mentha viridis.
The herb. Aromatic and cordial, Â diftille
water, an effential oil, a spirit, and effence; a
ingredient in feveral officinal preparations.
Mentha piperitis, Mentha piperita. Pepper-min
The herb. Aromatic and cordial. A diftille
water, effential oil, and effence; an ingredie
in feveral officinal preparations.
Mercurialis. Mercurialis annua, French mercur
The leaves. Emollient and laxative. A fyru
Meum. Ethufa meum. Spignel. The roo

Aromatic and carminative.
Mezereon. Daphne mexereum.
fpurge olive. The bark of the root. Violent
cathartic. Decoction and powder.
Millefolium. Achillea millefolium. Millefoil
yarrow. The leaves and flowers. Mildly a
tringent and aromatic. An effential oil.
Millepeda. Onifcus afellus. Wood-lice, hog-lic
or flaters. Diuretic. The infects dried in
powdered; an infufion in wine; and an ingr
dient in fome other preparations.


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Sifon Canadenfe.

leaves and feeds. Diuretic.


Sweet cicely. The

Mytilus. Vaccinium myrtillus. Whortle-berry. The leaves and berries. Aftringent.

Mytes. Myrtus communis. The myrtle. The berries. Aftringent.

Napus. Brafica napus. Sweet navew, or navew gentle. The feeds. Aromatic. An ingredient in the theriaca.

Nados Indica. Andropogon nardus. Indian nard. The roots. Stomachic and carminative. Ingrefeat in mithridate and theriaca.

Naturtium aquaticum. Sisymbrium nafturtium. Water creffes. .The leaves and juice. Aperient and antifcorbutic. An ingredient in the facci fcorbutici.

Xafurtium hortenfe. Lepidium fativum. Garden creffes. The leaves and feeds. Aperient and artifcorbutic, but weaker.

Nepeta cataria. Nep, or catmint. leaves, Aromatic and cordial.

ephriticum lignum. Guilandina moringa. phritic wood. The wood in fubftance. retic, but uncertain.




tiana. Nicotiana tabacum. Tobacco. The aves. Violently emetic, cathartic, and narestic. An extract recommended by Stahl and ther German Phyficians.

lia, Nigella fativa. Fennel-flower. The Suppofed aperient and diuretic. trem. Nitre or falt-petre. Diaphoretic, diuretic, and refrigerant. An acid fpirit and fixed kaline falt; an aqueous decoction or folu; troches; an ingredient in other preparaXcumularia. Lyfimachia nummularia. Moneywort. The leaves. Antifcorbutic."

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Sax mofchata. Myriftica aromatica. The nutThe tree. The fruit and covering called mace. As excellent aromatic, cordial, and ftomachic. An expreffed oil, falfely called the oil of mace; an effential oil; a fimple water; a fpirituous ingredient in many officinal compofi

water: an


Nas pritachia. Pistachia vera. The piftachia tree. The fruit. Emollient and analeptic.

Sila vomica. Strychnos nux vomica. Nux vo

mica. The fruit. Narcotic.

ymphea alba. White water lily. The roots and flowers. Aftringent and corroborative. Ochra. Yellow ochre. Aftringent, but very


Deathe. Enanthe crocata. Hemlock dropwort. Leaves and root. A virulent poison. The

juice of the root, or infufion of the leaf, recommended in chronic eruptions: the latter alfo ufeful as an emmenagogue.

Olibanum. See Gummi olibanum.
Oliva. Olea Europaa. The olive tree. The fruit.
Emollient. An expreffed oil, used in almost all
ointments, plafters, &c.

Ononis. Ononis fpinofa. Reft-harrow. The root.
Aperient and diuretic.

Opium Papaver orientale. The Afiatic poppy. The infpiffated juice. A moft excellent anodyne and cordial, when properly used; but a very fatal poifon taken in too great quantity. Purified by ftraining, called the Thebaic extract; a vinous and spirituous tincture, called liquid laudanum. A capital ingredient in many preparations.

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Opoponax. See Gummi opoponax.
Origanum. Origanum vulgare. Wild marjoram.
The leaves. Aromatic. An effential oil.
Oryza. Oryza Sativa. Rice. The grain. Emol-
lient and refrigerant.

Oxylapathum. Rumex acutus. Sharp-pointed

dock. The roots and leaves. Alterant and laxative.

Pæonia. Paonia officinalis. Male and female peony. Roots, flowers, and feeds. Emollient and antifpafmodic. Ingredient in fome anti-epileptic powders.

Palma. Cocos butyratea. The palm tree. Kernels of the fruit. Emollient and anodyne. An expreffed oil, used in ftomachic plafters. Palma Chrifti. See Ricinus. Papaver album. Papaver fomniferum. White poppy. The heads. Anodyne. A fyrup. Papaver erraticum. Papaver rheas. Red poppy or corn-rofe. Flowers. Anodyne: valued for the colour they communicate. A fyrup. Paralyfis. Primula veris offic. Cowflip. The flowers. Corroborant and antifpafmodic. A fyrup.

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Pareira brava. Cifampelos pareira. Pareira brava. The root. Attenuant, diuretic and lithontriptic. Parietaria. Parietaria officinalis. Pellitory of the wall. The leaves. Emollient and diuretic. Ingredient in a nephritic décoction. Paftinaca. Paftinaca fativa. Garden parsnip. The roots and feeds. Emollient and aromatic.

Paftinaca filveftris. Wild parfnip. The feeds. A

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root. Aftringent.

Perficaria urens. Polygonum hydropiper. Bitter arfmart, lake-weed, or water pepper. The leaves. Diuretic and detergent when exter. nally applied.

Perficaria mitis. Polygonum perficaria. Spotted arfmart. The leaves. Antifeptic and aftringent. Perfica. Amygdalus perfica. The peach tree. The leaves, flowers, and fruit. Laxative, athelmintic, and refrigerant.

Peruvianus cortex. Cinchona officinalis. The quinquina, Jefuit's bark, or Peruvian bark tree. The bark. A most excellent corroborative: An extract, a refin, a fpirituous, and a compound tincture; a tincture in volatile fpirit; an ingredient in the ftomachic tincture. I z


Petafites. Tufilago petafites. Butterbur. The root. Aromatic, aperient, and deobftruent. Petroleum. Rock oil. Anodyne and corroborative when applied externally.

Petroleum Barbadenfe. Bitumen petroleum. Barbadoes tar, Difcutient, fudorific, and corroborative.

Petrofelinum. Apium petrofelinum. Common parfley. The roots, leaves, and feeds. Aperient and fomewhat aromatic. The feeds an ingredient in an electuary.

Peucedanum, Peucedanum officinale. Hog's fennel or fulphur wort. The root. Aperient, ftimulating, and errhine.

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Pimenta, Myrtus pimenta. Pimento, Jamaica pepper or all-fpice. The berry. Aromatic and ftimulant. The bafis of a diftilled water, a spirit, and an effential oil.

Pimpinella fanguiforba. Sanguiforba officinalis. The greater wild burnet. The leaves. Aftringent. Pimpinella faxifraga. Burnet faxifrage. The root, leaves, and feeds. Diaphoretic, diuretic, and antifcorbutic.

Pinus. Pinus fylveftris. The pine tree. The kernels of its fruit emollient: for the refin, see Terebintha.

Piper. Piper longum. Long pepper. matic and ftimulant. Piper. Piper nigrum. Black pepper. matic and ftimulant.

Highly aro

Highly aro

Piper Jamaicenfe. See Pimenta.
Piper Indicum. Capficum annuum.

Guinea pepper. A powder called Cayenne pepper. Pix liquida, Pinus fylveftris. Tar. Attenuant and ftimulating. Infufion in water; and an ingredient in a kind of pectoral pills.

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Pix Burgundica. Pinus abies. Burgundy pitch. A warm adhesive refinous fubftance. Ingredient in feveral plafters, ointments, and cerates. Plantago latifolia. Plantago major. Common broad-leaved plantane. The leaves. Aftringent. Plumbum, Lead. Aftringent and refrigerating, but very dangerous. Several chemical preparations. See CHEMISTRY, and PHARMACY, Index. A tincture and extract, or folution in vegetable acids; an ingredient in feveral ointments, &c.

Polium montanum, Teucrium Polium. Poley-
mountain., The tops. Aromatic. Ingredient
in the Mithridate and theriaca.
Polygala, Polygala amarą. Milkwort. The root.

Polygala fenega. Rattlesnake root. The roots,
Stimulating, attenuant, and diuretic.
Polypodium. Polypodium vulgare. Polypody.
The root. Laxative.
Populus, Populus nigra.

Black poplar. The

buds. Aromatic. An ointment, but might be ufed to better purposes. Porrum, Allium porrum. The leek. The root. A ftimulating diuretic. Portulaca. Portulaca oleracea. Purflane. feeds, Refrigerant. Primula. Primula veris. Primrofe. The herb and root. Aromatic and ftomachic. An infufion and diftilled fpirit.


Pruna Gallica, Prunus domeftica. Common prunes, The fruit, Cooling and aperient,

Prunella. Prunella vulgaris. Self-heal. Th leaves. Attenuant and detergent. Prunus fylveftris. See Acacia Germanica. -Pfyllium. Plantago pfyllium. Fleawort. Th feeds. Emollient and laxative. Ptarmica. Achillea ptarmica. Sneezewort, o baftard pellitory. The root. Errbine and ft mulating..

Pulegium. Mentha pulegium. Pennyroyal. Th flower. A warm aromatic. A fimple, and fpirituous water; an effential oil; an ingredie in fome other officinal compofitions. Pulmonaria maculofa. Pulmonaria officinalis. Spo ted lungwort, or Jerufalem fage. The leave Said to be aperient and analeptic., Pulfatilla negricans. Anemone pratenfis. Meado anemone, The herb and flower. Emetic, di retic, and cathartic. An extract, and diftill water, used in venereal complaints, and certa diforders of the eye.

Pyrethrum. Anthemis pyrethrum. Pellitory
Spain. The root. Promotes the falival flux.
Quaffia. Quaffia fimaruba. Simarouba. T
bark. Antifeptic; ufeful in dyfentery. S
Ed. Phil. Tranf. vol. ii.

Quaffia. Quafia amara. Quaffy. The woo
Stomachic and tonic. An extract.
Quercus. Quercus robuṛ. Oak tree. The bar.
Strongly aftringent.

Quercus marina. Fucus veficulofus. Sea wrac
or fea oak. The herb. Aftringent and dete
gent. A powder of the burnt herb.
Radix Indica Lopeziana. (Gaubií.) Indian roc

Raphanus rufticanus. Cochlearia armoracea. Hor! radish. The root. Stimulating and attenuar A compound water.

Rhabarbarum. Rheum palmatum. Rhubarb. T root. Cathartic and ftomachic. Toafted;

watery infufion; vinous and spirituous tincture Ingredient in feveral officinal compofitions. Rhamnus catharticus. See Spina cervina, Rhaponticum. Rheum Rhaponticum. Rhaponti The roots. Laxative. Rhododendron chrysanthemum. Rhododendron. T herb. Powerfully fedative. Decoction and po der; ferviceable in gout and rheumatism. Ribes nigrum. The black currant bufh. The frui Refrigerant and detergent. A jelly. Ribes rubrum. The red currant bush. The frui Refrigerant and detergent. A jelly. Ricinus. Ricinus communis. Palma Chrifti. Th feed. Laxative; anthelmintic. Expreffed oil Rofa damafcena. Rofa centifolia. Damafk rof The flower. Aromatic and gently laxative. diftilled water and fyrup.

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Rofa rubra. Rofa Gallica. The red rofe. T flower. Aftringent and corroborative. Co serve, honey, tincture, troches, vinegar, and fy rup. Ingredient in feveral compofitions. Rofmarinus hortenfis. Rofmarinus officinalis. Rol mary. The tops and flowers. A fine aromati and cordial. An effential oil; a diftilled fpir called Hungary water. Ingredient in man cordial and antifpafmodic medicines. Rubia tin&torum. Madder, The root. Aperien and detergent,


Rubus. Rubus idaus. The raspberry bush. The frait. Refrigerant. A syrup.

Rubus niger. Rubus fruticofus. The bramble. The leaves. Aftringent.

Raicus. Rufcus aculeatus. Butcher's broom. The t. Aperient. Ingredient in diet drinks. Rua Rata graveolens. Broad-leaved rue. The es and feeds. Very ftimulant, attenuating, al detergent. An extract: and an ingredient teral compofitions.

See Cevadilla. Juniperus Sabina.

Savin. The leaves raps Stimulating and aperient. An essenfall; a watery extract. Ingredient in several compofitions.

Saccharum. Saccharum officinarum. Sugar. Emollest and laxative. Acharum cantum. and laxative. Sapeum. Ferula orientalis. Gum fagapenum. Aperient and deobftruent. An ingredient in feveral antifpafmodic medicines. Salkali vegetabile. Pearl-afhes. Aperient, diuretic, and cauftic. Many neutral falts.

Sugar-candy. Emollient

Sal alkali minerale. Mineral alkali, falt of foda, & Aperient, diuretic, and cauftic. Many acutral falts.

Sammoniac. See Ammoniac.

Sa catharticus amarus. Epfom falt. Cathartic. Magnefia.

Sal commune. Common falt. In large dofes cathartic.

Scania, Lythrum falicaria. Purple loofe-ftrife. The herb. Aftringent.

Sar. Salix fragilis. Crack-willow. The bark. Corroborant.

Salvia Salvia officinalis. Common fage, Leaves. Stimulant and aftringent.

Sambucus. Sambucus nigra. Blackberried alder. Leaves, bark, flowers and berries. Cathartic, aromatic, and aperient. A rob for internal use from the berries; ointment and oil from the Bowers and bark; the flowers ingredients in fome compound waters.

Enguis draconis. Calamus rotang, Dracana draPierocarpus draco. Dragon's blood. Af tringent. An ingredient in fome officinal compofitions.


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Sanicula Sanicula Europaa. Sanicle. Leaves. Suppofed corroborant. Santalum citrinum. Santalum album. Yellow fandes. The wood. Greatly recommended by Hoffmao as a reftorative. Effential oil; extract. Santalum rubrum. Pterocarpus fantalinus. Red anders. The wood. Ufed only for its colour. Santonicum. Artemifia fantonicum. Worm-feed.


Suppofed a vulnerary. Ingredient in the pulvis eceruffa.

Sarfaparilla. Smilax farsaparilla. Sarsaparilla. The root. Alterant and diaphoretic. Infufions and extract.

Sapo durus. Hard Spanish foap. Refolvent and alant. A plafter, liniment, balfam, and pills. Sapo mollis. Common foft foap. Refolvent and Rimulant. Ingredient in the milder cauftic. Sapo niger. Black foap. Refolvent and ftimulant. Ingredient in an anodyne plafter. Saponaria. Saponaria officinalis. Soapwort or bruifewort. The herb and root. Aperient, corroborant, and fudorific. Tincture; extrad. Sarcocolla, Penaa farcocolla, Gum farcocol.

Saffafras. Laurus faffafras. The root. Alterant, aperient, and corroborant. An effential oil; an ingredient in fome officinal preparations. Satureia. Satureia hortenfis. Summer savory. The leaves. A very pungent warm aromatic. Satyrion mas. Orchis mafcula. Orchis. The root. Coagulant and corroborative. Salep fuppofed to be a preparation from a root of this kind.

Saxifraga alba. Saxifraga granulata. Whiteflowered faxifrage. The roots and leaves. Suppofed aperient, diuretic, and lithontriptic, but without juft foundation. Saxifraga vulgaris. Peucedanum filaus. Meadow faxifrage. The leaves and feeds: Suppofed aperient, diuretic, and lithontriptic, but without juft foundation.

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Scabiofa. Scabiofa arvenfis. Scabious. The leaves. Aperient, fudorific, and expectorant. Scammonium. Convolvulus fcammonium. Scammony, Roots. Strongly cathartic. Gives name to a powder, and is an ingredient in fome officinal preparations.

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Scilla. Scilla maritima. The fquill, or fea onion. The root. Powerfully diuretic, ftimulant, and expectorant. A fyrup, vinegar, oxymel, pills; the root dried, baked, and made into troches. Scolopendrium. See Lingua cervina. Scordium. Teucrium fcordium. Water germander. The leaves. Deobftruent, diuretic, and fudorific; but doubtful. An ingredient in mithridate, theriaca, and other preparations. Scorzonera. Scorzonera hifpanica. Viper's grafs. The root. Cordial and ftimulant, but doubtful. Scrophularia. Scrophularia nodofa. Fig-wort. The leaves and root. Supposed corroborant, but doubtful.

Sebeften. Cordia myxa. Sebeften plum. Emollient. Sedum. Sedum acre. Wall ftone-crop, or wall pepper. The fresh plant. Strongly purgative, emetic, and diuretic.

Sedum maius. Sedum album. Greater houseleek. The leaves. Refrigerant. Seneka. See Polygala feneka.

Senna. Caffia fenna. Senna. The leaves. Cathartic. Infufion; fpirituous tinctures; compound powders; and an electuary... Serpentaria Virginiana. Ariftolochia ferpentaria. Virginian fnakeweed. The root. A warm diaphoretic and diuretic. A fpirituous tincture; an ingredient in many tinctures. Serpyllum. Thymus ferpyllum. Mother of thyme. The herb, Aromatic.

Sefelis vulgaris. Tordylium officinalis. Common hartwort. The feeds. Agreeable aromatics, but neglected. Leavis. Sefelis maffilienfis. Sefeli elatum. Hartwort of Marseilles. The feeds. Agreeable aromatics, but neglected. Lewis. Sigillum Salomonis. Convallaria polygonatum. Solomon's feal. The root. Probably emollient. Simarouba. See Quaffia fimaruba. Sinapi. Sinapis alba et nigra. Muftard. Seeds,


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