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The Battles in "the Wilderness."-Lincoln Renominated
by the Republicans for President.-His Opponent
General George B. McClellan.-Lincoln Re-elected
President.-The South Begins to Weaken.-Efforts to
Bring About Peace.-The Conference at Hampton

(One Administration 1865-1869.)

Andrew Johnson Raised to the Presidency.-Like Lincoln
of Poor Parentage.-His Illiterate Earlier Years.-A
Tailor by Trade.-Self-Educated.-Marries Eliza Mc-
Cardle.-Takes an Active Interest in Politics.-Elected
to the State Legislature.-A Presidential Elector on the
Democratic Ticket.-Sent to the State Senate.-Elected
to Congress.-An Advocate of the Annexation of Texas.
-Governor of Tennessee.-Elected to the United States
Senate.-A Southerner, but Opposed to the South on
Slavery Question.-Speaks for the Union.-Wins the
Hatred of the South,-His Property Destroyed by His
Enemies.-Appointed Military Governor of Tennessee.
-His Able Administration Wins Admiration of Lincoln.
-Nominated for the Vice-Presidency in 1864.-Speaks
with Energy against the Secessionists.-Sworn in as
President. His Inaugural Address.-The Work of Re-
constructing the South Begins-Office of President too
Much for Johnson.-Struggle between Congress and the
President. The Tenure of Office Bill.-Suspends Secre-
tary of War Stanton.-"Swinging Round the Circle."
-Effort to Impeach him in Congress.-His Undignified
Speeches against Congress.-Narrowly escapes Impeach-




Stationed at Jefferson Barracks.-Applies for a Teacher-
ship in Mathematics at West Point.-In Love with Julia
Dent.--War Threatening with Mexico.-Conflict be-
tween Taylor's "Army of Occupation" and the Mexi-
cans.-Grant's Regiment sent to Texas.-Lieutenant
Grant does Gallant Service.—A Daring Ride.-Not in
Sympathy with Mexican War.-Married on His Return
from War.-Stationed at Detroit, at Sackett's Harbor,
and on the Pacific Coast.-Leaves the Army in Disgust.
-Settles on a Small and Poor Farm near St. Louis.-A
Struggle for Existence.-A Clerk in Galena.-The Civil
War Rouses his Military Ardor.-Given Command of a
Regiment.-Proves himself a Fine Organizer.-Raised

to the Rank of Brigadier-General.-His First Military

Success at Paducah.-His Narrow Escape at Belmont.

-Captures Fort Henry.-Lays Siege to Fort Donelson.-

Captures Fort after Brilliant Fighting.-His Victories

Electrify the North.-Grant Under a Cloud.-The Con-

federates Hope to Crush Grant's Army.-The Battle of

Shiloh.-Grant's Description of the Field of Battle.-

Shiloh a Magnificent Victory for the North.-General

Halleck's Incomprehensible Treatment of Grant.-The

Delay before Corinth.-Grant Requests Leave of Ab-

sence.-Induced by Sherman to Remain on the Scene

of Conflict.-Military Administrator at Memphis.-

Wins a Victory over the Confederates at Corinth.-

Plans to Capture Vicksburg.—A Protracted Siege.-The

Surrender of Vicksburg.-His Plans once more Thwarted

by Halleck.-Severely Injured at New Orleans.—

Ordered to Report at Cairo.-Wins a Great Victory at

Chattanooga.-His Congratulations to his Soldiers.-

Honoured for his Victory.-Grant Raised to the Rank of

Lieutenant-General.-Appointed to the Command of all

the Union Armies.-Faces the Forces of Robert E. Lee.

-Lincoln Absolutely Confides in Grant.-The Battles in

the "Wilderness."-Meets with Reverses at Cold Har-

bour.-Lays Siege to Petersburg.-Lee Unable to Hold

out Longer.-Grant Demands Surrender of Army of

Confederate States.-Lee Flees from Richmond.-Sur-

renders to Grant at Appomattox.-Grant's Description

of Lee.-His Noble Treatment of His Vanquished Foe.—

Grant Proceeds to Washington.-Looks upon the Death

of Lincoln as a Calamity for the South.-The Grand

Review of the Troops in Washington at Close of War.—

Grant's Farewell Address to his Soldiers......


The United States Government Turns its Attention to
Mexican Matters.-The French Army Withdraws from


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