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THEY are not easily broken. It requires strong faith and a strong purpose to break through all the barriers that idolatry interposes betwixt the soul and the Saviour. Some of you remember how that was illustrated, with reference to India, on one of the Missionary diagrams exhibited by Mr. Anderson in your Sabbath School. If you will read the following extract from a letter lately received from the Rev. S. Ettirajooloo, of Nellore, in India, about the difficulties a Hindoo boy lately had to fight against before he became a Christian, you will see how exactly the two accounts agree. And while you read let your heart rise in thankfulness to God who has surrounded you with so few hindrances and so many helps.

"You will rejoice to hear that the Lord has not left us without His smile upon our work. A youth, Venkatasawmy, belonging to our English school, of Telugn caste, took refuge in our mission here. His case is by no means uninteresting. Though he belongs to our third class, and was not so far advanced in education as those that are above him, yet he is acquainted with those authors of the Christian religion which are necessary for his salvation. He made known his mind to Mr. Mackintosh, and we spoke to him on the subject of his coming out from among the heathens. We knew the step that he was about to take to be a serious one, both to himself and to the school, as it would try the former and endanger the latter. We often sent away the lad, telling him to count the cost, and seek help from God. His relations soon suspected the bent of his mind. They first forbade him to come to our school; and when that failed, they thought of sending him away to a distance. The

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appointed day arrived, the boy was most anxious to make his escape, and we did not know what to do. We knew that to send him away was to send him to heathenism, and to shelter him, was to give up our school. We at last resolved to risk everything and to cast ourselves upon the Lord.

"On the 4th of last month, he made his escape from the chains of heathenism. When his relations heard what Venkatasawmy had done, his brother came to see him. He was evidently much excited, out of breath, and afraid of the consequences. We told him that his brother had come to us with the purpose of becoming a Christian, and living as such. He said, with great impatience, 'Sir, I will kill myself.' We told him that he would be a fool to do so, and that we knew many who had said the same, but were still living to this day, and were glad to have intercourse with their Christian relations. He then tried to show that his brother had fled from his house because they were angry, and that he did not know Christianity, which he wished to embrace. When we showed him that he was in error, he said with great eagerness, 'Let me see him, Sir; show him to me. I will speak to him. Where is he?' When he saw him, he pressed both his hands in agony, stared, and said, 'Brother, what have you done? How can I go and see our poor old mother? What can I tell your weeping sisters? They will not survive this event. Come with me; satisfy and comfort your poor sisters, and then you can do as you like.'

“Venkatasawmy then told him his reason for taking this step; that he loved him and his sisters much, but he loved his Saviour more, and therefore he wished to be a Christian, and live as a follower of Christ.

"The brother then fell down upon the ground, rolled as



one out of his senses, and wept like a child. With great reluctance he left the bungalow. He soon returned with his brother-in-law. He had his own plan to work upon the boy's tender affections. He enumerated some of the calamities that had lately befallen the family: they look to him for comfort and strength; but alas! he had forsaken them in the hours of need. He used many other arguments to change his mind; but he stood firm and determined to follow Christ. On the following morning the three sisters, brother, and two other female relations, came to see him. The scene was very trying; nature and art were wrought up to the highest pitch. Their cries, agonies, and excessive griefs, told most powerfully on all those that were around. They entreated, wept, beat their heads on the ground, threatened to put an end to their lives, and by words and questions begged him to go with them. But the Lord stood by him, and sup ported him by His grace. He is continuing steadfast in the faith. This conversion has not told so much upon our work as we expected. The Lord has disappointed all our fears, and is still giving us a wide field to work. We need your prayers and sympathies.


"I beg you will kindly give my Christian regards to all my friends at Liverpool.

"I am yours, in Christian affection,



WILLIAM HUNTER, aged nineteen, finding a chapel open, entered, and began to read in the English Bible which lay upon the desk. He was imprisoned; but Bishop Bonner offered to make him a freeman of the City, and to set him

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up in business, if he would recant. He answered, "I thank you for your great offers; but, my lord, I cannot find it in my heart to turn from God for the world; for I count all worldly things but loss, in respect of the love of Christ." His parents came to him and desired heartily of God that he might continue to the end of that good way which he had begun. As he went to martyrdom he met his father, who said, "God be with thee, son William." He replied, "God be with you, good father; and be of good comfort, for I hope we shall meet again!"

At the stake he kneeled down, and read the fifty-first Psalm till he came to these words: "The sacrifice of God is a broken spirit. A broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise." He refused to recant when offered the Queen's pardon. The sun shone suddenly out of a dark cloud. The martyr said, "Son of God! shine upon me!" He cast his Psalter into his brother's hand, who said, "William, think upon the passion of Christ, and be not afraid of death." "Behold!" he replied, "I am not afraid." He then raised his hands to heaven, and said, "Lord, receive my spirit."

What a striking instance is this of the power of religion, not only in the prospect of suffering, but in the very scene itself! Reader, is your religion of this kind? Have you renounced the world for Jesus?


THERE's a word very short, but decided and plain,

And speaks to the purpose at once;

Not a child but its meaning can quickly explain,
Yet oft 'tis too hard to pronounce.



What a world of vexation and trouble 'twould spare,
What pleasure and peace 'twould bestow,

If we turned when temptation would lure and ensnare,
And firmly repulsed it with "No!"

When the idler would tempt us with trifles and play,
To waste the bright moments so dear;

When the scoffer unholy our faith would gainsay,
And mock at the word we revere;

When deception, and falsehood, and guile would invite,
And fleeting enjoyments bestow,

Never palter with truth for a transient delight,

But check the first impulse with "No!"

In the morning of life, in maturity's day,
Whatever the cares that engage,

Be the precepts of virtue our guide and our stay,
Our solace from youth unto age.

Thus the heart shall ne'er waver, no matter how tried,
But firmness and constancy show ;

And when passion or folly would draw us aside,
We'll spurn the seducer with "No!"


THOUGH the Sandwich Islanders are poor and have just emerged from barbarism, their contributions last year to religious objects were £4,146 198. 6d., and the Government expenditures for education were £9,675. The London Missionary Society, according to their last report, received during the year £15,975 from the various mission stations, of which £2,250 were from the South Seas; from China, £450; from India, £4,500; South Africa,

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