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THERE is a religious sect of Hindoos in India who get their living by making garlands and nosegays for sale; they go about dancing and singing to the vina, a kind of guitar, which they play with one hand whilst they beat time with the other. They will receive alms from anybody, but they purify the money by washing it in the little brass pot which they carry on their heads for that purpose. They mark themselves with red paint and white ashes, and think they were born a holy people. Poor creatures! they have many vedas, or sacred books, but these books cannot tell them the state of their hearts, or the way to eternal life. "The way of peace they have not known; there is no fear of God before their eyes," for they have never heard of Him. That poor little boy whose picture you see, has no kind teacher or friend to ll him that:


"There is One above all others,

Well deserves the name of friend;
Whose love is far beyond a brother's
Costly, free, and knows no end.
They who once His kindness prove,
Find it everlasting love.

Be thankful, dear friend, that you know of this Saviour and friend. Love Him, serve Him, and do all you can to get others to love Him too.



AMONG the wedding gifts received by the Princess Frederick William, before she left London for Prussia-her future home-is one of great interest. It is a Bible, and was presented by upwards of six thousand of the maidens of the United Kingdom. It is bound in the richest dark morocco, and mounted with beautiful clasps and cornerpieces of the purest gold. At the beginning of the book there is the following inscription brilliantly illuminated :

"To Her Royal Highness Victoria Adelaide Mary Louisa, Princess Royal; with the loyal, loving, and prayerful wishes of the maidens of the United Kingdom, on the occasion of her Royal Highnesses Marriage, 25th January, 1858."

On a scroll below the date of the above inscription there is the beautiful words of the following blessing :

"The Lord bless thee and keep thee; the Lord make His face to shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee; the Lord lift up his countenance upon thee and give thee peace."



The edges of the leaves of the Bible are beautifully ornamented, on which are the following sentences: -On the top, "Thy word is Truth," and "Seek the Lord;" on the side, "God is Love," and "God is Light;" and on the lower edges, "Pray alway," and "Watch and pray." The Bible is contained in a casket of British oak, which is elegantly carved, the devices being principally roses and their leaves.

The Queen and the Princess received the three young ladies who went to Buckingham Palace, as the representatives of the six thousand maidens, with very great kindness. They were assured that both the Queen and the Princess were much pleased with the gift, and that it should always be preserved in remembrance of the donors.

Is there dower beside, for the Royal bride,

Save her gold and diamonds rare ?

Oh! yes; there is given, through the blessing of Heaven, The WORD, with the voice of prayer.

The Maidens of Britain and Erin's green land

Have placed the pure GOSPEL OF TRUTH in her hand.

When the lustre is gone from the gems that shone
So bright on her bridal day,

Heaven's LAMP OF LIGHT, with its flame ever bright,
Shall burn and enlighten for aye.

For a Royal bride, of all precious things,

There is nought like the Law of the King of Kings.

Fair Albion's rose! may thy beauties disclose-
Thou wast reared on a noble stem!

May thy virtues bloom, and thy worth perfume
Thy deeds and thy diadem!

Like thy mother, beloved and loving be found,
Dispensing sweet fragrance to all around.


When each heart and hand in thy new fatherland
Bestrew thy path with flowers,

Oh! never forget the exemplar set

In the home of thy childhood's hours!
May the Bible lessons thy mother taught
Be thy safeguard in heart, in word, and thought!

MOTHER, I wish that I was rich,

As Bell and Clara Gray;

And had a splendid coach, like them,
To ride in every day.

Their garden is so large and fine,
So filled with splendid flowers;
Their house so grand and beautiful,
Six times as big as ours.

They've silks and jewels without end,
And purses full of gold,

And books, and games, and toys, and dolls,
Most lovely to behold."

"You must not question, dearest child,

Why God does so and so;

The wealth is his; he knows on whom
His bounty to bestow.

Nothing do you deserve from God,
And yet you've parents dear,
Food, clothing, home, and all you need,
For many, many a year.

Be grateful and contented, then,

And strive to do what's right;
Rather than wish for other's wealth,
Your duty keep in sight.




The riches of God's grace and love
Humbly implore each day;
Nor sigh for earthly vanities,
Which quickly pass away."


A RECENT number of The Bible Society Reporter gives an interesting account of a little boy who very much loved the Bible. Before he was old enough to read, he delighted in hearing others read to him from this word of God; and when he had learned to read, it was his favourite book. And he was not satisfied with having such a treasure himself, but wished others to have it also. When he was but little more than five years old, he was told that a neighbour, who commanded a merchant ship, was about to sail for the West Indies. "O, let us send some Bibles to the poor black children," he exclaimed ; and then added, "Tell them they are sent by a little boy who loves Jesus!" At his earnest wish, twenty copies were accordingly sent and distributed; and on the following Sabbath, when the subject was referred to, he said impressively, "Ask God to bless his word to the little children." About a year afterwards, on hearing that a young man whom he knew, was going to Australia, he expressed a strong desire that Bibles should be sent to that colony also, with the same message-" From a little boy who loves Jesus!"

The little boy died last June, when he was thirteen years old. One of his last expressions was, "Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly," for he loved the Saviour, as he had loved the book that told of him, and he did not forget others when he was about to die. He wished to do

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