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THE Rev. Messrs. Geddie and Inglis, missionaries at the island of Aneiteum, one of the New Hebrides group, in a letter, writes as follows:- "The entire population of Aneiteum, nearly 4,000, have now, with the exception of about 200, abandoned heathenism, professed Christianity, and placed themselves under our instructions. The number of church members is 150; the number of candidates for membership is seventy-five. We have four large places of worship, two on each side of the island, capable of containing upwards of 2,000 worshippers. We have upwards of fifty schools; the whole Christian population attend school for an hour five mornings in the week, and also on the Sabbath afternoon. In several of the school-houses public worship is also performed on the Sabbath. The four Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, the half of Genesis, the book of Jonah, the first epistle of John, and other detached portions of Scripture, are translated into this language. Upwards of 1,400 of the natives have mastered the elementary books, and are reading in the gospels. About 300 have made considerable progress in writing; a good many of them have also commenced arithmetic. For nearly four years marriage has been established upon Christian principles, and without disturbing any previously recognised marriage, upwards of a hundred marriages have been solemnised with Christian rites. The civilisation of the natives is keeping pace with their Christianity. Agriculture is extending, and food is becoming much more plentiful. The people are manifesting a strong desire for the arts and conveniences of civilised life. House-building and road making are fast

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improving the appearance and condition of the island. In addition to our four places of worship, there are now twenty-four large school-houses, framed with wood, and the walls plastered with lime, while cottages of the same materials for chiefs, teachers, and others, are rising up in all directions. The natives will now sell anything, or work at anything, to obtain European clothing."


TRUTH is the most powerful thing in the world, since fiction can only please by its resemblance to it.

You complain that you cannot pray; at least, then, you have one petition that you are bound to offer.

NOTE THIS. They who will abandon a friend for one error, know but little of human character, and prove that their hearts are as cold as their judgments are weak.

SPEAK FOR CHRIST. Reader, have you never yet spoken one word for Christ? Have you never invited one sinner to the Saviour? Then I fear that though you may at last reach the New Jerusalem, you will tread those golden pavements wearing a starless crown. A single sentence may save a soul from perdition.

THE present state of the Jews is a great proof of Christianity. It is a surprising thing to see that people subsist so many years, and always in so miserable a condition; it being necessary as a proof of the gospel, both that they should exist, and that they should be miserable, as having crucified Christ.-Pascal.

LOOK CHEERFUL.-A cheerful face is nearly as good for an invalid as healthy weather. To make a sick man think he is dying, all that is necessary is to look half dead yourself. Hope and despair are as catching as cutaneous complaints. Always endeavour to feel sunshiny, and to look so too.



OLD ALLAN GRAY was not very well last month; he therefore left all the work to his friend the Reporter, and resolved to have a rest. He does not expect uch rest this side heaven; but he doesn't mind that, for as good "Old Humphrey" once said to him, when chatting over a cup of tea in his own little house at Kingsland, “it is better to wear out than rust out." Old Allan would have all his young friends to remember this, for the only way to he happy and safe is to be well employed; for

"Satan finds some mischief still,

For idle hands to do."

And now, young friend, pocket your handkerchief, button up your jacket, give me your hand, and we shall have a walk into Westminster. Westminster! how that makes one think of by-gone days. I used to think, when a boy, how much I should like to see that good old place. And I fancy that every man and boy who belongs to a Presbyterian church, ought to feel the same. Not because the Houses of Parliament are there, nor because the fine old Abbey stands rearing its steeples to the clouds, but because of the good things we got from it. That noble book, the "Confession of Faith"-(I hope your father has a copy)- —was drawn up at Westminster, and so also was the best and noblest of all Catechisms, the "Catechism of the Westminster Assembly." But this in passing. Come along. You see the Abbey on your left, and the New Houses of Parliament, and the empty clock-tower, where "Big Ben" lodged until his tongue became too heavy for his lips; he gave an uncertain



sound," he did not tell the truth, and so he was turned away into a place by himself, as every ill-tongued man or boy should be.-Come away; don't be afraid; true, the streets are very dingy, and these men never knew what it was to work for an honest shilling, they all belong to the "swell mob," and they would think no more of taking your life, than they would of tossing up a sixpence; but they know old Allan Gray; he has sometimes done them a kind turn, and even that rough-looking fellow with the shaggy hair hanging out through the holes of his felt hat, would lodge and feed you for a week for old Allan's sake. Perhaps you would not sleep very sound in such a lodging. But that fellow has got better clothes; when he goes to the churches on Sabbaths to pick pockets, you might see him dressed in a suit of superfine black, with a silk umbrella, and French kid gloves, like a first-rate gentleman.

A few years ago, thieves and robbers were the masters of this place; they did what they pleased, and the police were afraid to interfere with them. But their power is going; the gospel is doing what policemen and prisons could not do; the black clouds of sin and crime are fleeing before the light of truth! You see that dusky-looking court where the poor, half-naked, bare-footed child is playing at the door-step? Well, one Sabbath a friend of mine knocked at the door of a room in that house. A rough, fierce fellow looked out and asked what he wanted ?

"I have called to give you a tract, and talk to you about the great God," said the visitor.

"Come in," said the man, "I will show you what kind of religion I believe in."

The visitor entered, and the man shut the door and



bolted it; then opening the door of a closet, he brought out two great mastiff dogs.


There," said he, “I fight them dogs all the Sunday ; that's my religion."

“Very well," said my friend, put them back into their kennel again, sit down with me, and I will show you a little of my religion."

The man did so ; the visitor taking out his Bible, read part of a chapter, and asked him how he liked it.


“Very good, very good," said he; "I never heard that before."

“Now,” said the visitor, "If you will kneel down on the floor with me, I will show you a little more of my religion."

The man did so, while my friend poured out his heart to God in prayer for the poor prodigal. It was the beginning of better days to him. He became a changed man. A long time after this, I used to meet him occasionally at religious meetings in the school a little way down that street. Very different were his Sabbaths spent then. He had become a Sabbath-school teacher, he also belonged to a sick society, and was one of its almoners. "Sometimes I take their allowance to the patients," said he, "on a Sunday evening; I takes my Bible in my pocket, and when I meet with one who has got no Bible, I reads a chapter to them, and if they will let me, I then kneels down and engages in prayer."

But we must go for the present. Truly the gospel is the power of God unto salvation," and that it may become so to you, my young friend, is indeed the heartfelt wish and prayer of OLD ALLAN GRAY.

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