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peculiar interest. Some years before, when he was strong and active, I had formed his acquaintance, and then often met with him; I was shocked to see him now, wasted by disease, and near the grave. He must soon die; yet unprepared. I was often at his bedside; for he loved the society of his friends, and was fond of conversation when his strength would permit. I urged him to attend without delay to the interests of his never-dying soul; told him of his danger, and spoke to him of God's goodness in still sparing him; of the ability and willingness of Jesus to save. He would listen for a short time, and then with tears running down his cheeks, exclaim, "It is too late, too late." He regretted that his life had not been better, dreaded death, yet showed but little interest in religion. His answer to every appeal was, "It is too late." In a few days he died. There is something awfully solemn in the cry of despair from an immortal soul just launching into eternity, "Too late!" Once he had health, but spent it in the service of Satan; had time, but wasted it in pleasure; had opportunities, but neglected them; and calls from conscience and the Holy Spirit, but slighted them; and in the dying hour cried, "Too late!" Reader, put not off the vast concerns of eternity to the hour of death, or you, alas! may cry, "Too late," for ever. Behold, now is the accepted time."


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WE had a long, cold ride, and I was very tired. After a short interview with the friends to whom our visit was paid, we retired to our chamber. Our little son, a lively, restless child, not yet three years old, was with us, and not at all inclined to sleep. At length I said to him, 66 Charley, mother is sick and tired, and cannot talk tonight."

"Ma," said the little fellow, "God can make you well, can't he? Shall I ask him ?"

"Yes, my dear," I replied.



Then the little fellow started up in the cold room, and kneeling down on the bed-clothes, folded his little hands, and prayed, "Oh, good, heavenly Father, please to make dear mother well by morning, for Jesus' sake." After this he crept back into his bed, and in a few moments he was fast asleep.

Next morning he awoke with the earliest light; and, waking me, said, "Are you well this morning, mother?" "Yes, my dear, I feel very well, indeed, this morning." "Oh, I knew you would,” said he, clapping his hands for joy. "I knew you would, for I prayed to God to make you well, and Jesus always hears little children when they pray."

Often have I recalled my little boy's faith, and wished that the same child-like confidence in the promises of God were mine.



WOULD you know the value of the Bible, let me introduce you to a scene of deep and thrilling interest, as related by a minister, an eye-witness. A young woman, completely blind and deaf, was brought before a number of eminent surgeons to see if anything could be done for her.

The only method of communicating with her was by tapping her hand, which signified no, and by squeezing it, which signified yes. The surgeons concluded that her case was incurable; and in reply to her earnest inquiries, she received the unwelcome tap. She immediately burst into tears, and wept aloud in all the bitterness of anguish. "What!" said she, "shall I never see the light of day, or hear a human voice? Must I remain shut up in darkness and silence as long as I live?" Had she again been able to see, she might have been pointed to the promises of the



Bible; if to hear, they might have been cited for her com.. fort. At length, a friend who was present, took up the Bible and placed it to her breast. It was a touching and beautiful act. She placed her hands on it and asked, “Is this the Bible ?" Her hand was squeezed in reply. She immediately clasped the Bible in her hands, and held it up to her bosom and exclaimed,-"This is the only comfort I have left; I shall never more be able to look upon its blessed pages, but I can think of the blessed promises I have learnt from it," and then began to repeat some of its promises: "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He will snstain thee. Call upon Me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee. My grace is sufficient for thee," &c. She dried her tears, became submissive to the will of God, and was happy.


WE expected to be able, before now, to report the depar ture of our missionary, Mr. Swanson, to China; but we deeply regret to say he has been prevented from leaving through ill health. We believe he is a little better, but not sufficiently recovered to enable him to take so long a journey. According to latest accounts, all our mission. aries in China are well. Mr. Burns lately paid a visit to his old friends at Pechuia, who were all delighted to see him. Of this visit he says:

"Yesterday we had about forty of the converts in this neighbourhood assembled at the communion. It was a sweet contrast with the state of things five years ago, when we first visited Pechuia, and when, in this whole neighbourhood, there was probably not a single fol



lower of the Lamb. "These! where had they been ?' 'These from the land of Sinim.' Oh, glorious day! when the Gentiles shall be converted unto Emmanuelwhen all nations shall be blessed in Him, and all nations call Him blessed! Come, Lord Jesus; come quickly. Take unto Thee thy great power and reign! I wonder more than ever I did at the reality and preciousness of the work of the Divine Spirit at Pechuia and the neighbouring stations. May the time be near when new and like glorious manifestations of the Lord's saving power shall be witnessed in this and in all lands. I feel as if there was a want of spiritual and agonising prayer in our behalf, and for the conversion of this people. Is it so ? Let the secret closets and the hearts of God's people bear witness."

An able and useful minister of Christ, and a true friend of China, has just been called to his everlasting rest. We mean the Rev. John Angell James, of Birmingham. He was old and full of days, but during the last years of his most useful life he did much for poor China. He originated the "Million Testament Fund" some years ago, and often since that time has he written appeals and laboured in many other ways to send the gospel to that dark land,

He was a good and holy man, and although spared till he was over threescore years and ten, yet we feel sad and sorrowful, for the world's sake, that he is gone. His preaching was very useful. Many have been led to the Saviour through his addresses and sermons, And, perhaps, his books have been even more useful still. Who has not read "The Anxious Inquirer"? It has been circulated in almost all countries, and translated into nearly as many languages as the "Pilgrim's Progress."



The Religious Tract Society has published it in five languages, and sold nearly six hundred thousand copies. What a blessing it has been to many! The Tract Society alone has sold nearly three million copies of Mr. James's smaller works. In another number we shall give you an account of the life of this good man.

We are sorry to learn that another of the missionaries of the Free Church, in India, has died. They want to send out more men. May the Lord provide them.

Another quarrel has taken place between our govern ment and China, and we are likely to go to war again. Pray that the Lord may prevent it. Oh that the time were come when men shall beat their swords into ploughshears, and their spears into pruning-hooks. And that time is coming. The dark clouds are breaking. "His work's reviving all around," far and near, at home and abroad.

Reader, see, oh see that the lamp of life is burning brightly in your soul; for “the night is far spent, and the day is at hand."




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Nov. 13 Warnings


and LXIV. & LXV.-Psalm lxxxi. Matt. xi. 16-30.


20 Idolators slain-LXVI. & LXVII.-Ps. lxxviii. Ex. xxxii. 15—35. Moses' Prayer. 34, 35.

27 Christ and the LXVIII. & LXIX.-Psalm 1. Matt. xii. 1-13.



Dec. 4 The Lord talking LXX. & LXXI.-Ps. lxxiv. Exodus xxxiv. 1

with Moses.

1, 2,

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