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WE have had two chapters already on this subject, but we are not in any danger of saying too much about it. All we mean to do now is to mention a few beautiful instances that may perhaps do your hearts good, and make you desire to imitate them. And these shall relate to missions, as showing what the gospel can do in making men generous. Mr. Hooper, a missionary in Africa, speaking of the Christian people there, says :-"What most of all affected our hearts was, that a poor African who, it is believed, is a devout servant of God, came forward and gave a coat, obtained by making brooms after performing his task in the field. Mr. M'Cardy informed us that both that man and his wife are praying souls. They are slaves. Oh! is it not truly animating, is it not enough to touch the tenderest JUNE, 1859.




sensibilities of the soul, to see an Ethiopian in such cir cumstances, thus moved at hearing the Macedonian cry, and thus extending the hand of charity? Should every professed disciple of Christ make such sacrifices as did this poor African, at no distant period would the precious gospel be preached to all nations."

Surely this poor man's charity was the fruit of selfdenial. Are there any of our young readers who would be willing to follow his example? We don't mean by making brooms, but by practising self-denial in some form or other, for the purpose of having something to give to the cause of Christ.

This other poor fellow in the picture, who is talking so loudly to the missionary about his missionary beehives, was fond enough of honey no doubt, and some people would have said that it was his duty to keep his hives for the honey, or sell them for his own benefit; but no, he had set them apart for God, and he was determined they should be used for nothing else. Honey is sweet, but the love of God in the heart is far sweeter; and those who have this love abiding in them, know how true it is that "it is more blessed to give than to receive."


"How is it, Betty," said an elder of the Church to a very poor woman in Wales, who was always observed to drop something into the plate when a collection was taken-"how is it that I always see you put something into the plate? Where do you get it ?" Oh, sir, I do not know," she replied; "the Lord knows my heart, and my goodwill to his cause; and, somehow or other, when a collection is to be made, I am sure to have my penny before me and when it comes I put it in the plate." "Well," said he, "you have been faithful in a little, take this sovereign and do what you like with it." "A sovereign,



sir!" said she, "I never had so much money in my life as a sovereign; what shall I do with it ?" "I dare say you will find means of spending it," said he, "if your heart is devoted to the Lord's cause." Soon after this, a man came round to solicit subscriptions for some benevolent object; he went to one of the elders who gave him half-a-sovereign, and another gave him five shillings, both of which were regarded as very liberal donations. Not liking to pass by any member of the Church, he asked poor Betty what she would do. "Put down my name for a sovereign." "A sovereign!" said he, "why, where did you get a sovereign?" Oh, sir," said Betty, "I got it honestly put my name down for a sovereign." gave him the sovereign, and in about two weeks from that time she received a letter from Doctors' Commons, informing her that a friend had just left her one hundred pounds!


Truly, "there is that scattereth and yet increaseth, there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty."

Let the Juvenile Mission Fund this year bear testimony to your belief in that text.



WE told you last month that Mr. Swanson had been appointed the Children's Missionary to China, and that he was ordained while the Synod met in Regent Square Church, London, on the morning of "Good Friday." When any one is ordained-or set apart-to the work of the ministry, there is what is called the "ordination charge” (or address), delivered by some minister to the



one about to be ordained, setting forth the duties, difficulties, and encouragements of the work he is to undertake. (See 1 Tim. vi. 11 to the end.) At the ordination of Mr. Swanson, the charge was delivered by the Rev. J. D. Burns, of Hampstead; and, as everything relating to Mr. S. ought to be of interest to you, we have resolved to copy several portions of it into the JUVENILE MESSENGER. It is a very beautiful address, and ought to be read with great care. Perhaps some may not be able to understand it all, but their teachers will explain the hard bits, if asked to do so.

The Work.

Very solemn is the work to which you have this day pledged yourself by holy vows. Solemn and arduous is the work of the gospel ministry at all times,—but doubly solemn, beset with difficulties that to human strength would be overpowering when the minister's lot is to be cast in a land which knows no Sabbath, and among a people who feel no sympathy for him, or the message which he brings. I doubt not that these difficulties have pressed upon your mind,—that it is in no spirit of selfreliance you have resolved to go "far hence to the Gentiles;" but that weighing difficulty in one scale, and God's promise in the other, you feel that you need fear nothing, but go forward, "committing your way unto the Lord," and " casting your care-all your care-upon


This is your special encouragement in the work to which your life is devoted. It is not man's work, but God's, who is now associating you with himself in it, making you a "fellow-worker" with him; and surely he may labour hopefully who has Omnipotence standing by



him, and Omniscience watching over him. It is the work for which the Saviour of sinners died, with which the honour of his name and the triumph of his kingdom are identified; and surely he may be of good courage who serves so gracious and faithful a Master, who fights under the banner of a cause that must finally prevail.

The Field.

There is something in the thought of China, that imperial province of the kingdom of darkness, so long held in undisturbed possession by the prince of this world, fenced in by jealous walls, and crushed by the iron pressure of a debasing superstition, that overwhelms the imagination. The thought of these swarming masses of life, these millions of immortal souls that are heaped up and drifted together in its thousand cities, sunk in all the corruption, the brutishness, the torpor of idolatry, painfully oppresses us, and lies like a weight on the mind. But think of China as part of the blood-bought heritage of the Redeemer; think of those perishing multitudes as composed of so many individual spirits, each capable of being redeemed, and purified, and saved; to each of whom the gospel may be "glad tidings of great joy;" in each of whom live powers and affections which may be trained to a life of Christian holiness, and reach their consummation in a blessed immortality.

Hopeful Signs.

It is, I think, a matter of congratulation that you begin your missionary life at a crisis when, if we read the signs of the times aright, the lands of further Asia are on the eve of great providential changes. Streaks of auroral light shoot up through the darkness, as if a glorious

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