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"But oft, when I am weary

Of my books and of my play,

Those pleasant thoughts come back again,
And I wish I were away.”

Then spoke his gentle sister,

With voice serene and low :

"Oh! if heaven be such a pleasant place,
Dear brother, let us go.

"My mother wept when father died,
Till her bright eyes grew dim;
And I know she longs to go to heaven,
That she may be with him."

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Before the next year's roses came,

That gentle call was given;

And the mother and her two sweet babes

Were all at home in heaven.


"I CAN'T do it, father. Indeed I can't."

"Never say can't, my son; it isn't a good word.” "But I can't, father. And if I can't, I can't. I've tried, and tried, and the answer won't come out right."



"Suppose you try again, Edward," said Mr. Williams. "There's no use in it," replied the lad.

"What if you go to school to-morrow without the cor rect answer to the sum ?"

"I'll be put down in my class," returned Edward.

Mr. Williams shook his head, and his countenance assumed a grave aspect. There was a silence of a few moments, and then Edward said confidently, "Well, I will try once more."

And so he did. One more earnest trial, and his work was done. Far happier was he after this successful effort than he could have been, if, yielding to a feeling of discouragement, he had left his task unaccomplished.

And so all will find it. Difficulties are permitted to stand in our way that we may overcome them; and only in overcoming them can we expect success and happiness. The mind, like the body, gains strength and maturity by vigorous exercise. It must feel, and brave, like the oak, the rushing storm, as well as bask amid gentle breezes in the warm sunshine.


THE Rev. George Smith, one of our missionaries in China, lately sent a letter to a friend in Aberdeen-the Rev. G. Campbell-beseeching him and his friends to pray for China. We give the following portions of his letter, in the hope that they may induce some of our young readers to try to help China more in this way too. Mr. Smith says:

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"I cannot conceive of any object more worth the prayerful attention of God's people than this vast empire. Its population is calculated at upwards 400,000,000, and



I can well believe it. At present it is on the eve of some great change. Its religions cannot satisfy the cravings of its teeming millions. Its Government is utterly power. less to protect its people either from external aggression or internal revolt and insurrection. Its rulers are thoroughly corrupt, and seem chiefly bent on using their position to amass wealth. Its learned men have little or no moral character, and, as a class, are the victims of opium-smoking. Its cities, towns, and villages are infested with thieves and robbers. Its clans are ever and anon engaged in bloody feuds. Its old men bewail its waning glory. A general feeling of insecurity and alarm pervades all classes. Whither shall we look for help? Shall it be to any earthly government? 'Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord.' 'Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.' Shall we not plead that Immanuel, whose right it is, shall take to himself his great power and reign? That will be a glorious day in the world's history when this great empire of human souls has become the kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Is not the present aspect of things one of great hopefulness, when viewed in the light of God's Word? 'I will overturn, overturn, overturn it; and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is, and I will give it him.'”

Such are some of Mr. Smith's reasons why we should pray for the conversion of China. Are they not strong reasons and good? Then pray more for China and our dear missionaries; you may thereby help them and their great work, and in doing so you will be sure to get a share of the blessing yourself.


SOME very encouraging letters have been received from our missionaries at Amoy. In a letter dated August last, Mr. Douglas speaks of the setting apart of two Chinese Christians as evangelists by the Church at Amoy. The people composing that little church are few, and mostly poor; but they have resolved to support these two evangelists themselves. This is very cheering, and is, we trust, the beginning of much good yet to be done by these native Christians. Mr. Douglas says: "The 'field chosen for these new labourers is the unevangelised portion of the island of Amoy, which is dotted over by nearly a hundred villages. Already in one village they have been very favourably received, a house having been given to them, free of expense, to stay and hold meetings in, and the villagers coming in numbers to listen."

In a letter from the Rev. Alexander Grant, written in October last, he says: "Last Lord's-day was the ordinary day for dispensing the Lord's Supper at Pechuia. It was the day, too, on which the elders and deacons, formerly chosen by the church, were set apart to their office. The duties of the day were discharged by Mr. Talmage (an American missionary), who addressed the office-bearers and people on their duties in the new and solemn position they now stand in to each other, The old cloth merchant, who has for a month or two been confined to bed, was able to be carried out to the chapel, and was, along with Bu-liat, who has long been the faithful preacher at Pechuia, set apart to the office of the eldership. May we not hope that now God's work will be revived among us, even more than it has been during these months, and that henceforth such as shall be saved may be added to the Lord ? "



OUR good missionary, the Rev. W. Charteris, who labours in the island of Corfu, chiefly among the soldiers, has just sent us a very interesting letter. He says: "I am very happy to say that a good work is going on in the garrison here. To begin with a good sign, the blessed Word is being accounted precious by many of the men in all the different corps, and equally among Episcopalians and Presbyterians. You know that for several years the depôt of the Corfu branch of the Bible Society has been under my care, and I have sold more Bibles within the last three months than in the two previous years."

He goes on to speak of the prayer-meetings the soldiers hold among themselves, and the large numbers who now attend them. Here is where these poor fellows have to meet sometimes for praver:-"I said to one of men of the 14th Regiment, who became a communicant three weeks ago, 'Well, how are you getting on?' This question, when put to a pious soldier, leads him to speak at once of progress or declension. He said, 'Our little band, sir, is but few in number-not more than four or five; and we have no place to meet in, but we contrive to convene each evening about dusk near the seaside. There we pray together, and enjoy it very much.""

Reader, don't say you have no place for prayer after this.

"Ere the morning's misty ray

Call you to your work away;

Ere the silent evening close

Your wearied eyes in sweet repose:
To lift your heart and voice in prayer,
Be your first and latest care."


To all his friends, young and old, rich and poor, the Reporter most sincerely and heartily wishes "A Happy New Year." To his young friends especially he would say,

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