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HE Editor of the following Letters of ISAAC PENINGTON, thinks proper to mention, that he has felected them from a confiderable number which are in his poffeffion, in manufcript. The letters added to this collection are taken from originals, and ancient copies; in them appear the marks of unfeigned love and affection of Friends towards each other, and true zeal for the promotion of the Truth, in which they moft furely believed. It was thought they would prove acceptable to fome of the prefent time, who have not had the opportunity of feeing fuch fpecimens of the friendly intercourfe fubfifting in the fociety in early times. It is alfo hoped that the falutary remarks contained in them, as well as in the letters of I. Penington, will have a tendency to excite defires in our minds, that the fame spirit may be preferved among us, which actuated many of our worthy predeceffors.

Though the character of Ifaac Penington is known to many of the fociety to which he belonged, yet, as thefe letters may come into the hands of fome religi ously difpofed perfons of other focieties, who are not acquainted with his writings, it may not be unfuitable to add fome fhort memoirs of his life, collected from the teftimonies of his friends, and other authentic accounts. "He

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